"This time for real."

How long has he been predicting this, 2 years?

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He is like 98% of all Frontline Doctors & RFK JR. They are all uber pro every other vaccine on the planet. Which is abject nonsense.

Just 1.5 yrs or so ago, Geert was pushing adults into getting their MMR & SMALLPOX vaccines 'updated' - due to his dire predictions of what was going to happen in the next year or 2. Neither Smallpox or MMR 'vaccines' work for anything, and both are dangerous as hell. It's playing Russian Roulette with your CNS. I hope no adult listened to him. Horrific, brainless and dangerous advice.

Might he be right with his latest prediction? I haven't a clue. But, as always, I'll let my CNS take care of any threat the best it can. Taking even more poison on top of already being poisoned, makes no sense.

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There are a few tells I look out for.

Mentions of long Covid, gain of fiction (sic), Wuhan, strains, reference to pathogenic priming, infection, transmission, anti-virals… a word stew of pseudoscience, propaganda and programming.

His parlor trick is “vaccinating in a pandemic” which is as consequential as farting in the wind. The tsunami of death and illness is evidently an accurate prediction, however, but the vector is mass poisoning by lethal injection ass seen in the variability of symptoms. His role is to obfuscate the poisoning by propping up the lies that vaccinology and immunology are not nonsense by making grand theoretical, pseudoscientific claims, while also leaving the door open for further imminent pharmaceutical “solutions”.

It’s a psychopathic industrial complex. Normies are the unwitting useful idiots, while normalizers and narrative spokespeople like GVB keep the mania alive.

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High five ditto all

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Yawn. Normies gonna normie, quacks gonna quack… There is nothing new under the sun.

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You utter moron. He is an expert in the field, and while I have serious doubts about his predictions, and find him a boring speaker, he knows more about virology than you ever will. You think entire facilities such as the Wuhan labs (there are 2) exist and are funded to prop up a conspiracy theory and viruses don't exist. That makes flat earth idiots look intelligent.

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Spot on. I don't follow him too closely, but I'm pretty sure he was saying in 2021 that the unvaccinated were all going to die. Then he flipped and he flopped and he flepped.

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Apr 3·edited Apr 5

I have not seen him EVER flip or flop.

Can you provide evidence to support your statement please? Thanks!

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I might be wrong and he was just saying it would be deadlier for everyone, unvaccinated included. He did flip on that part at least.

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Apr 3·edited Apr 3

You're on solid ground. I'll see if I can search my folders in the next day or two for the evidence he wants.

Edit: but, only in my opinion (key word), his telling adults to get vaxxed up with smallpox & MMR vaccines to overcome vaxxed injuries, is close to being insane.

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Can you provide links to his contradictory statements, and suggestions to get vaxxed to deal with injuries, please?

I’d love you to be correct. Thanks!!

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Above is my main point re: Geert. My response to him; July 2022. 1.5 years ago.

and here is his substack I responded to in link above: https://voiceforscienceandsolidarity.substack.com/p/latest-must-read-articles-by-geert

Tomorrow, or maybe this weekend, I'll look for your "flip, flop or flepped" :-) Love it.

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100% correct. Don’t trust this guy.

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Can you provide links to his contradictory statements, please?

I’d love you to be correct. Thanks!!

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Makes you wonder if this site is occupied by pro government trolls . They think they know more than a Dr who studies this stuff, So lets say it isnt as bad as he predicts. maybe ony 1/3, 1/2. Well get some ivermecti, eat organic and be prepared or just throw caution to the wind, live dangerously. and ignore his advice.

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Would you define in detail "live dangerously" ?

And "ignore his advice"? His advice of adults jamming more poison into their bodies via more vaccines, or ... what? I might be missing something.

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Apr 5Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Dont be prepared, ignore him and dont use ivermectin if you get sick. Listen to mainstream ghouls who have killed thousands and wrecked the immune system of millions. Another friend of mine just died, turbo cancer, That makes around 10 lost friends now.

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What if “organic” means as much and as safe and “natural” as the vaccines?

