Apr 24, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

In 2012 the Obama administration repealed the Smith Mundt Act of 1948. The Smith Mundt Act made it illegal for the US Government to propagandize it's own population. Trump did not reinstate it.

They lied to us before 2012 wherever they could, but since then, its been a free for all.

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My gut says its bad that the last populist on cable TV talking to the dumb boomers has been silenced, but I don't feel that bad about it. The top execs at Fox are far-leftist shitlibs -- including the Murdoch sons -- and this was always just going to be a matter of time. I generally prefer it when someone or something's reputation matches up with reality, and the sad fact is that Fox let Tucker build up audience trust during the off-season in order to turn the screw and cash in on the accumulated reputational capital during key moments, such as Fox being the first one to call the 2020 election -- quite early -- for Dementia Joe (during the multi-hour pause when the shitlibs were busy ballot stuffing). Now the boomers can understand Fox is corrupted and controlled just like all the others and hopefully they'll stop putting their faith in it.

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I believe Tucker Carlson is a CIA agent. His father ran Voice of America.

His recent firing seems to be a blatant commercial for the presidential campaign of RFK, Jr.

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Tucker was the last reason I had left to watch FOX. Waters has improved to the point where I don't hate him, but it won't save Fox and its stable of establishment Hannities.

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Musk could very well be the guy who destroys Earth from the Deathstar, if he doesn't choke on his own hypocrisy before then: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/5g-satellites-a-threat-to-all-life

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Apr 25, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Carlson actually believes the official fairy tale re: 911.

I guess that they're trying to put more controlled opposition in the alt-media since the MSM is bleeding adherents like Anheuser-Busch is bleeding customers.

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Reflecting on what happened...I would say two things:

1) We do not need Tucker Carlson to tell us what we already know - much of what is going on is just plain common sense and obvious to see

2) Without a doubt, there is no free press in the USA (at least not at the mainstream or big-business model) hence the proliferation of all the alt-new sites as well as Twitter. THIS is why CIA/FBI/NSA/CDC/<insert your alphabet agency of choice> is working overtime on censorship.

Based on #1, and #2, all we need to do is keep plugging at our keyboards and push out the truth. Sooner or later the truth will prevail (it always does) and the populace will withdraw consent which would be the end of the Federal govt. We DO have the power...we just need to use it!!!!

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Interesting theory about Tucker going to a Musk news channel. We will see. Tucker may already have bigger plans.

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I cannot keep up with the plot twists!

No matter how this ends or where it goes, or what part I may play in the unfolding of it (large or small), I just hope I am here to see how it all ends.

On the edge of my seat rn

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I can't help but be suspicious of the $800 million. Would Fox really have lost that case? It is very convenient that Dominion gets so much cash infused with the next presidential election fast approaching.

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Robert Kennedy Jr's stance on vaccines is irrelevant; the issue is past tense since a significant majority has already been jabbed. So, it's on to the next "pandemic": climate change. As Kennedy is an outspoken environmentalist. I have no doubt he will support crackdowns, fines and worse for those who don't follow the upcoming "climate change" rules.

Add to this his stance on gun control. He has stated that we must "keep guns out of the hands of criminals." Well, we saw during the Covid conspiracy just how readily a law-abiding citizen can be deemed a criminal. Hence, the crackdowns on freedoms will continue under a different guise; it's just the next phase of the globalist's plan.

Tucker's firing is more theatrics, perfectly timed to convince Americans that Kennedy is opposed to the globalist's agenda and is here to save us. Beware: he's just a wolf in sheep's clothing.

They're all in on it.

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This is just a sign that the old man is no longer in control of the Murdoch media empire. The kids (all very leftist). Are in control. The MSM will die a slow death over the next decade. They forgot who their customers are

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Meanwhile I just bought shares in Rumble.

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I’d prefer seeing Tucker go to Rumble and out an end to legacy TV news.

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Stunning! that Tucker, the most honest, come Hell or High Water, commentator on TV, has been fired. I suppose Fox considered him responsible for the large settlement, but to my mind, it’s all the many big toes he’s stomped on with his disclosures, and the settlement is being used as an excuse. If there’s to be some connection with Musk to provide tucker with a platform, if I interpret correctly, not sure, then I think it’ll be a good thing. Interesting at same time CNN fired Don Lemon, of whom I’m not a fan, and not done nicely either. I have to feel sorry for the guy.


AOC is so severely mentally challenged that her mind has given up that fight and withdrawn somewhere, totally lost in the jungle of her damaged brain, so her mouth just flaps open and moves without any connection to where ever her alleged mind went. She’s really ignorant of reality and has no concept of cause, event, consequence.

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