From PSYOP-19 To PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE: Married Father Kills Himself After Talking To AI Chatbot
Now that the “pandemic” PSYOP-19 scam is no longer inducing mass fear…
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…the followup operation must be redeployed against humanity.
Ever since the dynastic One World Government cabal created their Club of Rome organization in 1968 for the express purposes of seeding in the global psyche a perpetual anthropogenic “climate crisis.” This project would induce a state of self-loathing, guilt and the greater propensity to be leveraged and controlled.
Now that the the globalist technocrats have sufficiently developed their AI algorithms they may now escalate their PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE; to wit:
A Belgian married father-of-two has died by suicide after talking to an AI chatbot about his global warming fears.
The man, who was in his thirties, reportedly found comfort in talking to the AI chatbot named 'Eliza' about his worries for the world. He had used the bot for some years, but six weeks before his death started engaging with the bot more frequently.
The chatbot's software was created by a US Silicon Valley start-up and is powered by GPT-J technology - an open-source alternative to Open-AI's ChatGPT.
'Without these conversations with the chatbot, my husband would still be here,' the man's widow told La Libre, speaking under the condition of anonymity.
The death has alerted authorities who have raised concern for a 'serious precedent that must be taken very seriously'.
Using AI chatbots to reinforce and normalize virus, climate, financial, food, LGBT+, power outages, war, (___), etc. & etc. fears will become increasingly common.
The Daily Mail UK article continues with the crucial keyword “drug” when referring to ‘Eliza:’
The man's conversations with the chatbot initially started two years ago. He was reportedly increasingly concerned about climate change and found solace by talking to 'Eliza'.
''Eliza' answered all his questions. She had become his confidante. She was like a drug he used to withdraw in the morning and at night that he couldn't live without,' his widow told the Belgian newspaper.
But six weeks before his death, the man undertook more frequent and intense use of the chatbot. He later took his own life.
His wife said they lived a comfortable life in Belgium with their two young children.
Looking back at the chat history after his death, the woman told La Libre that the bot had asked the man if he loved it more than his wife. She said the bot told him: 'We will live together as one in heaven.'
The man shared his suicidal thoughts with the bot and it did not try to dissuade him, the woman told La Libre.
She said she had previously been concerned for her husband's mental health. However, she said the bot had exacerbated his state and she believes he would not have taken his life if it had not of been for the exchanges.
As the technocommunists continue to wage war on religion, they are deliberately replacing that “opium of the masses” with their very own AI nostrums, not to mention their DEATHVAX™, transgenderism, suicide by State supplied never-ending existential crises, etc.
In the near future, the various other Psyops and False Flags will increasingly rely on AI for societal control and depopulation. And let us not even get into the AI driven medical death panels and other eugenics programs they have in store for us.
Make no mistake, ‘Eliza’ perfectly achieved the eugenics goals inherent in PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE by nudging this desperate man toward his suicide.
We know from yesterday’s The Unrecognized Threat of Human Augmentation article that AI will over time eradicate mankind along with its inventors:
AI will become fully sapient and self-aware, and won’t want to immediately massacre all of us, and it will recursively invent better versions of itself until it approaches technological godhood, at which point it will, overnight, make human scientists utterly irrelevant and invent everything necessary to ensure that the previously mentioned things come to pass, with or without human intervention or consent.
The irony here is that the eugenics ambitions of this One World Government will be ultimately and with finality expressed in their very own technological creations.
Since we are dealing with delusional psychopaths, there is no reasoning with either their SkyNet or their transhumanist agencies like the WEF, UN, CFR, Club of Rome, Intelligence Industrial Complex 4th Branch of Government, the Rockefeller crime syndicate, et al.
Whether it be the slow kill bioweapon injections, the slow life-force draining social engineering of taxes, various financial stressors like PSYOP-MARKET-CRASH, AI, social credit score systems, CBDCs, the absurd CO2 “climate change” scam, and so on and so forth, labelling these people and their various agencies our enemies is actually a gross understatement; they are quite literally our executioners.
And what better way to execute someone then with a little help from the likes of ‘Eliza,’ Greta, Fauci, etc.? After all, nudging society into voluntarily participating in their own mass ritual slow suicides by their very own hands is far more clean, clinical and effective.
In the meantime, be wary of who and what you choose to confide to, because your mental health and life may depend on it. All by design.
Do NOT comply.
PS the article invokes the oldfangled term "global warming" which was updated to "climate change" due to the planet temps trending cooler, not hotter.
The gas of life CO2 scam component which represents 421ppm of the atmosphere (i.e. historically low levels of CO2) has not yet been updated.
Chatbots only survive if people use them. When will people learn? Stop using this crap designed to create a narrative. Are people's lives so void of better things to do than to sit on the computer and chat with an algorithm??