Just lovely. They used - we needed to save Granny - to rationalize their policies re jab, WHILE they were actually killing Granny.

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They all operate in pure reality inversion.

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The classic Alinsky playbook tactic - blame the opposition for what you are doing.

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The more I learn, the more frustrated I become in terms of showing my own friends what is happening. Where to start??? I'd sound like a lunatic if I shared even half of what I've learned. Is it enough to say, 'don't be so naive??'. Help!

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We have only scratched the surface really. The rot is so deep, and the depravity is so profound that even the most extreme 'conspiracy theorists' would have difficult time wrapping their heads around what is really transpiring behind the scenes.

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Also, we've had time to slowly absorb all of this. Those that bought into the narrative (if they ever wake up) will have a lot to process. It will be overwhelming, devastating for many.

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Yep, agree. Sometimes I just say that I trust my own miraculous immune system to do what is has always & will always do, keep me healthy.

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Have you seen Xtreme Realities videos? Nicholson 1968? The Cabal Series?

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there was an actual virus, extinct in the wild, but they keep injecting the ancestral spike (with modifications). It might be important for you to remember what Reiner Fuellmich said, and I am paraphrasing: "once you accept the virus pandemic was created for the shot, not the shot made for the virus, more of it will make sense". The virus was never mishandled, they made changes to long standing rules and procedures, in order to produce changes they wanted. And to produce vast profits. If what we see around us is not what they intended to happen, they would have changed what they were doing.

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they didn't have scanning electron microscopes and DNA amplifiers 100 years ago

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I’m not as negative in calling anyone “controlled opposition.” I think it’s too hard for anyone to believe this level of evil (and organization) is possible to have unleashed this. No one with a soul can want to believe it’s possible.

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I disagree. Most of those names have clearly stated it was the lack of proactive care that killed most of the elderly. Yes, I believe they all still ascribe to germ theory. I haven’t researched for myself the idea that viruses don’t cause illness to have a position, and I’ve avoided diving into it (I do have to work at least some of the time) but will have to get into understanding the argument at some point. I can only take so many red pills at a time!

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I have failed over three years to convince anyone differently who was initially determined to follow the mainstream narrative. One of my daughters is coming around slowly - like watching paint dry. More revelations from my grown kids may surface this holiday. We are trying to prevent food fights unless maybe it is marshmallows. It is going to be longer and more difficult than any of us was prepared for but little else seems so important.

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When talking sense to those who don’t get it I go by my sense of how they respond to see if I have a chance of success. Some I give up on right away because I know they have their minds set. A few have been open to looking at what’s happening and some have really turned.

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I would have given up on some right away three years ago. Glad I became a huge pain too so many. Can't reach everyone but any we can reach are worth it.

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An effective teacher moves his pupils by offering new information that is just beyond their current awareness. If he goes to far outside of their Overton Window he loses them. You can start with the relatively low death rate, hospital incentives, ineffectiveness of the MRNA treatment and go from there. If you jump to a worldwide conspiracy to kill people you will lose them.

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I have already lost a bunch by offering data which blew their little minds. You are right. But patience here escapes my capabilities.

"But Mom - what about all those people who died from Covid?"

The discussion of those who died with Covid, with the Vaccine , or with the vaccine and Covid doesn't even get off the ground. Moving on to all the toxins thought to be delivered from the Covid tests, from medical and dental care, and from our environments cannot hope to fly with these indoctrinated people.

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I've had people tell me, "That would mean our government is part of this and that's just ridiculous. Our government protects us."

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Or those people in the government and/or who support this government:

"We are all on the same side."

Total and spectacular failure of intellect, common sense and imagination.

"What we have here is a failure to communicate."

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😂 Cool Hand Luke, love it!! I'll use that line.

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We need to sling all the mud it is possible to sling here. To all the mudslingers!

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Great keep helping. It’s going to take a whole lot of us working for the good. Thank you.

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Wise counsel there. Thanks for so clearly stating what should be obvious.

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All I can say is be ready when they do. My families have shunned me ever since I started sharing my findings on FascistBook. Even my conversations with hubby are very limited. He still thinks nothing is going to happen even though too much has happened already. But, as for now, no one in our families have been hit hard. I dread the day if it comes. I can already see the look in his face but I’m not the type to say “Told you so.” I’m just going to have to be there for him when he sees the bigger picture (other than the chemtrails). So if you can handle being shunned and the quietness that comes with it then by God’s strength do so. He’s making me stronger then I’ve ever been even though the hurt is still there, it’s just not as bad. I forgive them. I pray that they will forgive themselves for not wanting to know and being caught up in the lies and deception.

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Thanks. A kind and patient way of dealing with tough relationships today. We have a few among the deluded in our family. I work on patience also as things get worse.

Seems as if being shunned is the most promising of our problems. But I still send them blazing information to dissuade them. No response!

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The vaxxxed are going to go ballistic


Count down to the Mass Hysteria of the Vaccinated


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And incredibly there are still many people around me that are still getting the covid shots. Here's an actual response from someone after sharing data from How Bad is My Batch. Also, her husband's health has declined since the shots but she doesn't see any correlation:

"I understand what you're saying. Terrible numbers. As for me at my age, I'd still rather get the shots than risk being on a ventilator. Just my thoughts. I've had Covid since I got shots but only cold symptoms. Still glad I got the shots."

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Yes, acquaintance who should know better responded with yet another classic:

"Wow. you guys aren't vaccinated or tested? Surprised you all are still alive."

Indeed, lol.

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I sure do understand what you’re saying.

