An important research study entitled Sharing CD4+ T Cell Loss: When COVID-19 and HIV Collide on Immune System correctly associates COVID-19 with AIDS by comparing host characteristics and hyper-inflammatory responses between the patient groups’ respective CD4+ T cell counts.
This is the critical chart in the study:
What is being depicted in the above is CD4+ T cell dysfunction in all three groups. But unlike HIV-1, which is a one and done infection, COVID-19 infections may be contracted many times over as we have witnessed in the DEATHVAXXED™ demographics, with more doses equating to more depleted immune systems.
Also, unlike the HIV-1 group and the Severe COVID-19 group which as per the chart does not experience a CD4+ T cell rebound due to mortality (and “treatment” protocols), the Mild COVID-19 group does over time experience a rebound effect, and at around 10 months pre-infection baseline CD4+ T cell homeostasis is restored.
The study concludes:
Both HIV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 infection share CD4+ T cell loss in association with disease outcome and immunodeficiency. Direct attacks on CD4+ T cells, immune activation and redistribution of CD4+ T cell are contributing mechanisms in very different proportion for CD4+ T cell lymphopenia in both diseases. […] Overall, experience in HIV clinical management and past clinical trials represent a special use case for innovative studies aiming at increasing CD4+ T cell function and reducing COVID-19 morbidity.
This is why in some cases COVID-19 causes AIDS-like CD4+ T cell depletion, but in all cases the DEATHVAX™ induces VAIDS as a direct function of the Pseudouridine component of the Modified mRNA injection causing potentially unlimited endogenous Spike Protein production.
But what happens when the VAIDS sufferer is exposed to a COVID-19 variant may very well be the most important yet unmentioned part of the study.
From an anonymous email tipster:
If Ba5 causes 2 infections per vaxed person over 4 months, they’ll lose as much as 10% net of their immune system.
If Ba2.75 which is 9 times as contagious does the same thing come fall, the vaxed who are infected twice by it as well, will lose another 10% of their immune system.
Heading into winter cold and flu season their systems will be at least 20% less effective, not counting damage from the vax.
The combined repeat infections (even though mild), will leave their immune systems unable to fight off normal winter viruses that will turn into pneumonia.
It WILL BE A HORRIBLE WINTER due to the cumulative effects of the many variants and the Vaccine.
Therefore, HIV-1 and VAIDS sufferers alike are at heightened risk for death upon exposure not just to a COVID-19 “variant”, but to even a coronavirus common cold.
Remember, before PSYOP-19 it was scientific cannon that asymptomatic spread is impossible, and there is no cure for the common cold (i.e. coronavirus). Both of these statements to this very day still hold true.
Here is what a chart of reinfection for the DEATHVAX™ boosted demographics may look like:
The common cold and your average flu become exceptionally deadly when the CD4+ T cell count is low enough. This is why historically AIDS patients were so susceptible during each flu season, and pneumonia deaths would spike during the winters.
The bioweapon-injected VAIDS sufferers that may “feel” fine today could very well be experiencing a hellacious Winter 2022.
And Dr. Mengele 2.0 aka Dr. Fauci, BigPharma, the CIA, CDC, WHO, UN, WEF et al. always knew this would transpire. They also knew that the Spike Protein represses the p53 protein which in turn represses cancer and tumor development, and that cancer rates would surge a la AIDS sufferers.
The very same virologists that could not come up with an AIDS vaccine after four decades and hundreds of billions of stolen via taxation dollars of funding somehow miraculously came up with an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine seemingly overnight. The same mRNA technology that in all animal trials had such grim outcomes that there was never any hope of ever making it to human trials.
So here we are now, on the precipice of the next “pandemic” in PSYOP-22 which will invariably involve never-ending boosters which in turn will continue to decimate CD4+ T cell counts of the Genetically Modified Humans that continue to subject themselves to this eugenics program.
We are also seeing Accelerating Alzheimer’s disease (AAD), birth rates plummeting across all highly “vaccinated” nations, and more and more life insurance companies reporting 40% increases in all-cause mortality, and so on and so forth.
And if that were not enough, there is now evidence that the Spike Protein causes Accelerating Cell Aging ( acronym du jour: ACA) for Rapid Aging Process (and another acronym du jour: RAP), which essentially gibes with this substack’s thesis that lifespans are greatly shortened by all of those subjecting themselves to indefinite endogenous Spike Protein increases via the deadly injections; to wit:

Do NOT comply.
Your writing - It is like writing from someone seeing the trains going into Auschwitz, reporting on it loud and clear, and having almost exclusively the awake hear what you are saying loudly and clearly.
I used to be concerned that justice would never be done but then I realized that in the US, we have this group of people even more vilified than the unvaxxed, trial lawyers. I then googled and found there are practices in the US gearing up for this. Never underestimate the drive of a trail lawyer: if there was fraud, there is one group I’d put money on to find, the trial lawyers. Of course, we hate them till we need them. So, “cry ‘havoc!’ and let slip the dogs of war”, unleash the lawyers...