These kinds of warnings (true or not) raise the question of whether or not parents should send their kids to government schools. Clearly within the Marxist framework, kids in government schools are owned by the government and parents just provide room and board. The only way to break the Marxist stranglehold is to pull your kids out and educate them yourselves. Easier said than done but isn't that true for most things in life?
Would that I could have a do over. I just didn't have the community or partnership to find my way to it. I knew it's what I wanted though. I took my youngest out of school at the beginning of his sophomore year. We struggled a bit trying to find our way and then it shifted. And he blossomed beautifully.
I owned a 80 acre farm. Make fresh for people. There are small machines that churn. Small batches. Too bad restaurants are having a hard time because you could cater to them. I had a lot of Walnut trees but I let the Amish take them. They use the meat of the nut plus they make stain for the furniture they build.
Most parents rationalize that their schools are better than most. Also, to pull kids out will be a big financial hit on families and very few folks are willing to make that sacrifice. I get it that folks have a variety of reasons. However, if you choose to send your kids to government schools, you need to be ever vigilant and demand excellence. No one is going to advocate for your children but you!
Wow! I beat my math teacher at chess in 7th grade (1973) and he went berserker- had me in a headlock and the other kids had to intervene or he would have choked me out. Yes, He was fired!
My friend had a run in with a history teacher in jr.high.
He got the teacher in a headlock on the floor, and made him say Uncle before allowing him to stand up.
I doubt he learned anything, though. Probably kept bullying kids.
In my case, it was after class, I am not sure who if anyone, even saw it.
Probably someone did, but I never even reported the guy. He wasn't really a bully, he was also the football coach, and he was good at that part.
While he had me up in the air, he told me a very sad story about how he always struggled with school and his dad would not let him be outside with his friends, he had to stay in and study.
I told him, still up in the air, that it was indeed a sad story, but it still wasn't right to teach kids the wrong information,
He agreed that was true and let me down at that point and I immediately forgave him.
It wasn't that over generous of me to not report him. I did empathize with his explanation, but beyond that, I had milked it for laughs because there were cute cheerleaders in class and I was a transfer student who had been ostracized.
As proof that my discernment was right, without any pressure from me or administration, he resigned at the end of the year.
In order to coach, he had to also teach a class. He really loved coaching and it's pretty sad it had to be that way, but I guess he felt he had no choice.
I hope he found a better paying job. He was a huge guy, he could have opened a bricklaying business and doubled his income.
I wish someone would put him out of his misery of such a narrow focus on all of us. That would be one death I would hold a huge celebration dinner for.
Well, the mantra of Covid was "if we just save one life..." Think of all the lives this would save. Think of the lives saved if it happened to every member of the Club of Rome and the WEF?
My sister has homeschooled her 3 kids for 10 years. Everyone laughed at her, called her a freak, I was also previously a skeptic, but in the past few years, I’ve done a complete 180. What a beautiful blessing she has given her children! She teaches them real history, not alternate history. They learn of course, and they also play outside, they draw, they express themselves with music and art. They eat real food for lunch, not cardboard cafeteria food. No teacher is raising questions about their gender. They are loved and they are free.
Kidding of course as I've never heard anything about you, but making accusations without proof is kind of like those who brought the claims against Ken Paxton in TX he's being impeached for, and which they provided no evidence to FBI in the letter they sent.
"On Thursday, one of the fired staffers, former deputy attorney general for legal counsel Ryan Vassar, testified that he and other staffers had no evidence to support the complaint they filed with the FBI, which is the basis for the impeachment articles."
I am curious to know if Americans possessing guns inhibits the full force of Marxist control? Agreed the US is compromised and is no longer worth saving but I am guessing COVID controls would have been much worse if the government knew they would not be in a shooting war with people....
Yes maybe one day we will look like Canada does now. It’s pathetic once the guns are freely given up.
Not all states are compromised as bad as Canada, Australia, UK. Just my opinion from what I see going on there. I follow a prepper who has people reporting in from other other countries. But then how do we really know unless we are experiencing it ourselves? Cannot trust media for anything.
I did not know that! Criminals can carry any weapon they choose. Funny choice to have to make to keep yourself safe. I’m licensed to carry a concealed firearm. Determined to keep myself safe.
'I’m licensed to carry a concealed firearm. Determined to keep myself safe. '
You see, there's the problem, right there.
