If anyone is a paid Malone substack subscriber, you could make a point by posting that you are unsubscribing and diverting the funds to Breggins defense, and give the givesendgo link.

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you the man!!

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I am unsubscribed to his account and I suggest everyone else does the same

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Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. I will keep my free subscription to monitor him.

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Great idea. Now read this:

False flags or slander?

Some fighters are even accused of being controlled opposition to numb us down and sink scarce resources. Most assume that they are doing the people’s job and therefore, so “we the people” can relax and do nothing: a classic false flag operation.

In order to have controlled opposition, the person must appear to provide the correct anti-narrative, at least in certain issues, like Berenson (masks, lockdowns, COVID lab-origin, vaccine injuries). The actor has to make his followers believe he is fighting for them, so they can relax.

Under such definition, anyone not suing government and Big Pharma could be a suspect of false flag. For example, some accuse Berenson of suing for himself to recover damages, not the common good.

Moreover, anyone not pointing to the true problem and solutions could also be accused.

The following examples are accusations that should be given the benefit of the doubt: anyone can make mistakes, anyone can commit sins of pride (the higher the easier). Everyone is needed in this war. No-one is expendable!

The slanderers are denying basic humane rights:

• to private fraternal correction

• to be presumed innocent until proven guilty

• to have a good name free of slander

• to defend themselves in direct confrontation

Some of the accused are:

Alex Berenson: attacked HCQ, IVM and vaccine injured.1

Dr. Ryan Cole, says the nano-routers are stacked cholesterol, sugar and salt crystals.2

Dr. Robert Malone, had a long record in the bioweapons complex (10 billion dollars in grants 2012-20173) and was promoting haccinating the elderly before his conversion. He sued freedom fighters like the Breggins, Dr. Peter McCullough (America Out Loud) and Dr. Jane Ruby for 25 million dollars each. 4

By not giving reasons, he left the accusations open.

Some ask: does Malone receive royalties from Pfizer and Moderna for any of his 57 mRNA patents5, some of which are essential for lipid nanoparticles (there are 1814 patents related to Malone and nanoparticles)? Couldn’t he block them from using his patents in making haccines? If he could, wouldn’t he be accomplice to genocide. By denying this without giving reasons, he left the accusations open.

Others say that it’s strange that Malone says he got vaccinated after getting COVID: why wouldn’t an expert like him rely on natural immunity and repurposed drugs? Why would he take an EUA experiment, having worked for decades with mRNA for the Department of Defence and CIA, and knowing the failure in cancer patients and the risk of ADE?

In early 2022 he was still supporting vaccinating the high risk and working for a Bio-defence contract.6

24 Jun 2021 he twitted supporting traitor Andrew Hill calling for more evidence on ivermectin (there were thousands of proven cases along a year and there was no harm trying!): “PLEASE pay attention to Dr. Andrew Hill. He is a very solid and mature data scientist. We speak often, and I have complete confidence in him and his team. Evidence-based medicine, not hype.” Malone was replied: “Sorry Dr. Malone, you must have missed Tess Lawrie statement around her private conversation with Dr. Hill where he admitted pressure from sponsors was the cause of his bogus conclusions.“ He didn’t answer. 7

9 Jan 2023. Musk Twitter was still censoring and shadow banning COVID posts and refused to reinstate many accounts from truthers, yet Twitter reinstated Malone’s account (with many others like Kirsch and McCullough). According to Dr. Ruby’s screenshots 8, Twitter blocked her for posting “What is The Malone Doctrine?”: why would Twitter support Malone by banning Dr. Ruby?:

2 Feb 2023. Malone called for a ban on mRNA and DNA COVID injections, 3 years late. Also, by Jan 2020, Malone had shown that, the same as with SARS-Cov-1 and MERS where they caused ADE in animal testing, they were too dangerous for humans, even experimentally: because of the ADE risk, they should thoroughly be tested on animals. 9 He never mentioned this study until accused by the Breggins in Feb 2023!

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The next threats and the solution:


In that substack, I'm about to post something huge !

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Great summary. I shall subscribe

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Since part of the purpose of lawsuits like this is to shut down the opposition, Malone must be having second thoughts now that Ginger has decided to not play by their rules.

Hopefully this will force Malone to come clean about his ongoing business and financial ties to the vaccine industry and the globalists who run it.

Then there is the question of who is behind all of this. How is Malone doing all of this by himself (running his businesses, managing his finances, speaking all over the world, filing a massive lawsuit and so on)? Or is he merely serving as a front man on this suit for the lever pullers he ultimately works for in the globalist jab industry?

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Malone is a shark.

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Commie Pope.

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The way this is written is confusing, did Mercola call him out?

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I understood it to mean William was banned from Dr Mercola's platform for calling out Dr Malone.

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Complaining about being banned and YET when I am banned on TimTruths propaganda you say nothing.

Humans are MAMMALS, we share 90% DNA with Gods other creatures that receive Ivermectin for health.

You my friend are following false prophets, not myself. Though I'm sure I have been misled a few times through this 3 year journey.

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Forgot to add William, the reason I speak of Ivermectin is I believe without a doubt that evil has been slowly poisoning us by adding parasites into our food and water supplies.

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Believe it or not William we are more alike then you may see on the surface but I can see it and yes we are allowed to disagree but I also don't believe either of us are wrong per say. Our God is a God of mercy, up to a point. A great many humans have been administered Pharmakeia and I refuse to believe our God of love is going to judge all these peoples harshly.

Now the covid shot is a different animal and I believe as https://twitter.com/ArchbpVigano that God allowed the injection to go forward as a form of punishment, who am I to disagree with him plus I pretty much believe the same because as I have said from day one....Far too many trusted in man and science, both of whom lie and manipulate whereas I chose to trust in God and His amazing immune system...guess who has not been let down.

I know God is working through his children to stop this evil but sometimes I wonder if evil is too entrenched and it will be left to God to do His own reset, in the form of a magnetic pole reversal which will effectively destroy evils control over humanity.

I prepare for the worst while always continuing to spread truth and help as many as I can by promoting Gods nutrients and a high vitamin D level to prevent yourself from getting sick.

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You are better than that. By insulting Catholics, you leave out 1 billion who could help in the fight. By accusing the Jesuits and the Pope without any EVIDENCE you are promoting slander and assuming (haughtiness?) 1 billion Catholics are stupid for not finding what you did.

That doesn't mean that all Jesuits are saints and that the Pope doesn't make mistakes. They are humans. Whoever is without sin throw the first stone. Your comment is barbaric digital stoning.

Read point 7 here:


Then, find humility with this:


[1] Jesus went unto the mount of Olives.

[2] And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them.

[3] And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,

[4] They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.

[5] Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?

[6] This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.

[7] So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

[8] And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.

[9] And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.

[10] When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?

[11] She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

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Dr. Breggin had the courage to challenge the SSRI drugs and has been ostracized by Big Pharma for speaking the truth. Dr. Desmet pushes the concept that mass psycosis is natural in origin It is not in the case of the mRNA push by Big Pharma/CDC/DARPA/CIA. It was preplanned propapaganda with big $$'s. Why Dr. Malone would want to sue Dr. Breggin over a difference in viewpoints makes no sense unless he is being blackmail to do it. Why? Is he Dr. Fauci replacement? Does he still believe there is value in reprograming human cells for profit? My view on the issue is mankind is on the brink of extinction if we continue to go down this path in medicine with gain of function research and using mRNA processes. My substack analysis:


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I just canceled my subscription to Dr. Malone. He is Humpty Dumpty. Sitting on the wall. which way will he fall? Humanity is at a cross roads and all the research on Bio Weapons need to be stopped now. Nano Drug Injections are creating great harm and need to be stopped. I don't believe Dr. Malone agrees. He has been a inside man for too many years. CDC just emailed me their latest push to keep the injections coming!

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He is tainted by DoD and DARPA...evil, evil people.

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I suspect Malone is bucking for Fauci's job.

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Dec 5, 2022·edited Dec 6, 2022

It never made sense when Malone said he got the vax after already having went through a natural infection of covid.

He said he got the vax because he thought it would help with his long covid symptoms???!!! When I heard that I thought hmmmmmm.

Then he showed up out of the blue. And then we hear that ex-cia guy who was travelling throughout China and Asia when the pandemic started contacted Malone.

