Hmm. Perhaps the Wellcome Trust people funded the study because they are delusional enough to actually expect these so-called unassailable experts to arrive at a different result and now it has backfired bigly on them. Steve Kirsch says he has an insider at the CDC and that pretty much every person working there is a brainwashed Covidian Cult True Believer. They will never accept study results that don’t confirm their biases. Some of these Fascist Eugenicist Oligarchs minions are too clever by half. Pride cometh before a fall…
I respect Steve, but his anonymous whistle blower sounds like a plant or super dumb. There is no way 5hey don’t know that a vaccine makes transmission or infection very rare..
An anonymous respondent would not disclose their sex. Steve assuming it's a man or woman, or alternating in the story, which is done nowadays, is not dispositive. However, I would be suspicious of any response, as there are ample better ways to blow the whistle.
If Steve is smart (he is), he wouldn't advertise the sex of the informant -- and, not announcing whether he was a she or vice versa was good on Steve's part.
My friend hospitalized nearby at the Emory Hospital for 5 months during covid while waiting for a transplant said ALL the Drs., even one in particular who seemed the opposite years ago, are blue pilled. She has been going there for the last 20 years due to her condition.
Sadly, many doctors/MDs/intellectuals seem to be caught in a triple bind, one of which is the Hippocratic Oath, and the other two being offered, maybe simultaneously, bribes and threats to them or loved ones. --------
There are far fewer true "research" doctors who have been trained to "think" and use the scientific method. Instead, if articles in Lancet, Science, New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA etc. exist, many or most doctors "believe on authority" the content of the articles, especially if advertisements in the same magazines tend to support the articles' conclusions. I have a relative, who is a recent MD, who fits this description. I'm a lowly semi-retired physicist/ mathematician who used to teach statistics. What would I know about science!!
The appeal to authority is a well worn psychological tactic. It literally bypasses the prefrontal cortex where complex thinking takes place, and affects a deeper part of the brain where decisions are made based on shortcut “feelings”. This is why beliefs are so much more powerful to a person’s motivation than reasoning. It affects us all in some way or another. But some people are actually far more literally hypnotizable than others. It doesn’t depend on intellect, per se. Dr. Andrew Huberman, a brain researcher at Stanford talks about this phenomenon.
Yeah, it is scary!! "Belief" should not be part of a true scientist's tools, and doctors, with so many years of medical school, should have been taught how to critically think, how to critically analyze data, and should have been taught to be part of the peers reviewing JAMA, NEJM, Science, Lancet, etc. articles -- and not to just read them like reading Time magazine.
The CDC's data are sometimes polar opposites to the narrative given by people such as Fraudxxi on that same data! And Johns Hopkins, for the C19 website, is totally corrupted...
----- I had one doctor tell me he was prescribing, for me, a med he saw an ad for in a med magazine - and that I should tell him how it worked..... I never went back.... didn't fill the prescription. Scared the heck out of me!
Sep 14, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World
This turnaround is timed, with the others, to support the narrative that WHO should have global control of all public health because domestic public health entities are incompetent. The WHO Treaty is back on the table fter being defeated already this year. They think this helps their cause and that they can somehow present themselves as a better alternative.
Sep 14, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World
Exactly-- Tedros is not head of WHO for his medical acumen - nor are their "proposed" "oh so compassionate well-being about health" world solutions anything short of setting up a king/queen with technocratic controls and remote viewing of his/her world kingdom.
Yes, it just fizzles away as gamed in the SPARS document. Their mission is accomplished, of big depopulation then they get to rule a sickened, weak, demoralized bunch of serfs.
Bravo! Great insights here, and the theory feels spot on. The cabal’s endgame is to make the world feel so upside down that we will readily embrace the Great Reset at some point. It just blows my mind that they hold the baton and orchestrate the machinations on earth with a steady tempo. Now we’ll be trying to convince the sheep that this was all a grand plan perpetrated by the same people. What a psy-op. Does anyone still believe someone like Trump is coming to rescue us? Is there any organization on the part of the righteous or is this just going to roll on?