"Licensed", by whom? If your response is, "by the government," you'll need to assure yourself and anyone else, first of all, that the government can be trusted to continue to honor the granting of that license, whether for the stated licensed purpose or otherwise, then that a license granted and endorsed by an almost certainly criminal enterprise - that being the government - is an acceptable and fundamentally lawful and legitimate authorization, and should be accepted by a free people, and finally that the government has a verifiable and genuine endorsement by the governed, who have freely and voluntarily and without coercion chosen the government and then delegated to them the responsibility the government assume to possess.
It doesn't have to get taken too far back to see that the government, clearly, should not be delegated the authority to ratify licensing - of anything at all, actually.
Everything - EVERYTHING! - that is going on, whether that be COVID-19, lockdowns, mask mandates, mandating/forcing the shots, 9-11, East Palestine train explosion, Maui fires - you name it, everything - is the result of the people acquiescing to a body of criminals seizing authorities and responsibilities no-one decent has ever legitimately granted them.
So what do or should these licenses mean for us, as The People? We must crawl to the local crime lords for the permission to carry a firearm, the right and obligation which was supposedly enshrined in the Second Amendment? We must ask for the permission to travel and have granted a passport, when the freedom to roam is the most fundamental of human rights? When will we. The People, finally cease this obsequious servility towards these criminals, grovelling to them for the permission to do what is our inalienable right?
In any civilized society there are guidelines or rules we must abide by otherwise it would be a constant chaos. Yet it’s a fine balance between rules and totalitarian policies. Sadly it is within human nature to be evil. Those who do whatever they feel like with no moral compass.
But we all know this. I’m not an extremist.
It is all subjective. I make a decision everyday to live a decent life, be a non anti social person. I see so many that are anti social, stomp on others because of their beliefs. I consciously choose not to be those people. Yet not everyone makes the same choices as I do.
So traveling is not what it used to be either. If one were to get a plant ticket to any destination it’s important to know how the laws are changing . But this is happening in America now. If you are a white Christian you are a suspected domestic terrorist. Now who would have thought that? They have changed all of the rules at will. Corrupted judicial system now. Its like a children’s game of making things up then punishing people for the made up things. If you carry a licensed gun that you used to defend your life you will be subjected to endless court proceedings by loony radical leftist judges.
In Straya, mace ( pepper spray) is also illegal unless 'you' are law enforcement.
Complained relentlessly to my local MP who was ex Victorian police ( and supportive) as he had trained with the LA SWAT team and understood threat de-escalation. Despite all the efforts, the morons in charge would not even have a hearing to discuss. The street crims know that nobody has any back-up and they 'operate' with full impunity. Idiotic country!
I'll shamelessly plug my own comment above, conceitedness notwithstanding.
"Our" MPs are not ours at all. They always were, are now, and will only ever be theirs - the globocap-oiler-banker-owner-investors. They are all the most despicable and reprehensible criminals. We are cutting our own throats by going to ask them, and ask for their permission for anything.
A long time ago early on in my career a very smart CEO (yes there are some) once said “ The mind will absorb only what the ass can endure “. I try to keep that in mind when I comment. Tedium is not contagious.
The answer seems to be no. There have been more than enough abuses to warrant using them and the destruction of America continues unabated without a single person getting off the couch. I think it's going to take cable TV going out indefinitely to get any rise out of them.
Contrary to popular belief and media psyop, Australians have quite high levels of firearm ownership even in cities. There is also no national firearms register. Ranges are full every weekend. Unfortunately you cannot shoot your way out of an information war and we just aren't violent people which is why covid took everyone by surprise.
Our country is worth saving. We have something unique that other countries do not have. Like my family before me I will fight. You must treasure freedom to have the passion to preserve it. I will align myself with people like ColonelRETJohn. A leader with skills. At times he is low key and unassuming but have to doubt this is a very bright man who knows the art of war. We lack leaders in this country. People want attention yet are shallow minded. (Ok, just my opinion, don’t attack me).
The only thing that is unique, in my opinion, is the Bill of Rights which has been whittled down to nothing. 1st amendment is under attack and 2nd amendment is also under attack. 4th amendment is gone - ask Snowden about that one. 5th amendment is nearly gone..thanks to Scalia. 6th, 7th, and 8th amendments are gone - justice system is woke and dysfunctional and 10th amendment has been trampled more times than we can count. So, I ask you what is unique at this point?
Listen to the tide slowly turning/wash all our heartaches away/We're part of the fire that is burning/ From the ashes we can build a better day---Moody Blues, The Story in Your Eyes
The better way is to NOT centralize - keep everything local. Marxism thrives under central control or top down type of governance. The US govt. is an excellent example of the perniciousness of governance - Fascist Oligarchic Marxist domination.
