I love that you struck-through 'vaccine.' I will not use that word. Nor will I use 'pandemic,' 'climate change,' 'gun violence,' etc etc.

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Covid should be DROPPED too.....its FLU! Anyone who still uses COVID to me is still asleep. I agree with our other ill-used terms too.

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It wasn’t the Flu either

It was a biological attack on our country using poison

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Not sure if it was a biological THING....the advent of 5G cell towers and the extreme amounts of microwaves they emit, may have defeated the cellular mechanisms in our bodies to repel a fairly normal "flu virus". When the 5G towers were turned on in Wuhan a couple years back, many got sick and many died. The radiation from these towers can weaken the immune system so completely that environmental pathogens become more dangerous bec we have no defense. Check out this link and there are others: https://www.radiation.news/2020-02-26-5g-rollout-in-wuhan-damage-the-innate-cellular-defense-cells-coronavirus.html

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It was definitely not a flu. I thought it was going to kill me. I had some thing December 2019, that was brutal. I treated it at home with Botanicals, vitamins, and homeopathy, but experienced fatigue for an entire month afterwards.

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Sorry but I still believe it was a flu. Your immune system was already at a low point where you fell easily. The "flu" has many variations but you had a "flu"....the fact that it took you so long to recover from it, tells me you were already with a weakened immune system response. Vitamins and "botannicals" might have helped but you didnt know the RIGHT ones to take, ergo they seem to be useless. You can't learn overnight the vitamins that matter and some herbals so you were starting out a race with a flat tire. I have studied this stuff almost my whole life, so I know what I'm talking about. I've had pneumonia and bronchitis several times in my 70 yrs and once I REMEMBER what I did before to get past it, I was good to go with in 24 hours.......the problem was REMEMBERING what I did 5 or 10 years ago.....and by the way, no doctors were consulted.

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What you are saying definitely has great merit and I most certainly do not question what you have learned over a lifetime of dedicated study. You are admirable, and your knowledge and experience is invaluable.

But you are perhaps too dismissive of the decades of state-sponsored military and academic research in bioweapons and medical countermeasures that went into viruses or whatever else it was that they inflicted upon populations in order that at least some people would get severely sick so that they can call the vast "COVID-19 pandemic" hoax.

Please don't misunderstand me: most or almost all who were accounted among the victims of COVID-19 were almost certainly not infected/poisoned with the bioweapon. Most were not even affected in any way and simply reckoned as such as a result of the intentional deception of returning an arbitrary "positive" result with a misapplied nucleic acid amplification technique (the infamous RT-PCR "test"), which was deceitfully touted as the "gold standard" of assays for COVID-19.

A genuine COVID-19 bioweapon infection/poisoning can either kill, incapacitate at varying degrees of severity, or even manifest in a slow-acting manner, gradually degrading immune systems and lead to severe illnesses and death.

One of the most vile and criminal aspects of this is that, while the biological agent that was deployed to strike down people in order for them to establish the preconditions for calling a "pandemic" (using a definition of the term that was, conveniently, officially modified just before they applied it, with a sufficiently broad meaning in order that they may apply it even though pandemic conditions were not existent), a relatively small number of people were infected/poisoned with the bioweapon agent, on the other hand, a large proportion and potentially most people who allowed themselves to be injected with the "vaccines" received the bioweapon agent, which is manufactured as the payload (or more accurately, the genetic instructions for the toxic payload) of the COVID-19 injections.

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I’ve been studying this stuff since my teens. I’m a holistic health professional.

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Wrong. I’ve had the flu before. This felt like a Bioweapon, before I even knew what a Bioweapon was.

I eat an anti-inflammatory diet, exercise, meditate and have no diseases, take no Pharma drugs. I’m 64 and healthier than I was in my 20s.

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Bingo! Still suffering 31 months later for me

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So sorry to hear that! Are you taking any of the detoxing or spike proteins supplements?

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How so very unpleasant. I'm sorry for you.

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Webb thinks it's Corona-thrax.


scroll thru his headlines to get the gist. clicky on 'all' at the bottom.