That caught my eye as well, but I assumed the research positions for some of the authors are funded by a Welcome Trust Grant and they are not aware of this particular paper.
We should make sure always to blame the handlers of the mid-level operatives such as Fauci and Birx. Expose the WEF and its plots constantly, until every normie knows about Klaus Schwab and his gang and their plans for a Great Reset.
There seems to be coordinated campaign with MSM presently telling the truth about initial injection platform. I don’t know the reason, but It appears to be intentional.
Makes sense. The global manipulators need to keep the uncertainty levels high.
So with every twist in the plot they will switch their narrative, without warning and without logic, until people won't know who to believe, what to believe, how to go forward.
They are betting on the human tendency to surrender their useless decision-making powers in return for a future they can count on. Peace of mind in exchange for your tormented soul.
And they will seed uncertainty among us, the noncompliant, until we also aren't sure who we can trust... and the resistance is fractured by arguments. 'Divide and conquer' has always worked.
The solution? We need to fight back on the spiritual level, because that's where the globalists are getting their dark wisdom from. (They freely acknowledge this in the UN.) Those who rely exclusively on mental processes will be out-maneuvered every time.
Thank you. I've been tracking the globalist spirituality for a while, especially as it impacts the Jewish people and the Jewish state.
BTW - It's noteworthy that Bible-believing Christians are included in the same spiritual category as Torah-observant Jews. See this documented series of articles posted by someone over 20 years ago, which the passage of time has confirmed:
In an interview conducted by the German Corona Committee a few months ago with two English medical professionals (I forget his title) revealed that. Boris Johnson was funding some new facility and which would have a focus on cancer. The female interviewee found this odd given that cancer rates were declining in the UK. She mentioned that there was a research triangle of sorts between Oxford, London (I think) and one other area (perhaps a technology center). The inference was that there seemed to be a plan in the works for a new approach to medicine that is technologically based. Between hints of a revolution in healthcare and in food/nutrition, there appears to be a goal of radically reshaping and controlling humanity through these two domains.
So, since we are living out the book of Revelations on the daily,— it’s a good time to mention that, in spite of what many Christians say regarding how things will
go down, the antichrist comes in peacefully and prosperously. He won’t look like a devil nor a crazed Charles Manson. He was made “the full package, comely…” He will be handsome, charismatic, smart and silk tongued, and he will likely swoop in, in just the kick of time, in the midst or great turmoil, and act as a “fixer” of sorts— until he isn’t.
I think we can knock every politician I know of right off the list, just based on the “smart & good looking” aspect, alone. And certainly Sleepy Joe nor even the much-beloved Trump are silk-tongued smooth talkers. I don’t think BoJo could recite the alphabet without outside help and 26 cue cards.
The final generation, the last days, started if you will, when Israel became a nation which was in May of 1948.
Exactly what a generation IS, has sort of changed over the years. On average, how long do people live? How many years to a generation? Just don’t count life expectancy since the vax rollout. That will skew everything.
Know that 911 was a sort of Harbinger of things to come, a warning that if we didn’t straighten up and begin living as we should, honoring God, we would likely be destroyed. Since America is a type of “Jr. Israel”, God’s beloved, made up of many descendants of the tribe of Judah, the warning was to us as well. (All the son’s of Zedikiah were killed in battle, in Isaiah. The daughters of Zedikiah went with their uncle over the Caucasus Mtns. —hence “Caucasians”, into Europe, where SCOTA, daughter of Zed, founded Scotland, and the sisters founded Ireland and Britain as well. The Stone of Destiny, the Stone of Scone, the stone used as a pillow when Jacob battled the angel of God, and was promised he would always have a descendant on the throne, lies under the throne where the British monarchy are coronated. The stone has been stolen 2 times, once by nazis. There is something in the bible about the 3rd “turnover of the stone”… I can’t remember the verse at all. The stone lies under the cathedral, beneath the throne of coronation. The very first promise in the coronation vow is to protect and keep Israel. That’s why they eat scones, as a remembrance).