Yeah, if we keep recognizing the unsanctioned, unlawful authority of the government, and while we keep delegating our own authority and responsibilities of decision making to them, we're toast.
County of Alamance NC public schools are almost all closed- due to “black mold” discovered about 3 weeks ago. It’s one county away from UNC Chapel Hill-the fulcrum of the entire Covid pandemic. It is also a very red county...
I wonder if when people reflexively respond “Pull your kids out of school!”, they are aware they are unintentionally dooming the poor to die. It feels good to feel like one has an answer about what to do, but that answer condemns all the poor of our nation to death. Not all parents are loving and discerning of the times, but every loving, discerning parent *already would have put their children in a safe, private school, or would homeschool them, IF they could. Children aren’t in school JUST because their parents don’t know better. For many families, public school is the only possibility to educate. It’s not “public school or homeschool”, it’s “public school or no school because the only parent the child has must work multiple jobs to stay off the streets”, for many families.
As a chaplain, I have worked with many mothers escaping violent domestic situations with their children, who are in just this situation, and also many mothers who can’t even escape a murderous husband and so must stay with them.
Many people commenting this way don’t know that they don’t really know what it’s like to have no choices, or only bad choices. I’m actually glad for them, as I don’t wish that kind of heartache on anybody. But it’s quite real for plenty of worthy, hardworking, discerning Americans, esp as more and more parents and supporting family members succumb to jab injuries. The parents may have skipped the shot, but the childcare- or homeschooling-providing grandparents, while the single mom works to pay the bills, may be dying and stroking out from the jabs. I see this happening *everywhere* lately, both in my job, my community, and even in my own family.
As like a garden children must be tended to and weeded regularly. That is a parents job. Poverty is still a place where by becoming involved to better the next generation is important. “When you know better you do better” is a quote from a famous author. What if you are impoverished but have children that are genius level? Or gifted in music?
As I read your comment Chaplain I heard empathy but I heard resignation also. To have hope is a tremendous blessing.
Parents must learn to become involved in these pathetic government run schools. If they cannot escape them then run them. This is how change happens. Even GOOD change. I’m not defeatist. Do not pass on that quality (is it a quality?). Strive for betterment in community.
I appreciate what you said, but would mention admitting declaring “Parents should pull their kids out of schools” is short-sighted in a way most people don’t want to be, but that does not mean I also think these parents can’t get involved in the school system.
I agree with you that is a fantastic course of action.
If I had children in today’s government run schools where I had the means to do so I would do it. It would come down to time increments in one day of how much I could be explaining all of the horrific things they are exposed to. Child trafficking, sexual exploitation in schools by way of grooming, the whole boy is girl or girl is boy oddity. I would narrow the field of positive vs bad they are exposed to until they were old enough to understand this nonsense. I’m a practical sort. Boring actually. No nonsense type. I understand not everyone has choices. Poverty is a all inclusive day in day out experience. We have examples every day on social media or the news on what happens when children aren’t taught anything. Social structures are under attack in this country. We are paying for it dearly.
Sorry but for years I have heard the phrase "its for the children" or "you are dooming the poor." You cannot force individuals to make decisions for the collective. It just does not work that way. Your approach ironically is exactly what our government uses for its rationalizations as it continues to oppress and push tyrannical policies on the rest of us. As for schooling, most Title 1 schools are nothing but glorified day cares. Many students are failing and the parents are nowhere to be found. One cannot educate a child if he/she comes from a broken family and/or an abusive family. That child is continually in fight or flight mode. The solution begins at home and in our communities. This is a spiritual problem and it cannot be solved by Marxist control.
I would recommend looking at the CDC study on the Guangzhou restaurant outbreak, a study that presented a lot of information regarding capabilities, hidden in open view, no tips required. The original strain required an exposure of about an hour, which would be consistent with the infectious dose (ID) of at least 100k particles found in everything we've challenge studied from Syrian hamsters to Rhesus monkeys. The outlier study on humans published by Killingsley searched through 38,000 volunteers between the ages of 18 and 35, which suggests they had some stringent criteria for what they were looking for, and 18 of 36 required an ID of only 10.
By definition, a highly contagious disease has an ID no higher than 15, and a secondary attack rate of at least 60%. As you see in this study, the first variant of COVID-19 was only highly contagious, and hence capable of setting off a super spreader event, only for them.