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It took me awhile to recognize who George Webb was but when I opened his substack link I remembered him well...he used to be on with Cirsten W quite often and I liked him and his input into his show. Unfortunately Cirsten W disappeared and I never saw George again. Thanks for the reminder. I miss like hell, Cirsten W...she always had exceptional intel way ahead of anyone else.

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Guess you missed this. Seems as if the C19 critics often die of the disease that doesn't exist when the criminal overlords' lie about it.

And the PTB crooks also have to diss C19 critics after their deaths too.

Was she killed or poisoned perhaps before & during hospitalization? / Anti-Vaxx QAnon Influencer Dies After Contracting COVID-19


Cirsten Weldon was a QAnon influencer who spread conspiracy theories about COVID-19 vaccines. Weldon said she felt exhausted and unwell in the final videos she posted before her hospitalization....

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Agree! Great info

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And not only your country.

I agree with you: it wasn't flu, and it was potentially far, far worse, but thankfully it wasn't nearly as contagious or transmissible or as pervading as they might have hoped.. But that didn't much matter to the program because they did their damnedest to conflate real cases of colds and flu, but also executions of the elderly in rest homes, and gunshot wound, and decapitation, and splinter in the ass, with COVID-19 all over the world in order to fabricate and then exaggerate the contagion in order to establish a precedent. Then they fervently amplified the terror (again, as always, a case of state-sponsored and prosecuted terror, only this time, the greatest terror campaign ever executed) with propaganda, down-right lies, state-administered violence, imprisonment, business closure, and even bribes in order to drive the populations to clamour for their "vaccine."

It's very late, but we collectively must face the undeniable fact that "our" governments are killing us. There is absolutely no argument possible on the grounds of ignorance of what damage they wreaked; this is not manslaughter - they're killing us with murderous intent.

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I use the term Injection, because that's what it is. If you are dealing with the flagrant obtuse I spell it as Vaxxine,

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Violent gun-users, perhaps, to place the responsibility where it belongs?

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Stupid Criminals is better.

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Jul 27, 2023
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Rat Juice

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But why so unfairly tarnish those poor rats? Rats can't help being rats and ratting as rattily as rats may rat.

But these bioweapons are the wicked result of villainous human industry, and while humans can't help but being human, we at least have some freedom to choose not to murder the rest of the goddamn human population.

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Anyone else noticing accelerated aging? Two years passed since bioweapon deployment, yet many people look 5 to 10 years older?

Today I'm working at a clients office, one of the gentlemen I work with was a large injection proponent and frequently complained about the uninjected. Pretty sure hes 3, 4 maybe 5 shots in. Always sick, having fatigue issues, leg cramps, says he has random headaches. He can't put two and two together.

Had another client reach out to me a few months back for some emergency help on a project, the consultant they typically work with had a stroke (healthy in late 40's).

The greatest tragedy is seeing the impacts on newborn and young children born to injected parents. They themselves mya not have been injected, both their parents have been. Lots of health and development issues. Good friend of ours has a 13 month old son that still hasn't said any works and barely makes sounds.

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My Mum took four shots, she looks like shit and has cancer, I am so angry.

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Yes to the aged appearance. Recently went with hubby for this doctor appointment. We hadn't seen his doctor for some time. It is Kaiser, so he has had all shots and boosters. After we left we both of us were struck at how much older his doctor appeared. The aging was unmistakable. Terrible thing.

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Well you know, climate change. Very bad for the skin, makes you look WAY older!

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Yes - I've seen peeps that look like they aged 10-15 years in a bout 2 years. Lots of Hip and Knee replacements at much younger intervals, as well.

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Babies who are vaccinated (regular cdc schedule) don’t usually speak at a year. Most are well passed two years when they finally start to develop speech. Some never develop normal speech patterns...

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Yes. My sister in law looks like she aged twenty years in the last two.

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It's strange to consider the lack of commonality among those who knew better than to take the vacks., and those who didn't... socio-economic status... education status... ethnicity... there doesn't seem to be a common denominator at work here... or is there?