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he's a vaccinologist. it would be absurd to expect him to have been historically anti-vaxx. BUT he had the courage to point out the flaws and problems in this one and for that i am grateful. expecting these people to pass some kind of purity test concerning their historic positions is as wrong as condemning all white people who had a slave owning ancestor.

we're now supposed to reject bret weinstein because he originally thought masks might be effective (he no longer does) and GVB, FLCCC docs and RFKjr because they don't have 100% adherence to some religious dogma. the FLCCC docs are working overtime trying to help people who are suffering from covid or covid vaccines. RFKjr is risking his life to save our liberties and works tirelessly to keep our freedom to take or not to take whatever vaccines we want. GVB has from the very beginning begged world "authorities" to not vaccinate into a pandemic with a non-sterilizing vaccine. he predicted that doing so would cause variants (correct) and lead to covid becoming endemic rather than extinct (also correct). he also predicted that heavily vaccinated people would fall victim to immune imprinting and increasingly worse bouts of covid (correct again).

what does everyone want? if you require your potential allies to be ideological virgins, you won't have any allies. we are in the fight of our lives. if the WHO treaty goes through, we're all fucked, regardless of what we may or may not have believed in the past.

i'm happy to have so many illustrious doctors and serious experts on "our side." i don't care if they were "right" from day 1, if they came around gradually or if they agree with me 100% of the time. they're here now and we need them all on team freedom.

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RFK Jr is *not* pro-vax. his Childrens Health Defense leads the anti-tox charge

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Apr 4Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World


Explain this one away. Except, it's not just one, it's 30x ... going years back:


• Also notice WHO he is targeting in this one (of many) videos spouting the virtues of vaccines?

• Also notice the "I'm pro MANDATING vaccines!".

How could you miss this? He's been saying this forever.

Your response?

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You are incorrect. RFK and $hanahan are NOT against vaccines at all. Here’s what Junior actually has said, “I’m pro-vaccine.” Then, “I don’t think we oughtta be mandating medical interventions for unwilling Americans unless we know precisely that that vaccine is gonna end up helping people rather than hurting them.” https://rumble.com/v2samua-robert-f.-kennedy-jr.-summarizes-his-views-on-childhood-vaccines-in-3-minut.html

I don’t think I have to tell you how naive (yet predatory) he sounds. After what we’ve been through since early 2020, we don’t want ANYTHING mandated. ANY THING period. I don’t care who thinks it’s “safe and effective.” There is currently a team of 3000 volunteers combing the Pfizer documents and about to release their second book on the data, and if you knew what lengths these devils went to to hide safety signals you would not be so casual with your trust in testing and trials. Moderna documents are next. Pro tip: don’t take drugs from people who think it’s okay to kill babies, and they all do. It’s not what Junior has done that has generated vaccine hesitancy, it’s what the vaccines did, namely maim, disable, and kill. And if this VP pick is any indication of his decision-making skills, he’s done.

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did you watch the video you link to?

RFK advocates for safety-testing and cites the horrific rise in chronic disease linked to exploding vaccine agenda since 1989. he condemns the CDC for unleashing this epidemic.

as a lawyer, and prez candidate, he fights for safety standards that will protect the public. he's the only one who does.

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Yes, I did. Did you read what I wrote? But he also would allow for mandatory injections which under NO circumstances is acceptable. NONE. That’s a disqualifier among many for him.

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Absolutely right. We have no good choices to vote for!

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RFKjr would not allow for ANY mandatory medical procedures. who would you prefer for president, if not a thoughtful, nuanced, intelligent, principled, brave person?

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Apr 5·edited Apr 5

Eri, I would like to hear your reply. I'm not trying to 'nail' you, I'm just a curious guy in all ways and wondered how you felt about the video I posted.

I'm also not trying to 'nail' RFK JR. It's just that searching for THE TRUTH (hard job at times) is my motto.

For example; I voted for Trump 2 x BUT I would never stick up for him on things I knew not to be true, or were twisted/wrong....whatever.

Example #1 His daughter. Ivanka. She's YGL (Young Global Leader or WEF grad). Did you know this? I'll be damned, even though I voted for Trump, am I going to let that one slide past the masses. Which it did. Nobody I've talked to realized she was YGL. They HID her being a YGL very, very well. And in fact, looks like they scrubbed the Internuts of her 'involvement' with Schwab and gang.

I could go on and on but will shut my yap. Just curious about your reaction to the vid?

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One canNOT time the market, you know?

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I know. Didn't he say the exact same thing in 2021? I'm confused.

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I am seeing it happen in real time all last summer people getting sick in the middle of summer. When has that ever happened? In Naples Florida in 90 degree weather. Immune systems are run down and I see the same people over and over getting sick, the vaxxed or the ones living with vaxxed esp. Hes only a virologist of course not a real dr like us.

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What you are describing is VAIDS, not a super virulent strain of COVID.

