Jul 31, 2022·edited Jul 31, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

You're right about this ongoing mind destruction by whoever is running the show. Hubby's adult daughter got her 3rd or 4th booster, I don't know, claims it's the unvaxed dying all over the place. Her adult grandson just got over a mild case of covid and she made him go and get his booster, whichever one it was. I can only shake my head in amazement at the success of the brainwashing on her and those she does love. She hates that hubby is adamantly opposed to these pseudo vaxes. Thank you for all you do 2nd.

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Umm. Isn't the infection a booster, only better?!

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Right. Booster Back Better...

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Jul 31, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

As usual, you are correct! It’s prophizied that big changes are coming soon. Good ones.(Julie Green) Keep 🙏🏼. Don’t get discouraged. In the near future, it shoukd be awesome. No more Jabs. Noncompliance, nonviolently, as you said!

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Do you have a link? Just so I can read something positive.

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Sorry. It was on Saturday’s (July30th)Truth Lion by Noah. I trashed and deleted yesterdays.

Check him out. Might be interested. Or Daily Truth Report by Noah. He has to keep switching.

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You can find lot of videos by Julie Green Ministries on YouTube

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I also think that a lot of government, medical, and Big Tech employees that are jabbed are beginning to connect the dots. And the Deep State basically runs Big Tech so whatever ends up trending on Twitter is being allowed by the Deep State…

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Aug 1, 2022·edited Aug 1, 2022

I wouldn't have my hopes high. I am disappointed to tell you that Big tech people aren't connecting shit. I worked in big tech until very recently. I have plenty of friends across multiple big tech companies. Or used to have... They still don't connect anything at all except their laptops to the company VPN network when mainly working from home. That's all.

Cognitive dissonance is really powerful and these people are used to being seen as the smartest asses in every room they enter. There's a long way to go until at least half of them are able to admit to themselves they've been fooled and that they were total idiots. I am afraid people have to die en masse before it happens. And most of the ones I know, I was real good friends with. I tried to warn them and did send them plenty of evidence. There are a lot of other big tech employees that didn't even hear a contrarian opinion to faucism.

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Aug 1, 2022·edited Aug 1, 2022

It doesn’t surprise me. They can go ahead and get a few more boosters then. Will see how that works out for them.

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Problem: COVID Vaccine injuries to potentially derail Trump in 2024. Operation WarpSpeed

necessitated the cutting of corners and, as a result, produced a dangerous product. President Trump’s intentions were honorable and heroic however he was deceived by his science advisors and the drug companies involved in the project. Fauci, Collins, Moderna, Pfizer, J&J to name a few, are the culprits in the development of the inadequately gene therapy “vaccines”.

What the Democrats will do. As a campaign strategy they will present the most horrific cases of injuries caused by the vaccines in an emotional appeal to villify President Trump.

What President Trump must do now.

1. Acknowledge that vaccine injuries exist.

2. Demand investigations into where the testing process failed. Show how the vaccine manufacturers and Fauci faked their data.

3. Fix the problem! Call for a “Moon Shot” effort to understand what damage the gene therapy injections are causing and potential solutions. Hint: getting the population’s serum vitamin D level above 50 ng/ml is a best first start to limit the damage.

4. Virtually all the gene therapy shots were administered under the Biden Administration. Paint them with that brush. They ignored the reports of injuries and deaths. This is their problem. However, they have been taking credit for developing the vaccines...let them. In 2024, they will pivot away from the vaccines toward the injuries. If Trump does not get out in front of this situation he will be run over by it.

5. This will be the defining issue of 2024. Nothing is more sacred than the health of family and self. Not the economy, border security, foreign affairs, social issues...nothing!

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The “virus”was made for the vaccines. Don’t be tricked on that chronology.

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Trump is as much a globalist as the rest. He’s playing his role, the same as the rest play theirs. Don’t drink the koolaid.

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Agree. People try to excuse his actions a lot by saying he just got bad advice. He was the President, the most powerful person in the country. It's the same idea as sarbanes-oxley that came as a result of Enron. The CEO can now be held responsible for massive fraud by the people under them. Ok, Trump appointed the wrong people and they screwed up... that's his fault.

Not a Democrat by any stretch. The "well he was mislead" thing will be his downfall when they dump this all back on him before 24.

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Seriously, you believe ONE MAN could overcome all the deep state obstacles all alone, in this bloated, overgrown and malicious government?! Tell me how that works.

