I don’t know about you, but I want to know who these emergency room patients are. Are they American citizens with primary care doctors and health insurance, or are they illegal aliens with no primary care doctors and no health insurance, who use the ER for everything, and the state is forcing hospitals to treat at their own expense?
The hotels are packed too. MA state governor has recently pleaded with MA homeowners who have any spare beds to take in illegal migrants. In MA before a homeowner does that he or she better do some research on how MA laws are tilted greatly in favor of tenants and not the property owner.
In addition, I'd like to know what the hospital staffing numbers really are. Efficient patient care cannot be accomplished if you have a large staff shortage. This staffing "shortage" is by design.
I’m curious how the Native Americans feel about this? Have you heard about any laws or programs to make the illegals give reparations to the aboriginals whose lands they now occupy? Or to the descendants of descendants of black slaves whom none of them (like none of us) ever held captive?
Neither have I. Gee, all the leftist blather about how uniquely horrible Caucasian Americans are is beginning to sound like a bit of a scam perpetrated for other purposes.
I’ll tell you what. I’m unvaxed and untested. I don’t know how many times I’ve had it, but only one time did I lose all taste and smell. As far as I know, I didn’t have any lasting damage.
I was an early user of ivermectin, quecertin, vit d, vit c, etc. But late last summer I got a cold and I still haven’t quit coughing. Productive coughs. I cough up mucus absolutely every day.
I don’t know what all they cooked into their bio weapon, but it was very effective.
San Diego this week is off of the charts. Insane. Ring around sun everyday for a week. Weird clouds covering sun. Weird heat. Whatever they spray, it actually magnifies the heat, not blocks. Fucking demons.
I have noticed quite a few days with inexplicably scum covered windshields lately. I was in a Costco parking lot a few weeks ago and started looking at everyone's windshields. Most looked like they had driven through a desert storm. Very strange.
Noticed this past summer that the thunder is "off". Meaning, it's a long , drawn out roll. Have been a storm lover and watcher since I was a kid. So, I tend to notice this stuff. Also, the sun (rarely seen) is white. Like LED lights.
Indeed. I too have noticed the sun is very white and very hot. Noticed this change for several years, but it’s stepped up immensely since “COVID.” (Ditto for the number of Chinese nationals here.) Good call with the LED light reference. Perhaps that is on the agenda too: attempting to turn God’s creation into an annoying LED-like bulb. I would put nothing past them.
I’ve been taking that for months. I don’t know how much it helps, but it hasn’t cleared it yet. I even bought all natural vit c and got an iv infusion of it.
I use OTC topical Poviodine solution. After clearning my nares I apply the poviodine with a q-tip intranasally. I get my low dose of much needed iodine dose in the process.. I do this maybe once or twice a week.
Same for me--what the heck did they release on us? What finally worked for me was the TriSodium Citrate protocol that the microscope researchers discovered. They were looking for ways to remove the nanotech from everyone's bodies and Trisodium Citrate worked.
Do you have a cold or do you have a sinus infection?
Two summers ago I was convinced that I had C0VID again. I was lethargic all the time and had to keep blowing my nose. Only real symptoms. Turns out I had a bad sinus infection. Same thing happened this year, only later-- a sinus infection that took two courses of antibiotics to get it out. Once again, non-traditional sinus symptoms, more like the symptoms of a cold.
I as replying to "But late last summer I got a cold and I still haven’t quit coughing. Productive coughs. I cough up mucus absolutely every day."... hence the chest etc.
I am the other way; maybe the same in that now; have big problem with slime (from the nose) and at night especially if that is at night DURING WINTER ... I am the same as you coughing and spitting it out ... bloody horrible.
Sorted out Summer at bedtime = small fan and container full of water plus one on the window - job done.
Now though (Winter here), even with a cheap mechanical dehumidifier .. no good; same problems.
Even with the crap, I can also breath properly... I shall buy a decent humidifier and see how that works PLUS let you know.
PS Unfortunately as we get older, these things do seem to happen !. Good luck.
Something to think about. As I mentioned to QH above, it could be sinus issues. It's an El Nino year, and we have had an extended fall-- aka "mold"-- that might never go away. I've been battling allergies since last June and it's been a hellish year. If you think it's mold at this point, don't use a humidifier, it might just make it worse. Also, an OTC med for mucus might help as well.
Know 2 people who have had a cough for weeks that is not covid, RSV, flu. Ones doctor said “it lasts 4-6 weeks, hang in there”. The other ended up with sinus and ear infection. One of them knows multiple people with same issue. One acquaintance was bedridden, very sick, tested negative for all above and pneumonia. All shot and boosted.
"tested negative." Yup. Here's what I'm hearing, from all of my boosted/jabbed and sick friends and relatives: They keep frantically testing themselves, and/but if it's negative, they are reassured and go out and about, with no concerns of spreading whatever it is that they have. If it's positive, they get a paxlovid and go out and about, with no concerns of spreading. But there's a lot of complaining about being sick, but most people I know are just living their lives with this chronic illness, never really getting better.