Guangzhou, where nine people, age 20 to 84, were infected in about an hour, tells us that your IFR, which is not a standard rate an epidemiologist would use in prevention and control, is manipulated, because the virus can infect people of any age , by function of sufficient exposure, which would be tied to a location, consistent with the findings throughout pandemic, regardless of variant, that they found no wider community spread.
In a past life, I was actually a biological warfare planner, and in the present I had docketed for certiorari at the Supreme Court a half dozen cases in less than a year during pandemic. Or, I can actually be certified as an expert in court,
He certainly doesn’t look like somebody I would normally take advice from. Not to judge by appearances. He would definitely appeal to the more radical.
Are you referring to the guy's vanity stamps (tattoos)?
Look, I'm as radical as you're ever likely to come across. This is no vacuous boast. It is in my thinking, choices, and actions that I express an incurably, irredeemably radical non-conformity. But you wouldn't notice me just standing there in a crowd or on the street. And I certainly don't need tattoos to proclaim this. On the other hand, instead of appealing to me, the appearance of the person we're discussing here actually denigrates him in my assessment. I need to remind myself that appearances are only skin deep and such intentional garishness, though very likely manifesting internal problems and deficiencies, should be put aside or dismissed lest I overlook something else genuinely worthwhile about the person.
Leaving aside the significance as a rite of passage in some indigenous cultures, such as with Samoan traditions, in western cultures in the past, tattoos were largely confined to certain marginalized groups, almost exclusively or predominantly of men such as sailors and criminals. The incarcerated were often self-tattooed, with crude designs or slogans, such as "F#%K the police". A good friend of mine was in the French Foreign Legion and during his career he assembled a suite of rough tattoos all over his arms, shoulders, torso, and legs. He knows they're dreadful, but he has seen, been through, and done dreadful things. There was a therapeutic aspect to chronicling those things in this way.
On the other hand, a professional tattooists will be engaged, and both the client and the tattooist will assert that what they are doing is art. Bu to me both the will to be so disfigured and the performance of the act itself is probably little more than tasteless ostentation, if not just cheap trashiness. The tattooed will often express a trite rationalization for their adherence to this fashion - because that is all that this contemporary mass social phenomenon of tattooing really is, a fashion - as a need to express themselves and their individuality, while being completely unaware of how lacking in self-consciousness, and how unexamined this so-called kind of self-expression really is. So many are doing it, so in exactly what way and how is individuality being betokened?. A more explicit and, arguably, more tenable expression would be of the wearer's lamentable herd mentality. Though they'll believe the ink indicates their undeniable urban edginess, I've read somewhere that tattooing in this way reveals the lack of character of someone who does not even have the courage of their lack of convictions.
These kinds of warnings (true or not) raise the question of whether or not parents should send their kids to government schools. Clearly within the Marxist framework, kids in government schools are owned by the government and parents just provide room and board. The only way to break the Marxist stranglehold is to pull your kids out and educate them yourselves. Easier said than done but isn't that true for most things in life?
Children are pretty wonderful at self directed learning. Following their own interests, really learning anything can unfold from there.
I would wonder if a toxin is in plan to be released.
Would that I could have a do over. I just didn't have the community or partnership to find my way to it. I knew it's what I wanted though. I took my youngest out of school at the beginning of his sophomore year. We struggled a bit trying to find our way and then it shifted. And he blossomed beautifully.
I’ve let my boys know we may have to homeschool soon, which would mean me quitting my job and having a family of 5 live on 1 income.
Yes, it is a huge sacrifice but at the same time you will be giving your children an education for a lifetime!
Make a family business to all do together. Are you creative? Children are always so creative and open. Bet you could do it.
That’s exactly what I intend to do! We live on a farm and I would like to start a greenhouse as well.
I owned a 80 acre farm. Make fresh for people. There are small machines that churn. Small batches. Too bad restaurants are having a hard time because you could cater to them. I had a lot of Walnut trees but I let the Amish take them. They use the meat of the nut plus they make stain for the furniture they build.
I wish you the very best for your new future!
We did just that 4 years ago. So much happier. Amen.
Been screaming at parents on social media to get their kids out of public schools for 3 years now. Some have listened, most have not
Most parents rationalize that their schools are better than most. Also, to pull kids out will be a big financial hit on families and very few folks are willing to make that sacrifice. I get it that folks have a variety of reasons. However, if you choose to send your kids to government schools, you need to be ever vigilant and demand excellence. No one is going to advocate for your children but you!
Because they ate not very likely to learn either, at least not well.
In 1973, my US History teacher slammed me into the lockers for correcting him too much in class...