It was mentioned that the young man was intelligent. People with high IQs in so many cases seemed not to realize what might really be going on with these kill-shots.

If I had to break it down, it would be the generally naive (those who took the shots) and the savvy (those who said "hell no"... )

One can be foolish in spite of a high IQ. Wisdom and Intelligence are not the same thing. Wisdom is what these poor folks lacked, and many have already paid for their lack of Wisdom with their very lives. Many more will no doubt pay that same price.

Intelligence is one thing, Knowledge is another... this intelligent doctor certainly had knowledge--but he obviously did not have Wisdom.

If you lack Wisdom, see James chapter 1 verse 5. :)

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The commonality is not that they are educated, but that their identity depends on thinking they belong in the "highly educated" group. It's not just that they want to believe that they are in the smartest group, but they need everyone to know they are in that smartest group. These are the same people that chronically virtue signal about so many things.

If you go against the group, you could very well be ostracized, which is one of the most painful experiences you can have. All of us who wouldn't submit know very well what being ostrazied by family, good friends, co-workers, bosses, and society in general feels like.

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I actually wrote about this a while back, and a bunch of people have left comments since. The common strain seems to be a healthy distrust of authority, usually from some event that happened at a young age. (For me, it was a time-telling test)


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I’m also keen to know who and why. I like the work of Mattias Desmet (book - mass formation psychosis). Have you ever been hypnotised? Some people have the ability to remain in control when hypnotised and prevent themselves from succumbing if they choose. I believe it is this group (that’s us) about 5% of the population according to Mattias. The other 95% consists of the 30% who may never come out of the psychosis/hypnosis. However, the remaining 65% are drawn into the formation of the group because it’s comfortable and they feel a sense of belonging. This 65% of individuals can with gentle persuasion escape the hypnosis. I find it fairly obvious who fits which group. This mass formation has occurred many times through history, the witch hunts, nazi’s, etc. Mattias goes on to say that this happens when a society experience free floating anxieties and loneliness. I don’t experience loneliness and thoroughly enjoy solitude, possibly another deciding factor.

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Have you had a chance to read Dr. Peter Breggins' breakdown of Desmet's book? Its worthy of your time.

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Well I’m Gob smacked! The two ideas are not mutually exclusive. We can have mass formation and hold elites accountable. How will the average individual know what’s really going on? Understand the hidden agenda? If they are only watching the legacy news and listening to their friends. They are being lied to. How would they know that? To them everything is hunky dory. There are no signs for them to navigate to bring them to any other conclusion than the one they’re being force fed. They are under the hypnosis of propaganda. True. Have no idea. Innocent. Ignorant.

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Brilliant thanks. I’ll definitely check it out for sure.

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Link here on Breggins' Desmet-related analysis for those who want to read it.

Sep 03, 2022 - Mass Formation & Mass Psychosis: A False and Dangerous Concept that Threatens Our Freedom by Peter Breggin MD & Ginger Ross Breggin


p.s. The Breggins' Desmet 3-part article is not on their substack so had some difficulty finding it online as I didn't have it in my research folders evidently.

And another stack commentary on their Desmet 3-part here >

> Jul 26, 2022 - Dr. Peter Breggin & Ginger Breggin on 3-part Desmet book.


Dr. Peter Breggin & Ginger Breggin 3-part Article on M. Desmet's new book Mattias Desmet Blames the Victims and Absolves the Perpetrators - Mass Hypnosis Expert or Trojan Horse ? ... personology.substack.com

I agree with the Breggins & w/CJ Hopkins & Catherine Austin Fitts re: the globalists. Check out Fitts' Solari Report for interesting analysis here: https://home.solari.com/

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Desmet's research blames folks for being dupes rather than peeps being coerced by billions of dollars of corp/govt criminal lies/PR/advertising to FORCE C19 compliance. The C19 hoax was brutal authoritarianism (NOT Mass Formation Hypnosis Disorder) & totalitarian regimes historically have known very well how to wield it against us. :/

It's not our hypnotized psychological frailty or fragility but the effects of nasty coercion.

