The November 2022 midterms will not be stolen like the 2020 presidential election was.
The senile diaper soiling ice cream eating pedo criminal puppet is universally reviled by both parties. His record low polling is far worse than the reported abysmal numbers.
While CIA-run legacy media like Fox News and CNN have been tasked with headfake headlines that the Democrats “have the edge,” this is as absurdly preposterous as #PedoHitler’s campaign trail events signaling his “win” was somehow a lock due to 30 or so of his MK Ultra masked “supporters” sitting in designated foldout chairs within painted circles on the ground delineating junk science social distancing in contrast to overflowing MAGA stadiums.
And who could forget one of the most truthful gaffes a lifelong grifter careerist politician had ever blurted out:
The Democrats are acutely aware that the majority Americans are on to them.
Their PSYOP-19 scam and associated slow kill bioweapon injections are finally being appreciated by more and more people as the crimes against humanity that they are.
DEATHVAX™ uptake is plummeting.
Americans are feeling the PSYOP-HYPERINFLATION pain, and are increasingly fed up with the illegitimate and criminal Federal government.
Their ire, irrespective of party affiliation, is squarely hyper-focused on dementia and stimulant meds hopped up fall guy #PedoHitler.
This is precisely why the Republicans must sweep the midterm elections.
The Democrats, more at Democidecrats, and their Intelligence Industrial Complex-run Mockingbird Media will leverage the Republican win into the winter when PSYOP-MARKET-CRASH is finally allowed to take hold.
The Democidecrats and MSM will blame the Republicans for the market crash, the the power outages, the exploding all-cause mortality during the upcoming cold and flu season while ascribing the growingly unavoidable reality of “vaccine” adverse events to Orange Man Bad and his rushed to market Operation Warp Speed.
Basically, a Republican midterm landslide sets up another presidential election theft in 2024 while concurrently deflecting blame from the radical technocommunist party as America slides into its Greatest Depression.
Not that our red versus blue team binary spectacle isn’t mostly a Uniparty kabuki theater show.
Do NOT comply.
Please don't take anything for granted. I worked my local polling place in Sarasota County on primary day. At the orientation, it was clear that the instructors were all Dems on a mission. They scoffed at two of us volunteers who asked about auditing the ballot-eating/registering machine and expressed a little angst about cheating. I spoke up and said just because they hadn't experienced cheating or it went right over their heads, they had no space to mock those of us who came from places (states or counties w/in FL) where cheating undeniably occurred. The deeply entrenched apparatchiks will do all they can to effect another steal.
I wish I could agree with you but I can’t. I think we are being gaslighted and I will give the example of the Pennsylvania senate race. I know that Democrats are generally ignorant people but they really don’t hate Dr. Oz the way that they hated Trump. There is no way especially with the recent videos out about Fetterman that he can possibly be in the lead. I really feel they are setting us up for a steal in that particular state and probably others. The polls are lying so that way they can eke out a victory through fraud