Thanks for undertaking this story.

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You're killing me!

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No pun intended!

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Usually puns don't work, but this does!

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Sep 19, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022

I can’t for the life of me figure out what else could possibly be causing this and the “experts” are baffled as well. Such a mystery and these buffoons are running entire health care systems which are in rapid qualitative decline. I aim to stay as far away from their doctors, hospitals, and clinics for as long as possible. Science and medicine and democracy are dead or terminally I’ll thanks to these all things Covid evil doers.

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Not baffled but are complicit in murder from the politicians (Health ministers in each State) down and the regulatory bodies like the Therapeutic Goods Association in Australia..

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In some parts of Canada “Unknown” is the big killer.

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Alberta …leading cause of death now is ‘unknown causes’

Unvaxxed Canadian here knew well and good I didn’t want to be a statistic…

Wake up Canada !

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Met a guy whose wife died in May. 2x boosted. Got covid and gone within 5 days. She did have a heart condition. Wondered if it was the jabs that what actually took her??? Didn’t have the nerve to ask him any more questions. Married 47 years.

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Washington state passed a law to allow "liquefaction " and disposal of human remains if needed in a panademic.

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Welcome to the Matrix.

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Soylent ever after.

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Dawg, I was just thinking about the fact that I feel like I'm living in an alternate reality. Not sure if we're in the matrix or they are.

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Holy cow or should I say Holy compost. This creeps me out, the lack of value for life, which includes death. Yes, makes me think of Soylent Green. Probably in the works, death centers where one can go and choose music and pretty scenes to view while being killed off, and then to the compost bin ya go.

What in the he!! is going on?!

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No cows. In Holland cows are being culled 30 percent this year, thirty next. A bug farm has been erected to replaced the calories.

Does anyone knoe of a long term study of eating 600 or so calories from bugs everyday is safe and effective? No, no one? Don't you think that is odd? It takes 35000 crickets to replace a cow as far as protein. Does the WEF keep track of how many Crickets are needed as they cull the heard. No? Cricket. CRICKEY!

Isnt that odd. Its almost like they are saying tear down this food system, we have a better one but it doesnt exist as far as scope.

It is depop!! We need not over think this.

Like California. But an electric car now, oh sorry unplug that our grid cant handle it.

It is depop!! Its all BULLSHIT

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Do not eat crickets! They contain a substance that is toxic. Do your research. They are already using cricket powder added to things like chips and even school canteens are already selling them. Avoid highly processed foods to stay healthy. Grow your own veg and eat more of that.

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Yes it is all cow manure. We are being attacked on all sides with the obvious desire by those running the show to kill us by any and all means necessary. I forget which sub stack I read it on but eating bugs is bad for humans because of parasites, and other incompatible issues that may arise in our guts. Yes, cows bad, bugs good--not to sane folks. The thought of 35,000 crickets is disgusting. I wonder if one can die from cricket overdosing?

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I have heard that its not good and that bugs me a ton.

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I think they feed them humans. Joke. But maybe not.

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If only we had a control group ...

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Baffle. verb. to restrain or regulate. Synonyms are:

thwart · frustrate · foil · balk · check · block · hinder · obstruct · bar · prevent · deflect · divert.

So, yes, doctors are baffling the public's understanding that democide is/has been perpetrated against them.

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As someone who lives down here in the penal colony that is Australia, almost all the "experts" (along with many in the population) have drunk the kool-aid and can't see the obvious.

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Perhaps it is multiple causes. I do not think people are living, they are just existing to be entertained and of course they need money to do this. People are on a treadmill to pay for this, ie work to pay for the entertainment.

I do believe that we are not meeting our energetics. Metaphysical studies explain a lot of illnesses. Stress comes in all forms and of course the threat of life, that individuals know, may come to end albeit floods, viruses, unable to meet bill demands or other threats to that micro-family. It becomes overwhelming to the mind which governs our physical. Even professionals get it wrong these days because they are time starved.......

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Of course they are dying more than average. The health care people are stumped because they keep not seeing the elephant in the room. So they are dying from diabetes, cancer, heart disease and dementia, but are these just hastened because of the jab that is "safe and effective" NOT. I have seen for myself that people after having the jab develop all sorts of illnesses all of a sudden. I know personally people affected and there are a lot. I am sure everyone else is seeing this too and most are conveniently brushing aside the jab as the course. Too taboo.

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This story is DOA. Obviously the “mystery” increase in deaths are legitimately related to fluffing pillows, shaking duvets, smiling, drinking coffee, drinking beer, drinking tea, drinking cold water, playing soccer, doing anything in the cold, doing anything in the heat, children having strokes, children having heart issues, parent having heart issues because their kids are having heart issues, thinking while eating, thinking while folding queen size sheets, thinking while thinking, sex, sleeping in, not sleeping enough and most importantly, long snarky commentary on substack posts.

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