It's definitely not an idle threat.

Review what happened in Russia after the Bolsheviks gained control: they appropriated all the wealth - and then many of the top Bolsheviks transferred the proceeds to banks and vaults in Switzerland, the US and France.

Then they killed 30-50 million people.

BlackRock and the Central Bankers are the Bolsheviks.

"You and what army are going to protect your gold bullion?"

At least shiny rocks can be used in catapults.

..and as Dane Wigington of Geoengineering Watch says:

"You will live as long as your food stores last."

Because they are creating an environment where nothing will grow.

Not Fear Porn. Reality.

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I think you’re dead on and that’s why I put my trust in God alone! We’re entering into times this world has never seen. Not ever in history! Satan has perfected his evil through the human population. I also will say that the world will see the Pope rise up to lead the charge. Everyone’s gonna be looking for a savior in human flesh instead of Jesus. They’re gonna be surprised at the events that unfold in the near future. The Vatican owns the world.

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The Vatican is full of demons. Including the fake pope.

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Absolutely 100%, my wife is from Rome, Italy. She moved to the United States 4 years ago and remembers as a child running around underneath the tunnels of the Vatican as a six-year-old girl with her friend. The Catholic church is a satanic cult that covers up abortions by nuns and pedophilia.

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There was a guy named Danny Vierra that was a Jesuit turned whistleblower on the Vatican. He talked about the nuns and abortions and the evils that go on over there. He’s dead now!

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The Vatican is not the church, the people are. Your logic is bizarre and I think your wife is a liar.

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Can you please support your reason for why my wife, who was born and raised in Rome, Italy, is a liar? And calling someone a liar supports your ignorance about the Catholic church and what she experienced and witnessed in Italy. You are also wrong about the Vatican not being the church. The church has no qualms about representing itself with its false statues, saints, and dogma (all false Idols), especially during Christmas. I was raised Catholic, and I can tell you and point out in biblical scripture that the Catholic church is fraught with fraud! The Catholic church and the Pope are not aligned with the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Bible.

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When my wife died the family said "She has to be in holy ground." That's BS I don't see anything as more holy than where I am. The Vatican with pedophilia eh eh.

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"The Catholic church is a satanic cult" <= You mean The Vatican, not The Church, those are not the same thing. You have serious misunderstandings and an abject hatred for what you don't understand. I don't care if you hate The Vatican, but it is not The Church. The people are The Church and you're judging all of them when you say that. You have no right.

Your wife was never in the tunnels... they are not open to the public and are heavily secured by the Swiss Guard. That's where the archives are and you need to get security clearance to be there.

She lied to you.

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The people have always made up the church but you’re calling someone a liar that has had firsthand experience!

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I'm glad you agree with me.

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The Vatican has their own banking system and since this country was founded our government has been funneling our hard earned money to the Vatican. They control the Rothchilds, Rockefeller’s, the Jesuits that have taken over our government, our court system, hospitals (they’re mostly all Catholic), colleges, etc. It’s right in front of our faces but everyone seems blind to it. Everyone is looking at China while the Vatican is taking over everything. They need to finish removing our Constitution! It’s been in their way.

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Yes, they do; they even have their own Police force outside of the Vatican walls!

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The Vatican uses the military of other countries to fight their battles because even though they’re considered a country they have no military. They’re the only country/religion that has a say in world affairs. That’s what makes them so dangerous. The Dark Ages was a perfect example.

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I know. Why do you think I wrote it?

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To say the Vatican was full of demons?????? I just broke it down for you!

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You're a dishonest debater and use shifting sands tactics. Stop arguing two different subjects at once to confuse people and do not correct me since I am right.

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God gave Saint Athanasius a vision of Hell, he commented, "The floor of Hell is paved with the skulls of bishops." Most likely many pope's, commie pro peronista, pro LGBTQ, Jorge Mario Bergoglio [the anti pope] may so be a floor paver!

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One should ask, How did the book of Revelation get it so accurate? This short life is only a test, so remember, Mark. 8-36: "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul"?