All that to say, in Isaiah, the Lord promised the Israeli army would lose because they were not seeking HIM. Foreigners came into their land unbeknownst to them and routed them badly. Rather than take it as the warning it was intended to be, the Israelites basically shook their fists at the foreigners and in the face of God, declaring that they would build back stronger, better, bigger, replacing the sycamore trees (that had fallen in that battle) with strong cedars, and they would show THEM who they were messing with. **They declared their strength to be in WHO THEY WERE (we’re badass and we will show YOU!) rather than in WHOSE they were. (“Our strength is in the Lord God” was what He was looking for…) ***
*SO, when we (USA) we’re so badly harmed on 911, the country pulled together. The sycamore tree right by the little church where Geo. Washington went to pray the minute our country came into being, fell right onto the church.
—Days later, Geo BUSH, recited from Isaiah, what I thought was so perfectly fitting at the time, how we are AMERICA and we will build back stronger, better …
(I was cheering Bush on for reading that passage!)
*Sadly, it was the very same passage the Israelis said when they shook their fists in the face of God and those foreigners. It was a harbinger of worse things to come, until the children of Israel finally saw their wicked ways and where it had gotten them, and subsequently saw their way back to God.
*Search what passage Geo Bush read from Isaiah, after 911. Search the previous chapters, which will mention the sycamore and the cedar. Know that people donated strong cedars to be planted where the sycamore that had been around since the days of Geo Washington, and they were planted a year or 2 later. Search other parallels, and perhaps read ahead to what’s next in this tsunami of evil were are currently immersed.
*And if anyone can help me figure out exactly what a generation is, I’d love to hear it. I think we have till 2068 at the very latest, though 2025 makes 80 years. *If you factor in the covid life expectancy drop—(like a rock)- it may be 2023, for all we know.
Very interesting. Thank you for this background info. I did not know that about most of America being of tribe of Judah. Stone info under cathedral for British coronation very interesting. I will look into the Isaiah passages you suggested. Bible considers a generation 40 years, I believe. God bless you and thank you for sharing this information.
It is this adherence to dogma that will lead us towards an attempt towards a biblical conclusion. Those Freemason preachers have laid the groundwork for the apocalyptic show. You spread this nonsense about one man being granted power to bring desolation to the planet so that the black nobility can slide in their davidiic messiah in order to crush the "Anti Christ" that they gave you. It would be laughable if so many people didn't believe this terror. Psychopaths will use the bible to genocide the world and consolidate under a religio-,politico power structure. People like you are really quite frightening as you have been programmed to accept and even beckon the cataclysmic destruction of the planet for rewards from on high, thus rendering your ilk powerless and ineffective in attempting to confront the world as adults who can bring any resolve to our species. We will all walk the fire and good people who wanted nothing to do with this and have much to offer will be dragged down with you!
You resort to polemics which immediately exposes your character and weakness of argument. Then you purport to be a believer in God while simultaneously saying humanity can be in charge of its own destiny by deciding to “confront the world as adults who can bring any resolve to our species.” God is in charge and is the one who will bring a resolve, not any man or group of people. There will be a biblical conclusion at the end of the ages and it is God’s resolution as communicated through the prophets like Isaiah and in the Book of Revelation. When someone ponders God’s plan for the end of days as communicated through the Bible, you call him a fool. You seem very proud of yourself and the abilities of man. Read what the Bible says about stiff-necked people who trust in man instead of God. And try to love others as much as you love yourself, as Jesus Christ said, instead of calling them fools.
We are co creators and have the ability to become the hands of God on this planet. I don't believe in God, I am 100% certain of the existence of the Divine. I came to this understanding without dogma, without the Bible, without a self righteous preacher. If you think calling someone foolish for pointing to a book that was written by men the word of God which ultimately calls for the genocide of a significant portion of the planet, then to end your message with loving one's self as Jesus, well, you my friend are proving my point exactly. Do you honestly think that God would have issues with us if we came to the table and brought resolve? The solutions exist but it requires us acting and behaving responsibily. Instead, the world is being brought to its knees by a psychopathic priest class that uses God to commit atrocity. I stand by my words. You promote dangerous rhetoric that will lead to pain and suffering. That's some real Jesus "love thy neighbor" you got there lol!
Yes, the purveyors of blood spilling under the guise of God are fools! This is not me being stiff necked. This is me calling a spade a spade. This is me standing up for resolve with maturity, not some MK Ultra attempt at terrorizing people into worshipping Yahweh. You all are no different than the COVID cult. It's your way and anyone who calls you out is stiff necked. This form of mass hypnosis always gets people killed and this time it will be in the name of God.
You're scary thinkers and you must not have power over the rest of us! Save your passages, God imbeds the truth in the heart. This is where I obtain my commands ;)
VERY SIMPLE. The truth on the deadliness of the vaccines was leaking out, in spite of massive propagandizing by mainstream media (MSM) - and many of those successfully propagandized were the elite or their families, associates, friends. ------- Totally fearlessly, Klaus S, in plain sight, published his book relating C19 and his dreamed about "great reset" only weeks after the start of the story of the pandemic - so it is very clear that they don't care and aren't afraid of their plans being revealed. After all, they, directly or indirectly, control money as the world knows it, and the police and military, as well as 3 letter agencies - maybe worldwide. ------
If one thinks that the Ukraine war is - as it seems to be - or started for the reasons blithely given . . . or that Russia, a space-faring nation with huge industrial capacity, 30 times bigger than Ukraine... was actually "buckling" to Ukraine, .... then there is a bridge in Manhattan for sale cheaply .... ----
Think back - to Ron Johnson's "2nd Opinion" on Jan 24, the February trucker's anti-vax, anti-ID convoys in Canada, US and elsewhere, the growing C19 statistics in February, when, pooof, most all C19 mandates evaporated when the Ukraine was invaded.... Sometimes, the choreographers are not listed in the program of the play or puppet show ... ----
Wellcome controllers recognized that the vaxx reality would soon be clear, even to the most ardent MSM followers! So, like Klaus, why not partially admit the couched "truth"...
Good insight. What we know for sure, if those who are behind these psyops are several steps ahead of us. The value in chaos is obvious. I imagine too, there is some in-fighting going on. I can't imagine all the players are in agreement on all the issues. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll end of battling each other into extinction. (As Catherine Austin Fits has suggested.)
Of course, with everything that comes out, even the stuff the we agree with, you have to ask why this and why now? I do agree that it could be admission of guilt to let people know they've been poisoned in order to tear apart society, but there is a flaw in this thinking. I was going to say that I don't think anyone would give a shit, as they don't seem to give a shit about anything else. But then I forgot about the MSM brain washing. The MSM will turn this up to 11 to get the reaction they want. But will people really see the UN and The WEF as any different. SURELY NOT. THEY WOULDNT BE THAT STUPID WOULD THEY?
Hmm. Perhaps the Wellcome Trust people funded the study because they are delusional enough to actually expect these so-called unassailable experts to arrive at a different result and now it has backfired bigly on them. Steve Kirsch says he has an insider at the CDC and that pretty much every person working there is a brainwashed Covidian Cult True Believer. They will never accept study results that don’t confirm their biases. Some of these Fascist Eugenicist Oligarchs minions are too clever by half. Pride cometh before a fall…
I respect Steve, but his anonymous whistle blower sounds like a plant or super dumb. There is no way 5hey don’t know that a vaccine makes transmission or infection very rare..
Sage Hana has a great take on him or her:
An anonymous respondent would not disclose their sex. Steve assuming it's a man or woman, or alternating in the story, which is done nowadays, is not dispositive. However, I would be suspicious of any response, as there are ample better ways to blow the whistle.
If Steve is smart (he is), he wouldn't advertise the sex of the informant -- and, not announcing whether he was a she or vice versa was good on Steve's part.
My friend hospitalized nearby at the Emory Hospital for 5 months during covid while waiting for a transplant said ALL the Drs., even one in particular who seemed the opposite years ago, are blue pilled. She has been going there for the last 20 years due to her condition.
Sadly, many doctors/MDs/intellectuals seem to be caught in a triple bind, one of which is the Hippocratic Oath, and the other two being offered, maybe simultaneously, bribes and threats to them or loved ones. --------
There are far fewer true "research" doctors who have been trained to "think" and use the scientific method. Instead, if articles in Lancet, Science, New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA etc. exist, many or most doctors "believe on authority" the content of the articles, especially if advertisements in the same magazines tend to support the articles' conclusions. I have a relative, who is a recent MD, who fits this description. I'm a lowly semi-retired physicist/ mathematician who used to teach statistics. What would I know about science!!
The appeal to authority is a well worn psychological tactic. It literally bypasses the prefrontal cortex where complex thinking takes place, and affects a deeper part of the brain where decisions are made based on shortcut “feelings”. This is why beliefs are so much more powerful to a person’s motivation than reasoning. It affects us all in some way or another. But some people are actually far more literally hypnotizable than others. It doesn’t depend on intellect, per se. Dr. Andrew Huberman, a brain researcher at Stanford talks about this phenomenon.
Above all physicians here & abroad believe everything the CDC/FDA spouts out! Have talked to many… it’s scary
Yeah, it is scary!! "Belief" should not be part of a true scientist's tools, and doctors, with so many years of medical school, should have been taught how to critically think, how to critically analyze data, and should have been taught to be part of the peers reviewing JAMA, NEJM, Science, Lancet, etc. articles -- and not to just read them like reading Time magazine.
The CDC's data are sometimes polar opposites to the narrative given by people such as Fraudxxi on that same data! And Johns Hopkins, for the C19 website, is totally corrupted...
----- I had one doctor tell me he was prescribing, for me, a med he saw an ad for in a med magazine - and that I should tell him how it worked..... I never went back.... didn't fill the prescription. Scared the heck out of me!
The depth of brainwashing is striking to behold. It makes me very pessimistic. Fear is a powerful psychological motivator.
This turnaround is timed, with the others, to support the narrative that WHO should have global control of all public health because domestic public health entities are incompetent. The WHO Treaty is back on the table fter being defeated already this year. They think this helps their cause and that they can somehow present themselves as a better alternative.
The WHO is the technocratic technocommunist "solution" as headed by Ethiopian war criminal and Gates puppet.
Exactly-- Tedros is not head of WHO for his medical acumen - nor are their "proposed" "oh so compassionate well-being about health" world solutions anything short of setting up a king/queen with technocratic controls and remote viewing of his/her world kingdom.
That's some crazy shit right there.
Wellcome Trust Is DEEP into AI/Transhumanism. Highly recommend Whitney Webb's dig into the matter.
I actually forget about that interview.
Yes, Wellcome Trust are pure evil.
Yes, it just fizzles away as gamed in the SPARS document. Their mission is accomplished, of big depopulation then they get to rule a sickened, weak, demoralized bunch of serfs.
Great analysis and well researched - thanks.
Bravo! Great insights here, and the theory feels spot on. The cabal’s endgame is to make the world feel so upside down that we will readily embrace the Great Reset at some point. It just blows my mind that they hold the baton and orchestrate the machinations on earth with a steady tempo. Now we’ll be trying to convince the sheep that this was all a grand plan perpetrated by the same people. What a psy-op. Does anyone still believe someone like Trump is coming to rescue us? Is there any organization on the part of the righteous or is this just going to roll on?