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Don't be frustrated, I already was for both of us and a boatload of others. I've simply turned my back on doctors and scientists. They are working against me. I know there is a small group working for and I meet them slowly. I hope this is of help.

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many would refuse to even look at it, the cognitive dissonance of discovering they were 'wrong', or 'had', even if it was someone else's coercion, is simply too much for some to contemplate. So they just won't go there. That has been the experience of many on these forums. I can't tell you the numbers of people who posted something along the lines of "I am the only one in my family and friends unvaxxed, they all think I am a conspiracy theorist". Try it with your most open minded acquaintance, and be gentle (no 'naive' talk), and back off as soon as they start getting upset. If you know someone with an actual scientific background, you can try showing them data.

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So true thanks. Good old cognitive dissonance. denial and just plain ignorance. The best friends of fascism.

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A decade ago who would have thought that Twitter would become the evidence locker of the greatest criminal conspiracies in human history? Unbelievable then. Believable now.

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They needed deaths rates up to scare people so they murdered your gran and grandad and told you that you were putting other people's gran and grandad in danger by not taking their poison shots. And they banished the term flu from all diagnosis for two years and replaced it with COVID again to pretend the problem was greater than it was and up the fear levels. Western governments, heads of state, judges, police, armed forces, nurses, doctors, pharmacists etc etc etc thereby committed acts of terrorism, and treason, against the people's of the West.

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It will be interesting to see if these whiny, worthless republicans can actually get to the public all of this damning information from the Pharma, govt, medical darpa azzholes. If they let this go away, I HOPE many with vax - damaged or killed loved ones personally seek and procure adequate revenge against the appropriate killers. I doubt any jury would convict with a good defense lawyer.

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Just try to remember, “ revenge is mine,” sayth the lord. I know when I see those poor babies and children that were/are tortured, believe me I know.

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I think it’s more than revenge. If citizens are not provided a fair method to address the wrongs and to change this evil...... well, “holy warrior” comes to mind.

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Yet another great article. Am reading these examples of how , why & where our modern science is so hamstrung while writing about it from conclusions glimpsed from different sciences. They help to illustrate the impasse our so called mainstream scientists of today are trapped within.

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These are stupid people, even though there is complicit evidence that they were wrong, never gives them a right to murder. Also how stupid to murder your wisdom! The elder have much wisdom that they’ll probably never know. Long life sometimes if you ARE engaged in the fight of life, gives much wisdom. Think about it.

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Not just old people. I cannot remember his name, but data from a researcher in the United States showed most of the people that died in 2020 were poor and on mental disability, and from mostly rural states. He believed they died from bacterial pneumonia from immunocompromised bodies from loneliness without access to caregiving. Similarly, the failure to treat with antibiotics killed them.

But the case for intentional release of the virus is still weak, without direct evidence. Euthanasia seems likely, but this may be more of a case of letting them die on a massive scale as happens in hospitals on a smaller scale routinely every day. This event accelerated the euthanasia. It is an interesting hypothesis though, that this could have been planned. It could also have been opportunism. Get rid of the dead people walking that are using all of the resources in the healthcare system. I think 10% of the patients use 90% of the resources as it were. Very old and very disabled use a lot of care. In other countries care is rationed to those people. Some countries right now are expanding their Euthanasia laws to include more people, and even people with mental problems.

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YES. And all they needed as "cover" was the belief, NOT based in any facts, that a novel pathogen, identified by a fraudulent lab research tool masquerading as a diagnosis, that we knew nothing about was enough to make people accept not getting treatment as plausible and acceptable. Even though the iFR wound up less than "the flu" had they not murdered so many people, collecting the CARES bonuses along the way, the real iFR is even far lower than the flu.

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Unimaginably evil orchestration I’m sick with shock and disgust. But I’m also inspired by this clear exposition and hope for Justice and “removal” runs high

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The Terrain Theory is food is your medicine. If you’re breaking out with fevers then your body is trying to detox. Stay away from sweets 🍦🍭 🎂 🍩🍪 , alcohol 🍷 🍺 🥃 , and processed foods 🍟🍕🌭, pasta 🍝, and dairy 🥛 🧀 as much as possible. Eat more leafy 🥦🥬 🥗greens, fruits 🍎🍌🍊🍋🫐, onions 🧅 and garlic 🧄, homemade soup 🍜. Drink a lot more clear liquids. Go vegan for a while. I know this time of the year is hard but it’s not impossible. Take care of yourself so you can help others as others have helped me take care of myself. What a circle ⭕️ of love ❤️ it has become! God bless and Godspeed y’all 🛐✝️💟

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They want us maimed, sterilized and dead

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Dead. They want us dead.

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And maimed and sterilized to keep some customers around.

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Antibiotics are only indicated for bacterial infections, not viruses. I don't disagree that old people were targeted to create the "First Wave" upon which everything that followed was built. But that was more effectively done via the use of ventilators and midazolan (in the UK) or remdesivir (in the US).

So not sure I can understand what is being reported here?

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protocol was always things like z-pack, etc. which was essentially stopped as per this article.

not to mention repression of early treatment, etc.

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I was given a Zpack when I felt I had a fire hose in my lungs and I was drowning when I went in. I actually could feel the buildup of fluid in my lungs. I knew I was in trouble. I owe her my life, really. I think she lost her position. I pray not. I don’t remember seeing her again and I was transferred to another Dr.

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That's right. They pulled the tried and true legacy antibiotics, etc. and rolled out the death machines for their remdisivir.

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You guys are all awesome. Thanks for having the conversation with me.

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fascinating. Antibiotics underused with elderly. Why? However, their use may lead to CDif if not carefully administered?

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