As this Substack has been warning for many years now…
…and so today yours truly quoted a most germane to this topic X post:
Before we get to the ‘Elon Musk is Klaus Schwab 2.0’ video, let us first consider this new government agency called DOGE, which is a snide reference to the crypto coin that is a clone of Bitcoin that PSYOP-MUSK has been pumping and dumping for many years now, and how it pertains to the criminal Department of Treasury:
Whatever comes after insane and several trillion is really how bad this is:
On the surface it is difficult to deny that PSYOP-MUSK’s DOGE is doing anything but excellent work:
Note the last line item which is one of the Deep State’s most critical black ops money laundering agencies:
So for all intents and purposes PSYOP-MUSK is seemingly doing fantastic work for America…
But given what readers of this Substack are acutely aware of, let us now preview the aforementioned video and contrast and compare Klaus to Elon:
Both technocrats want driverless cars and robotaxis that will be centralized and controlled (deviation from groupthink results in a one way trip to the reeducation camp or worse)
a fleet of AI driven robotaxis will ensure that 15 Minute Cities are impossible to escape from since no one will own their vehicles in this dystopian future (you will own no cars and be happy)
Both technocrats want parking lots and highways to be converted into public parks
Both technocrats want robots and droves drive by AI to replace humans
Both technocrats want an AI run X Everything App social credit system (this Substack has warned that PSYOP-MUSK was on the record stating that the X social medial platform is an early moving piece of the totalitarian X ecosystem of payments and behavior control)
Both technocrats want a hyper-centralized “platform that is so useful that you find it is essential to conduct you life…so that means we obviously do payments, we provide really, really make a good meaningful communication privately as well as publicly…”
Both technocrats want to control all global payments, which means that the genetically modified human slaves (PSYOP-MUSK was himself gearing up to create Modified mRNA “vaccines”) trapped in their X Everything App digital gulag will be extended their bug gruel and synthetic tumorigenic meat rations as well as other crypto coin UBI deposits, assuming the social credit score is sufficient
Both technocrats want AI-driven humanoid robots to take over the workforce completely, with PSYOP-MUSK claiming that by 2040 there will be more robots than humans
PSYOP-MUSK envisions a world where hundreds of millions of humans will have Neuralinks installed…
If this all sounds too far fetched, then please watch this brief yet thoroughly troubling exposé:
And here is further color on the whole PSYOP-MUSK DOGE Treasury takedown, and how “privatized” tyranny is nothing more than the flip-side of government tyranny, especially if the Intelligence Industrial Complex is running all sides:
No New World Order to see here guys...
And I think that people will even defend it…
Just the richest man in the world downloading every persons information for personal use…
Elon musk seems to be going into government offices and downloading boat loads of personal private citizen info and sensitive info for specific government agencies…
Seriously, why the fuck do Elon Musk and his tech bros get access to my social security number and personal information? It's just insane…
It legitimately feels like we are watching Elon enacting a coup…
Musk has ties to most major authoritarian players in the world stage. Is the richest man in the world. Has plans to implant chips into people’s brains and control them with satellites. He views humans as cattle to work in his factories and is now taking on private information to do what he wants to with.
This man wants to be the eye on the top of the pyramid. And we’re just going to let him take it…
I'm ok with you being complete goons as long as I can see you shaft me…
I'm starting to think rather than shadowy organisations or hidden cabals, to avoid being the center of a conspiracy theory just do stuff out in the open…
People will just accept it, or even defend it…
Elon will destroy the US Treasury payment system as a pretext to privatizing it, then swoop in with his America Inc company as the “Paypal for the Treasury”…
Musk/DOGE are seeking intimate knowledge of the actual mechanisms of how money flows from the Treasury to pay out things like social security, medicare, employees, EVERYTHING. The goal is to gain intel on the flow, identify the choke points, then grind the system to a halt.
Once the Treasury payment system is destroyed, DOGE can recommend the government privatizes the payment system with a new company that charges a fee on top of each payment.
And who will swoop in with a private payment company? Maybe someone who made their fortune with Paypal and wants to turn X into a payment system? The same person who makes his money now from government contracts for SpaceX and Starlink?
Big Brother is watching you…
Big brother was all like "Don't worry your information is secure with us" to the American people they conduct illegal surveillance on and now bigger brother is stepping in, "Don't worry your information will be secure with us". What happens when the biggest brother arrives?
If the account of events is true, and this is a faithful testimony, then this is the stuff of Agent Smith and the rest of the agents in the Matrix.
And keep in mind, Elon is just a regional manager for the dozens of trillionaires of the world. Your not allowed to speak about those guys lol…
He’s a drug addicted illegal immigrant… No less…
Source: Musk aides lock Office of Personnel Management workers out of computer systems…
Source: A nice little answer…
Perhaps PSYOP-MUSK has in the last several months done a radical about face, and is now on the right side of history; thus, he is no longer building Tesla cars with the CCP in China, he has stopped accepting CIA/DOD/Pentagon/Etc. funding for his SpaceX and other projects that are blanketing space with spy satellites, no longer takes advantage of the ZEV and carbon credits that were the only thing keeping Tesla the car company (not stock price) marginally solvent, he no longer has plans to implant Neuralink into humanity and create the ultimate social credit score system with his X Everything App.
Perhaps PSYOP-MUSK is suddenly a totally reformed man that wants to save the world, and as such has cut ties with his NWO globopedo handlers.
And what if DOGE’s ultimate endgame is to reduce the Federal government by 80% (a good thing) only to replace this slashed workforce with governance by AI (a very bad thing)?
And does anyone really believe that Twitter, a company that was/is run by the Deep State with quite literally infinite funds, needed the money so badly to sell to a ‘free speech absolutist’ like PSYOP-MUSK?
(X does not allow posts to be embedded in Substack, there still remains tremendous shadow banning on the platform to this very day and its CEO just so happens to be a dyed-in-the-wool WEF puppet; so much for free speech absolutism?)
Anything is certainly possible…
Do NOT comply.
For what it's worth, the Evil Genius types in the world-- no matter who they are-- can have all the plans they want. It doesn't mean people will go along with them.
Look at all the pressure the government, the media and businesses put on people to conform during C0VID. Yet a percentage of people never caved.
If people don't cave when there is pressure on all sides and they think their life is at stake, I doubt they're going to buy into the weird stuff being peddled by Schwab/Musk. Those resisting Schwab/ Musk might be slightly different than those who resisted C0VID, but there will be resisters.