END OF EMPIRE: They Said It Was Just A “Conspiracy Theory” That Illegal Aliens Are Voting In American Elections
The illegitimate Federal government and the installed “Biden” administration are closely working with their UN, WEF, CFR, the various NGO’s, et al. partners-in-crime to collapse America from within.
The Resource Center Matamoras (RCM) staging areas for aliens not only provides them the tools and resources to invade America, but they also indoctrinate them into repaying their globalist benefactors by illegally voting for the senile ice cream licking diaper soiling pedo criminal puppet; to wit:
Except that America is by law not a “democracy” (i.e. mob rule); but, rather, a Constitutional Republic.
And We the People are being deliberately diluted by foreign invaders and eradicated with slow kill bioweapons, geoengineering, toxins, poison foods, etc. & etc.
The referenced X post:
Of course, the very criminal apparatchiks behind this Cloward-Piven Strategy know full well that “Biden” will more than likely lose the Kabuki theater election politrix show:
Digging a little deeper:
Secretary Mayorkas is a psychotic Marxist, and America hater. And he is fully backed by the One World Order asset George Soros and his absurdly fraudulent insider trading scams that his handlers tipped him off to so that he could fund the destabilization of various governments around the world, not limited to the united States. Because it’s all a theft via taxes money laundering operation designed to slowly kill off said tax slaves, and eventually the easy pickings invaders.
This was all planned many years ago by the likes of the Fabian Society, who wrote that collapsing borders and importing incompatible and violent cultures would bring bring down the world, allowing these technocrats to institute their Great Reset global gulag.
And RCM is but one of the many technocommunist NGO nodes:
Note that child sex trafficking is made possible in no small part by NGO’s like Save the Children.
Secretary Mayorkas is the point man for Obama & Co.’s ongoing illegal invasion operation:
This is how a once great nation is reduced to full-blown Banana Republic status:
Putting the above in the context of the following article…
…we may better appreciate the multi-pronged attack on America currently underway, and how precipitously close this nation is to being completely destroyed.
They want you dead.
Do NOT comply.
This was always the plan.
Depopulation or weaken with kill shots.
Flood with invading army of "asylum seekers"
Lock and load, folks.
Dominion Voting machines in Maricopa County found to have executable programs on them. Yep, just as we learned and published: these programs can flip votes and run undetected. The source of these scam programs? Dominion Voting machines in Maricopa County AZ. #DominionVoting