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The first test was in the Garden of Eden; it was about obedience and responsibility for the gift of life granted by our Creator; we failed that test because of human hubris and wanting to be equal to God; today's nefarious actors and purveyors of death want nothing less than to be the "new gods" whose goal is to destroy all of humanity and those very gifts of life granted by the Creator; it's that same hubris but multiplied many times over by the openly Satanic forces which are waging war against God and God's people.

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Lucifer and friends wanted to be the god, it's what got then kicked out of Heaven! i.e. to bait & sell, suckers, "You can be your own god." (Then become Satan's slave for all eternity!) Working just like Democrat's "free stuff" enslavenment bait!

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"I also will say that the world will see the Pope rise up to lead the charge."

If you believe that I have a tower in Paris, a bridge in New York City and a combined tower and bridge in London to sell you at bargain basement prices.

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The Bible can be understood in light of history. If you understand the role of the Papacy/Vatican in Daniel 7 and how they came to power, you can see a continuation of that same power in the first beast of Revelation 13! That’s a lot to cover in this thread!

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No you’ll give ‘em to me! That’s how accurately correct the Bible is!

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Dream on. Where in the Bible does it say anything about the pope. The pope, btw, is guarded by a group of people that came from Spain and called themselves Los Alumbrados (the enlightened ones). They now call themselves Jesuits. What's to like?

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"You must understand, the leading Bolshevics who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and killed millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant and uncaring about this enormous crime is proof the global media is in the hands of the perpetrators."

- Alexandr Solzhenitsyn -

We all know to whom he was refering. Holocaust™ my ass.

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"After Trotsky, another 8000 Yiddish speaking revolutionaries arrived..The Freemason Alexander Parvus (real name Israel Gelfand), who had organised the Revolution of 1905, in 1915 was instructed to enlist Lenin (aka Ulyanov) and his comrades as German agents."

Leon Trotsky - real name Leiba Bronstein


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I live on a farm food all year. I'm looking for homeless or other vets to take in.

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Great idea.

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Thank you 2ndSMitW! Absolutely agree..! cashed out a few months ago.. we have to go 0 debt.. Big Brother has been at War with Mankind for several years.. the financial take down is right around the corner... We can defeat these Bastards.. contact your Representatives and let them know We will Not Comply... terminate the WEF and WHO ASAP...

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The Reps follow the leader.

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Webb is an interesting person. He clearly gets many things correct. But I would suggest that he doesn’t get it all correct. He’s not a lawyer with a speciality in securities law. In order to assess his credibility one needs to hear the counter arguments (and there are many) from a legal expert in securities law.

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The thing is, it’s hard to dispute even by lawyers in the financial fields because his citations are airtight.

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I don’t know if they are, or not. But let’s assume he’s got all the law, facts, and history correct.

He’s using those to provide his opinion of what he believes will happen.

The question then becomes what’s possible versus what’s probable. Since we are casting all his information in a light most favorable to his argument, we can conclude that what he proposes is therefore possible.

But possible is not probable.

So what is the probability that he’s correct. I don’t know. You don’t know. But that’s where the analysis of his position should start. In other words; (in simple terms)

What is the realistic probability that the US government is going to sieze billions of dollars of assets held by hundreds of millions of people around the world, by clicking a few buttons, zeroing out the accounts, and sending out a text message that says ‘sorry Charlie, you are now destitute , here’s the address of the closest food bank’.

I find it extremely low. Not saying it couldn’t happen, they siezed some gold 100 years ago. And we know a lot of other nasty stuff they have done, and continue to do. But for me, at this moment, my assessment on the probability is not high enough to change anything. From an NAV perspective, I already have 1/3 in physical metals and 40% in cash.

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No their more likely to use the cover of any one of the current global distractions to declare that the government's are broke, and that the only solution is UBI, in exchange for seizing the real collateral.😐 anyone with a mortgage or debt above 100k will jump at the chance to "wipe" the debt, in exchange for a digital UBI of 3000 a month😉🤦‍♀️. Ones and zeros in a computer cloud, means they have "unlimited" $$$ to "share" as UBI, and can cancel anyone with a keystroke.

