REPOST: The Etymology of "Pharmaceutical"
One of the earliest (edited) posts from this substack.
Pharmakeus (fem. pharmakis) "a preparer of drugs, a poisoner, a sorcerer" from pharmakon "a drug, a poison, philter, charm, spell, enchantment." Beekes writes that the original meaning cannot be clearly established, and "The word is clearly Pre-Greek." The ph- was restored 16c. in French, 17c. in English
To reiterate: "a drug, a poison, philter, charm, spell, enchantment."
What is the DEATHVAX™ injection?
What is the data irrefutably establishing re: DEATHVAX™ injection?
What kind of fines did the likes of Pfizer pay out to date?
Why take healthy foster children, pump them full of deadly poisons, and throw their corpses into an upstate New York mass grave?
Why murder people with drugs like AZT that do absolutely nothing for AIDS, but create AIDS-like symptoms en route to rapid death?
Why murder people with drugs like Remdisivir that do absolutely nothing for COVID, but create COVID-like symptoms en rout to rapid death?
What poisonous, philterous, charmed spells, and sorcery are these DEATHVAX™ injections that have to date enchanted, maimed and murdered far too many?
The technocratic poisoner elite prepared the drugs and their behavioral psychology program charmed and enchanted the human race into a mass bio-ritual slow suicide Great Reset.
Do NOT comply.
Hence the reason the Greek word "pharmakeia" is translated "witchcraft" in the book of Galatians and "sorcery" in the book of Revelation!:
Considering abortion is satanic and that COVID vaccines were made using cell lines from dissected-alive babies, what if they are making satanic spells over the vaccines?
WARNING: what’s coming next: