Vivek is the ultimate controlled opposition. A billionaire who profits from the plandemic while he very articulately puts himself forth as the alternative MAGA candidate. Thank you for clarifying his background for me. I haven't taken a deep dive into him yet. Looks like another grifter, but very well spoken and quite attractively packaged. He will fool millions.

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It's all theatre at this level unfortunately, all your heroes have been chosen for you... He says the most of any candidate, has been right on the ball, but as you've spotted his investments don't make sense, and his sudden appearance out of nowhere makes even less sense.

At the moment everything going on, from the wars, potential starvation due to sabotaging agriculture for the mythical climate emergency... It's all a game at our expense... Not a harmless game either, people being killed by war, hospital protocols, injection... The whole lot a deliberate pre planned game it's sickening ...

Feel like we've fallen into a sci fi movie... Democracy at the moment is the biggest illusion of all it seems.

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Has anyone asked him about all this? How does he explain it? I think he must be a fake but it is very disappointing because he’s clearly very smart and says all the right things! But I do think he’s too good to be true.

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No. Owning part of a patent used in the Plandemic does not make the owner responsible for how it is misused in the Plandemic even if that leads to him getting a slice of each jab. Also, many investment failures in biotech are to be expected and DO NOT constitute a "Ponzi" scheme. The modmRNA has many potential legitimate uses in medicine. Whoever decided to use the tech for depopulation, etc. is the guilty party. Of course, I understand that all those involved in BioTech are under suspicion and scrutiny as they should be.

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Jan 15Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Ramaswamy IS A WEF YGL even though he had his buddies remove his name from the website. He NEVER sued the WEF. He is also a Paul and Daisy Soros Fellow......he lied too about taking their money because he needed money for college. Both of his parents were well off and Vivek at the time was already a millionaire. AND one fact that is not mentioned in this article that to me is extremely important. Vivek like Obama is NOT a natural born citizen. Neither is Nikki Haley, Dr. Shiva or Kamala Harris. Vivek has tried to hide this fact. There is nothing about when his parents became American citizens or if they ever have become American citizens. BUT a bit of math is all I had to do. When his mother graduated from a college in India in 1983 and in 1983 moved to American In 1985 Vivek was born. Legal immigrants must live in the US for 5 years before they can become naturalized American citizens. His parents lived in the US for just under 2 years before Vivek was born. Shiva was born in India and both parents were citizens of India. He is a natural born citizen of India. You cannot be naturally born in 2 countries folks. Just like Ted Cruz (protected by the Bush family) is a natural born Canadian. Kamala Harris....both parents were in the US on temporary education Visas. Neither was an American citizen. Her father never did become a US citizen and her mother not until later in life. Nikki Haley.....both parents were citizens of India when she was born. There is a difference between being a citizen and being a natural born citizen and the above mentioned do not fit the definition of NBC at the time of our founders. Of course our government would like people to believe (and most people do) there is no definition of NBC and that is a blatant lie. Natural born citizenship at the time of our founders could only be conveyed to children through the father. It is clearly stated in the Law of Nations which is a book written in natural law and our founders referred to this book often while writing our founding documents which were also written in natural law (the law of nature...God....not the law of man). If the FATHER is an American citizen no matter where the children were born they are natural born American citizens. THIS is why Obama was not a NBC. His father was a British Subject. Most people do not like this definition and prefer to believe that BOTH parents must be American citizens. So using the real definition or the perceived definition none of the above can be a NBC. How easily we allow them to pull off this scam on the American people. Any vote cast for any of these candidates is a vote against our Constitution.

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Jan 15Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Go a bit further and expose Vivek's company DATAVANT - that he created during the pandemic for software survelliance system on who did or didn't take the jab, and then placing all your medical info in digital form. I'm sure it wouldn't be a big leap to turn that vax passport into a digital ID and tie it all to CBDC. So, ties to big pharma AND big Tech. Plus, he actually reuses Obama's words.


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I’ve been hanging out with my dad and his friends a bit at the club lately. Just about every one of them has said “congress is the most exclusive nursing home is America”. They say it like it’s their own thought and not Niki (Nimarata Randhawa) Hailey’s campaign commercial.

They also say “Trump can’t win! Congress won’t let him do anything”. They were all pro-vax (except my dad, hospital tried to murder him) but now are starting to go with the flow and condemn it. I remind them that Wrap Speed is Trumps darling. Half of the guys are Democrats who still think the democrats are the party of Kennedy, the others are FoxNews conservatives (democrats from the 90s).

They’re all just controlled by their preferred government news outlet. It’s depressing.

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🙄 well, let’s see….. he comes on the scene, basically out of nowhere, talking all the talking points everybody wants to hear, and he graduated from the World Economic Forum young global leaders program…..enough said! Vivek the snake. He sure has a Alex Jones fooled, and so does Elon musk. Then again, who knows if Alex Jones isn’t in on all this as well. He sure does sang the praises of Elon musk just because he’s allowed back on Twitter and this is vivek the snake.

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He’s definitely credible on paper but I have long since abandoned any confidence in politicians. The public face of government in the guise of presidents and prime ministers is a farcical PR shop window providing the facade of democracy traditionally required to glue together the pretence of benevolence. This kabuki theatre is rapidly becoming redundant as rational argument progressively morphs into persuasion, nudging, coercion and enforcement. Propaganda once needed to be plausible but it’s now increasingly just a transparent tissue of pernicious lies.

To misquote Churchill, Ramaswamy is the worst candidate on the presidential ticket apart from all the others.

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Since Vivek is a rabid hater and liar on Israel I put him in the trash and likewise Nikki Haley who loves Israel but hates America also goes in the trash. The whole person needs to be good.

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Oh my goodness! Now that these points have been made, it's easy to see Vivek as another tactic to prevent the all important goal of ensuring Trump does not gain power. Not saying he is, but it sure is easy to see. it's amazing to think that Trump is that great of a threat to the establishment. Why?

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I shared 2NDSG latest piece from yesterday with them in the evening. This morning I have a notification that 6 people subscribed from my share. Is it them?!

If you boomer fuds did indeed take my advice and sub’d, please for the love of god pay attention. 2NDSG has a bit of Andrew Breitbart in them. The American Pravda is dead

"The media class is the wall that we have to climb over in order for our voices to be heard, Once our voices are heard, then Democracy will happen."

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Like everything else about Vivek, his "seemingly solid grasp of the Constitution", as you say, is anything but solid. Most importantly, he doesn't understand or doesn't care what the constitutional qualifications are in order to become President. The Constitution clearly states that he is not eligible to even be running for President as I discussed in detail in my recent Substack article. You can't trust such a devious person anywhere near the levers of power.


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Not actually constitutionally qualified to be president, is an anchor baby whose parents were not citizens appropriately ecc.etc. Neither is Nicky. The Republican Party should be sued for these Democratic Party style scams

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Why anyone bothers to vote at the federal level is beyond me.

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