Why? To get his team together? Why would Malone have a team???

It never made sense why Malone information was slipping out but Yeadon info was totally blocked by google, fb, Twitter etc till recently.

Now Malone is going all in on Desmet? Why??!! It’s all ludicrous.

Seems like he was a “limited hangout” to provide us with some info to help us as the cia knew the big pharma scam going on? He also gave the cia/democrats a coverup timeline of when the virus came out and when the government became aware.

They are covering up that covid was out months or years earlier!!!! Malone is helping the government!!! Now that he is not needed anymore he is going to discredit and takeout people to make conservatives look crazy. What a double agent. Lol

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Dec 6, 2022·edited Dec 6, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

As Mark Kulacz at Housatonic Live has argued, Malone may be partly responsible for the widespread use of Remdesivir. Malone claims he talked to his CIA friend in China early in the breakout and was told to get "his team" at DTRA ready. Malone had just set up the DOMANE artificial intelligence countermeasure database, a month or two before, which purported to spit out Remdesivir and Hydroxychloroquine as the best countermeasures for the Rona. This fact, along with the supposed successful compassionate use of Remdesivir on the USA's patient zero in Washington state, and Fauci's claim that China was "using" Remdesivir (China was actually only conducting studies which they later discontinued after being dangerous and ineffective), as well as the previous papers by Ralph Baric and Sina Bavari, etc., identifying Remdesivir as a possible therapeutic for some future virus that had not yet existed, even though Remdesivir failed all previous applications for other diseases, led to the adoption of Remdesivir in exclusion to all other therapeutics, and likely caused the death of tens or hundreds of thousands.

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Dec 6, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

"Malone is part of a classified project called DOMANE that uses computer simulations, artificial intelligence, and other methods to rapidly identify U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved drugs and other safe compounds that can be repurposed against threats such as new viruses."


Michael Callahan is the person I think Malone spoke to early on in the breakout

Btw, Mark Kulacz suspects the Famotidine study was intended to focus resources on an ineffective therapeutic to grease the wheels for Remdesivir.

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Dec 6, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Correction, I guess DOMANE spit out Ivermectin, not Hydroxychloroquine, as another possible therapeutic.



Hydroxychloroquine had been identified previously as a possible therapeutic, as well as the monoclonal antibodies developed by a Chinese scientist accused of being a spy: https://www.macleans.ca/longforms/winnipeg-virus-lab-scientist/

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Like his own substack title says, "Who is Robert Malone?" Inquiring minds want to know...

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You are better than that. By insulting Catholics, you leave out 1 billion who could help in the fight. By accusing the Jesuits and the Pope without any EVIDENCE you are promoting slander and assuming (haughtiness?) 1 billion Catholics are stupid for not finding what you did.

That doesn't mean that all Jesuits are saints and that the Pope doesn't make mistakes. They are humans. Whoever is without sin throw the first stone. Your comment is barbaric digital stoning.

Read point 7 here:


Then, find humility with this:


[1] Jesus went unto the mount of Olives.

[2] And early in the morning he came again into the temple, and all the people came unto him; and he sat down, and taught them.

[3] And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,

[4] They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.

[5] Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?

[6] This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.

[7] So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.

[8] And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.

[9] And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.

[10] When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?

[11] She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

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Agree. I always smelled a dead fish somewhere behind the counter when following " I am the new Science" Bobby Malone. Very slick operation if controlled op. Ideally Malone would not even be aware that he's a tool.

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I suspect he’s too prideful to realize that.

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I have few hero’s in all this, but until now I believe Malone has done more good than harm. It’s time he drops the lawsuits and step aside in the best interests of stopping this BS. People I trust like Whitney Webb have always had serious questions about the good doctor. His choice of background screens was always quite odd.

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Since March 2020 to navigate through this ordeal it to understand we are in a war. I call it covid wars, hybrid war of deception and information control. Factories are no longer making munitions for combat, it's pharmaceutical corporations making products under the color of health and safety more lethal than the munitions of the past.

