Jun 16, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World



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Jun 16, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Keep highlighting these ignorant murderers. Complying is giving in to tyranny. Liberty or death for me!

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Yes... but try to imagine how much worse she would have died without all the jabs!

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You have a point. They did say ‘peacefully’.

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They have no idea, though, what she felt before she died. They just THINK it was peaceful; they really don't know.

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Right!! I was going to make the same comment. How do they know she didn’t die in agony?

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Peaceful death is an oxymoron. They will say anything to avoid dealing with the truth. It’s a sickness...similar to liberalism.

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It was a mild case of death.

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Think of how much more death they’d have if they hadn’t gotten the jab!!

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I admit it: I laughed. Out loud.

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Jun 16, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

This is tragic. Thousands of Euro-libs paid as much as 100k to bribe vax card issuers to show them as vaxxed in order to avoid the deadly jabs. I thought top US libs were playing the same game, but apparently they took their own pravda hook, line and sinker. Appalling.

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They had FIFA as their blaring cautionary tale whereas the likes of NFL did not allow their player$ to get DEATHVAXXED so dopes like this politrix are lining up for the Russian roulette bioweapon games.

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Wow, thought the NFL had made vax mandatory for players, but then I've sort of tuned out since all the kneeling and politiking began. It sure does seem that 90% of the 1500 and growing players on the dropped dead or injured list are non-US though.

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Genocide is happening right in front of us!

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Never thought I'd see the day. I'm lucky that I'm young enough (34) that I still have fresh blood in me, if a full-scale war were to ensue. Liberty or death.

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I just an article about her.

Mystery, died in her sleep.

What in Hell is holding that family back from screaming the truth.

Pure evil not to shout it, post it, my daughter was triple vaxed. And now she’s dead.

Post the autopsy! Heart attack I’m guessing.

Massive blood clots.

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Amyloidoisis of the heart muscle or fibriles would be my suspicion.

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Be careful! If they are willing to do this to their own, they will not hesitate to do the same to you.

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The politician has a choice. 1) He can admit it now appears there may be some justification for questioning safety of these injections, as his healthy daughter posted, “... I’m fortunate to have been double vaccinated and boosted ... two weeks ago ...” before she never work up from sleep.

Or 2) He can continue to push the narrative, as if his daughter’s unfortunate death isn’t worth questioning the narrative. If this latter, then this man lacks basic integrity. Let’s see what he does or doesn’t do.

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This is a CHICAGO politician. What do you think he will do?

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No, he would have to do much more than admit that there may be some justification for questioning the safety.

He would have to admit that he ignored clear safety signals and gambled away his daughter's life for his political and social gain.

I can guarantee you he will not do that.

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That altar is getting pretty damn crowded with the corpses of sheep and lemmings. I feel for the children, the dev disabled, and the very elderly who were forced to take the deadly shoulder stab. Otherwise, carry on. It's our best hope for ridding the country of Marxist Dems and RINOs.

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On RUMBLE....THIS IS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!! Share,.......far and wide.....

"My Feedback to the FDA's Attempts to inject 5 and Under for Covid-19"


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Bravo bravo 👏 👏 👏 to this submission to Faustian Death Authority They all know what they do because they’ve been told …clearly…..many thanks for this post.

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Very sad. So tragic.

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Back to the future in America!

A rep. is involved in hara-kiri rituals and is not even investigated for child sacrifice!!!

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There are none so blind as those that refuse to see!

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Yes, I was being very conservative in my comment.

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