Anything But The DEATHVAX™ India Edition: The World is One News (WION) Gaslighting Episode
ABTD™ gonna ABTD™
This below is NOT a parody.
Sudden deaths, heart attacks, cancers, etc. are due to SADS, “climate change,” diet, stress, exercise, etc. and essentially anything but the DEATHVAX™ (ABTD™).
The same way that the flu magically disappeared in the first year of the “pandemic” 2020 is the same way increased mortality since the slow kill bioweapon rollout is ABTD™.
Before we get to the WION episode in question, this is what their YouTube description states:
WION -The World is One News, examines global issues with in-depth analysis. We provide much more than the news of the day. Our aim to empower people to explore their world. With our Global headquarters in New Delhi, we bring you news on the hour, by the hour. We deliver information that is not biased. We are journalists who are neutral to the core and non-partisan when it comes to the politics of the world. People are tired of biased reportage and we stand for a globalised united world. So for us the World is truly One.
It certainly reads like WION is a WEF handled One World Government propaganda operation.
The ”reporter” managed to “deliver information that is not biased” in the below segment with a straight face:
Democide gravitas as gaslighting gravitas in plain sight.
They want you dead and dying without every making the painfully obvious connections, but in 2023 they are increasingly failing in their PSYOP-19 which is clearly now running on fumes.
This “globalised united world” is code for a one world crime scene; in other words, one poisoned genetically modified global citizenry.
The most elucidating and entertaining aspect of the this “Gravitas: Why are so many young people dying of heart attacks?” YouTube episode comes courtesy of the comments section; to wit:
Sad to see that WION didn't mention the jab; myocarditis is a documented side effect.
None of us crazy conspiracy theorists who didn't get the jab seem to be dying suddenly. Must be our tinfoil hats protecting us.
In my 7 years as a stroke nurse we only had 1 case of an 18 yo who had a stroke. The other cases were all drug related which is usually the case with drug addiction and young people. No uptick in 2020 like many years before that. After the " YOU KNOW WHAT " in 2021 and on , there have been endless cases of young people 30 below with strokes NOT drug related and otherwise completely healthy. There's truth in patterns and certainly no ones talking about it.
when I was young, dying of a heart attack at these ages were unheard of.
She doesn t mention the most & only logic cause.
We lost 2 staff in our N*S Trust. A Social Care Assessor, 57 years old, had her first
July 2021, developed Bells Palsy, struggled to walk, felt like her body was shutting down, 3 weeks later went to heaven. A Nurse, early 50s died "suddenly and unexpectedly" in her sleep. These were two healthy women, not great. All kept hidden by the Trust.
My coworker died 29years old. She was 1.60m tall, under 50kgs. Heart attack without any warning. That's no coincidence. It is the jab.
My cousin just died from a heart attack. A week shy from his 40th birthday. He was probably feeling like he was on top of his health. After all he worked in the hospital, was very active, good eating habits. And double vaccinated. God I'm so glad I didn't get the shot. It's basically leathal injection.
Please show integrity and please don’t ignore injuries from the jabs
One of my old classmates died immediately after taking the shot. He was young. I keep telling friends and family the sad truth about the CDC and FDA but no one ever listens to me. Everyone will not know the truth. RIP to all the innocent clot shot victims. My heart goes out to the families.
Nicely done, I like how well you avoided any discussion on whether the Covid vaccinations have anything to do with the heart attacks.
Myocarditis - inflammation of the heart muscle. Its a well known side effect of the jab. Its probably much, muuch more widespread than we might realize now because the majority are not thinking of the jab if they get chest pain. What happens with too much scar tissue in the heart is what were seeing.
I've never heard of anyone I know having heart problems. This year I've had 4 friends/clients that now have developed heart conditions/heart attacks. All younger than 50. No previous health issues. You don't have to be a genius to figure out what the common denominator is here..
My sister had a 'heart attack'-like event two days after taking the shot, and two of my clients had a month of chest pain and difficulty breathing for a month each one week after the shot. Interesting to see how even this Indian media can't mention what everyone knows, and disturbing how the media is responsible for burying this issue for over a year now. Sad.
In the province of Alberta, Canada deaths from 'unknown causes' have become the leading cause of death. In 2021 the number of deaths due to unknown causes was 50% higher than covid.
I hope everyone that took this and looked down on others for standing their ground finally wake up and realize, YOU were on the wrong side
We know that you know that we know what causes those heart attacks.
The whole PSYOP-19 and ABTD™ narrative is collapsing all around us.
It is only a matter of time before these very same mendacious hacks are ordered to cover the real news, at which point the surviving genetically modified humans will be weaponized against their own governments in total societal breakdown. That is when the likes of the WEF will swoop in with their Great Reset final “solution” to the very problems that they have been perpetrating all along.
Do NOT comply.
It does not matter what we say or do; the vast majority of the dopey population cannot and will never admit they have been duped. Just watch Tell-u-Vision! Proof - people dropping like fruit flies (hint - mRNA) means nothing to the WOKE and otherwise mentally neutered people. Nothing! You see, it is for the common(ist) good to save the planet by culling the population with mRNA (some will argue graphene oxide but the same result). Furthermore, mRNA injections negatively affect fertility, thus providing the “welcome” side effect of preventing procreation.
The most powerful weapon of all is NOT the deathvax, or even the propaganda, lies and censorship of the oligarchs. The MOST powerful weapon that defeats us is our cynicism and willingness to sit back and complain and not do anything. Relinquishing our power as individuals and as a collective is what the oligarchs are banking on. So far, we're completely living up to their expectations.
The moment we decide enough is enough and take our power back - NO MATTER WHAT THE COST - is the moment mountains will move.
I think Russell Brand is doing an exemplary job of creating a vision of human potential that is resonating with millions of people. 'Awakening Wonders' is the term he uses for humanity as he shares the evidence and the blunt truth of our predicament. He doesn't sugarcoat the evil that is being perpetrated by the globalists but delivers the facts in an easily accessible way that allows people to act on it. He's also very funny. Who knew that a working class, former drug addict turned comedian, would be helping to lead us out of this mess?
I believe it's not over til it's over and there's plenty of great work being done by amazing people, including this 2SGW substack. I was once a defeatist and cynic. But that's a luxury we can no longer afford to give to oligarchs. Like a swarm of locusts, we can show them what real power looks like. Like a swarm of bees, we can rebuild our world into our own vision of what is fair, just and truly humane in the largest sense of the word.
Many will die in the transformation and there will be far fewer human beings but life, joy and peace will prevail. The globalists will be a footnote in history to remind us of how off track we went as a species and our children will honour the brave souls who gave everything to create a better, albeit simpler, scaled down future in alignment with the laws of nature and the cycles of the earth. We will have recovered from our hubris, taken our place among other species and will look back on industrial civilization for the nightmare it was - not just for humanity but for all species.