There are still a lot of stupid conversations surrounding COVID and Vaccinations and since I haven't drilled into the AB data lately, I figured I'd take some time to use it to help end some of them.
The death & damage from the DEATHVAX™ continues to pile up...
Excellent thread on the DEATHVAX™:

There are still a lot of stupid conversations surrounding COVID and Vaccinations and since I haven't drilled into the AB data lately, I figured I'd take some time to use it to help end some of them.
AB COVID Update 🧵
This is our basic understanding of how things should work:

As more people get vaccinated, less people will die. This isn't specific to COVID, it's our general idea surrounding all vaccinations, right?
Let's extend this into all life saving measures where as they increase, mortality decreases.
It's the whole premise of medical science..

So, when we look at the vaccinations in Alberta, we can 100% conclude that the vaccines have increased and in addition to this, there has been an Extra Jab included in the mix...meaning - even fewer deaths should be expected, according to our basic premise:

But not only this...where the vaccines were not able to be taken due to medical restrictions and in those who simply refused, another treatment was introduced over the last 120 days to help prevent severity of symptoms from COVID:

And the reason that I keep mentioning 120 days is because the Province of Alberta posts their statistics over a period of 120 days.
So, when we look at mortality at current, it actually goes back 120 days from current, to January 30th, 2022 and looks like this:

959 deaths in the province over the last 120 days. This is broken down by vaccination status where 52% of the Mortality is in the people who have been offered the Most Amount of Protection - 3 doses.
Important to mention that 883 of these deaths, or 92% were in people aged 60+.

Who, have always been the highest risk by way of Age Stratification, as in, we knew before the first case of COVID in Canada, these would be the most at risk people.
So...this is now, almost 1000 deaths from COVID after a full year of vaccinations and 4 months of Paxlovid.

Which seemed a little high to me, so I thought I would do a YoY comparison to figure out how well we're doing with the extra jab and Paxlovid, from this exact point last year.
And I don't really like what I am seeing.
You see, on this same date in 2021, May 30th, there were...

2,227 COVID deaths. And on January 30th (29th) there were 1,631 deaths.
Meaning that for this same 120 day period, there were 596 deaths or only 62% of the deaths that we see from the same current 120 day period.
As in, there were an additional 363 lives lost this year.

What we actually see is that as vaccinations and other medical interventions have increased, so has COVID Mortality:

Because, on this reporting date, last year - May 30, 2021, only 10.3% of the Population for the province was even Fully Vaccinated and this didn't include the 5-11 year age group.

And, if we look at the High Risk Population on May 30, 2021 - 2062 of the 2227 deaths at this time were all in the High Risk Age groups, 60+ making up 92.6% of Mortality for the Province.

From a more holistic current, there are 4,558 COVID deaths "reported", in the province, which we all know is bullshit...but the same level of bullshit as reported last year when deaths were 2,227.
After a year of vaccinations and 120 days of Paxlovid, we're...

seeing just over 100% growth in Mortality from COVID in the province of Alberta.
More shots has had ZERO impact on this.
The same people who were always at risk, are still at risk.
And those who claim they, 'Trust the Science', are screeching, "Get More Jabs".

Why would anybody do this?
If 93% of the happen in the populations with the absolute highest amount of jabs, where additional treatments still aren't seeing a YoY improvement:

So, if you find yourself in one of these stupid conversations, feel free to bust out some data from the Province of Alberta and put a end to it.

Do NOT comply.
Your red & green arrow graphs make the point very quickly & simply. Nicely done.
The cognitive dissonance has caused figurative blindness and deafness.
Thanks for posting!
( my fully boosted mom claims her droopy eye, shaky hands and small anyurism are unrelated to the jab. )