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Lol nope. And that's kinda might point. People treat him as the messiah and waving a mission accomplished flag on an aircraft carrier for a war we'd be in for a decade later. If he got screwed by covid politics then he was either dumb or in on it.

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Wait. Trump didn't mix the death shots himself, in the basement of the White House?!

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No offense, but you’re still under the impression any of this was in error or accidental. Let me be very clear. None of this was an accident. Every bit of it was intentional.

The only thing they didn’t count on is that many of us would refuse the injections and that many others wouldn’t take more than one or two. In their arrogance, they mistakenly assumed the number who would refuse would be smaller than it was. I also don’t believe they counted on us going on the offensive as strongly as we did and having the impact we have had in being vocal about the crimes they’ve committed.

David Martin was a large part of putting the criminal aspects re patents together

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Don’t invoke the Apollo Moon Mission. Lol. Less fake is more.

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Did it cross your mind that maybe trump is part of the shit show as well and his main role was to split society into to opposing camps while also facilitating future splits and divisions as once trust across a society is lost people are much easily divided into opposing groups?

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He wasn't the one being divisive and doing the splitting.

That was the communists in the democrat party.

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I suspect you are correct. This is their game. Trying to blame Orange Hitler. Yet, Trump didn't order mandates, objected to that approach.

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You're right, they're preparing the ground - yesterday I saw the WH Press spox repeating the phrase "the MESS left by the previous administration" and the reporter was allowed to ask his question (about the border wall) over and over just so she could drill the words out. Also noticed Moderna issued a press release announcing a new agreement with "the US Government" but the HHS release used "the Biden-Harris Administration" - and it's for an unapproved and yet to be submitted version of their juice, not the new ones they've just asked to be approved. Total garbage theatre. These are just two of the many obvious and unsubtle tactics in play right now.

However, the blame game is as rigged as everything else, don't be fooled into believing there's any actual difference between your political parties.

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We need to form a new party-MAGA!

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I could not agree more. That outline needs to be sent to Mr Trump and Don Jr.

Maybe Matt Gaetz, Lauren Boebert* and MTG.

Most of the rest of the party are pointless

*Just did a duckduckgo search for Lauren Boebert and ALL of the results are hit pieces.

I guess that DDG has chosen which hill to die on.

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Yeah DDG died on that hill a while back when the owner publicly announced they were using google algorithms. I use yandex now, fk 'em, I'd rather let the Ruskis onto my computer than the goy-haters.

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DDGrelies on Google search results. It's also stopped promising privacy.

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A fine example of how to destroy your companies only reason to exist.

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Or Presearch

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Now, get this to DJT!

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Jul 31, 2022·edited Jul 31, 2022

trump will start Operation Warpspeed 2.0


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That was a 2019 video. Old news.

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I didn't trust the strange timing of the Birx confession, maybe it is yet another aspect of the controlled op 2SG is writing about here.

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But, was that Brix? No scarf, eyes looked different. Just askin’!

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brix is nobody ... if you want to really talk, ask what is trump doing with klaus swab and why is his daughter a WEF young leader ...

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Saw that video.keep your friends close and enemies closer? Didn’t know about her being that! Wow! Never trusted her husband, but she’s shown her true colors before saying the election wasn’t stolen!

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here is the old days when actually issues were discussed ... not anymore ...


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Didn’t want lockdowns to go on forever and give the cabal the win. They’d only relent after vax approved. Tried to save us and 5he economy. I know he’s not a pro vaxxer. Must have known much more than we did(do).

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Didn’t want the lockdown to go on for years. Trying to salvage economy. It all stinks!

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You are correct, but other realities are coming into focus in the UK which may tip the balance of anger, and Wallace has brought over 10,000 Ukrainians to train hmmmm. The NHS has gone, 4 weeks for a blood test, 7 months for a cancer MRI diagnosis, 52 minutes for an ambulance 8 minute response. Energy, there is a movement gaining traction to not pay for gas/electricity. They fail to realise the smart meters can be turned off remotely. Food, nothing in the press in the UK, 2 people I spoke to didn’t even know what was happening with farmers in Europe until I showed them a picture. Immigration, they flood over, they take all the hotels, they are everywhere, the media is sympathetic to their plight, I wonder why. Financial, this cannot be stopped, the collapse, and I think October/November. It may begin in the US or China, but it cannot be stopped. I’m prepped, food, water, medical, defence. I’m stunned by the masses, booking holidays for next year, and other normal things, but there is no normal to come. Thank you again sir