It’s starting to grate on me. For a long while, I was uncertain about this. But now, I am certain that everyday in San Diego, chemicals are being sprayed on us in the sky. And our “leaders” are fine with this.
The bioweapon keeps mutating plis shedding is likely to be part of the problem. My 19y.o. (very healthy track athlete, strong lungs) and I (asthma, otherwise healthy) have struggled with persistent cough. Mine progressed to asthma, and sinusitis (I'm on meds right now). We're all pure-bloods in my home. I don't think we can shelter ourselves from the shedding that's happening, sadly.
For what it's worth, I also think that the whole "El Nino" weird weather is not helping. I'm not shot, and still have had a horrible year with allergies.
Here in southeast South Dakota I have friends with “the worst flu ever,” and old classmates, all vaxxed with turbo cancers. I take 12mg of ivermectin daily along with C, D and Quercetin. Haven’t been sick in a year. A couple times I’ve felt like I was catching a cold and doubled my dose of ivermectin. That ended it.
From reading dr. Kory and others, there’s been no toxicity based on dosage. .2mg per kilo of body weight prophylactically, .4mg per kilo when feeling sick or exposed. HCQ can cause issues depending on dosage.
Yes most likely so but we are finally hearing about Tylenol now … quite stressful on the liver and with titanium dioxide to last a lifetime. My naturopath is all up in arms about Tylenol these days but my OBGYN told me to take just as much as I liked throughout all my pregnancies, not a thought in her head about it. These are unnatural products and must be treated with caution
I'm blown away by how the approach to prenatal care has changed. My children were born in the early/mid 80s. My first OBGYN was a very kind, gentle, elderly man who told me to remember that EVERYTHING I ate, drank, smelled, touched or heard affected my baby's development, for good or for bad. I was told not to drink coffee, soda, or tea (caffiene), cut back or eliminate sugary foods/treats, no smoking, don't eat tuna more than once a month (if at all), no OTC or RX products, go easy on perfumes and scented lotions, don't use or be around strong chemicals like bleach or pesticides, absolutely no hair dying or perms (very popular in the 80s) and to avoid "dangerous" or strenuous activities like mowing or horseback riding. (The horseback riding always made me laugh, but it was included in the standard written list. I could understand if I lived rural but I lived in a fairly large city!) And no cat box cleaning, although I've never own a cat! If I needed some sort of pain relief, I was allowed an occassional aspirin, but not close to my due date. Suffer through it using ice or heat packs instead. I remember coming home from that first OB appointment, telling my husband all of my new restrictions and he said "Dang! I didnt mean to turn you into a nun!" 😆 The old man's son took over his practice when he passed and he delivered my second child. He pretty much gave the same advice and list of do's and don'ts. I can only imagine their reactions today if they heard what's "allowed" and even recommended now (ie, flu and other "catch-up" jabs). I'm sure they'd completely FREAK out, especially with the current experimental injections.
For the most part I followed my own predisposition to live as normally as possible throughout pregnancy but to exhibit extra precaution in first trimester … no meds of any kind, no artificial sugars or food dyes no caffeine no alcohol… I mostly achieved all of this. Its tough trying to work a full time job and pay attention to such detail. After the first trimester I was fairly lenient with myself … I took Tylenol for pain (I suffer chronic pain) I drank a bit, I ate what I liked. I was suspicious of the warnings against soft cheeses lunchmeat etc … I wondered what the evidence was if those being harmful and kind of expected that a single case may have justified the banning of entire foods for pregnant women forever more. I am skeptical of all things. But in any case I ate a healthy diet which is my norm. I had five healthy babies then proceeded to inject them with dozens of vials of poisons because I had no clue at all. Oy!
I'm going to order the Ivm in 12 mg tablets to start treating these weird symptoms. Honestly, I think the variants of this bioweapon plus the weather are making it impossible to shake off the stubborn "colds". I've heard of young people with cough that last 2 months!!! What in the world? It's hard to not get paranoid or hopeless when you know that our food and environment is being poisoned with mRNA technologies, pesticides, etc. UGH... Thanks for sharing your tactics. I'll be adding Ivm to my arsenal of home remedies.
And in Worcester MA, there is a new 100,000 ft Chinese pharmaceutical company...Wu-Xi Biologics being built and ready to operate next year, as part of their global expansion. They will receive 18 million dollars in state and local incentives, including a 5-million-dollar grant to a government agency to develop the site for the facility. Oh, and they expect to 1 million in property tax relief from the city of Worcester. AND you can still protect yourself from Covid by getting your latest vaccine, 6 months and older, flu shot, RSV shot...etc. Be it at Walgreens. Walmart, or if you really want to be inconvenienced, at a Dr.s office. God help us. We are funding our own demise, and no one is making a peep here.
I read an article about a lady in MA who refuses to show her vx proof to go into a state/federal? building. She got arrested. Has MA gone rogue like Canada?