Wow! I beat my math teacher at chess in 7th grade (1973) and he went berserker- had me in a headlock and the other kids had to intervene or he would have choked me out. Yes, He was fired!
My friend had a run in with a history teacher in jr.high.
He got the teacher in a headlock on the floor, and made him say Uncle before allowing him to stand up.
I doubt he learned anything, though. Probably kept bullying kids.
In my case, it was after class, I am not sure who if anyone, even saw it.
Probably someone did, but I never even reported the guy. He wasn't really a bully, he was also the football coach, and he was good at that part.
While he had me up in the air, he told me a very sad story about how he always struggled with school and his dad would not let him be outside with his friends, he had to stay in and study.
I told him, still up in the air, that it was indeed a sad story, but it still wasn't right to teach kids the wrong information,
He agreed that was true and let me down at that point and I immediately forgave him.
It wasn't that over generous of me to not report him. I did empathize with his explanation, but beyond that, I had milked it for laughs because there were cute cheerleaders in class and I was a transfer student who had been ostracized.
As proof that my discernment was right, without any pressure from me or administration, he resigned at the end of the year.
In order to coach, he had to also teach a class. He really loved coaching and it's pretty sad it had to be that way, but I guess he felt he had no choice.
I hope he found a better paying job. He was a huge guy, he could have opened a bricklaying business and doubled his income.
Where is the edit button? I need to fix ate to are. I don't want to share .
Edit is accessed by the 3 dots below the reply
Are they learning math and English these days?
Yeah, but they teach neither at schools anymore, so there is no reason...
Gates warned us that the next epidemic would target children and it looks like he was right. Golly how did he know about this so long ago?
I would wonder at a toxin being released. It would be important to know in terms of treatment.
I have heard it is the aerosol version of the jab, and maybe other stuff.
I think I've stopped feeling.
On salads of all things
I recall Gates doing a documentary on a “Pandemic” just months BEFORE covid hit. I remember thinking, how did he know??
He rehearsed Covid-1984 at Event 201. He helped plan it.
He's been dreaming of it since he was a little child.
I wish someone would put him out of his misery of such a narrow focus on all of us. That would be one death I would hold a huge celebration dinner for.
Well, the mantra of Covid was "if we just save one life..." Think of all the lives this would save. Think of the lives saved if it happened to every member of the Club of Rome and the WEF?
Hunting them all down has to be a priority. What a mess. They are murdering people by the thousands.
We outnumber these freaks by a lot. This may be the only way to stop their sick, demonic plan for us.
'Cause he was funding the development of the new scary thing to kill off kids. ??? 🤔
My sister has homeschooled her 3 kids for 10 years. Everyone laughed at her, called her a freak, I was also previously a skeptic, but in the past few years, I’ve done a complete 180. What a beautiful blessing she has given her children! She teaches them real history, not alternate history. They learn of course, and they also play outside, they draw, they express themselves with music and art. They eat real food for lunch, not cardboard cafeteria food. No teacher is raising questions about their gender. They are loved and they are free.
Some say that Sky is compromised. There’s some interesting insights into those claims.
I met him in Mexico before. Seemed like a genuine guy though.
Just saying that we should always remain skeptical and independently check sources and info.
I hear rumors you might be???
Kidding of course as I've never heard anything about you, but making accusations without proof is kind of like those who brought the claims against Ken Paxton in TX he's being impeached for, and which they provided no evidence to FBI in the letter they sent.
"On Thursday, one of the fired staffers, former deputy attorney general for legal counsel Ryan Vassar, testified that he and other staffers had no evidence to support the complaint they filed with the FBI, which is the basis for the impeachment articles."
For one, check out the Playa del Carmen Telegram groups. There was lots of discussions, videos, and articles about this.
UK is going down fast. Probably doing the same thing here we just don’t see it.
I am curious to know if Americans possessing guns inhibits the full force of Marxist control? Agreed the US is compromised and is no longer worth saving but I am guessing COVID controls would have been much worse if the government knew they would not be in a shooting war with people....
Depends which State you live in. Freedom of choice is not totally dead.
Thank the Lord I moved out of Illinois. I am in a red state and appreciate the hands-off approach of the state govt. Illinois govt. is beyond hope.
Yes maybe one day we will look like Canada does now. It’s pathetic once the guns are freely given up.
Not all states are compromised as bad as Canada, Australia, UK. Just my opinion from what I see going on there. I follow a prepper who has people reporting in from other other countries. But then how do we really know unless we are experiencing it ourselves? Cannot trust media for anything.
Do you know you can't even carry a jack knife in the UK?
I did not know that! Criminals can carry any weapon they choose. Funny choice to have to make to keep yourself safe. I’m licensed to carry a concealed firearm. Determined to keep myself safe.
'I’m licensed to carry a concealed firearm. Determined to keep myself safe. '
You see, there's the problem, right there.
"Licensed", by whom? If your response is, "by the government," you'll need to assure yourself and anyone else, first of all, that the government can be trusted to continue to honor the granting of that license, whether for the stated licensed purpose or otherwise, then that a license granted and endorsed by an almost certainly criminal enterprise - that being the government - is an acceptable and fundamentally lawful and legitimate authorization, and should be accepted by a free people, and finally that the government has a verifiable and genuine endorsement by the governed, who have freely and voluntarily and without coercion chosen the government and then delegated to them the responsibility the government assume to possess.
It doesn't have to get taken too far back to see that the government, clearly, should not be delegated the authority to ratify licensing - of anything at all, actually.
Everything - EVERYTHING! - that is going on, whether that be COVID-19, lockdowns, mask mandates, mandating/forcing the shots, 9-11, East Palestine train explosion, Maui fires - you name it, everything - is the result of the people acquiescing to a body of criminals seizing authorities and responsibilities no-one decent has ever legitimately granted them.
So what do or should these licenses mean for us, as The People? We must crawl to the local crime lords for the permission to carry a firearm, the right and obligation which was supposedly enshrined in the Second Amendment? We must ask for the permission to travel and have granted a passport, when the freedom to roam is the most fundamental of human rights? When will we. The People, finally cease this obsequious servility towards these criminals, grovelling to them for the permission to do what is our inalienable right?
In any civilized society there are guidelines or rules we must abide by otherwise it would be a constant chaos. Yet it’s a fine balance between rules and totalitarian policies. Sadly it is within human nature to be evil. Those who do whatever they feel like with no moral compass.
But we all know this. I’m not an extremist.
It is all subjective. I make a decision everyday to live a decent life, be a non anti social person. I see so many that are anti social, stomp on others because of their beliefs. I consciously choose not to be those people. Yet not everyone makes the same choices as I do.
An American traveling in Northern Ireland, UK was having a drink at a pub with his wife during the day.
Three Loyalist tough guys jumped him in front of his wife, on camera in living color and beat him mercilessly.
When they broke his leg, he knew his life was in danger. So he pulled out all he had, a jack knife, and cut them off of him.
He was charged with attempted murder and possession of a deadly weapon .
Even though the assault was unprovoked and on video, they were never charged.
After hiring a lawyer and having to fly back for trial with a broken leg, he was eventually set free.
So traveling is not what it used to be either. If one were to get a plant ticket to any destination it’s important to know how the laws are changing . But this is happening in America now. If you are a white Christian you are a suspected domestic terrorist. Now who would have thought that? They have changed all of the rules at will. Corrupted judicial system now. Its like a children’s game of making things up then punishing people for the made up things. If you carry a licensed gun that you used to defend your life you will be subjected to endless court proceedings by loony radical leftist judges.
In Straya, mace ( pepper spray) is also illegal unless 'you' are law enforcement.
Complained relentlessly to my local MP who was ex Victorian police ( and supportive) as he had trained with the LA SWAT team and understood threat de-escalation. Despite all the efforts, the morons in charge would not even have a hearing to discuss. The street crims know that nobody has any back-up and they 'operate' with full impunity. Idiotic country!
"Complained relentlessly to my local MP ..."
I'll shamelessly plug my own comment above, conceitedness notwithstanding.
"Our" MPs are not ours at all. They always were, are now, and will only ever be theirs - the globocap-oiler-banker-owner-investors. They are all the most despicable and reprehensible criminals. We are cutting our own throats by going to ask them, and ask for their permission for anything.
A long time ago early on in my career a very smart CEO (yes there are some) once said “ The mind will absorb only what the ass can endure “. I try to keep that in mind when I comment. Tedium is not contagious.
We won't be giving up our guns in Canada.
The answer seems to be no. There have been more than enough abuses to warrant using them and the destruction of America continues unabated without a single person getting off the couch. I think it's going to take cable TV going out indefinitely to get any rise out of them.
Contrary to popular belief and media psyop, Australians have quite high levels of firearm ownership even in cities. There is also no national firearms register. Ranges are full every weekend. Unfortunately you cannot shoot your way out of an information war and we just aren't violent people which is why covid took everyone by surprise.
Edit: don't make me post the link!
