They are setting up for their deathvaxx mea culpas and plausible deniability by starting to call out the extra-constitutional FDA that has been and continues to collude with BigPharma
A revolving door of BigPharma execs retiring to become “regulators” and “regulators” being awarded cushy BigPharma positions is how this PSYOP-19 crime and the resultant DEATHVAX™ rollout were facilitated. Captured unconstitutional agencies from the FDA to the private corp CDC, not to mention the alphabet agencies like the CIA that were integral in planning and executing these operations have been extremely busy for many decades now setting up our current techno-dystopia with a far more horrifying Great Reset endgame.
Today Steve Kirsch was alerted to a Science magazine article which calls out the FDA for “lax” regulating. This is nothing more than the setup for mea culpas and plausible deniability that will culminate in the higher ranking Death Cultist useful idiots like Dr. Mengele 2.0 aka Fauci and Pfizer’s CEO sociopath junk science peddler Albert Bourla.
Although best known for overseeing food safety and evaluating experimental drugs, vaccines, and medical devices for marketing approval, FDA performs many other tasks with its $5.7 billion annual budget (for fiscal year 2019). Among them is overseeing most clinical research in the United States and some conducted elsewhere for the U.S. market—including many high-stakes vaccine and drug trials for COVID-19.
But Science found that FDA rarely levels sanctions. The agency almost always rules that no action is warranted or requests voluntary corrections, according to documentation on all inspections that drew an OAI designation or more severe enforcement action.
“Light enforcement” not only by the FDA, but by the Science journalist unable to make the connections or intentionally not writing the most obvious and important point of his article: the FDA attempted to coverup Pfizer’s data for 75 years, and that the DEATHVAX™ is murdering and maiming more innocents than all vaccines combined, and by possibly a magnitude more, and the trajectory of damage and depopulation is only getting worse. Is this journalist playing dumb? Has he not performed his due diligence? Has he never heard of VAERS? Was he not privy to the fact that life insurance companies have been reporting all cause mortality exploding 40% higher since the DEATHVAX™rollout? Has he not bothered to investigate Pfizer’s petri dish known as Israel and their grim data? Did he not realize that BigPharma execs are now running the FDA?
The answers are quite obvious, as is this hacks true intentions.
Do NOT be the mark.
Do NOT comply.
That article is from October 2020, even before the vaccines started - I want to see a follow up now that we're a year and half into the jabs!