Don't you think too, that maybe part of their agenda is to lower the amount of "breeding pairs" of humans to further the goals of reducing the population?

Has always been a nagging theory of mine. 🙂

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It seems to me that they are using every possible instrument in their tool box; so yes, agreed that reducing breeding pairs has to be part of the agenda.

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Destruction of the family unit and community cohesion.

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Quite so. I can't verify this document but if true - it is horrific and confirms your views: https://www.lawfulpath.com/ref/sw4qw/index.shtml

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My guess is they both want to destroy the family unit, and from there the civilization falls.

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Aug 15, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

All of WEF's 2030 agenda seems to be reasonable at first glance. . . why many people are so unsuspecting. It requires critical thinking and continued questioning to notice the irrational nature of what is actually being promoted.

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I have seen this as yet another spoke in the many weapons against us, notably the way that good movements (feminism, civil rights, gay rights, etc) have been turned in destructive ones - against us. So much connecting the dots is needed - as you are doing.

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Those movements didn't turn destructive, they were engineered to be destructive from the start. CIA funded them.

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Quite so and the Brits (The Crown, City of London, House of Lords et al) are behind so much of this skulduggery which they keep well hidden through fronts like the CIA. Yet another enormous rabbit hole to explore: A long read: https://declassifieduk.org/cia-sidekick-gives-2-6m-to-uk-media-groups/

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Yep! Gloria Steinem and MS magazine had more connections to the CIA than Bill Buckley and National Review -- even though they were supposedly ideological enemies.

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I disagree. Civil rights - racial equality - that's great, not destructive. Equal rights for women - including the vote - that's great. Ending the massive discrimination against gays and lesbians - that's great. Taking care of the environment - that's also great. Over and over, I see good movements turned destructive. There may well have been infiltration from the start. There were also amazing people who cared about fairness and justice. You are leaving out the massive contributions to our world by amazing people.

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IMHO discrimination of any kind is rooted in the need for some people (members of the WEF, UN et al) to impose their agenda on others. Everyone should be free to pursue their lives in any way they chose short of harming another. To peacefully practice your own mission is the only 'right' you need. The following says it all for me and I have yet to see it fail: https://www.desiderata.com/desiderata.html

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You don't address: how were we to get this rights? That's where the movements come in. United we are much stronger. Go tell your message to Harrier Tubman! Stop that silly underground railroad, just peacefully practice your own mission. Tell it to Abraham Lincoln!!

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Our right is a natural one but this has been confused by those wishing to control us like slavery. If the truth be known, we are all slaves to the corrupted capitalist system having been manacled for millennia and taught to love our slavery. The owners are the rentiers, formerly the landed aristocracy. But this is a massive subject. Some are unaware of the extent of land held in title by Queen Elizabeth II. https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/is-queen-elizabeth-ii-worlds-biggest-landowner.html/

If I am interrupted in my peaceful exercise of living and oppressed, then yes of course I will resist. Old 'Abe' had his agenda too. Nobody is all lilly white - we have our failings but hopefully forgive others as we ourselves are forgiven. Wars are born out of the desire to dictate to others.

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Of course there was some good that came of these movements, but I believe those movements were ultimately destructive to our society and the family unit.

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I appreciate being able to get work I would otherwise have almost certainly not gotten: college teaching, equal pay. I also could get a university education - which used to be closed to women. My father's mother was beaten and sent home (the reward was to come after death.) There is so massively much good coming from these movements. You are throwing out the baby with the bathwater. There were massive injustices. They needed to be addressed. I must say, you sound utterly horrifically brainwashed to me - as brainwashed as any of the people who are pro-injection. You also sound as if you have no awareness of history - the many injustices.

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You are kinda mean. lol

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I care about the truth. Mean? I wouldn't say so.

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I read about what's happening now being planned as far back as the 1970s to fragment and confuse the population so it would be easier for the oligarchs to control.

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Yes, but I believe it goes back even farther than that.

And creating medically butchered and sexless humans means no procreation for them, and tightly controlled designer humans in labs for whatever population targets the elites desire.

Etc. & etc.

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Sep 6, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022

If there is a God according to the Bible & the Torah, this all must signal the beginning of the end. I can’t believe God will allow Transhumanism & DNA changes to his precious creation. Moreover, allow humans to lose freedom to the extent they have planned for humanity. If these psychopaths think there isn’t a creator that is a trillion times more powerful than them who created our vast miraculous world and humans, then there is the proof of their insane minds thinking they are Gods and they can get away with doing whatever they want to humanity.

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and this nuttiness is infiltrating many churches. There are no safe spaces. (we have to make some AND protect the perimeter)

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Brilliant article, so far. Came to a missing link to "Savage Reality in his excellent video on Bitchute picks apart the real agenda of SDG 5 “gender equality”.


Thought you should know. (Please delete this comment after you deal with it.)

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Do not comply with terrorists!

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I can't help but just think. Sodom and Gomorrah.

Arrogant, lustful, wasteful and then... scorched.

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Puberty blockers and trans affirmative care on a mass scale ....lowering the global population long term

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it's almost all there, missing only fiery BLM picnics.

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Excellent research and very well presented 2ndSG - I am suitably humbled for having not spotted these WEF machinations. I will attend to my omission since I am already pursuing the general Woke agenda. This complex network is a lifelong task to unravel but as we do, it will surely fall apart. We all just need to find the resolve to battle at length.


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Thanks !!!! I’d sort of sussed that there must be a big connection here, but an elusive one, the globalists cynically desecrating and parasitizing all the noble work done by generations to improve life and rights for women and marginalized groups in society.

You’re right on the money here… and it could be well worth carefully dissecting that connection as well …

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Aug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022

a bunch of losers ...

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what you said.

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depopulation and destruction of the family unit are minor objectives on the way to the end game which is transhumanism. today the puberty blockers tomorrow the microchip. it's all conditioning. anti-trans in 2030 means anti-cyborg and that's what klaus the louse and his owners want to nip in the bud before we get any stronger.

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