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I am amazed that it has NOT become violent already. I do believe just my opinion that USA citizens anyway will take their aggression and assert their voting red wave come this Mid Term election. So in other words the Blue Covidians and all their henchmen better get cracking...on putting Kamal as the presidente 1. 2. Gas to $ 10 bucks 3. Keep censoring in fact just pull the plug on all phones and internet. 4. Create massive food shortages 5. Mandate 4th booster and 5th boosters 6. Mandate mask &. Mandate lock downs.....Whatever these Mutha F....rs....throw at us I would say non violence but vote with your feet and resist non compliance...the very fact that people now are suing the Hospitals and winning and all this new data states with absolute clarity what we have intuitionally knew from day one after the 3 weeks to flatten the curve. Be impervious to their fuckery. Be prepared like good Boy Scouts. Be fearless these people may have the media, the politicians, the 3 letter agencies, big pharma, silicon valley...but they got No heart, and No Soul, and most importantly No Love.

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Stolen midterm elections + DEATHVAX + PSYOP-HYPERINFLATION-22 = more anger, by design.

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The problem with voting was demonstrated in '20.

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2116 Trump the ONLY non WEF Globalist actually got elected. 200 Mules...I know the voting has been fucked with since 2001 when a Congressional hearing asked this dude about Voting he said they can always guarantee a 51 to 49 split. So pay to play. System is broke. No more dominion machines. 1. 2. Voting cards ID 3. Day off vote in person.. OHhhhh I get IT but what is a country IF there are not Election Integrity ...a country that has been and is corrupted to the core. So basically

this November ....People I guarantee you will come out enmasse and VOTE. Joe biden did not get 81 million votes. THE Proof well .......time will tell please don't tell well 202 happened ...I suspect this

WI, AZ, GA, NV, PA, all will change their votes and insert DJT before 2024...just a guess.....but this Country better correct itself in Voting Integrity the will of the people and IF not we are doomed.

However I will wait and see come November. In fact the blue team is so desperate they may start a nuclear war and try and prevent the inevitable. in any case The Silent Majority is sizzling.....a Red Wave is coming and I am not so sure that all the cheating killing stealing censorship will do much good. Signed One Hopeful Patriot,.....

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As the Silent Majority sizzles, it grows.

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And every condescending act by the blue covidians makes the sizzle hotter.

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I’m not convinced that Brandon has been truly mRNA vaccinated, however, if he has been, I would be surprised if he lives another 9 months.

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I’m thinking they might “ take him out”

Blame either Covid or the Vax and Trump.

However they do it. Trump and conservatives will ne to blame, and the target of Garlands thugs

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I don’t believe any of the elites took the poison. Didn’t Magoo once state he’d get some disease and that will be his end. If he’s alive. Clones, robots, doubles, actors now Biden?

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

brilliant insights, great article. yep, what we see in tweeter and other tools of the globalist mafia is simply what was allowed to be seen, accordingly to the plans/interests of the owners of this entire fake news media and internet diabolic giants.

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Aug 1, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Great post! I mentioned it today https://slugdaddyworld.substack.com/p/covid-19-the-cloward-piven-strategy

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high tech Cloward and Piven is what they are executing now.

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Controlled demolition is a proven tactic for the psycho nut-job wannabe ‘controllers’.

It provides both misdirection and trauma-based shock for the injection of the next mind-control narrative.

Violent reaction is not the answer. It is true to not comply but to act with cool clinical analysis and investigation to hold all but especially the highest ranking culpable responsible in front of a Global ‘Nuremberg-type’ Commission where THIS time ALL the demons will be held accountable.

The Hydra heads of the snake are known.

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I won’t argue with 2SG on how we should behave but this will ONLY WORK if almost all of us are behind this. Nonviolent noncompliance seems to go against human nature and I think there is only a slim chance we as a species can pull it off. We all can’t get on the same page on any subject so my glass is way more than half empty.

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Yep, and there's the handy red flags they love to use to make us seem violent and deserving of their wrath.

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Yes, we like to stick with the herd as a species, that's the only way to not die, cave-man-brain speaking. For change to happen we only need a critical mass of about 10-12% of people to make that change then the herd follows. So, the old, oft used and therefore cliched phrase of 'BE the change you want to see' reallllly comes into play here! :)

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Thanks for this. We need to invent a new non violent, not complying tactic..any ideas, my 7 Billion people?