In WW II Prior to the allies landing in Normandy, "Operation Bodyguard", "Operation Fortitude" were initiated to convince the Wehrmacht that the invasion would occur anywhere but Normandy and on a different date of 12/6/44. The Wehrmacht knew it was coming, but they really had to know where and when. Where and when is always to hard part until after it happens. Fake inflatable armies of tanks, airplanes, tents and landing craft were constructed, leaked intelligence, all for the art of deception. To convince them it was something else, somewhere else. In hindsight, a huge success. German forces built massive fortifications near ports in anticipation, leaving beaches like normady with lighter defenses less protected. Ironically with this response we're approaching the 78 yr anniversary of the D-Day invasion.

Regardless of deception, it still required took boots on the ground to take the beachhead and ultimately liberate France. At least then our grandfathers knew a solider with an iron cross on their uniform and Mauser in hand had the intent to kill them and were trained to do so. Now we have your local midwit pharmacist/physician doing the equivalent of pointing a loaded firearm your head and pulling the trigger in the form of mRNA gene therapy injections.

The engineers of Deathvaxx i'm sure are smart enough to understand that the public becoming aware of such things is not conducive to the agenda at hand. Malone appearing on Oprah for Men (Joe Rogan Experiance) does perk up the ears. He states a lot of things one can agree with, other things not so much. The thing he is consistent with it wanting to be a controller of information. Seems to be that's the purpose of this lawsuit.

The trusted media initiative (TNI) was formed to combat "misinformation". The intent was to create a mass opinion the covid shots are good for you. Quoting from the BBC explanation of the TNI: "With the introduction of several possible new Covid-19 vaccines, there has been a rise of ‘anti-vaccine’ disinformation spreading online to millions of people. Examples include widely shared memes which link falsehoods about vaccines to freedom and individual liberties. Other posts seek to downplay the risks of coronavirus and suggest there is an ulterior motive behind the development of a vaccine" Combine this with casedemic hysteria, lockdowns, double & triple masking putting the populace into an emotional state of fear I see that yes that creates mass formation. However that is the point here, to get the population to do that very thing. Control exists due to the reality that covid and mRNA is not grounded in truth. Truth exposes the fraud for what it is.

TNI is a very purposeful in your face effort to combat misinformation, there will also be efforts to deliberately spread disinformation. Feed the newborn conspiracy theorists low hanging fruit or distract them. In China during the covid protests the CCP pumps the internet with pornography and spam content to distract to populace with something else.

What's Malone's angle I can't figure out. I'd honestly prefer controlled opposition, as you know what you're dealing with. The guy exists to disrupt movements and focus all the fire on his positions. All the while we're focused on him, not seeing the attack coming from the flank.

In my opinion what's more dangerous would be uncontrolled opposition or ignorant opposition. The guy maybe has an ego, has a horse farm, these things aren't cheap to run. Now needs some cash, has newfound popularity, looking to make money off of this crisis. People at this level are arrogant with their vernacular, hate to see people challenge their perceptions. Much like your local primary care physician doesn't want to hear about injecting their senior client with booster #5 isn't beneficial to health, maybe Malone MD doesn't want to hear his mass formation theory is incorrect. Also I see lots of these players are having a tough time wrapping their heads around that this is an intentional bio weapon. Nobody likes to be duped, espicially a guy that helped build this very ecosystem.

I know lots of people that willingly took these shots, now regretting the decisions with the current knowledge. However in conversation it's tough to break through that hey this may be a lethal bio weapon. Even myself I really don't want to believe this, being that many friends and family have participated and I have not. I don't want to see people get hurt, I don't want to see them suffer. Just found out yesterday a friend of friend, young healthy woman in her 30's, developed an aggressive colon cancer "out of nowhere". I can't prove what it is, but I damn well know what it is. My state has deathvaxx uptake of 78%, boosers of 40%.

Like anything during the covid wars, i'll read what Malone writes and listen to what he says. If he's controlled op, when he says look over here, I'll know to do else where. If he's ignorant opposition, I'll do the same thing. What I do know, when the attacks come socially, financially and legally, you're over target. Those are the people worth listening too.

Whether it's an enemy combatant carrying a loaded weapon or your neighbors kid that just found it in the closet point in your direction, both are dangerous. Discernment, knowledge, communication help us navigate through the minefield of covid wars.

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I'll add that one. Still:

False flags or slander?

Some fighters are even accused of being controlled opposition to numb us down and sink scarce resources. Most assume that they are doing the people’s job and therefore, so “we the people” can relax and do nothing: a classic false flag operation.

In order to have controlled opposition, the person must appear to provide the correct anti-narrative, at least in certain issues, like Berenson (masks, lockdowns, COVID lab-origin, vaccine injuries). The actor has to make his followers believe he is fighting for them, so they can relax.

Under such definition, anyone not suing government and Big Pharma could be a suspect of false flag. For example, some accuse Berenson of suing for himself to recover damages, not the common good.

Moreover, anyone not pointing to the true problem and solutions could also be accused.

The following examples are accusations that should be given the benefit of the doubt: anyone can make mistakes, anyone can commit sins of pride (the higher the easier). Everyone is needed in this war. No-one is expendable!

The slanderers are denying basic humane rights:

• to private fraternal correction

• to be presumed innocent until proven guilty

• to have a good name free of slander

• to defend themselves in direct confrontation

Some of the accused are:

Alex Berenson: attacked HCQ, IVM and vaccine injured.1

Dr. Ryan Cole, says the nano-routers are stacked cholesterol, sugar and salt crystals.2

Dr. Robert Malone, had a long record in the bioweapons complex (10 billion dollars in grants 2012-20173) and was promoting haccinating the elderly before his conversion. He sued freedom fighters like the Breggins, Dr. Peter McCullough (America Out Loud) and Dr. Jane Ruby for 25 million dollars each. 4

By not giving reasons, he left the accusations open.

Some ask: does Malone receive royalties from Pfizer and Moderna for any of his 57 mRNA patents5, some of which are essential for lipid nanoparticles (there are 1814 patents related to Malone and nanoparticles)? Couldn’t he block them from using his patents in making haccines? If he could, wouldn’t he be accomplice to genocide. By denying this without giving reasons, he left the accusations open.

Others say that it’s strange that Malone says he got vaccinated after getting COVID: why wouldn’t an expert like him rely on natural immunity and repurposed drugs? Why would he take an EUA experiment, having worked for decades with mRNA for the Department of Defence and CIA, and knowing the failure in cancer patients and the risk of ADE?

In early 2022 he was still supporting vaccinating the high risk and working for a Bio-defence contract.6

24 Jun 2021 he twitted supporting traitor Andrew Hill calling for more evidence on ivermectin (there were thousands of proven cases along a year and there was no harm trying!): “PLEASE pay attention to Dr. Andrew Hill. He is a very solid and mature data scientist. We speak often, and I have complete confidence in him and his team. Evidence-based medicine, not hype.” Malone was replied: “Sorry Dr. Malone, you must have missed Tess Lawrie statement around her private conversation with Dr. Hill where he admitted pressure from sponsors was the cause of his bogus conclusions.“ He didn’t answer. 7

9 Jan 2023. Musk Twitter was still censoring and shadow banning COVID posts and refused to reinstate many accounts from truthers, yet Twitter reinstated Malone’s account (with many others like Kirsch and McCullough). According to Dr. Ruby’s screenshots 8, Twitter blocked her for posting “What is The Malone Doctrine?”: why would Twitter support Malone by banning Dr. Ruby?:

2 Feb 2023. Malone called for a ban on mRNA and DNA COVID injections, 3 years late. Also, by Jan 2020, Malone had shown that, the same as with SARS-Cov-1 and MERS where they caused ADE in animal testing, they were too dangerous for humans, even experimentally: because of the ADE risk, they should thoroughly be tested on animals. 9 He never mentioned this study until accused by the Breggins in Feb 2023!

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The next threats and the solution:


In that substack, I'm about to post something huge !

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I wasn’t a paid subscriber to Malone but I ditched my free subscription as soon as I heard about this.

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very slick and artful on the Brighteon video. Charm. Charm. My mind isn't made. He does seem quite enamored by Desmet and he may be playing at protecting a protege because of just how tight they are. And tight they are. photo ops etc. But it does seem odd, he didn't want to use those legal resources at dismantling the pharma complex after all he is best situated at knowing their Achilles heel. Another interesting tid bit was the idea of raising funds to study the detox of spike protein from the body. That also seems a more useful lab pursuit than the legal challenge. But because of the Desmet angle, I think his wrath goes deeper than mere distraction. but that being said when the titans are fighting each other they are not fighting for us any more.

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Dec 6, 2022·edited Dec 6, 2022

While the Breggins seems to have a very solid explanation for the last few years, that I find functions in tandem with the Desmet theory, ruthlessly attacking Malone with false premises make the Breggins narcissistic and ungrounded. Malone has done a significant amount of positive work on bringing the ‘non-compliant’ together, and has fought viciously on the legal front on behalf of children and the medical community. Why did the Breggins go out of their way to try to take Malone down? Why didn’t they stop when confronted by Malone? Who is telling the truth here?

I’ve listened to the Breggins’ arguments, as well as their supporters in the Red Voice Media, such as Stew Peters and Jane Ruby. Some of their points about Malone were so ridiculous, I couldn’t believe all the logical fallacies, nor that people (still??) take them seriously. Asinine arguments only support that everyone in the resistance community will lose. Is a 25Mil lawsuit the way to get it to stop? While I personally think such a spendy lawsuit is going to hurt everyone, it is also clear that a lot of people (all sides here?) have been sidetracked by fame, ego, and potentially by default, money.

For a well-rounded article, I would suggest that the author report all specific arguments involved, otherwise this reads entirely as a Breggin apologist, without letting readers consider all the elements involved.

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Dec 6, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Any scientist involved in Mrna research must surely have also been aware of how it could be used in a nefarious way.

There is no excuse at all to be suing people like the Breggins who have made it a life long work to expose big harma.

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Show me all the instances where they mention him by name and attack him. I will wait.

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False flags or slander?

Some fighters are even accused of being controlled opposition to numb us down and sink scarce resources. Most assume that they are doing the people’s job and therefore, so “we the people” can relax and do nothing: a classic false flag operation.

In order to have controlled opposition, the person must appear to provide the correct anti-narrative, at least in certain issues, like Berenson (masks, lockdowns, COVID lab-origin, vaccine injuries). The actor has to make his followers believe he is fighting for them, so they can relax.

Under such definition, anyone not suing government and Big Pharma could be a suspect of false flag. For example, some accuse Berenson of suing for himself to recover damages, not the common good.

Moreover, anyone not pointing to the true problem and solutions could also be accused.

The following examples are accusations that should be given the benefit of the doubt: anyone can make mistakes, anyone can commit sins of pride (the higher the easier). Everyone is needed in this war. No-one is expendable!

The slanderers are denying basic humane rights:

• to private fraternal correction

• to be presumed innocent until proven guilty

• to have a good name free of slander

• to defend themselves in direct confrontation

Some of the accused are:

Alex Berenson: attacked HCQ, IVM and vaccine injured.1

Dr. Ryan Cole, says the nano-routers are stacked cholesterol, sugar and salt crystals.2

Dr. Robert Malone, had a long record in the bioweapons complex (10 billion dollars in grants 2012-20173) and was promoting haccinating the elderly before his conversion. He sued freedom fighters like the Breggins, Dr. Peter McCullough (America Out Loud) and Dr. Jane Ruby for 25 million dollars each. 4

By not giving reasons, he left the accusations open.

Some ask: does Malone receive royalties from Pfizer and Moderna for any of his 57 mRNA patents5, some of which are essential for lipid nanoparticles (there are 1814 patents related to Malone and nanoparticles)? Couldn’t he block them from using his patents in making haccines? If he could, wouldn’t he be accomplice to genocide. By denying this without giving reasons, he left the accusations open.

Others say that it’s strange that Malone says he got vaccinated after getting COVID: why wouldn’t an expert like him rely on natural immunity and repurposed drugs? Why would he take an EUA experiment, having worked for decades with mRNA for the Department of Defence and CIA, and knowing the failure in cancer patients and the risk of ADE?

