Is there any way to get the rich people in charge of things to tell the truth? About anything?? After this whole plandemic fiasco, how did they not figure this out? I'm a whole lot more willing to at least read the introductory paragraph than throw the whole thing in the fireplace, douse it with kerosene, and light it with a flamethrower. I think most of us just don't want to be bullsh!tted anymore!!

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The final verdict is not in, yet.

My two personal interactions with Elon's humanity plus general observations in the last few years has been positive and enlightening -- but the problem is that "money" is the common denominator.

No matter how an individual, or group of individuals, other than banksters, acquire substantial amounts of money, one has to use the banking system to "store" monies that have not been used to acquire goods, services, real estate, companies, etc.

Bankers, including central bankers, run by a different set of rules, as they partner with big biz, big pharma, military, big gov, mainstream media and gov to make the aforementioned, "legal".

So, especially, the most benevolent of the rich and super-rich are, unfortunately, beholden to the bankers, whether by forced partnership or more implicate or actual evil threats or actions against altruistic people. Essentially, they are likely put under a lot of pressure to conform to the oligarchs at the top of the totem pole.

A solution is implied by my above answer -- the need to remove and restructure the common denominator. In an economic system based on (Samuelsonian) scarcity, guns or butter, supply/demand curves, etc., one must have a common denominator means of regulating such an economic system -- but, due to robotization of production means, much less reliance on each individual's input and output to the economy, money and the (unnecessary) concept of debt has been used to make wage slaves, welfare slaves and debt slaves of common folk. And altruists and/or benevolent dictators can be easily forced to "knuckle" to those at the top of the totem pole, no matter how well-meaning they are.

But it's not totally hopeless.

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No no no. Not bankers... Technocratic party of Canada. Technocrats did and do advocate for revolution. This is why Elon’s grandpa was found guilty and EXPELLED from the country. Elon is a frontman. He’s never invented anything, just came in on the backside bought out whatever company and claimed to be a genius. Just like Pay Pal and Tesla. You’re correct about the banks, he’s a front for them. Someone the masses find palatable. We have to save ourselves, no one else will.

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