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look at this: https://odysee.com/@Solaris-France:d/solaris-network:6

so far only in europe, but it could grow worldwide. I think that it is a very powerful and peaceful way to not comply.

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Wow. I loved that. What a great idea. Human Search engine, no power structure, just people helping people .

I'd love to be part of something like this..not that I have any skills to contribute, but this is un idee formidable!!

Short wave radio too. I think they thought of everything.

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About the skills, most people don't realise the skills they have. It doesn't have to be special, it can be just helping out with the kids when the parents have an emergency, baking a cake, helping move, watering a few plants.

just being here for other people, without asking anything in return. And other people are here for you as well.

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Fabienne, I couldn't get the USA group on telegram, but then again, I know nothing about telegram......but it says only 20 members??? Maybe I have it wrong, but I love this entire concept though.

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Oh, there is a tg group for the us, didn't know. You just click the link on the website and if tg is installed, it opens it and you can register. otherwise, send them an email, they surely can help you.

yes, the concept is great, I like that it is very positive, it is not about ranting about the situation but doing something, even if it's small, every action makes a difference!

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I don't have a tablet and it won't work on my phone..maybe I need to install the android app on my laptop...I'll try it thanks!

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ok, good luck

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No luck. No app for my laptop, but I tried the web based version, still no luck typing in website Oh well I will keep trying.

I can bake a cake, and watch kids, and read them stories. That is about all I got! Oh and babysit dogs and cats!!

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Jul 31, 2022·edited Jul 31, 2022

If the jabs are going to be toxic enough to cause a flip of the narrative, and I think that they are that and much worse, then the average person who has been "fully vaccinated" will be hard pressed to do anything resembling civil unrest. Most will seek medical attention and when they receive their diagnosis will reserve their energies, and wait out their fate, whether it be permanent disability or worse.

As for the un "vaccinated" we should consider going grey man, and watch as the snake eats its own tail.

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Maybe they’re not trying to incite a bloody revolt, just preparing us for the exit plan where the fall guys in the health agencies get slapped on the wrist and go into retirement and the Big Pharma companies give back a small percentage of their ill gotten gains as “punishment.”

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Jul 31, 2022·edited Jul 31, 2022

I do agree because look, they can never achieve their 2025 population goals via Deagal, especially in the US, without violence on top of the vaccine deaths and other bioweapons they are planning. 360 mil to 99 mil by 2025? Seems crazy but not if there is civil war over resources on top of health crises like the collapse of the healthcare system - then we could potentially see 250+ mil gone. Keep in mind states like Washington are legalizing chemical dissolution of corpses and badda-bing, that problem is solved too.

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I think that deagal site was just a eugenicist's wet dream. Well, that's what the optimist in me insists it is lol. "legalizing chemical dissolution of corpses" ...do you have a handy link for that, please? ('cause that really would solve a lot of the coming problems for the owners, disgustingly)

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After hearing Trump brag about pushing the FDA I’ve always believed when the time was right they’d use that to take him out. I thought they’d wait until after the mid term elections or 2023. After all Biden’s just announced last week new reformulated shots for September. Perhaps there are some other factors speeding up their agenda or they are just laying out the possibility they weren’t quite as safe as they claimed. There are lawsuits making their way through the courts and Robert Barne’s has had a judge rule they have a right to discovery. Also it doesn’t really serve them to hide it anymore, almost everyone knows someone who has been injured, died or has had multiple Covids after taking the vaccines. There is a reason why only 50% got the first booster and 30% the 2nd and even 11% stopped after 1 shot per the probably less than truthful CDC data. I also just saw someone post on Twitter that they had been a big supporter of the shots but if Biden and others quadruple jabbed get covid they appear to be useless. They’ll let this leak out slowly to give cover to the MSM to pretend they covered it and let the rats reinvent themselves before they really change the narrative. Instead of getting mad we need to hold those that did this legally responsible including everyone that mandated this. Watch how quickly all the people that mandated this BS change tunes and try to gaslight everyone into believing they never did that.

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How can anyone be made to forget what the Biden administration did with its FDA approvals, CDC recommendations and Federal mandates? This will be fun to watch. Who will take the fall? Let the blame games begin!

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