Why Russia is in "Nuclear Deterrence" Mode: Aftermath of a fierce battle in Bucha which destroyed a Russian column. Four days and the Russians haven't managed to isolate Kyiv.
Perhaps there was and continues to be more resistance than is being reported after all:
The aftermath of a fierce battle in Bucha which destroyed a Russian column. I've verified this as Vokzal'na Street, part of a longer route from Hostomel airfield. Four days and the Russians haven't managed to isolate Kyiv.
It is not easy to know what is real and what is staged at this point, or if Putin really is a WEF asset just playing his bogeyman part to divert from the scaled back for now PSYOP-19 program that has morphed into a more behind-the-scenes digital technocratic passport power grab.
Comply and WE Die.
Piss on them all. Trust people who rant about NWO scum, DEATHVAX....
Find Bubbas, and get ready for some fun ( better to enjoy all this, anyway.... soon we might be getting to kill some real live commie bastards). GOD BLESS AMERICA
We see exactly fog. The Russian military special operation in Ukraine coincided with the planned launch of U.S. military biolaboratories in Kiev and Odessa. On February 26, the US Embassy in Ukraine rushed to delete all documents about 11 Pentagon-funded bio-laboratories in Ukraine from its website. All these documents (now deleted by the Embassy), you can read HERE.
In October 2021, the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) of the U.S. Department of Defense published on the U.S. government procurement website an additional agreement on “combating highly dangerous pathogens. The document concerns the final stage of work on the launch of two bio-laboratories in Ukraine: in Kiev and Odessa. The additional agreement covers the equipping and training of personnel and commissioning of the facilities. The cost of the work is 3.6 million dollars, but some figures in the document are hidden for reasons of secrecy. According to the document, the laboratories were more than 90 per cent ready. However, the projects’ completion was delayed up to seven months from the date of signing the document (July 2021), thus to the end of February 2022: