NEW - WHO selects Deutsche Telekom to "standardize the issuing of QR codes" and to create a global "vaccine" passport.
It should be clear to anyone by now, even the most deranged and in denial Death Cultist as per the BigPharma manufacturers themselves, along with the CDC and WHO that these PSYOP-19 Death Injections do not in any way prevent transmission whatsoever. There is not a single peer reviewed study that supports the “Safe and Effective” claims, nor is there a single quality RCT study with placebo group that establishes the more desperate “it would have been so much worse if not for the ‘Vax’” claims that the brainwashed mindlessly repeat en rout to their next booster servings.
Today, the Gates funded WHO selects NAZI 2.0 Cult node Deutsche Telekom to break out their technofascist social credit score-lite control program. This is the blatantly obvious step in preparation to rounding out the biohackable human cattle that survive the deadlier lots of DEATHVAX™. The “gateway” to permanent posthuman dystopia as ruled over by WEF elites.
From the article:
“COVID-19 affects everyone,” asserted Gerrett Mehl, Unit Head, WHO Department of Digital Health and Innovation. “Countries will therefore only emerge from the pandemic together. Vaccination certificates that are tamper-proof and digitally verifiable build trust. WHO is therefore supporting member states in building national and regional trust networks and verification technology. The WHO’s gateway service also serves as a bridge between regional systems. It can also be used as part of future vaccination campaigns and home-based records.”
PSYOP-19 only affects those that comply, and if everyone does in fact comply then the One World Government will come to pass, with the hyper-centralized digital gulag planet that will be the hellscape that even those with the most fantastical imaginations are not fully appreciating just yet. “Trust networks” are precisely what must be feared, as this is more of the same reality inversion a la The Patriot Act. This is precisely why DeFi crypto are trustless blockchains verified on immutable ledgers by anonymous participants with collective skin in the game so to speak. This is what financial freedom truly looks like. And the WHO is quite literally an active and violent anti-freedom scam.
As such, the WHO’s gateway service is nothing more than a bridge between regional digital surveillance imprisonment systems; a kind of digital panopticon network if you will. And it will be used as part of not just “vax” campaigns and home-based records, which will grant the posthuman subject as functions of both “vax” and your total life records the “freedom” to suicide themselves when the AI thresholds for productivity/burden ratios for the “global citizenry” algorithms are satisfied. Of course, before that “freedom” is magnanimously granted by the WEF elite overlords, the maximum brain drain and plasma will be extracted from said “global citizens”.
It will certainly affect everyone if the WHO has anything to do with it. T-Systems is already involved in a similar scheme devised by the EU, which is presumably why it got this gig. The WHO intends this system to apply to other vaccinations too, so it’s not even hiding the planned mission creep. A system like this could easily be adapted to attach other conditions to international travel, thus facilitating a global social credit system. Fun times.
The social credit system is nothing more at this stage than the means to biohack via “vaccines” the planet in order to guarantee that humanity are “evolved” into the posthuman slave. Social credit scores will quickly become a vestigial term and even concept when the 90% digi-slaves are modified sufficiently into a neurally linked soft machine meshed hive mind.
Comply and WE Die.
A lot of good crypto is going to do if they pull the plug on the internet.
Beat the Borg. Refuse to be assimilated.