See CJ Hopkins' brilliant analysis of Desmet et al's "theory" Mass Formation Disorder here > Mass Formation Hypnosis Disorder - Sep 11, 2022 by CJ Hopkins

Excerpt: Well, gosh, this is kind of embarrassing. For approximately the last two and a half years, I have been documenting, analyzing, and occasionally satirizing the so-called “New Normal,” i.e., the new, pathologized, official ideology that has been rolled out all across the planet by the global-capitalist ruling classes under the pretext of combating an apocalyptic pandemic … or at least that’s what I thought was going on.…


... As it turns out, I was totally wrong.

Apparently, the global-capitalist ruling establishment (or “GloboCap,” as I often refer to the unaccountable, supranational network of global corporations, banks, governments, and non-governmental governing entities that unaccountably govern our world) has not been rolling out a new official ideology, or pathologized form of totalitarianism, or not intentionally in any event.

No one has been methodically gaslighting anyone, or terrorizing anyone with propaganda, or censoring or segregating anyone, or coercing anyone to get needlessly “vaccinated” with any sort of dangerous experimental drugs, or consciously conspiring with anyone to do anything.

Everyone has simply been suffering from Mass Formation Hypnosis Disorder!

> CJ Hopkins is a novelist, playwright, political satirist as he describes himself, but in my view he's also a brilliant journalist, cultural observer, political analyst & author of many insightful political books including The Rise of the New Normal Reich, Zone 23, and The War on Populism, in addition to others.

The over 190 world-wide govts who participated in this C19 scamdemic by terrorizing their citizins over the past 3 years have signed up for more controls down the road too. These govts are part of the NWO/Agenda 21/UN/WHO globalists to "remake the world" w/imposed biosecurity/ CBDC financial systems (like China & others) plus centrally developed "smart cities" for their benefit/profits &, of course, to digitally control us all.

Read Hopkins & other globalist critics for much more on this attempted imposed reality.

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Thanks, I’ll check out links for sure. I totally agree with your assessment of what’s going on. Still think we’re saying the same thing. Just that some get absorbed in the propaganda while others have eyes wide open.

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There are supplements that would save the vaxed from injury & death. But they would need to admit that the vax is dangerous & deadly. They could check the batch number of the shot they got to see if it's one of the killer or dangerous ones, or the placebo. But again, they would have to overcome the 'Safe and Effective' brainwashing they received. There have to admit the truth, and take responsibility for what they've done to themselves. If a single cookie can make someone flip out.... No, sadly, too many will do absolutely nothing to help themselves. Nor will their doctors help them, because they pushed the Vax hard, and would have to admit, gulp, that they were wrong, that what they did has harmed and killed their patients. Besides, the AMA etc is not providing them diagnosis or treatment guidance. There's no need. It's a safe and effective drug. It's breakthrough Covid that's making the vaxed sick. More boosters is what's needed.

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Most people had to give up something important to them to stay unvaccinated and as time passes it has become apparent whatever that might have been was well worth it. Particularly when you see all the issues in those that took it and no matter how much you gave up nothing can compare to losing your heath and future. People may not be admitting what happened to them publicly yet but it sure seems like we are approaching the tipping point.

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There's a reason that booster uptake has cratered, and "vaccine hesitancy" has crept into other shots -- word of mouth is STILL the most important 'advertising'.

The 'hilarious' part about this whole thing is that all the pro-vaxxers had stories about how the jab knocked them on their butts for a week or so, but it was SCANDELOUS to think that somebody could be injured for a month, or a year, or forever.

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So sad but so very true. In our area also so many unexplained auto accidents ( my phone won't allow Vax idents.) So many infants dying within months or days or before they are born..7 within 3 months and I live in a very small rural community..that are the ones in the obits..how many more are not listed??? So many in our area have turbo cancers..so many unexplained and unexpected..how many more before all eyes are opened

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But, if the jab makes its’ way into the DNA...just something to ponder.

