Immediately after REP. SEAN CASTEN MY TEEN DAUGHTER DIED IN HER SLEEP, all of Gwen Casten’s tweets pertaining to the true cause of her death were deleted, except for this one that almost got away:
It is obvious that the family had ritualistically sacrificed their daughter on the alter of BigPharma, and having previously used her and her tweets as shameless PR for the deadly bioweapon program prior to her SADS, they are now like any half-decent criminals meticulously covering up all of the evidence.
These are deranged Death Cultists that only care about serving their masters and their One World Government agenda.
Of course, Gwen was planning on studying “environmental science” at the University of Vermont which would have basically been mindlessly towing the“climate change” scam, and other social justice propaganda agendas while vehemently virtue signaling pro-DEATHVAX™ and anti-2A. She would have had a bright future promoting the destruction of global freedoms while helping usher in the Great Reset, but, alas, her demise was ultimately in the service of all of these causes, or some such…
Expect the criminal Casten family to double and triple down hard when their other daughter mystifyingly and inexplicably succumbs from her Nth booster injection.
The only way out of this technocratic biofascist horror show is noncompliance.
Do NOT comply.
Keep highlighting these ignorant murderers. Complying is giving in to tyranny. Liberty or death for me!