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Seeing it now everywhere. Ambulances frequently seen in nearby retirement village coming and going all hours. They're taking them out feet first and zipping them into bags.

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I"m not sure how much faith I have in Dr. Geert but if you read the comments section of Dr. John Campbell you will read harrowing story after story of people losing family members to 'turbo cancer' and accelerated autoimmune diseases and heart failure etc.

Literally read his comments sections...they are so upsetting:


And Dr. Geert is spot on about the injected avoiding getting sick and taking antivirals...because from what I've read, the immune system hammering by C-19 spike leaves the T-cells too weary to keep cancers and other diseases in check. It's horrifying to even contemplate and my heart goes out to those who were coerced into getting this experimental slow/fast bioweapon death sentence.

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VAIDS is real and will kill people for a long time to come. In this case however, Geert is predicting the emergence of a new variant that will kill the majority of the vaccinated in 2024 (since it didn't happen in 2023, 2022, or 2021). Therefore we must live in fear and take powerful anthelmintics daily. Ivermectin seems to be effective against acute covid, but I question the wisdom of taking it forever as a prophylactic. Fear suppresses the immune system, and modifies your brain.

"Fear is the mind killer"

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I agree that fear is not only a mind killer but weakens the immune system.

Taking Ivermectin forever is definitely not a solution. Taking it when a flu is going around is one thing, but on a constant basis might reduce or limit its efficacy in the long run.

I quit Geert's substack channel two years ago because he was all over the place.

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The 1st one I heard state how damaging the mRNA jabs would be was Dr Dolores Cahill, from Ireland in early 2020. She stated we would see many deaths related to the spike protein happening 3-5 yrs after the jabs would begin. Here we are 3yrs out with excess deaths, mostly untracked are happening all over the place, mainly in western countries. Huge crimes against humanity!

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We -- hubs and me -- saw that same video. I had known of Cahill and so was familiar with her. She came out early - way early -- on this whole scamdemic. My husband has referred back to Cahill a thousand times since, thinks she nailed it first, and got it exactly right.

GVB? Not so much. (Well, yes, we're likely to see unprecedented death and illness, but not for the reasons GVB gives us, but for ones the Cahill gave us due to the injection.)

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He really confuses the issue. I'm saying there was no pandemic, just a staged gruesome event. There are a bunch of vaccine injuries, though. They weaken immune systems and make people susceptible to whatever comes along. I listened to him first on the Weinstein podcast, which has lost credibility for me over time. I never found him convincing anyway. Since he has a cool accent, that gives him extra cred, I guess.

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Try following Dr Sam Bailey ( NZ) and her colleagues. They have some cool modelling arguments about the non- existence of any viruses.

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Yes but that's a big diversion from the easily solvable and well evidenced question of whether or not there was actually a pandemic.

It casually diverts from an easy question to a much harder question. That's not particularly helpful to anyone except maybe a globalist loon. Do you really not see how this rhetorical diversionary scheme works yet?

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Shame Bailey and CIA bedfellows you mean, a psy-op since 2021, before 2020 no never a no virus issue, strange, very strange…..

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hate his accent like a bad Bond cretin -- serves to further obfuscate whatever he pretends to try to hexplain.

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Geert Vanden Bossche is sticking to his guns. He's not been right yet. Plus if viruses don't exist, nothing he says makes much sense.

All above my paygrade of couse, but this smells like more fear-mongering to me. And that is not the work of God.

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I believe he’s right about the tsunami, US insurance data says there’s a 40% increase on n working aged people claiming disability. I live in Victoria Australia, and some may mths ago the MSM said 30,000 were claiming workcover for vaccine injuries. And if you look at the takeovers in pharma sharemarkets, they are moving towards cancer research takeovers ( turbo cancers) blood disorders neurological disorders etc. cause the problem, provide the solution?

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Oh - there are plenty of vaccine injuries and deaths all right. But Vanden Bossche is claiming more (i.e. something qualitatively different than simple vaccine injury) than that.

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There are many more than that. In the Uk enquiry when they are asked about the excess deaths and causes the answer is they have been referred to the coroner- over there the backlog in the coroner’s court is 3-4 yeas long so the real number is a long way off. Same happening with n this country e.

