How about we eradicate WEF.

World Peace and Healthy food for all

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The WEF is merely a tool of the core perps.

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nevertheless, it's a good place to start burning things down

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True. I should have said all infiltrated agencies, Gov, institutions. Top to bottom arrests and eradicated.

EU is a Globalist operation too

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Seriously , that would be the answer to most of our problems!

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How about the WHO and the the UN while we're at it?

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All globalist run operations must be eradicated. The perps, too to bottom sent to Gitmo

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Nah. The Guillotine. No ambiguity that way. Executions should be public, and televised. This article may be very interesting to you. It was to me:


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Yes! I did read it. You’re right. A very good article.

Thank you

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Yes. I’m sure there is an Oligarch and minion spray we can use.

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Leave/abolish/defund the UN and the ergo the WHO.

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I work with an international group and we are working to organize in the US and other countries around the world to get out of the UN. Luckily the US already has legislation we just need to organize and promote its passage. PLEASE join us at: https://withdrawun.substack.com/

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We were poor growing up. We were so poor we went to KFC to lick other people's fingers. When we had no food, mom would sit us down at the table and read the recipes to us. My little brother was hard of hearing so he damn near starved to death. But we were never so poor we considered eating bugs.

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I vote this #1 comment of the year!!

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Thanks, but I borrowed those jokes from the Moron Brothers, two old hillbilly coots that play music and tell jokes. Their big hit song was, If my nose was running money, I'd blow it all on you.

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When my dad went to the navy, they called him a hillbilly, so I reckon that’s why I think it’s funny.

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Yeah, I'm a hillbilly at heart. If you've never seen them google the moron brothers if my nose was running money. You might get a kick out of them.

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I will.

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I second that!

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I always thought the elites were just returning to their lizard insect roots, but your version is better.

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Ultimately, we are the food.

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Maybe it's just about warm fuzzies and tradition. After hiding the gatherings around their favorite crunchy holiday food for generations, Klaus and the alien hive mind boys long for a wider, more open practice of their ancestral culture. Merry Insectmas to All! (BAH. HumBUG!:)

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If you really want to take a wild trip, look up Clif High on Substack. He does what he calls predictive linguistics and has as lot of unconventional ideas to say the least.

If you do a deep dive into his worldview, he theorizes that those in charge are essentially the minions of space aliens who came here ages ago (think Ancient Aliens) and that the aliens use human adrenochrome to get high. So we're more of a drug, not a food.

yeah, crazy, I know. But isn't all of the world crazy now?

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This is a brilliant piece of research. My extrapolation: Manufacture a food crisis - promote bugs as a food choice - offer the mark in exchange for real food as people's health further plummets - lose one's soul in this spiritual battle between good and evil in the exchange. Pretty darn diabolical.

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yet I know people who are OK with this due to... "climate change" and "it's the right thing to do."

the whole "nudging" as a tactic of manipulation seems to be pretty effective on a lot of people.

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Two thoughts come to mind upon reading your comment. Some people have a high need to be accepted as part of the group (1) to the point where they will refuse to entertain opposing viewpoints or information that challenges their carefully constructed world view (2). The risk of no longer going with the crowd is terrifying to some.

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Disgenics via microbiome manipulation. Literally.

Madagascar hissing cockroach farms and 75

migrating locust farms. Parasites were detected in244 (81.33%) out of 300 (100%) examined insectfarms. In 206 (68.67%) of the cases, the identifiedparasites were pathogenic for insects only; in 106 (35.33%) cases, parasites were potentially parasitic for animals; and in 91 (30.33%) cases, parasites were potentially pathogenic for humans.

Edible insects are an underestimated reservoir of

human and animal parasites. Our research

indicates the important role of these insects in the

epidemiology of parasites pathogenic to

vertebrates. Conducted parasitological

examination suggests that edible insects may be

the most important parasite vector for domestic

insectivorous animals

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Updating this article. Thanks.

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And just outside of Toronto, Canada is this. 😲😳😖🌛😩😫😵😵‍💫🤢🤮https://london.ctvnews.ca/mobile/holy-crickets-world-s-largest-cricket-processing-plant-coming-to-london-ont-1.5030830?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fsearch.brave.com%2F

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🤣 Right!?!