Wellcome* and Pirbright - Tavistock type Royalty + Intelligence run
That caught my eye as well, but I assumed the research positions for some of the authors are funded by a Welcome Trust Grant and they are not aware of this particular paper.
We should make sure always to blame the handlers of the mid-level operatives such as Fauci and Birx. Expose the WEF and its plots constantly, until every normie knows about Klaus Schwab and his gang and their plans for a Great Reset.
There seems to be coordinated campaign with MSM presently telling the truth about initial injection platform. I don’t know the reason, but It appears to be intentional.
Makes sense. The global manipulators need to keep the uncertainty levels high.
So with every twist in the plot they will switch their narrative, without warning and without logic, until people won't know who to believe, what to believe, how to go forward.
They are betting on the human tendency to surrender their useless decision-making powers in return for a future they can count on. Peace of mind in exchange for your tormented soul.
And they will seed uncertainty among us, the noncompliant, until we also aren't sure who we can trust... and the resistance is fractured by arguments. 'Divide and conquer' has always worked.
The solution? We need to fight back on the spiritual level, because that's where the globalists are getting their dark wisdom from. (They freely acknowledge this in the UN.) Those who rely exclusively on mental processes will be out-maneuvered every time.
Hannah W, this comment was very insightful. 100 percent spot on. I appreciate your eyesight.
Thank you. I've been tracking the globalist spirituality for a while, especially as it impacts the Jewish people and the Jewish state.
BTW - It's noteworthy that Bible-believing Christians are included in the same spiritual category as Torah-observant Jews. See this documented series of articles posted by someone over 20 years ago, which the passage of time has confirmed:
In an interview conducted by the German Corona Committee a few months ago with two English medical professionals (I forget his title) revealed that. Boris Johnson was funding some new facility and which would have a focus on cancer. The female interviewee found this odd given that cancer rates were declining in the UK. She mentioned that there was a research triangle of sorts between Oxford, London (I think) and one other area (perhaps a technology center). The inference was that there seemed to be a plan in the works for a new approach to medicine that is technologically based. Between hints of a revolution in healthcare and in food/nutrition, there appears to be a goal of radically reshaping and controlling humanity through these two domains.
So, since we are living out the book of Revelations on the daily,— it’s a good time to mention that, in spite of what many Christians say regarding how things will
go down, the antichrist comes in peacefully and prosperously. He won’t look like a devil nor a crazed Charles Manson. He was made “the full package, comely…” He will be handsome, charismatic, smart and silk tongued, and he will likely swoop in, in just the kick of time, in the midst or great turmoil, and act as a “fixer” of sorts— until he isn’t.
I think we can knock every politician I know of right off the list, just based on the “smart & good looking” aspect, alone. And certainly Sleepy Joe nor even the much-beloved Trump are silk-tongued smooth talkers. I don’t think BoJo could recite the alphabet without outside help and 26 cue cards.
The final generation, the last days, started if you will, when Israel became a nation which was in May of 1948.
Exactly what a generation IS, has sort of changed over the years. On average, how long do people live? How many years to a generation? Just don’t count life expectancy since the vax rollout. That will skew everything.
Know that 911 was a sort of Harbinger of things to come, a warning that if we didn’t straighten up and begin living as we should, honoring God, we would likely be destroyed. Since America is a type of “Jr. Israel”, God’s beloved, made up of many descendants of the tribe of Judah, the warning was to us as well. (All the son’s of Zedikiah were killed in battle, in Isaiah. The daughters of Zedikiah went with their uncle over the Caucasus Mtns. —hence “Caucasians”, into Europe, where SCOTA, daughter of Zed, founded Scotland, and the sisters founded Ireland and Britain as well. The Stone of Destiny, the Stone of Scone, the stone used as a pillow when Jacob battled the angel of God, and was promised he would always have a descendant on the throne, lies under the throne where the British monarchy are coronated. The stone has been stolen 2 times, once by nazis. There is something in the bible about the 3rd “turnover of the stone”… I can’t remember the verse at all. The stone lies under the cathedral, beneath the throne of coronation. The very first promise in the coronation vow is to protect and keep Israel. That’s why they eat scones, as a remembrance).
All that to say, in Isaiah, the Lord promised the Israeli army would lose because they were not seeking HIM. Foreigners came into their land unbeknownst to them and routed them badly. Rather than take it as the warning it was intended to be, the Israelites basically shook their fists at the foreigners and in the face of God, declaring that they would build back stronger, better, bigger, replacing the sycamore trees (that had fallen in that battle) with strong cedars, and they would show THEM who they were messing with. **They declared their strength to be in WHO THEY WERE (we’re badass and we will show YOU!) rather than in WHOSE they were. (“Our strength is in the Lord God” was what He was looking for…) ***
*SO, when we (USA) we’re so badly harmed on 911, the country pulled together. The sycamore tree right by the little church where Geo. Washington went to pray the minute our country came into being, fell right onto the church.
—Days later, Geo BUSH, recited from Isaiah, what I thought was so perfectly fitting at the time, how we are AMERICA and we will build back stronger, better …
(I was cheering Bush on for reading that passage!)
*Sadly, it was the very same passage the Israelis said when they shook their fists in the face of God and those foreigners. It was a harbinger of worse things to come, until the children of Israel finally saw their wicked ways and where it had gotten them, and subsequently saw their way back to God.
*Search what passage Geo Bush read from Isaiah, after 911. Search the previous chapters, which will mention the sycamore and the cedar. Know that people donated strong cedars to be planted where the sycamore that had been around since the days of Geo Washington, and they were planted a year or 2 later. Search other parallels, and perhaps read ahead to what’s next in this tsunami of evil were are currently immersed.
*And if anyone can help me figure out exactly what a generation is, I’d love to hear it. I think we have till 2068 at the very latest, though 2025 makes 80 years. *If you factor in the covid life expectancy drop—(like a rock)- it may be 2023, for all we know.
Very interesting. Thank you for this background info. I did not know that about most of America being of tribe of Judah. Stone info under cathedral for British coronation very interesting. I will look into the Isaiah passages you suggested. Bible considers a generation 40 years, I believe. God bless you and thank you for sharing this information.
Thank you, RC!
Even a fool, when he keeps silent, is considered wise. When he closes his lips, he is considered prudent.
Prov. 17:28
It is this adherence to dogma that will lead us towards an attempt towards a biblical conclusion. Those Freemason preachers have laid the groundwork for the apocalyptic show. You spread this nonsense about one man being granted power to bring desolation to the planet so that the black nobility can slide in their davidiic messiah in order to crush the "Anti Christ" that they gave you. It would be laughable if so many people didn't believe this terror. Psychopaths will use the bible to genocide the world and consolidate under a religio-,politico power structure. People like you are really quite frightening as you have been programmed to accept and even beckon the cataclysmic destruction of the planet for rewards from on high, thus rendering your ilk powerless and ineffective in attempting to confront the world as adults who can bring any resolve to our species. We will all walk the fire and good people who wanted nothing to do with this and have much to offer will be dragged down with you!
Luckily, God is real and you fools will fail ;)
You resort to polemics which immediately exposes your character and weakness of argument. Then you purport to be a believer in God while simultaneously saying humanity can be in charge of its own destiny by deciding to “confront the world as adults who can bring any resolve to our species.” God is in charge and is the one who will bring a resolve, not any man or group of people. There will be a biblical conclusion at the end of the ages and it is God’s resolution as communicated through the prophets like Isaiah and in the Book of Revelation. When someone ponders God’s plan for the end of days as communicated through the Bible, you call him a fool. You seem very proud of yourself and the abilities of man. Read what the Bible says about stiff-necked people who trust in man instead of God. And try to love others as much as you love yourself, as Jesus Christ said, instead of calling them fools.