Ground zero for the creation and spread of Covid 19 . It’s a bio weapon and people are still getting sick because it’s sprayed in Chem trails . Now all the vaccinated people are hosts to the spray which cause all sorts of Genetic diseases.
Indeed, God help us. It is the same thing that is happening in San Diego. There are five multistory, what shall I call them, "bio-lab buildings," being built near where I live. There are huge numbers of Chinese nationals here. They are here to implement this great reset. They. just appeared overnight during "COVID." What the hell is going on?
I struggle to control my rage at this when I see what is going on. I know this is part of "their" program--to trigger people into civil conflict over what is obviously a deliberate takedown of America. They put it in our face everyday. And no one making a peep here either.
I can relate to every word. And government acts like they are offended at Chinese buying America land? And yet they give it away for them to set up shop? Or is it rightfully theirs to begin with? Yeah, the internal rage. I look at anger as God-driven energy intended to help us solve problems. Hope that encourages you to keep it in check!
I know. And no one asked me if it was OK to take my money to spend on things I consider diabolical. Infuriating. That is why we are called Taxachusetts.
Uuff. Tough crowd. I was simply saying that the past three+ years have taught me well to question everything that doesn’t generate from my own life experience. Not paranoid, just skeptical.
For example, could the overflow in the Massachusetts ED be due to being understaffed? Could clinicians be thin on the ground due to jab injuries? Could there be inadequate staffing due to firings of clinical staff who wouldn’t submit to the jabs? That would certainly cause chaos.
If that were the case I would expect the hospitals to blame it on anything but their own mismanagement and failed mandate policies. Yes?
In my experience, “Trust but Verify” is safe advice. We wouldn’t want to go all half-cocked running like sheep off the cliff again as many did in 2020, would we?
And thanks John Ransley for your consideration. FYI, no jabs here, but I, like all of us, may be impacted by shedding.
Those who have been paying attention and tried to warn others of the bioweapon KNEW this was coming. We’ll continue to see higher rates of deaths in ‘all cause mortality’ for at least several more years. That is provided people stop getting them 🤦🏼♀️ Otherwise it will go on for even more years
I'm interested in EMS and police calls to traffic accidents caused by a "suddenly". I know single car accidents are up but a huge tragedy is waiting for a big-rig driver or a bus driver with a full passengers to suddenly stroke out while on the road. We definitely hear more welfare check request calls in our small town. Another substack writer, Kevin Stillwagon, has been documenting airline pilots suddenly becoming incapacitated in air. So far, the 2nd officer has diverted these potential disasters but due to pilot shortages, airlines are talking about having only 1 pilot per flight! And also lowering qualifications and training to bow to ESG Diversity Equity Inclusion (or DIE?) goals. There's disasters waiting to happen all over.
People here have been getting sick and dropping like flies since the vaccine and vaccine mandate. My family experienced the sudden and out of the blue death of a family member four times in one year. I still have people either ask me what do you think happened or treat me like a social pariah. Knowing what my family experienced forces their psyche to go to a place they simply aren’t willing to go. I suspect it is such a disaster here as we have too many brainwashed boosted. I also suspect one contributing factor to the excess death rates were vaccinated individuals unleashing heavy viral loads for two weeks after injection. For example, Omicron did a number on this state. In July 2022 many residents got boosted and in August 2022 many unvaccinated Massachusetts residents ended up dropping dead.
Sad, however, most likely very truth. I no longer worry about the sheep who refuse to leave the luxury of their bubble world and home. I assume some will drown in the bubble once reality comes with a vengeance and pops it open when least expected.
I make an extra effort to be kind to everyone during a time of such horror and sadness.
Although I believe VAIDS is expanding, I hold no confidence in any news these hospitals put out about admissions and emergency room capacity. They lied, unceasingly, in the past. How do we ascertain the truth?
I read with interest from Florida, so no visibility to Massachusetts.
Are there any folks on the ground there, citizen reporters, who can confirm this hospital overcrowding info?
I am not denying it and believe the VAIDS/ADE of Geert Van der Bosch, I have just become jaded by the past 3.75 years of fear-baiting by our sociopathic overlords.
This information reminds me of the initial covid fear-ratcheting in early 2020, hence my desire for boots on the ground confirmation.
Yes there was a movement around that time called FilmMY Hospital where people would drive by or go into their local hospital and film the tumbleweed drifting by. Then of course all those videos started to disappear.
Lee county supposedly was busy enough last week to do a story on it. My husband’s primary care doctor in ft Myers office is chronically sick now. Still waiting for a call back from 12 days ago! I’m sure they got the rsv , flu , boosters.
My experience in the past 3.75 years is there is a lot of hate to be made in instilling fear in the masses.
I think we’ve all seen that.
I’ve come to be very skeptical, but not paranoid.
Trust but verify.
For example, is it possible that the chaos being discussed is due to inadequate staffing? Could it be that there are not enough clinicians because they are unwell from the jobs?