Here's another one for the psyopped:
Our country is worth saving. We have something unique that other countries do not have. Like my family before me I will fight. You must treasure freedom to have the passion to preserve it. I will align myself with people like ColonelRETJohn. A leader with skills. At times he is low key and unassuming but have to doubt this is a very bright man who knows the art of war. We lack leaders in this country. People want attention yet are shallow minded. (Ok, just my opinion, don’t attack me).
The only thing that is unique, in my opinion, is the Bill of Rights which has been whittled down to nothing. 1st amendment is under attack and 2nd amendment is also under attack. 4th amendment is gone - ask Snowden about that one. 5th amendment is nearly gone..thanks to Scalia. 6th, 7th, and 8th amendments are gone - justice system is woke and dysfunctional and 10th amendment has been trampled more times than we can count. So, I ask you what is unique at this point?
It IS the same “there”. We’re ALL going down together. The “WEST” is finished.
Hopefully a better way will blossom from the ash heap. 🙏
Listen to the tide slowly turning/wash all our heartaches away/We're part of the fire that is burning/ From the ashes we can build a better day---Moody Blues, The Story in Your Eyes
👍 💃🎼
The better way is to NOT centralize - keep everything local. Marxism thrives under central control or top down type of governance. The US govt. is an excellent example of the perniciousness of governance - Fascist Oligarchic Marxist domination.
Yeah, if we keep recognizing the unsanctioned, unlawful authority of the government, and while we keep delegating our own authority and responsibilities of decision making to them, we're toast.
County of Alamance NC public schools are almost all closed- due to “black mold” discovered about 3 weeks ago. It’s one county away from UNC Chapel Hill-the fulcrum of the entire Covid pandemic. It is also a very red county...
Here is a link- by the way- it says opening Sept 5 but they are now closed until further notice
wow that's nuts. Looks like they're going for it.
If I had only known then (30 years ago) what I know now. Home schooling is as important as food !
Blessings from Sydney Australia.
Yet another reason to: Home school.
I wonder if when people reflexively respond “Pull your kids out of school!”, they are aware they are unintentionally dooming the poor to die. It feels good to feel like one has an answer about what to do, but that answer condemns all the poor of our nation to death. Not all parents are loving and discerning of the times, but every loving, discerning parent *already would have put their children in a safe, private school, or would homeschool them, IF they could. Children aren’t in school JUST because their parents don’t know better. For many families, public school is the only possibility to educate. It’s not “public school or homeschool”, it’s “public school or no school because the only parent the child has must work multiple jobs to stay off the streets”, for many families.
As a chaplain, I have worked with many mothers escaping violent domestic situations with their children, who are in just this situation, and also many mothers who can’t even escape a murderous husband and so must stay with them.
Many people commenting this way don’t know that they don’t really know what it’s like to have no choices, or only bad choices. I’m actually glad for them, as I don’t wish that kind of heartache on anybody. But it’s quite real for plenty of worthy, hardworking, discerning Americans, esp as more and more parents and supporting family members succumb to jab injuries. The parents may have skipped the shot, but the childcare- or homeschooling-providing grandparents, while the single mom works to pay the bills, may be dying and stroking out from the jabs. I see this happening *everywhere* lately, both in my job, my community, and even in my own family.
As like a garden children must be tended to and weeded regularly. That is a parents job. Poverty is still a place where by becoming involved to better the next generation is important. “When you know better you do better” is a quote from a famous author. What if you are impoverished but have children that are genius level? Or gifted in music?
As I read your comment Chaplain I heard empathy but I heard resignation also. To have hope is a tremendous blessing.
Parents must learn to become involved in these pathetic government run schools. If they cannot escape them then run them. This is how change happens. Even GOOD change. I’m not defeatist. Do not pass on that quality (is it a quality?). Strive for betterment in community.
I appreciate what you said, but would mention admitting declaring “Parents should pull their kids out of schools” is short-sighted in a way most people don’t want to be, but that does not mean I also think these parents can’t get involved in the school system.
I agree with you that is a fantastic course of action.
If I had children in today’s government run schools where I had the means to do so I would do it. It would come down to time increments in one day of how much I could be explaining all of the horrific things they are exposed to. Child trafficking, sexual exploitation in schools by way of grooming, the whole boy is girl or girl is boy oddity. I would narrow the field of positive vs bad they are exposed to until they were old enough to understand this nonsense. I’m a practical sort. Boring actually. No nonsense type. I understand not everyone has choices. Poverty is a all inclusive day in day out experience. We have examples every day on social media or the news on what happens when children aren’t taught anything. Social structures are under attack in this country. We are paying for it dearly.