The biggest investments since 2020 have been in prison infrastructure.😐😐😐🤔🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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And who do you think writes the laws?!

The "justice" system is - at best - a pretense.

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Right. There is no system of Justice. It’s a system of injustice, designed to protect itself first. Classic example. Bodycams protect the cops more than citizens. Sure, there are the sensational stories of horrible behavior getting captured that get the press. And there are hundreds of, if not thousands of lost, destroyed, altered hours of video that nobody knows about.

But, all that strays from the issue. Which is again, what is the realistic probability that what Webb describes is actually going to happen. And when.

Because if one believes what he says, then you should already own zero equities, you should have sold all your Treasuries, removed most of your cash from your broker and your bank, bought gold, silver, led and brass. And buried the first two in a half dozen different locations. And if you had access, you’d have bought some Swiss franks.

If you haven’t done these things but you are pushing Webbs version of the future you (not you specifically) are either stupid or a hypocrite.

Again. A possibility is not even close to a probability.

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I generally agree with what you have written here, just wanted to advise anybody to do some research on Swiss franks before buying much.

tldr: the Swiss National Bank has essentially turned into US tech stock speculator hedge found. It is only floating on it's past reputation and nostalgia. In reality it is even more reckless then some of other major European central banks. Switzerland also gave up it's constitutionally mandated neutrality during the early stages of the Ukraine war.

There is no safe place from the psycho banksters anywhere anymore.

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Jan 21·edited Jan 21

This is an excellent article. Quite eye-opening to me as I never considered this aspect of the “great reset“ that it is in fact, a “great taking” and how it could be carried out right out in the open if you will, right under our noses with essentially no complaint from us because most of us don’t really understand these mechanisms. I admit I don’t, and I have a PhD in engineering…

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The Bible predicted a one world government & economy prior to the return of Christ. It’s called the Great Tribulation. It will be Hell on earth. Since there’s no mention of the United States geographically, allegorically or symbolically, we either no longer exist or are completely irrelevant. Just as in the days of Noah… judgement is coming!

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Actually, Revelation 13 describes a Dragon Satan/Lucifer, a Beast (reformers all but unanimously identified this as Rome) and a Lamb-like beast which enforces all the dictates of the first Beast, and speaks like a dragon. (There’s no other power besides the US which has adopted Rome in all its symbols, power, and increasingly oppressive agendas.). The counter reformation is complete. Protestant America has signaled allegiance to Rome as the moral voice. The deadly wound inflicted on Rome in 1798 is fully healed. Rome claims Sunday sacredness as the ‘mark’ of her authority. All that remains is enforcement by legislation.

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Without getting too deep in the weeds. Rev 13 “the beast” refers to the anti-Christ & “Rome” is a world system. Highly recommend the MacArthur study Bible.

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Jan 21·edited Jan 21

The other idea I thought of on how they will make us “ own nothing “ …. They will collapse insurance companies! Or make insurance unaffordable from manufactured crisis such as storms, war, fire, floods, etc.

Even if your home, vehicles, assets, etc., are paid for….. manufactured crisis will ruin your assets and no insurance means you are wiped out.

The other scenario is even if you have an affordable mortgage ….. if you can’t get insurance you can’t get a mortgage to own a home/vehicle.

The scenario mentioned by the author is similar to my idea. They collapse everything and then own everything. Just like communism. If you can’t get a home the government will issue you an apartment.

The only satisfaction I get out of the authors scenario is that many financially well off liberals will be wiped out. I can hardly wait to say “ we told you so”!!!!

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Okay, sell all my stocks and bonds, to have what? US dollars? Or perhaps I can buy dinner after the crash with a gold bar.

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Yeah, gold and silver are trash. You can buy dinner after crash with a stock or bond cert that the DTCC legally owns.

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I am not doubting their value, only pointing out the practical problem.

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Gold & silver could you food [if there was any] for over 3000 years! I don't think it will become worthless soon! AND I'm not that smart!

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People don't seem to understand and realize that they ALREADY own and control everything. There's simply the illusion that they don't for anyone not clearly seeing reality.