Could it be that there are in adequate clinicians due to the firing of people who refuse to take the jobs? If so I would fully expect hospitals to blame it on anything other than their own miss management and failed mandate policies.
Trust but verify, that’s my motto.
We wouldn’t want to have a bunch of people fear baited into running off the cliff like we did in 2020, now would we?
I posted this before but it seems to not have taken.
The more Chinese the controllers bring to the West, the worse it becomes. They are trying to turn America into a Chinese techno-authoritarian state. They've already succeeded in Canada. I would not have said this even in the 1990s. Things have gone downhill rapidly since 9/11, which I now believe to be their calling card for the NWO agenda. It's complete the endless pop culture garbage posing as news 24/7 like "Dan Marino offers distinct opinion on Taylor Swift."
And yet we can be certain that there will be no honesty, and no transparency regarding monumental, catastrophic disaster that these experimental injections have brought on our society. The only way for the truth to come out and for the information to be made public is through the criminal prosecution of the principal instigators, perpetrators, and propagators of both of the original Wuhan virus bio weapon and the subsequent experimental injections meant to “treat” the Wuhan virus .
I think the hospital’s own website is the highest level confirmation you could ask for unless it is outdated? You could call reception there to ask about some of this stuff to see if they are still discharging patients to waiting rooms or euphemistically “The Wang Center”. That’s crazy!
I’m more curious about how common this is in other east coast hospitals... I live in Connecticut and have only noticed that my vaxxed friends are the ones falling ill.
I know a couple, a lovely couple with five small children ... my friend liked to say “we are vaxxed to the MAX!!” (but not the kids I think so at least they aren’t totally stupid) ...both parents fell ill the same week, a cloggy cough that was haunting our little town here ... they had it so bad though ... my friend had four fractured ribs from all the coughing and her husband was in rotten shape too. Then both of them were in the hospital for a “blood infection” which my friend described as sepsis. Oh my. I did what I could to help out, took care of babies and gave them my medicine store, etc. etc. I was honored to do what I could, I really love them. They are both mostly recovered now, thank Jesus. I am genuinely worried for that family.
Not really though … my friend knows I am not vaxxed. She is very upset that my five year old cannot attend our town schools because j refuse to have him injected with a single more thing than the poor kid has been already. I would say my friend is fully indoctrinated but still has some of her wits about her. She is a new Trump supporter and we have not discussed vaccines in a very long time, I suspect her opinions are shifting there as well. She is a good egg and I pray for her future
Indeed! I see a lot of that sort of similar movement among people that I know, ranging from my oldest and best friends to acquaintances and colleagues at work. I certainly hope the tide is turning, at least among those who can still think rationally. The rest will simply have to suffer their fate.
I’m fully convinced that the seemingly endless chem trails day and night are affecting everyone here in western Canada,but especially hammering the vaxed with their compromised immune systems. Daughter has had a constant cough since early December. She got the shot in order to travel overseas, but soon realized that it was all a lie.. too late now unfortunately.
We are all Guinea pigs in their worldwide experiments... stay safe, stay vigilant, believe nothing from the government fear mongering and make yourself “hard to kill”. Eat healthy, exercise and stay as far away from hospitals as possible.
I don’t know about you, but I want to know who these emergency room patients are. Are they American citizens with primary care doctors and health insurance, or are they illegal aliens with no primary care doctors and no health insurance, who use the ER for everything, and the state is forcing hospitals to treat at their own expense?
The hotels are packed too. MA state governor has recently pleaded with MA homeowners who have any spare beds to take in illegal migrants. In MA before a homeowner does that he or she better do some research on how MA laws are tilted greatly in favor of tenants and not the property owner.
In addition, I'd like to know what the hospital staffing numbers really are. Efficient patient care cannot be accomplished if you have a large staff shortage. This staffing "shortage" is by design.
Great question
Especially good question in the big cities.
But.... but.... diversity is our strength!
I’m curious how the Native Americans feel about this? Have you heard about any laws or programs to make the illegals give reparations to the aboriginals whose lands they now occupy? Or to the descendants of descendants of black slaves whom none of them (like none of us) ever held captive?
Neither have I. Gee, all the leftist blather about how uniquely horrible Caucasian Americans are is beginning to sound like a bit of a scam perpetrated for other purposes.
I’ll tell you what. I’m unvaxed and untested. I don’t know how many times I’ve had it, but only one time did I lose all taste and smell. As far as I know, I didn’t have any lasting damage.
I was an early user of ivermectin, quecertin, vit d, vit c, etc. But late last summer I got a cold and I still haven’t quit coughing. Productive coughs. I cough up mucus absolutely every day.
I don’t know what all they cooked into their bio weapon, but it was very effective.
Spray. They spray us daily. Look up
I believe that.
San Diego this week is off of the charts. Insane. Ring around sun everyday for a week. Weird clouds covering sun. Weird heat. Whatever they spray, it actually magnifies the heat, not blocks. Fucking demons.
Even the rain is dirty. We've had fog, Thunder and lighting (at the same time) during snowfall. Much harder to get the poison off my windshield.😣
I have noticed quite a few days with inexplicably scum covered windshields lately. I was in a Costco parking lot a few weeks ago and started looking at everyone's windshields. Most looked like they had driven through a desert storm. Very strange.
Noticed this past summer that the thunder is "off". Meaning, it's a long , drawn out roll. Have been a storm lover and watcher since I was a kid. So, I tend to notice this stuff. Also, the sun (rarely seen) is white. Like LED lights.
Indeed. I too have noticed the sun is very white and very hot. Noticed this change for several years, but it’s stepped up immensely since “COVID.” (Ditto for the number of Chinese nationals here.) Good call with the LED light reference. Perhaps that is on the agenda too: attempting to turn God’s creation into an annoying LED-like bulb. I would put nothing past them.
You should take NAC (2.5g or more) and high dose Vitamin C daily. Should clear it up.
I’ve been taking that for months. I don’t know how much it helps, but it hasn’t cleared it yet. I even bought all natural vit c and got an iv infusion of it.
You might want to try a saline sinus rinse. That's what my allergist prescribed this year, with additional prescription meds to go into it.
I use OTC topical Poviodine solution. After clearning my nares I apply the poviodine with a q-tip intranasally. I get my low dose of much needed iodine dose in the process.. I do this maybe once or twice a week.
Try Charcoal.
I'm sure you already know to clear out all sugar and processed foods from your diet. These are contaminates too and prohibit healing.
Snootspray helps my sinuses immensely. Look up Robert Yoho on substack. That's where I learned about snoot spray.
Try CodeAge brand of vitamins, their Lung formula. Helped me tremendously with “long cough” a couple of years ago. That stuff is AMAZING.
I’ll look into that.
Same for me--what the heck did they release on us? What finally worked for me was the TriSodium Citrate protocol that the microscope researchers discovered. They were looking for ways to remove the nanotech from everyone's bodies and Trisodium Citrate worked.
I’ll look into that.
Do you have a cold or do you have a sinus infection?
Two summers ago I was convinced that I had C0VID again. I was lethargic all the time and had to keep blowing my nose. Only real symptoms. Turns out I had a bad sinus infection. Same thing happened this year, only later-- a sinus infection that took two courses of antibiotics to get it out. Once again, non-traditional sinus symptoms, more like the symptoms of a cold.
Thank you
I believe you can lose the sense of taste and smell for a while as a result of a bout of flu.
Chest infection ?.
I can’t feel anything. I seem to have enough air to function normally.
I as replying to "But late last summer I got a cold and I still haven’t quit coughing. Productive coughs. I cough up mucus absolutely every day."... hence the chest etc.
I am the other way; maybe the same in that now; have big problem with slime (from the nose) and at night especially if that is at night DURING WINTER ... I am the same as you coughing and spitting it out ... bloody horrible.
Sorted out Summer at bedtime = small fan and container full of water plus one on the window - job done.
Now though (Winter here), even with a cheap mechanical dehumidifier .. no good; same problems.
Even with the crap, I can also breath properly... I shall buy a decent humidifier and see how that works PLUS let you know.
PS Unfortunately as we get older, these things do seem to happen !. Good luck.
Something to think about. As I mentioned to QH above, it could be sinus issues. It's an El Nino year, and we have had an extended fall-- aka "mold"-- that might never go away. I've been battling allergies since last June and it's been a hellish year. If you think it's mold at this point, don't use a humidifier, it might just make it worse. Also, an OTC med for mucus might help as well.
Know 2 people who have had a cough for weeks that is not covid, RSV, flu. Ones doctor said “it lasts 4-6 weeks, hang in there”. The other ended up with sinus and ear infection. One of them knows multiple people with same issue. One acquaintance was bedridden, very sick, tested negative for all above and pneumonia. All shot and boosted.
Sounds about right.
"tested negative." Yup. Here's what I'm hearing, from all of my boosted/jabbed and sick friends and relatives: They keep frantically testing themselves, and/but if it's negative, they are reassured and go out and about, with no concerns of spreading whatever it is that they have. If it's positive, they get a paxlovid and go out and about, with no concerns of spreading. But there's a lot of complaining about being sick, but most people I know are just living their lives with this chronic illness, never really getting better.
Yes, until the turbo-cancer or whatever gets them.
What's in your chemtrails?
So very many chemtrails in San Diego where I live. Constant chemical rings around the sun as well.
It’s starting to grate on me. For a long while, I was uncertain about this. But now, I am certain that everyday in San Diego, chemicals are being sprayed on us in the sky. And our “leaders” are fine with this.
Aluminum, magnets, Toxic Chemicals . Scary 😱 feel like it’s going to definitely cause disease .