In early 2022 he was still supporting vaccinating the high risk and working for a Bio-defence contract.6

24 Jun 2021 he twitted supporting traitor Andrew Hill calling for more evidence on ivermectin (there were thousands of proven cases along a year and there was no harm trying!): “PLEASE pay attention to Dr. Andrew Hill. He is a very solid and mature data scientist. We speak often, and I have complete confidence in him and his team. Evidence-based medicine, not hype.” Malone was replied: “Sorry Dr. Malone, you must have missed Tess Lawrie statement around her private conversation with Dr. Hill where he admitted pressure from sponsors was the cause of his bogus conclusions.“ He didn’t answer. 7

9 Jan 2023. Musk Twitter was still censoring and shadow banning COVID posts and refused to reinstate many accounts from truthers, yet Twitter reinstated Malone’s account (with many others like Kirsch and McCullough). According to Dr. Ruby’s screenshots 8, Twitter blocked her for posting “What is The Malone Doctrine?”: why would Twitter support Malone by banning Dr. Ruby?:

2 Feb 2023. Malone called for a ban on mRNA and DNA COVID injections, 3 years late. Also, by Jan 2020, Malone had shown that, the same as with SARS-Cov-1 and MERS where they caused ADE in animal testing, they were too dangerous for humans, even experimentally: because of the ADE risk, they should thoroughly be tested on animals. 9 He never mentioned this study until accused by the Breggins in Feb 2023!

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The next threats and the solution:


In that substack, I'm about to post something huge !

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I may be proven wrong, but I have not seen or heard anything that supports the hyperbole from the Breggins. I do see that at $25M lawsuit is extreme, but most likely it is at the urging of lawyers wanting to make a "statement", and assuming that this will be settled pretrial, with most likely no payment whatsoever.

Many of the Breggins' statements have made me question their intentions as well. I've wandered into this issue on another stack, more on the issue of Desmet's book. Their claim that Dr Malone (and Desmet) is "diagnosing" millions of people is hyperbolic to say the least. I've read the book; it makes no diagnosis. Dr. Malone using a different term to explain the phenomenon of millions of otherwise sane people going along with the extra-constitutional and medically unwarranted steps of the past three years seems reasonable. All of this can be easily described as mass psychosis.

They make claims that Desmet says or implies that millions of people are guilty of tyranny, because they interpreted his work things like totalitarians aren't in charge, he's dismissive of far-reaching conspiracy theories and more, that simply aren't in the book.

I think there is much more to both sides of this developing story. But for now, I am not willing to go along with the calls for "Malone's head of a stick".

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False flags or slander?

Some fighters are even accused of being controlled opposition to numb us down and sink scarce resources. Most assume that they are doing the people’s job and therefore, so “we the people” can relax and do nothing: a classic false flag operation.

In order to have controlled opposition, the person must appear to provide the correct anti-narrative, at least in certain issues, like Berenson (masks, lockdowns, COVID lab-origin, vaccine injuries). The actor has to make his followers believe he is fighting for them, so they can relax.

Under such definition, anyone not suing government and Big Pharma could be a suspect of false flag. For example, some accuse Berenson of suing for himself to recover damages, not the common good.

Moreover, anyone not pointing to the true problem and solutions could also be accused.

The following examples are accusations that should be given the benefit of the doubt: anyone can make mistakes, anyone can commit sins of pride (the higher the easier). Everyone is needed in this war. No-one is expendable!

The slanderers are denying basic humane rights:

• to private fraternal correction

• to be presumed innocent until proven guilty

• to have a good name free of slander

• to defend themselves in direct confrontation

Some of the accused are:

Alex Berenson: attacked HCQ, IVM and vaccine injured.1

Dr. Ryan Cole, says the nano-routers are stacked cholesterol, sugar and salt crystals.2

Dr. Robert Malone, had a long record in the bioweapons complex (10 billion dollars in grants 2012-20173) and was promoting haccinating the elderly before his conversion. He sued freedom fighters like the Breggins, Dr. Peter McCullough (America Out Loud) and Dr. Jane Ruby for 25 million dollars each. 4

By not giving reasons, he left the accusations open.

Some ask: does Malone receive royalties from Pfizer and Moderna for any of his 57 mRNA patents5, some of which are essential for lipid nanoparticles (there are 1814 patents related to Malone and nanoparticles)? Couldn’t he block them from using his patents in making haccines? If he could, wouldn’t he be accomplice to genocide. By denying this without giving reasons, he left the accusations open.

