The Financial Industrial Complex that was instrumental in the creation of the unconstitutional CIA has been for many decades now normalizing society with booms and busts ahead of the imminent crash to end all crashes.
Barrack Hussein Obama, a lifelong communist trained by domestic terrorists, is quite literally a CIA creation. He was nothing more than a Manchurian Candidate operating out of the White House, embedded as president to provide cover for the takeover of America, and the world.
The Cult that runs the City of London and its extension in Wall Street has known for well over a century that the global financial system that they established was always untenable, and that the bond supercycle was and continues to be a wholly unsustainable facet of the global Ponzi. All by design.
Now that the technologies for the institution of the ultimate system of fear and control in the one world crypo CBDC “currency” as tethered to the social credit score have sufficiently matured and are ready for prime-time, the Financial Industrial Complex as directed by the central bank of central banks in the BIS, which is aided and abetted by the Intelligence Industrial Complex, BigPharma, BigTech, UN, WHO, WEF, et al. are making their closing moves for the total takeover of the planet.
PSYOP-19 paved the way for poverty, famine, supply chain shortages, and the current PSYOP-HYPERINFLATION-22. More importantly, the conditioning of ever more slave-like societal behavior with the mindless masking, lockdowns and deadly depopulation slow kill bioweapons compliance has also been normalized.
Mass Formation Psychosis in “pandemics” will be just as effectively leveraged in the imminent global stock “market” crash to end all crashes. This was always baked into the behavioral psychologist’s playbook. They were never just merely tasked with viral outbreak scenarios, but with financial terror and war outbreaks as well; in fact, they have been carefully breaking out their One World Government scheme such that there would be a ratcheting effect as the various psyops evolve and flow into each other.
PSYOP-WW3 will involve limited nuclear strikes to ramp up fear and compliance. War will be essential to shifting the blame from both BigPharma and the Financial Industrial Complex as all-cause mortality continues to worsen by magnitudes in conjunction with the upcoming manufactured global depression. Or so the Cult’s thinking goes.
PSYOP-POWER-GRID-22 and PSYOP-CYBER-WAR-22 will also be used to knock out power and internet to further destabilize society. When the power and internet are “restored” this will be used as psychological reward conditioning as the technocratic hyper-centralization system tightens its noose around society.
To better appreciate what is coming, we must look back at how all of this came about. And we do not have to look too far back in history.
The following video lays out the groundwork for how the Financial Industrial Complex orchestrated its major theft of the planet in the Great Financial Crisis of 2008, which was nothing more than the dress rehearsal setup for this final upcoming “market” crash. Of course, siphoning money and plasma from the debt-slave tax mules in 2008 was extraordinarily profitable and bought the criminals enough time to lay the groundwork for what is about to be unleashed upon all of us.
As this series develops, we will continue to draw parallels with today’s ongoing final global coup d’etat to end all coup d’etats.
“Presenting America’s Real Coup d’Etat” bats leadoff in this about-10-part series, “Murder of a Rebel Nation” (MORN), which will document the actual, done-deal takeover of the U.S. by corporate criminals over a decade ago. While the moving parts and pieces needed to effect that coup have been shifting into place for a very long time, the fulcrum event that irreversibly flipped the U.S. over the wrong side of the prison wall into the land mass of full-blown criminality was the TARP bailout in October 2008, as we shall see in future episodes. One month after that watershed event, Barack Obama was elected as the 44th President of the United States—a purely titular office by the time he took up residence in the White House three months later.
In this introductory episode, we consider why Obama would get on national TV and tell lies about why he and his administration had not prosecuted and would not ever prosecute any major Wall Street banks or executives despite the uncontested fact—established repeatedly by his own top law enforcers—that serious crime was quite common if not endemic throughout Wall Street in the run-up to the global financial crisis.
The answer, as we suggest in this episode and will establish beyond all doubt in coming episodes, is that Wall Street effected a coup d’etat in 2008, coinciding with the passage of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) bailout just one month before Barack Obama was elected. For Wall Street, the fruit of its coup—indeed the fruit of any successful coup—is criminal immunity, possession of which by Wall Street was amply demonstrated throughout Obama’s first term. Insofar as Barack Obama was concerned, therefore, the coup meant this: he was subordinate to Wall Street, and his job was to do Wall Street’s bidding. Which is exactly what that shameful TV appearance was all about. (Indeed that’s been the job of every president since the 2008 coup, though it’s arguable, albeit weakly, that not all Oval Office occupiers got the memo.)
In later episodes, once we’ve proved that a coup took place—which by definition means that the rule of law is dead in the U.S.—we examine the post-coup power structure in the U.S. and identify the single criminal enterprise that rules over the rest. The result will surprise no one who’s viewed this channel with any regularity. All episodes in the “Murder of a Rebel Nation” will appear in the newly created MORN playlist.
Viewers who believe that a coup d’etat occasions saturation TV news coverage of pretend Vikings stealing office furniture from government buildings are urged to turn around and follow the signs labeled “KIDDIE POOL” until you are safely out of viewing distance, because presently you are at risk of traversing water that is WAY over your head. Management must warn you that the onslaught of facts, legal analysis and logic otherwise facing you has been clinically proven to violently terminate Happy Time inside brain matter that’s been scrubbed down to the stem by years of TV watching. So run along now, go back to sleep in front of your television and await further instructions. Thank you.
Do NOT comply.
OZero paid his last student loan payment off during his final days in office and now he’s worth hundreds of millions if not more? How is this possible? I guess he was paid off by his globalist corporate masters for a job well done. The corruption makes me sick. These people are untouchable and they know it!
thanks for this. catherine austin fitts unpacks the whole charade very succinctly, with contributions from john titus and mark skidmore