The bioweapon keeps mutating plis shedding is likely to be part of the problem. My 19y.o. (very healthy track athlete, strong lungs) and I (asthma, otherwise healthy) have struggled with persistent cough. Mine progressed to asthma, and sinusitis (I'm on meds right now). We're all pure-bloods in my home. I don't think we can shelter ourselves from the shedding that's happening, sadly.
Neighbors got something. Both sick for about 3 weeks. Don't know if they're vaxxed, but they are the type that would be.
For what it's worth, I also think that the whole "El Nino" weird weather is not helping. I'm not shot, and still have had a horrible year with allergies.
Here in southeast South Dakota I have friends with “the worst flu ever,” and old classmates, all vaxxed with turbo cancers. I take 12mg of ivermectin daily along with C, D and Quercetin. Haven’t been sick in a year. A couple times I’ve felt like I was catching a cold and doubled my dose of ivermectin. That ended it.
Precisely what I do too.
Really? Do you take 12 mg each day as a prophylactic?
I take 12mg a few times a week with ADK, C and Melatonin Daily.
Ivermectin is still a pharma chemical, take care, 12mg is a substantial dose ... we have it in hand but do not take it prophylactically
From reading dr. Kory and others, there’s been no toxicity based on dosage. .2mg per kilo of body weight prophylactically, .4mg per kilo when feeling sick or exposed. HCQ can cause issues depending on dosage.
It is certainly very safe but it is not natural and I question the wisdom of relying on it for everyday health.
And I often wonder if there is any way to know if IVM itself is safe, non-toxic? How would we even know?
50 years of use in both animals and humans, prior to 2020. Sold over the counter in many countries prior to 2020. Ivermectin is safer than Tylenol.
Yes most likely so but we are finally hearing about Tylenol now … quite stressful on the liver and with titanium dioxide to last a lifetime. My naturopath is all up in arms about Tylenol these days but my OBGYN told me to take just as much as I liked throughout all my pregnancies, not a thought in her head about it. These are unnatural products and must be treated with caution
I'm blown away by how the approach to prenatal care has changed. My children were born in the early/mid 80s. My first OBGYN was a very kind, gentle, elderly man who told me to remember that EVERYTHING I ate, drank, smelled, touched or heard affected my baby's development, for good or for bad. I was told not to drink coffee, soda, or tea (caffiene), cut back or eliminate sugary foods/treats, no smoking, don't eat tuna more than once a month (if at all), no OTC or RX products, go easy on perfumes and scented lotions, don't use or be around strong chemicals like bleach or pesticides, absolutely no hair dying or perms (very popular in the 80s) and to avoid "dangerous" or strenuous activities like mowing or horseback riding. (The horseback riding always made me laugh, but it was included in the standard written list. I could understand if I lived rural but I lived in a fairly large city!) And no cat box cleaning, although I've never own a cat! If I needed some sort of pain relief, I was allowed an occassional aspirin, but not close to my due date. Suffer through it using ice or heat packs instead. I remember coming home from that first OB appointment, telling my husband all of my new restrictions and he said "Dang! I didnt mean to turn you into a nun!" 😆 The old man's son took over his practice when he passed and he delivered my second child. He pretty much gave the same advice and list of do's and don'ts. I can only imagine their reactions today if they heard what's "allowed" and even recommended now (ie, flu and other "catch-up" jabs). I'm sure they'd completely FREAK out, especially with the current experimental injections.
For the most part I followed my own predisposition to live as normally as possible throughout pregnancy but to exhibit extra precaution in first trimester … no meds of any kind, no artificial sugars or food dyes no caffeine no alcohol… I mostly achieved all of this. Its tough trying to work a full time job and pay attention to such detail. After the first trimester I was fairly lenient with myself … I took Tylenol for pain (I suffer chronic pain) I drank a bit, I ate what I liked. I was suspicious of the warnings against soft cheeses lunchmeat etc … I wondered what the evidence was if those being harmful and kind of expected that a single case may have justified the banning of entire foods for pregnant women forever more. I am skeptical of all things. But in any case I ate a healthy diet which is my norm. I had five healthy babies then proceeded to inject them with dozens of vials of poisons because I had no clue at all. Oy!
I'm going to order the Ivm in 12 mg tablets to start treating these weird symptoms. Honestly, I think the variants of this bioweapon plus the weather are making it impossible to shake off the stubborn "colds". I've heard of young people with cough that last 2 months!!! What in the world? It's hard to not get paranoid or hopeless when you know that our food and environment is being poisoned with mRNA technologies, pesticides, etc. UGH... Thanks for sharing your tactics. I'll be adding Ivm to my arsenal of home remedies.
And magnesium...
And in Worcester MA, there is a new 100,000 ft Chinese pharmaceutical company...Wu-Xi Biologics being built and ready to operate next year, as part of their global expansion. They will receive 18 million dollars in state and local incentives, including a 5-million-dollar grant to a government agency to develop the site for the facility. Oh, and they expect to 1 million in property tax relief from the city of Worcester. AND you can still protect yourself from Covid by getting your latest vaccine, 6 months and older, flu shot, RSV shot...etc. Be it at Walgreens. Walmart, or if you really want to be inconvenienced, at a Dr.s office. God help us. We are funding our own demise, and no one is making a peep here.