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And in Halifax, Nova Scotia we have the Oberlaand Agriscience black soldier fly larvae plant. Closing The Food Loop they advertise. They say they are not at scale yet to solve the global protein crisis. I hope they get swarmed in the plant and the flies eat them.

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Wow that's crazy! I will look that one up online. I'm in Springhill right now visiting my parents.

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The plant is in Ragged Lake business park on the right hand side starting up the road to Exhibition Park or further to Peggy's Cove.

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Aug 23, 2022
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Yes, the pet food industry would jump on this in a heart beat. Companies are always looking for a new "novel" protein to put into a formulation. Novel means it is something new that pets have not been exposed to, so it may not have the allergy issues that more traditional meats have. They will use it to serve a few factors: sets them apart from other companies, they may claim it is a hypoallergenic food since it is a novel protein, it most likely will be a cheaper way to boost the protein percentage and fool customers into thinking they have a higher meat content than what is really in the package. Marketing and obfuscation are at play here among other deleterious tactics.

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In case you need another reason, to just say no, here it is:



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Updated the article. Thank you.

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Part of the scam no doubt.

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Food irradiation is being used to control the bacterial growth. Another huge reason to avoid insect products in foods. Radiation puts a huge strike against insects as replacement protein since there isn"t any such thing as sustainable radiation. All factors of the equation are not included in their version of sustainable math.

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I did some looking around. It seems the problem of chitin has been known for years. I found a 2017 study entitled, "Lowering Chitin Content of Cricket ( Gryllus assimilis) Through Exoskeleton Removal and Chemical Extraction and its Utilization as a Ruminant Feed"...

"Background and objective: Cricket contains high crude protein level but it also contains considerable amount of chitin that may impede nutrient digestion and decrease production performance of animal [sic]."

IE, efforts are underway to get remove the cricket chitin because farm animals get tummy-aches and worse. People OTOH are being told it's "good for your digestion."

But brace yourself... there's more. Crickets can introduce new diseases all by themselves. This from a 2021 study:

"Insects generally have high reproductive rates leading to rapid population growth and high local densities; ideal conditions for disease epidemics. The parasites and diseases that naturally regulate wild insect populations can also impact when these insects are produced commercially, on farms. While insects produced for human or animal consumption are often reared under high density conditions, very little is known about the microbes associated with these insects, particularly those with pathogenic potential.... his will become particularly relevant as-and-when cricket rearing facilities scale up and transform from producing insects for animal feed to producing insects for human consumption."

NOTE: that was published in May 2021. Entomo Farms (formerly Next Millennium Farms) in Canada was founded in 2014, and by Jan. 2021 it was already raising crickets crowded by the millions into a warm, humid enclosed space of 60,000 sq. ft. After 6-8 weeks they are harvested. No mention of checking insect health during that time.

In short, they're using the same caution in producing 'healthy' cricket 'food' as they did in producing 'safe and effective' mRNA 'vaccines'.

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Updated. Thank you.

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Grass-fed beef is what I eat. They will get started with bugs, and then it will be GMO bugs and they will escape and what a mess that will be!

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We have a choice! Either we inject ourselves to death or we ingest ourselves to death.

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There is a reason that people have an inate resistance to eating bugs. They are not a long-term healthy source of protein, and our deep instincts tell us this.

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Updated. Thank you.

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Thank you for putting all this together. Excellent!

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Oh, they are busy those WEFers....... https://gettr.com/post/p1nofgxf7d4

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Hmm, I can't help thinking the "-Fers" part was on purpose. 😉

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“We have, over millenia, put a hell of a lot of effort into keeping insects out of grains and flour storage. Why didn’t we just let them eat the grains and flour and then eat the insects? Because that makes us ill. We have known this for thousands of years.

Suddenly, insects are the food of the future. If you really believe insect food is your future, there is one thing you really should understand.

You have no future.”


Thx to Hidden Complexity substack above

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You sound like a wise man (or woman) 🙌🏻

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