Others say that it’s strange that Malone says he got vaccinated after getting COVID: why wouldn’t an expert like him rely on natural immunity and repurposed drugs? Why would he take an EUA experiment, having worked for decades with mRNA for the Department of Defence and CIA, and knowing the failure in cancer patients and the risk of ADE?

In early 2022 he was still supporting vaccinating the high risk and working for a Bio-defence contract.6

24 Jun 2021 he twitted supporting traitor Andrew Hill calling for more evidence on ivermectin (there were thousands of proven cases along a year and there was no harm trying!): “PLEASE pay attention to Dr. Andrew Hill. He is a very solid and mature data scientist. We speak often, and I have complete confidence in him and his team. Evidence-based medicine, not hype.” Malone was replied: “Sorry Dr. Malone, you must have missed Tess Lawrie statement around her private conversation with Dr. Hill where he admitted pressure from sponsors was the cause of his bogus conclusions.“ He didn’t answer. 7

9 Jan 2023. Musk Twitter was still censoring and shadow banning COVID posts and refused to reinstate many accounts from truthers, yet Twitter reinstated Malone’s account (with many others like Kirsch and McCullough). According to Dr. Ruby’s screenshots 8, Twitter blocked her for posting “What is The Malone Doctrine?”: why would Twitter support Malone by banning Dr. Ruby?:

2 Feb 2023. Malone called for a ban on mRNA and DNA COVID injections, 3 years late. Also, by Jan 2020, Malone had shown that, the same as with SARS-Cov-1 and MERS where they caused ADE in animal testing, they were too dangerous for humans, even experimentally: because of the ADE risk, they should thoroughly be tested on animals. 9 He never mentioned this study until accused by the Breggins in Feb 2023!

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The next threats and the solution:


In that substack, I'm about to post something huge !

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Makes me think the Breggins find it deeply offensive if someone uses the word “insane” or “crazy” as slang or even pejoratively.

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It sounds like the Breggins used the strawman fallacy against Malone as part of their smears of him.

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While I dumped Berensen for his attack on Malone, wasting an opportunity for "antivaxxers" to be heard, I have been uncomfortable with Malone all along. At the very least, his ego is humongous. His work with DARPA, his initial support for the jabs, etc.

When he had a public panic-attack over his $$, desperately asking substackers for help hiding his loot when Trudeau threatened supporters of the truckers...well it was kind of comical, but that was it for me. Unsubscribed ages ago. 🤷

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Dec 5, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I too saw that spat between Malone and Berenson as a last straw and have only read them minimally since then.

As I wrote on Berenson's substack, I have two hard rules, never trust a spook and never trust a former New York Times reporter (even Chris Hedges).

That said, Berenson is a good writer and Malone is a good speaker, and both have been allowed to reveal some truths. But when you see them pull an divisive hissy fit it screams controlled opposition and I remember the rule.

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So Nazi scientists were integrated into US agencies DARPA, etc (we know how great this sick group functions) and we all know about Hoover and his antics with the FBI - although these scientists/people are long gone - their methodologies, the foundations of which these agencies started and continue to exist are still in play - so Malone’s association with an extremely nefarious DARPA screams a particular mind/group think of which he has never decoupled from - red flag? Hmmm YES!

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If the Breggins have not defamed Malone then Malone will lose. Why are they so worried? Perhaps if they were to issue a very public apology and pay the costs that Malone has incurred to date in seeking his remedy then Malone may back off.

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Anyone who is hit with a $25 million dollar lawsuit would have the crap scared out of them.

The new tactic for silencing people is now suing them into bankruptcy and poverty.

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At this point in time people, I am of the mind that evil is so entrenched in society and institutions that only God can stop this, and He will I believe with a magnetic pole reversal that is well on its way to happening and likely very soon when one research's the insane number of earthquakes and volcanoes going off. To say nothing of the awakening of a super volcano in New Zealand.

Far too many trusted in man and science whereas I chose to trust in God and His amazing immune system, and I have not been let down.

Now is the time people to get your spiritual house in order because judgment day is fast approaching.

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