I read an article about a lady in MA who refuses to show her vx proof to go into a state/federal? building. She got arrested. Has MA gone rogue like Canada?
Ground zero for the creation and spread of Covid 19 . It’s a bio weapon and people are still getting sick because it’s sprayed in Chem trails . Now all the vaccinated people are hosts to the spray which cause all sorts of Genetic diseases.
I believe this is possible. There is no question that the number of chemtrails since "COVID" has massively increased.
Yep. That is what whackzeens are for. To promulgate disease, harm, death for the people and money for them
Does not sound unreasonable, for MA. The delusion can be disorienting if you are a reasonable thinking person.
Weird. I was just working at the state house on beacon hill. No vax card required. Seem BS to me but it’s Boston. Place is a joke now
My mistake: 22 refers to the day, not year.
Looks like it was 2 years ago
I saw the article. I don’t actually believe it though.
Indeed, God help us. It is the same thing that is happening in San Diego. There are five multistory, what shall I call them, "bio-lab buildings," being built near where I live. There are huge numbers of Chinese nationals here. They are here to implement this great reset. They. just appeared overnight during "COVID." What the hell is going on?
I struggle to control my rage at this when I see what is going on. I know this is part of "their" program--to trigger people into civil conflict over what is obviously a deliberate takedown of America. They put it in our face everyday. And no one making a peep here either.
I can relate to every word. And government acts like they are offended at Chinese buying America land? And yet they give it away for them to set up shop? Or is it rightfully theirs to begin with? Yeah, the internal rage. I look at anger as God-driven energy intended to help us solve problems. Hope that encourages you to keep it in check!
Thanks. Difficult to know what to do with the feelings.
Operatiin Jade Helm
That is your tax money!
I know. And no one asked me if it was OK to take my money to spend on things I consider diabolical. Infuriating. That is why we are called Taxachusetts.
Marxachusetts *
Belmont Street, near U-Mass Hospital.
Uuff. Tough crowd. I was simply saying that the past three+ years have taught me well to question everything that doesn’t generate from my own life experience. Not paranoid, just skeptical.
For example, could the overflow in the Massachusetts ED be due to being understaffed? Could clinicians be thin on the ground due to jab injuries? Could there be inadequate staffing due to firings of clinical staff who wouldn’t submit to the jabs? That would certainly cause chaos.
If that were the case I would expect the hospitals to blame it on anything but their own mismanagement and failed mandate policies. Yes?
In my experience, “Trust but Verify” is safe advice. We wouldn’t want to go all half-cocked running like sheep off the cliff again as many did in 2020, would we?
And thanks John Ransley for your consideration. FYI, no jabs here, but I, like all of us, may be impacted by shedding.
Don't forget to add "Could the overflow be caused by illegals who go to the hospital for anything?"
Those who have been paying attention and tried to warn others of the bioweapon KNEW this was coming. We’ll continue to see higher rates of deaths in ‘all cause mortality’ for at least several more years. That is provided people stop getting them 🤦🏼♀️ Otherwise it will go on for even more years
I'm interested in EMS and police calls to traffic accidents caused by a "suddenly". I know single car accidents are up but a huge tragedy is waiting for a big-rig driver or a bus driver with a full passengers to suddenly stroke out while on the road. We definitely hear more welfare check request calls in our small town. Another substack writer, Kevin Stillwagon, has been documenting airline pilots suddenly becoming incapacitated in air. So far, the 2nd officer has diverted these potential disasters but due to pilot shortages, airlines are talking about having only 1 pilot per flight! And also lowering qualifications and training to bow to ESG Diversity Equity Inclusion (or DIE?) goals. There's disasters waiting to happen all over.
They're called "vaxxidents."
I live in brainwashed and corrupt Massachusetts.
People here have been getting sick and dropping like flies since the vaccine and vaccine mandate. My family experienced the sudden and out of the blue death of a family member four times in one year. I still have people either ask me what do you think happened or treat me like a social pariah. Knowing what my family experienced forces their psyche to go to a place they simply aren’t willing to go. I suspect it is such a disaster here as we have too many brainwashed boosted. I also suspect one contributing factor to the excess death rates were vaccinated individuals unleashing heavy viral loads for two weeks after injection. For example, Omicron did a number on this state. In July 2022 many residents got boosted and in August 2022 many unvaccinated Massachusetts residents ended up dropping dead.
Sad, however, most likely very truth. I no longer worry about the sheep who refuse to leave the luxury of their bubble world and home. I assume some will drown in the bubble once reality comes with a vengeance and pops it open when least expected.
I make an extra effort to be kind to everyone during a time of such horror and sadness.
Matthew 8:22 But Yeshua said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead.
the last sentence is a good way.
Although I believe VAIDS is expanding, I hold no confidence in any news these hospitals put out about admissions and emergency room capacity. They lied, unceasingly, in the past. How do we ascertain the truth?
