Feb 7, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

A 36 minute/by Dave Cullen excellent summary of the prison world the sick to the core globalists have been cooking up for us, the so called cattle, useless eaters, unacceptable view holders, deplorable and yet 33,33% SPIRITUAL human beings that we de facto are.

Schwab’s fourth industrial revolution will not fly.


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Excellent share!

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The only doctor I trust says, there is now going to be a global war on climate change, and both UK and US are declaring a war on cancer. Good luck. Only peace can heal. Or are they going to shoot all the cancer patients?

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Here you have it Ingrid C Durden

The climate change, intro by the frontline child Greta Thunberg.

Max Igan/Australian guy that has been in the resistance and talking about what’s taking place on a global scale since many years. He took off to Mexico some months ago before they could arrest him.

This is 51:32 well worth of watch. And the song at the end, he also attached to a previous video. Pure beauty, approx 5 min from finish line.


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Of course little Greta could not be missed. So he is in Mexico too ! and I was just thinking of moving there too ! LOL

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