We are co creators and have the ability to become the hands of God on this planet. I don't believe in God, I am 100% certain of the existence of the Divine. I came to this understanding without dogma, without the Bible, without a self righteous preacher. If you think calling someone foolish for pointing to a book that was written by men the word of God which ultimately calls for the genocide of a significant portion of the planet, then to end your message with loving one's self as Jesus, well, you my friend are proving my point exactly. Do you honestly think that God would have issues with us if we came to the table and brought resolve? The solutions exist but it requires us acting and behaving responsibily. Instead, the world is being brought to its knees by a psychopathic priest class that uses God to commit atrocity. I stand by my words. You promote dangerous rhetoric that will lead to pain and suffering. That's some real Jesus "love thy neighbor" you got there lol!
Yes, the purveyors of blood spilling under the guise of God are fools! This is not me being stiff necked. This is me calling a spade a spade. This is me standing up for resolve with maturity, not some MK Ultra attempt at terrorizing people into worshipping Yahweh. You all are no different than the COVID cult. It's your way and anyone who calls you out is stiff necked. This form of mass hypnosis always gets people killed and this time it will be in the name of God.
You're scary thinkers and you must not have power over the rest of us! Save your passages, God imbeds the truth in the heart. This is where I obtain my commands ;)
Either way, it's a psychological manipulation generations in the making to pivot to a Pax Judaica. The Ambrahamic religions are an absolute chore.
VERY SIMPLE. The truth on the deadliness of the vaccines was leaking out, in spite of massive propagandizing by mainstream media (MSM) - and many of those successfully propagandized were the elite or their families, associates, friends. ------- Totally fearlessly, Klaus S, in plain sight, published his book relating C19 and his dreamed about "great reset" only weeks after the start of the story of the pandemic - so it is very clear that they don't care and aren't afraid of their plans being revealed. After all, they, directly or indirectly, control money as the world knows it, and the police and military, as well as 3 letter agencies - maybe worldwide. ------
If one thinks that the Ukraine war is - as it seems to be - or started for the reasons blithely given . . . or that Russia, a space-faring nation with huge industrial capacity, 30 times bigger than Ukraine... was actually "buckling" to Ukraine, .... then there is a bridge in Manhattan for sale cheaply .... ----
Think back - to Ron Johnson's "2nd Opinion" on Jan 24, the February trucker's anti-vax, anti-ID convoys in Canada, US and elsewhere, the growing C19 statistics in February, when, pooof, most all C19 mandates evaporated when the Ukraine was invaded.... Sometimes, the choreographers are not listed in the program of the play or puppet show ... ----
Wellcome controllers recognized that the vaxx reality would soon be clear, even to the most ardent MSM followers! So, like Klaus, why not partially admit the couched "truth"...
Good insight. What we know for sure, if those who are behind these psyops are several steps ahead of us. The value in chaos is obvious. I imagine too, there is some in-fighting going on. I can't imagine all the players are in agreement on all the issues. Maybe we'll get lucky and they'll end of battling each other into extinction. (As Catherine Austin Fits has suggested.)
Of course, with everything that comes out, even the stuff the we agree with, you have to ask why this and why now? I do agree that it could be admission of guilt to let people know they've been poisoned in order to tear apart society, but there is a flaw in this thinking. I was going to say that I don't think anyone would give a shit, as they don't seem to give a shit about anything else. But then I forgot about the MSM brain washing. The MSM will turn this up to 11 to get the reaction they want. But will people really see the UN and The WEF as any different. SURELY NOT. THEY WOULDNT BE THAT STUPID WOULD THEY?