Amazing that some people still mention about testing. It goes to show how deep held these beliefs are that tests actually work. A deep rooted cult.
Hi 2nd Smartest,
I read with interest from Florida, so no visibility to Massachusetts.
Are there any folks on the ground there, citizen reporters, who can confirm this hospital overcrowding info?
I am not denying it and believe the VAIDS/ADE of Geert Van der Bosch, I have just become jaded by the past 3.75 years of fear-baiting by our sociopathic overlords.
This information reminds me of the initial covid fear-ratcheting in early 2020, hence my desire for boots on the ground confirmation.
What? In this very article is an X post from the hospital admitting that they are "reaching critical capacity."
Hospitals lie
Yes there was a movement around that time called FilmMY Hospital where people would drive by or go into their local hospital and film the tumbleweed drifting by. Then of course all those videos started to disappear.
Lee county supposedly was busy enough last week to do a story on it. My husband’s primary care doctor in ft Myers office is chronically sick now. Still waiting for a call back from 12 days ago! I’m sure they got the rsv , flu , boosters.
All covered in the article. You may have VAIDS partner
Uuff. Tough crowd!
My experience in the past 3.75 years is there is a lot of hate to be made in instilling fear in the masses.
I think we’ve all seen that.
I’ve come to be very skeptical, but not paranoid.
Trust but verify.
For example, is it possible that the chaos being discussed is due to inadequate staffing? Could it be that there are not enough clinicians because they are unwell from the jobs?
Could it be that there are in adequate clinicians due to the firing of people who refuse to take the jobs? If so I would fully expect hospitals to blame it on anything other than their own miss management and failed mandate policies.
Trust but verify, that’s my motto.
We wouldn’t want to have a bunch of people fear baited into running off the cliff like we did in 2020, now would we?
I posted this before but it seems to not have taken.
Second attempt
I think it’s the hospitals trying to scam the state and Feds for more money to be honest
*HAY to be made. Not Hate.
Repost time! You are Knocking out of the Park! Thank you!
The more Chinese the controllers bring to the West, the worse it becomes. They are trying to turn America into a Chinese techno-authoritarian state. They've already succeeded in Canada. I would not have said this even in the 1990s. Things have gone downhill rapidly since 9/11, which I now believe to be their calling card for the NWO agenda. It's complete the endless pop culture garbage posing as news 24/7 like "Dan Marino offers distinct opinion on Taylor Swift."
And yet we can be certain that there will be no honesty, and no transparency regarding monumental, catastrophic disaster that these experimental injections have brought on our society. The only way for the truth to come out and for the information to be made public is through the criminal prosecution of the principal instigators, perpetrators, and propagators of both of the original Wuhan virus bio weapon and the subsequent experimental injections meant to “treat” the Wuhan virus .
I think the hospital’s own website is the highest level confirmation you could ask for unless it is outdated? You could call reception there to ask about some of this stuff to see if they are still discharging patients to waiting rooms or euphemistically “The Wang Center”. That’s crazy!
I’m more curious about how common this is in other east coast hospitals... I live in Connecticut and have only noticed that my vaxxed friends are the ones falling ill.
I know a couple, a lovely couple with five small children ... my friend liked to say “we are vaxxed to the MAX!!” (but not the kids I think so at least they aren’t totally stupid) ...both parents fell ill the same week, a cloggy cough that was haunting our little town here ... they had it so bad though ... my friend had four fractured ribs from all the coughing and her husband was in rotten shape too. Then both of them were in the hospital for a “blood infection” which my friend described as sepsis. Oh my. I did what I could to help out, took care of babies and gave them my medicine store, etc. etc. I was honored to do what I could, I really love them. They are both mostly recovered now, thank Jesus. I am genuinely worried for that family.
“Vaxxed to the max!” That pretty much says it all
Not really though … my friend knows I am not vaxxed. She is very upset that my five year old cannot attend our town schools because j refuse to have him injected with a single more thing than the poor kid has been already. I would say my friend is fully indoctrinated but still has some of her wits about her. She is a new Trump supporter and we have not discussed vaccines in a very long time, I suspect her opinions are shifting there as well. She is a good egg and I pray for her future
Indeed! I see a lot of that sort of similar movement among people that I know, ranging from my oldest and best friends to acquaintances and colleagues at work. I certainly hope the tide is turning, at least among those who can still think rationally. The rest will simply have to suffer their fate.
I’m fully convinced that the seemingly endless chem trails day and night are affecting everyone here in western Canada,but especially hammering the vaxed with their compromised immune systems. Daughter has had a constant cough since early December. She got the shot in order to travel overseas, but soon realized that it was all a lie.. too late now unfortunately.
We are all Guinea pigs in their worldwide experiments... stay safe, stay vigilant, believe nothing from the government fear mongering and make yourself “hard to kill”. Eat healthy, exercise and stay as far away from hospitals as possible.