Our last best chance to undermine their efforts and with our best shot of sending them packing was during "Too Big to Fail," where the "awake" with means decided that they'd rather have their ill-gotten mammon than trade it in for their and their progeny's future liberty(ies).

Well, that ship has sailed. Now the owners, who own all but 100% of Big-Corp Global, the entire Central Banking system, via which they control the governments (and as a result, "education," "health"care, "defense," media, law/"justice," etc.)

All that's left is the crying.

There's an interesting related book, They Thought They Were Free by Milton Mayer. These celebrations of "freedom" that we have at sporting events and on July 4th are absurd. In fact, every July 4th we celebrate our liberation from a tyrannical king overseas that seems magnamious by several orders of magnitude over the situation we have today, and as de facto governed by proponents of the second smallest nation in the Middle East and one of the smallest nations in the world. Hell, people can't even come to grips with that.

Other things that we can't come to grips with are that 9-11 was just like Lahaina, conducted with advanced modern weapons by entities playing the victim. HTF are we supposed to grasp what's really going on when all we do is react, never being out in front of things in order to perhaps be able to slow it, or as in 2008, let the whole damn thing collapse in hopes of a brighter future.

Yeah, they were "Too Big to Fail," ... for themselves!

For us, they were so huge that they should have failed, and with enough pressure and relinquishing of the filthy mammon that they've paid so many people working for their companies in the aforementioned industries, we could have come out on top. But again, that ship has sailed.

Next up, likely among a multi-pronged attack this time, a real disease (perhaps "Disease X"). Given how we responded to the last phony one, why on earth anyone truly believes that a critical mass of people will thwart that is foolish. Look at the number of people, among the so-called and self-proclaimed "awake," support the obliteration of perfectly innocent Christians, muslims, and others in Palestine.

We're not awake! We're not free! We haven't been either in eons.

Then factor in the personal surveillance capabilities, ...

If there is a solution at this point it's a extreme mystery. The one thing that isn't a solution is perpetually REACTING to whatever they do and only years, if not decades, figuring it out because we refuse to believe the height of satanic evil that exists in this world. But hey, if we admit satanic evil, well, apparently that means acquiescing to God, the counterpart to that, and then reconciling our behavior, like making tons of money/mammon from the very institutions that they've weaponized against us.

Tough spot. But we've made our choice(s).

As is often said, we get the government that we deserve, and that word "government" is used in the very loosest sense of the word.

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I listened to this guy over a month ago. There’s not a damn thing I can do to stop it. It’s the elites, the very wealthy in high positions who think they’re untouchables who had better wake TFU and realize they’re coming after them too. They are the ones who need to make the changes and who need to put a plan together fast. I’m 60 and retired and I don’t really have any connections that could help in this endeavor. Even if I did, they’d just laugh in my face at the absurdity of it all.

At face value, you have to admit there’s absolutely no way they can do this. But, I do believe they can and will try. I made my husband listen to it and begged him to pay off our home because we have a mortgage that’s “free money.” We’re paying 2-3% interest on our mortgage so we can use that free money for other things. But, he’s not selling all of our assets to buy into this. Not, is he open to paying off our house even though we could. He said I can talk to our financial advisor if I’d like but we know how that will end. And, even if we did cash out, then what? Cash will not be legal tender at some point so there’s that. And, according to this guys argument, they can still take our houses and cars that are paid for because they’re being used as collateral. (Did I understand that correctly)?

Anyway, I’m not sure how it all plays out but if it plays out as he says, we’re screwed unless the people who can effect change create a team to work together to stop it.

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The research you have here in this post exactly matches my own. The system of systems is being run by Private Equity hidden inside Trusts. The Governments are all Corporate Franchises of the City of London; which in turn Bonded to serve the Vatican.

Looking at this in a different way; just look up "what countries are NOT members of the UN." Then what will also show up in the search will be reference to members of the WHO. Next dig into the role of the IFC, this is an important one, International Finance Corporation works in every country to arm twist those countries to write policy favoring the Corporatocracy lead by Vanguard and Blackrock. The IFC may be the instrument that is directly involved with organizing all the migration caravans out of the South American countries and into the US.

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Wow, talk about a distraction by using a derivative of the true tool in which the wealth distribution is occurring and has been occurring for over a century (not half a century). Yes, it is true that the regulators and people that operate the commodities and futures/derivatives market have allowed them to become gambling halls. However, this is not the root means by how wealth is transferred from the producing class to the parasitic class.

The root cause is debt-backed, fiat currencies. What is already in plain sight is the fact that the Bank of Japan already owns a tremendous share of Japan Inc's corporate shares. In 2022, it was reported it had purchased 80% of the ETFs in Japanese corpoate shares. Back in 2022, that was reportedly worth 7% ownership of Japan, Inc. Here it is 2 years later and the share has surely increased such that the Japanese government has effective controlling interest in Japan Inc.

In the US, the Federal Reserve cannot purchase stocks. (It is an open question as to whether or not they have been doing so directly or, more likely, via intermediaries (the banks). However, it was reported in September of 2020 that The Fed owned about 1/3 of all US mortgages. (It could be more or less as the article isn't clear whether the data is residential or both residential and commercial as it only references Fannie, Freddie, Ginnie. We also know that The Fed attempted to reduce, at least stabilize, its balance sheet by reducing and foregoing further purchases of assets over the past few years.

The debt-backed, fiat currencies and central banks are HOW governments take from those that produce (and then hold/use Federal Reserve Notes) and transfers much of that stolen credit to the US government which arbitrarily and not-so-arbitrarily redistributes it to its cronies and employees. Each increment in financial crisis results in central banks around the world increasing the assets they own via the process of monetizing them. The fiat currencies are produced out of thin air but each one that is produced takes value out of the ones previously produced and in the hands and bank accounts of the people. This is the theft that is happening.

That the government has also enabled the creation of gambling parlors where $X of derivatives bets can be placed against $Y assets, where $X > $Y by sometimes huge amounts, does not change the foundational grift. The gambling parlors simply ensure there will be more financial crises and more people who are pauperized in the process. However, do not let that convince you that derivatives are bad. There is a valid, important role for them. What is bad is the naked selling of a derivative for which the seller neither owns the asset, is not in business to produce the asset, nor is the seller in the supply chain of the production and consumption of the asset. While it may be difficult to validate all the above valid traders of derivatives of various products, it certainly is possible to know if more sell or buy futures contracts have been placed for shares of a stock than exist!

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We will fall and people believe that T will save us, but the only Savior is Christ the Messiah and Christ already made a way to save our soul. This life is a spiritual war and the battle is for our souls. We all need to workout our salvation with fear and trembling and be faithful to obey God’s Word until our last breath.

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"They" will TRY to steal everything, perhaps, but the outcome is far from certain. Check out the review of Klaus' book.


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The Church is corrupt; the Vatican represents the Catholic Church, and the Church is associated with and is represented by the Vatican! I never said anything about the people of the Church; they are the flock that are being misled! (Matthew 7:15, 2 Peter 2:1, ) It is best to comprehend what you read before pontificating and saying something you do not know about. As for the Catholic Church, the Pope, who represents the Church, is misguided by saying that we need to blend in and accept all other churches and religions that are false (Read John 14:6). The Catholic Church is also set up with false idols with its Old Testament statutes, and saints (false gods) and its hierarchy that has its followers address priest as "father" (see Matthew 23:9-10) Furthermore, you have not learned about Rome and Italy because you have never lived there. My wife is from there, and yes, the tunnels were open at a time up until a few years ago. Yes, she was in the tunnel; for you to say she was never is ludicrous!

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He also suggests you may want to sell your stocks and bonds now, and pay off your house or any debts you have. DRW says, “It’s better to get something now than get nothing later.”

That will not save you. If your home is collateral for a note, they will care not who 'owns' the property - only who is the collateral owner.

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I believe this 100% and if when they do this we will finally have an uprising.

Im in a tough spot, i have a bunch of money in the market, but its in an ETF that is 3x short the nasdaq. Ive had it over a year and im getting killed because the market goes up almost every day. I need a big correction or crash then i need to get out before the confiscate all the assets like this article predicts.

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