The posthuman technofascist NAZI 2.0 Depopulation and Control Program is today uncannily rhyming with history; the same cult that orchestrated WW2 by leasing IBM’s Hollerith census punchcard machines in order to rapidly round up their gas chamber victims is now positioning to force everyone to provide their “papers” via smartphone DEATHVAX™ “passports. IBM even organized all six stages of the Holocaust into the following categories: identification, exclusion, confiscation, ghettoization, deportation, and even extermination. Much rhyming by what back then was the closest analogue to today’s Big Tech.
The most notable difference this time around is the mRNA slow kill bioweapon technology that would have been Dr. Mengele’s holy grail “experiment” to end all “experiments”. But today we have Dr. Mengele 2.0 in Dr. “I am Science” Fauci and his BigPharma partners in crime; Pfizer and Moderna make IG Farben and Bayer, the manufacturers of Zyklon B, look humane in comparison. This will be further borne out over the next five or so years.
Rhyming with history yet again, the Cult once again miscalculated. They rushed, and did not prioritize correctly. Their DEATHVAX™ has been prematurely killing and maiming too quickly. They did not have the digital passports in place first a la IBM’s Hollerith machines. They believed that the “pandemic” false flag that had herded far too many into submitting to their “mandates” and Death Injections would have had a long lasting enough fear half-life that enough of the citizenry would remain in deep enough states of brainwashed compliance. This will turn out to be their downfall. The death boosters are not being accepted like the initial servings. Global protests are now the norm. Truckers are holding the lines. More and more people are refusing to go along with the tyranny. The statist spells are wearing thin. People are slowly but surely catching on, and are becoming aware of what is being perpetrated against them. And so now the Cult has no choice but to hurriedly push the digital concentration camp phase of their agenda before the whole PSYOP-19 scam unravels, with the associated blowback.
A prescient must see warning.
Comply and YOU Die.
A 36 minute/by Dave Cullen excellent summary of the prison world the sick to the core globalists have been cooking up for us, the so called cattle, useless eaters, unacceptable view holders, deplorable and yet 33,33% SPIRITUAL human beings that we de facto are.
Schwab’s fourth industrial revolution will not fly.