PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE is used as the mass inducement fear excuse for quite literally everything. From electric vehicles that generate far greater pollution and CO2 than any ICE car to the ESG scam to even companies like DocuSign that claim to reduce CO2 with e-signing sent through mostly gmail and other CIA/DARPA run email services.
DocuSign claims to be the “#1 in Electronic Signatures and Agreement Cloud” with “more than a million customers and a billion users trust DocuSign with their critical and essential agreements.”
DocuSign has contracts for all kinds of industries, from real estate to financial services to insurance and even government. This company is like the Amazon for legal contracts, eNotary, and eSignature services. They even help generate purchase agreements.
Of course, DocuSign has a Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging (DIBs) program.
Most importantly though, DocuSign is fully woke in its “climate change” scam; to wit:
The 55 billion sheets of paper DocuSign and its customers have saved is just the beginning. Also saved were over 5.9 billion gallons of water needed to make that much paper, plus over 326 million pounds of waste. And because that paper was not made, our planet was spared over 4.7 billion pounds of additional CO₂.*
The problem is that lowering CO2 from the current minuscule 421ppm and saving forests is wholly incompatible since trees require CO2 to survive and thrive. So right away we know that DocuSign is yet another corporate fraud.
We also know that the UN and WEF are the public driving forces behind PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE. So what are the odds that DocuSign has been WEF “penetrated” and is essentially their partner in crime?
Basically, the hyper-centralization of everything is made possible by companies like DocuSign, Google, Amazon, et al. working closely with technocommunist entities like the WEF and UN. At some point these companies put every other company out of business, accept only CBDCs as payment, and provide their services strictly to those whose social credit scores allow for such transacting.
In other words, DocuSign is one of these companies that is paving the way for a transhumanist 4th Industrial Revolution hell on earth. And if the WEF is privy to every single person’s legal documents, then how much easier will it be for them to ensure that everyone legally owns nothing and are happy?
Do NOT comply.
Under the guise of the con for quite literally everything that is wrong in the world in
I've said for a long time... Isn't it quite possible that Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple, etc. and other like companies, such as DocuSign... were initially seeded by Darpa/Alphabet Agencies... After all... wasn't IBM, AT&T and past behemoth's... infiltrated and subverted, if not initially funded and/or regulated by Gov't entities, and had "Federal" divisions within their companies?
Good day 2nd smartest...
I agree with your general insight. More than agree. We (my wife and i) are in the process of unplugging from this CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operation). Hopefully by mid 2023 the cord will be cut. Still I am a bit concerned with how people use the word communism today and its original meaning prior to 1918. A definition by Kenneth Rexroth from his book "COMMUNALISM From Its Origins to the Twentieth Century"
Prior to 1918 the word “communism” did not mean Left Social Democracy of the sort represented by the Russian Bolsheviks, a radical, revolutionary form of State socialism. Quite the contrary, it was used of those who wished in one way or another to abolish the State, who believed that socialism was not a matter of seizing power, but of doing away with power and returning society to an organic community of non-coercive human relations. They believed that this was what society was naturally, and that the State was only a morbid growth on the normal body of oeconomia, the housekeeping of the human family, grouped in voluntary association. Even the word “socialism” itself was originally applied to the free communist communities which were so common in America in the nineteenth century...