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deletedApr 3
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Morrison 👀

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My spidy sense tells me the same. Why go on shoving fear into us all day long. We must know by now that is part of the plan. FEAR. Somethings and some people we just have to turn off. I don’t read any of his stuff anymore plus a few others. Live life. The substack spaces are reaking of fear and more fear as time goes by. Fear and stress cause your body to block energy leading to illness and anxiety. This just gets added to the total corruption of everything else. We can change some of that.

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GVB has popped his head out from time to time over the past 3 years like a tortoise with it's mouth open wide looking to catch a meal.

Who prods and pays GVB to have these occasional bursts of pearly speeches? His former boss, Billy Goat Grates (sic)?

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There is no "long covid", it's VAIDS. Mistakes were not made. It was all intentionally.

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I like the term long vaccine better. That was part of the plan.

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There’s Long COVID, too long! but don’t get lost in the forest of no viruses theories or only long vaxx…..except long covid does not come out of nature but from a bio lab.

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It is inevitable that this happens. There is no escaping it. Here is a video on the clinical ramifications of an immune escape virus.

Potential Clinical Implications of Geert's Viral Shift Predictions


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He''s wrong because we are dealing with Nan*o tec*hnol*ogy & some real horrific crazy shit is being seen in the blood of the vaxxcinated & unvaxxed through darkfield microscopy.

For some reason Mainstream Drs are ignoring this, but thank god we have some brave Drs, scientists, engineers, looking at whats happening & trying to find something to eradicate it. We are all exposed, contaminated, & our blood is changing to synthetic.

Wake-up people, all lives, human & otherwise are at risk for extinction.

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I saw a post recently, claiming all this nano tech and gene altering stuff has been engineered for the purpose of using CRISER on the genetically altered cells.

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I’m onto that I follow Dr Ans Milhacea and her group on f researcher, I think he’s among that group

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Do you mean CRISPER? Yes it is geared to interact with nano technology 5g 6G etc.

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Yes I did 🫢, read an article recently, that proposed that the nanotech already injected could be achieved by remote control, and targeted to individuals. I read earlier in the rollout that people injected with Moderna if you have an android and set it on Bluetooth you can read a MAC address of graves and live people passing in cars. Not sure how true that is.

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5G - he's controlled opposition

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He’s not the only doctor that’s been predicting this outcome.

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He's a veterinarian. Same as Albert Boula and Ted the marxist guerrilla.

Humans aren't his speciality.

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Has anyone got any clue how we can

stock up on lifesaving miracle compounds Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, and Doxycycline? In Australia doctors won’t give you a prescription unless you have symptoms - especially antibiotics due to past misuse?

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This company ships all of these products down under.

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Yes, Geert has been warning for awhile now, however, nature sets it own time frames.

If I understand him correctly, he is saying that it has taken time for the viruses descendants to create enough changes to outsmart the adaptive immune system. With a crippled innate immune system from the jab, the adaptive system will not have enough capacity to destroy the lung damage that the mutated virus will cause. Only those with intact immune systems will be able to build antibodies to prevent infected cells from fusing with healthy cells.

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How humorous … the TRUTH from a VIROLOGIST.

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Who is CDM Staff? This article is by James Kunstler, of Clusterfuck Nation fame.

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This scenario he speaks of would have happened but for Omicron, clearly a highly engineered virus, which appeared "out of nowhere" much to the chagrin of Bill Gates who called it an actual vaccine so showing anyone that cared to pay attention that the poisons they had been injected with and that he had made vast profits from were not actual vaccines.

The only question these last three years now is who actually engineered Omicron that single-handedly not only gave immunity to people but alsomysteriously ameliorated much of the damage being done by the clot shot spike proteins?

I think we are in good hands and those good hands are not those of Geert who to this day still pushes clearly damaging vaccines for all manner of things, vaccines that long term are proven to do far more harm than good when comparing the lifetime health outcomes of jabbed and unjabbed people.

We are at the end of the vaccine damage tunnel that ignoramuses like Geert have been shoving us down for profit these last 150 years and there is no going back.

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To be fair to GVB, this thing is not a vaccine. Not even close, it is, at best, a genetic transfection agent (aka. a bioweapon).

As are all the modRNA injections they are planning for everything from flu, rsv to tetanus. EXCEPT, no one is gonna take 'em, so how can they profit? And why are they expanding modRNA production facilities around the planet?

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Heads up; here comes more Truth:


Many Blessings

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Wow ! Anna... Great info. Thanks...

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this was monday's substack by james howard kunstler on his clusterfuck nation blog. it's based on his recent interview with GVB on his kunstlercast podcast. it should be correctly attributed

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