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Then the symptoms are managed with anti spike protein compounds but never truly “cured” as opposed to the unvaxxed who may have for example picked up s2 laced exosomes shedding by the vaxxed but not getting genetic material integrated permanently.

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That’s why I take so many supplements, including Nattokinese.

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This makes me feel ill. The US is well and truly fucked. We won't know the full ramifications of this depopulation for years, other than it won't be good.

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As tragic and unfortunate as these events are, it would be an interesting exercise to see how these people (as well as others that believed in this psyop up front) spent their disposable time in life prior to all of this occurring. ... and relatedly, whether or not having spent a fraction of it researching how we've been and continue to be subverted in society, not simply recently, but throughout their lifetimes and over the decades, would have allowed them to see through this charade from the onset.

People seem to have an awful lot of time to waste on social media, with what those trying to subvert us with call "entertainment" which includes more than a passing fan-liking for sports, paying for all of it thereby aiding and abeting those deliberately attempting to destroy their lives. I mean we know that Hollywood is controlled and run by Babylonian Talmudist Bolsheviks whose ultimate goal it is to destroy Christian civilization, YET, we voluntarily pay them to watch their filth that they put out in order to achieve their goals.

It makes no sense. It's understandable for young people without solid moral parental guidance, but for people much older it makes no sense.

We all make our own choices in life, and this notion of an "Easy Street" life with little work and getting money/wealth/income via any means possible despite the lack of morality of so much of it, means that we contribute to our own demise, and even fund and pay for it.

There is ZERO hope in Corporations (which the perps all own and control), the governments (which the perps all control), law (which the perps control), Banking which is the primary control mechanism of the Perps which they both own and control, politics, the politicians of whom they own (via blackmail or willing compliance) and control, Education (which they control), etc.

The only hope rests in an earthly sense is a complete forsaking of the existing Central Banking SYSTEM and thereby of its owners, along with ALL of the ill-gotten filthy lucre gains that we have accumulated through it.

Odds of that happening wilfully? ... LOL

We worship mammon these days. We know what Jesus said about worshiping God or mammon and the choice. We've been so demoralized as a nation that most no longer even believe in God as such or don't care and prefer mammon.

In short, the choices are ours. We make our own bed.

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Just read an article on Epoch Times (today's 7 27 23) that the shots did NOT have mRNA but MODRNA...meaning the mRNA was amended in structure so it remains effective in a human system much, much longer. mRNA is very short lived so the nefarious ones had to figure out a way to make it more effective LONGER.

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Very interesting. Thank you for sharing these. This is what I’m seeing too. It’s the “real life” stuff that I rely on on since we get zero info from our health officials and/or media.

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Yep, the same story as in my world...

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The Injections are causing various ailments, spike protein clogging up and destroying the Cardio Vascular System, LPNs pushing into the brains and causes prions, and the damage to the CD8 T Cells allowing.turbo cancers to erupt.

But, as atrocious as they are, I think that they are all Squirrels.

The Injections, what with their Amino Acids and peptides are what I think is the real problem.

Remember in the old days before Adobe PDFs? We would type up a form or document and put in a file cabinet under "Master Copies" so that instead of making Xerox copies of copies, and getting degraded copies, we would take the master out of its plastic holder and make our crisp new copies.

Well.our DNA and mRNA system is like that. The DNA is the master copy and the mRNA is the copy machine.

Now imagine that the drum of the copy machine has dirt or sand or something that is degrading the drum, no matter how crisp and clean the "master" is, the copies will come out looking degraded.

The Amino Acids and Peptides are like the.sand on the drum of the old school Xerox machine, over time gradually doing damage to mRNA messaging system.

The copy gradually degrades over time, gradually then "Suddenly" so what's it going to look like when the DNA can no longer use the mRNA to refresh the body's cells? How long could someone last?

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Will IVM Ivermectin, be effective on Marberg (the next pandemic 😷 🦠 per Bill Gates of Hell)

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How's that high IQ going for him?

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Asking for a friend.

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