It does not matter what we say or do; the vast majority of the dopey population cannot and will never admit they have been duped. Just watch Tell-u-Vision! Proof - people dropping like fruit flies (hint - mRNA) means nothing to the WOKE and otherwise mentally neutered people. Nothing! You see, it is for the common(ist) good to save the planet by culling the population with mRNA (some will argue graphene oxide but the same result). Furthermore, mRNA injections negatively affect fertility, thus providing the “welcome” side effect of preventing procreation.

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Jan 10, 2023·edited Jan 14, 2023

The most powerful weapon of all is NOT the deathvax, or even the propaganda, lies and censorship of the oligarchs. The MOST powerful weapon that defeats us is our cynicism and willingness to sit back and complain and not do anything. Relinquishing our power as individuals and as a collective is what the oligarchs are banking on. So far, we're completely living up to their expectations.

The moment we decide enough is enough and take our power back - NO MATTER WHAT THE COST - is the moment mountains will move.

I think Russell Brand is doing an exemplary job of creating a vision of human potential that is resonating with millions of people. 'Awakening Wonders' is the term he uses for humanity as he shares the evidence and the blunt truth of our predicament. He doesn't sugarcoat the evil that is being perpetrated by the globalists but delivers the facts in an easily accessible way that allows people to act on it. He's also very funny. Who knew that a working class, former drug addict turned comedian, would be helping to lead us out of this mess?

I believe it's not over til it's over and there's plenty of great work being done by amazing people, including this 2SGW substack. I was once a defeatist and cynic. But that's a luxury we can no longer afford to give to oligarchs. Like a swarm of locusts, we can show them what real power looks like. Like a swarm of bees, we can rebuild our world into our own vision of what is fair, just and truly humane in the largest sense of the word.

Many will die in the transformation and there will be far fewer human beings but life, joy and peace will prevail. The globalists will be a footnote in history to remind us of how off track we went as a species and our children will honour the brave souls who gave everything to create a better, albeit simpler, scaled down future in alignment with the laws of nature and the cycles of the earth. We will have recovered from our hubris, taken our place among other species and will look back on industrial civilization for the nightmare it was - not just for humanity but for all species.

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I love your battle cry: Do Not Comply!

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And yet 2 years later this product is still on the market, still being mandated for certain populations and many people that live in the propaganda MSM la la land still have no clue how to connect injuries and illnesses to the shots. What is frightening is some people that do realize they were injured just talk about it nonchalantly as if that was the price they had to pay. Bizarre those of us not vaccinated are angrier about this situation than those that have fallen for the program. And I can’t even count how many times someone that knows not to take the covid jabs go on to take flu shots, Paxlovid and all kinds of other pharma products including all the OTC junk in stores without a 2nd thought.

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These “reality changers” are evil personified. They’re getting desperate. They have good reason to be.

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I find it powerful when nurses speak out about the huge increase of heart and vascular problems since the rollout of the poisons. Keep speaking out because your voices need to be heard.

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I will not comply!

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Jan 11, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

My favorite comment to that Presstitute's reporting:

"How big does the elephant in the room have to be in order to get an honorable mention?!"

I didn't do precise math on the numbers but it seems like at least 90%+ of the commenters knew that this was total fake news.

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Every day on the cover of the daily mail there are 1 or more articles about people dying suddenly “cause unknown”. The disconnect is mind boggling.

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The only 2 inoculated people I know who admitted it wasn’t a good idea both have cancer. One is a recurrence. Other guy said his doctor had never seen a tumor grow in the bladder like that before.

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Great article. Thanks.

For those who want to explore and contribute to a wide range of possible solutions, please consider looking at this site, and possibly helping us figure out how to solve this problem. Thank you.


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Thank you for letting me know about this news channel. I had never heard of it, but now I know to never bother watching it. Her bottom line - people have stress now but didn't before? And people are dying because they are exercising too much? Ridiculous!

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All true I am afraid. It astounds to me that this news reader said everything she could think of about the sudden uptick in heart attacks except the jab. As if people didn't do extreme workouts before or who were not stressed before. There has always been stress and people have been working out for decades with no problems. What will they think of next. Hopefully one day this will be seen for what it is, a poisoned injection. Mainstream media should be held accountable when this all goes to the next Nuremburg trial.

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I dont understand your thinking when saying that soon they will have no choice but to report what is really happening?

They will never do that and admit that them and the government got it wrong and all the “anti-vaxxers” were right. Bombshell studies and evidence comes out on substack every day--and nothing. The strategy is working so far. 80% of the country still have no idea how dangerous these shots are. With all the proof of fraud and lies not one person has been reprimanded in the mainstream media.

Sorry--the masses will never find out. So sad but true.

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I think the Indian lady presenter in the WION short clips. is one of the most beautiful women on earth.

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