This substack has chronicled the various recent mea culpas and partial admissions by the regular cast of puppet murderers like Fauci, Birx, Borla, et al.
This is a trend that was predicted last year; namely, that at some point the CIA-run MSM and BigTech’s social media complex would be tapped on their proverbial shoulders to commence the culpability phase of their PSYOP-19 depopulation and control program.
This is being done for a vital reason: at some point the mortality, disease and overall damage caused by the DEATHVAX™ will become so undeniable even to the most brainwashed amongst us, that an unprecedented public response will be unavoidable.
This is all by design.
The Cult needs a violent uprising to both round out their eugenics plans and concurrently lock down the planet with martial law. This consolidation of power is a requisite of the 4th Industrial Revolution. The revolting Genetically Modified Humans are to join forces with the unmodified refusenik “domestic terrorists” in a violent civil war which will flawlessly play into the hands of the One World Government.
This is precisely why we must engage in total nonviolent noncompliance.
Do not for a millisecond believe that the people are overriding the Twitter algorithms; this would be sheer naïveté:

What we are witnessing in this recent Twitter trend is the behavioral psychologist’s game of priming the populace for their pre-engineered outcome.
They are now goading the populace, taunting both the slow kill bioweapon injected and uninjected alike.
The leading “experts” are being paraded with their admissions that their “vaccines” were always known to not protect anyone from infection, and to waffle about various claims like lockdowns, etc.
When Klaus Schwab said, “we have to prepare for an angrier world” what he was actually telegraphing was that he and his partners in crime were actively executing the preparations for said angrier world. They know how critical violence is for the success of their plans.
Twitter is just as WEF “penetrated” as the foreign nation of Washington, D.C. is. There is now no difference between a government waging a full spectrum soft war against its citizenry and all of the other Cult nodes from BigPharma to BigTech to the CIA to the Federal Reserve to the CDC, IMF, UN, BIS, WHO, NGO’s, terrorist nonprofits, etc. also busily engaging in that war against We the People.
None of the below tweets somehow managed to outwit the algorithms:

These tweets are not deleted or suppressed for a reason.
What do you think happens when the leading “experts” are paraded out again to admit to exactly what they have perpetrated?
What do you think happens when #DEATHVAX™ is the top Twiiter trend?
They want you angry, and when they are good and ready they want you as violent as possible. And when they pull the rug from under society, we must offer them only undivided nonviolent noncompliance.
Do NOT comply.
You're right about this ongoing mind destruction by whoever is running the show. Hubby's adult daughter got her 3rd or 4th booster, I don't know, claims it's the unvaxed dying all over the place. Her adult grandson just got over a mild case of covid and she made him go and get his booster, whichever one it was. I can only shake my head in amazement at the success of the brainwashing on her and those she does love. She hates that hubby is adamantly opposed to these pseudo vaxes. Thank you for all you do 2nd.
As usual, you are correct! It’s prophizied that big changes are coming soon. Good ones.(Julie Green) Keep 🙏🏼. Don’t get discouraged. In the near future, it shoukd be awesome. No more Jabs. Noncompliance, nonviolently, as you said!