Amen to your comment.
Sorry but for years I have heard the phrase "its for the children" or "you are dooming the poor." You cannot force individuals to make decisions for the collective. It just does not work that way. Your approach ironically is exactly what our government uses for its rationalizations as it continues to oppress and push tyrannical policies on the rest of us. As for schooling, most Title 1 schools are nothing but glorified day cares. Many students are failing and the parents are nowhere to be found. One cannot educate a child if he/she comes from a broken family and/or an abusive family. That child is continually in fight or flight mode. The solution begins at home and in our communities. This is a spiritual problem and it cannot be solved by Marxist control.
Thank you Dr Obvious!
Too may schools closed in CT too. All in my area of about 40 miles From NW CT to Hartford and it was odd.
Although the crumbling concrete is real. It has been a known issue for several years.
My local hospital is built with it.
airplanes next?
I would recommend looking at the CDC study on the Guangzhou restaurant outbreak, a study that presented a lot of information regarding capabilities, hidden in open view, no tips required. The original strain required an exposure of about an hour, which would be consistent with the infectious dose (ID) of at least 100k particles found in everything we've challenge studied from Syrian hamsters to Rhesus monkeys. The outlier study on humans published by Killingsley searched through 38,000 volunteers between the ages of 18 and 35, which suggests they had some stringent criteria for what they were looking for, and 18 of 36 required an ID of only 10.
By definition, a highly contagious disease has an ID no higher than 15, and a secondary attack rate of at least 60%. As you see in this study, the first variant of COVID-19 was only highly contagious, and hence capable of setting off a super spreader event, only for them.
Guangzhou, where nine people, age 20 to 84, were infected in about an hour, tells us that your IFR, which is not a standard rate an epidemiologist would use in prevention and control, is manipulated, because the virus can infect people of any age , by function of sufficient exposure, which would be tied to a location, consistent with the findings throughout pandemic, regardless of variant, that they found no wider community spread.
In a past life, I was actually a biological warfare planner, and in the present I had docketed for certiorari at the Supreme Court a half dozen cases in less than a year during pandemic. Or, I can actually be certified as an expert in court,
He certainly doesn’t look like somebody I would normally take advice from. Not to judge by appearances. He would definitely appeal to the more radical.
I have heard him before and for what it’s worth thought him credible. Just have to look past his appearance.
"He would definitely appeal to the more radical."
Are you referring to the guy's vanity stamps (tattoos)?
Look, I'm as radical as you're ever likely to come across. This is no vacuous boast. It is in my thinking, choices, and actions that I express an incurably, irredeemably radical non-conformity. But you wouldn't notice me just standing there in a crowd or on the street. And I certainly don't need tattoos to proclaim this. On the other hand, instead of appealing to me, the appearance of the person we're discussing here actually denigrates him in my assessment. I need to remind myself that appearances are only skin deep and such intentional garishness, though very likely manifesting internal problems and deficiencies, should be put aside or dismissed lest I overlook something else genuinely worthwhile about the person.
Leaving aside the significance as a rite of passage in some indigenous cultures, such as with Samoan traditions, in western cultures in the past, tattoos were largely confined to certain marginalized groups, almost exclusively or predominantly of men such as sailors and criminals. The incarcerated were often self-tattooed, with crude designs or slogans, such as "F#%K the police". A good friend of mine was in the French Foreign Legion and during his career he assembled a suite of rough tattoos all over his arms, shoulders, torso, and legs. He knows they're dreadful, but he has seen, been through, and done dreadful things. There was a therapeutic aspect to chronicling those things in this way.
On the other hand, a professional tattooists will be engaged, and both the client and the tattooist will assert that what they are doing is art. Bu to me both the will to be so disfigured and the performance of the act itself is probably little more than tasteless ostentation, if not just cheap trashiness. The tattooed will often express a trite rationalization for their adherence to this fashion - because that is all that this contemporary mass social phenomenon of tattooing really is, a fashion - as a need to express themselves and their individuality, while being completely unaware of how lacking in self-consciousness, and how unexamined this so-called kind of self-expression really is. So many are doing it, so in exactly what way and how is individuality being betokened?. A more explicit and, arguably, more tenable expression would be of the wearer's lamentable herd mentality. Though they'll believe the ink indicates their undeniable urban edginess, I've read somewhere that tattooing in this way reveals the lack of character of someone who does not even have the courage of their lack of convictions.
I know the target for the new, experimental RSV vax is the kids or anyone who will take it.