Apr 19Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

This man died because of MULTIPLE unnecessary vaxxes that destroyed his immune system.

Hospitals have become death camps. Stay away from them, they are bad for your health.

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Apr 19Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Nice work, 2SG. As always. Unfortunately for almost all of the vaxxed, they are so deeply affected by hubris and fear, they have chosen not to go here.

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Apr 19Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Every time I read things like this it reaffirms my decision to not get the jab! Thank you!

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These types of stories are becoming commonplace along with the responses....And yet no calls for action to bring justice to this evil. To add insult to injury...one can find on "X" calls by government and for fools (usually from the coastal cities) calling for the latest variant of the Jab. What is one to think of this???? In a word.... I don't care! I'm tired of screaming into a thunderstorm; tired of trying of using logic and facts to convince people to think twice about the poison they have taken (and continue to take); tired of the compromised medical/legal/education/government system. Does this mean that I've thrown in the towel? ABSOLUTELY NOT! To do so equals death. No....I am going to become the "gray man" whilst swimming in this sea of shit. Fortunately, the few freedoms we have left enable one to do so. I'm going to focus that which I can influence (i.e. family and friends and local politics); get right with God (you know that guy that most ignore); support like-minded people; seek virtue; and let the chips fall where they may. As far as lamenting the folks with all of these illnesses who take no action - I'm done...of course I'll pray for you...but I'm done. Pax

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We all know the word “Omnicron” unscrambled = MORONIC. They’ve never ever isolated and replicated a “virus” anywhere in the world it’s just more lies to hide the immune suppressing death darts …..

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For all those that agreed to participate in the (for PROFIT) EXPERIMENT, the "four months shortened LIFE EXPECTANCY" apparently caused by the (Unsafe ans Ineffective) dangerous EXPERIMENTAL mRNA INJECTIONS, seems to be an arbitrary and conservative estimate, which will only be truly proven in the fullness of time.

Someone has previously suggested that the likelihood of damage from these injections multiplies by 3% with every extra jab or 'booster' as they call it. Unprovable, only provable in the fullness of time.

Under these well established associated 'Vax' related Injuries and DEATHS caused by these useless poisons that these errant concoctions, it is amazing that they have not been banned as was the case in the 1970's with Swine Flue vaccine that was halted after just 50+/- deaths occurred following that deadly vaccine fiasco. Millions have died as a result of the Covid Injection but still the depopulation continues.

How can these dangerous products be used on humanity with NO LIABLITY for the manufacturers?

Keep spreading reality and the deadly Big Pharma farce will one day be terminated.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Must be a chronic state of anxiety thinking one has a built-in spike factory

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Thanks again eri!

I'd appreciate you contacting me again if you get the full story behind the farcical exemption enjoyed by Big Pharma's dangerous medicines, as such facts are far more convincing that my recollection of such matters leaves it to my fading memory.

Regards! Mick.

PS, Here's a copy of a letter I'm dropping into our local Doctor's surgery tomorrow;

Abridged Letter to my Doctor! = Surgery of Doctor W & Partners Cease and Desist Order dated 21st April 2024. Delivered by hand by MLC (Hooe (UK) on 22nd April 2024.

To all persons involved in the distribution of invitations for injectable EXPERIMENTAL medicines and vaccines, including the frequently dangerous Covid 19 injection referred to as a ‘VACCINE’. Delivered, with no option to ‘opt-out’. I’ve received THREE such automated and unwanted invitations this month and it’s only the 20th April. These frequent and unwanted invitations suggest that I might wish to participate in the dangerous and unproven medical ‘Experiment’. Such frequent distressing invitations must cease immediately. The Covid 19 ‘Experimental’ injections are ineffective and frequently found to be dangerous, if not lethal. The medical profession has a moral and legal responsibility to establish Safety, reliability and efficacy before every patient is totally informed of the side effects in order to ensure that they can give their ‘Informed Consent’. This protocol seems to have been abandoned since the creation and release of the disease. A Medical Doctor’s Hippocratic Oath requires every Doctor to obtain ‘Informed Consent’ and to ‘do no harm’, but it seems this basic courtesy has been ignored since the launch of the injection for Corona virus. Why does the medical profession continue to promote a dangerous, unproven EXPERIMENTAL injection when they frequently result in retrograde symptoms and other frequently encountered health issues are experienced? Many of the ‘vax-related’ Adverse Reactions and DEATHS caused are routinely ignored. I do not wish to receive another invitation to participate in the mRNA Covid 19 depopulating injection. Further communication of this nature will be regarded as a deliberate threat to my health and my safety. There have been many DEATHS related to the Covid 19 Experimental injections (inappropriately called ‘VACCINE’) and to continue these approaches will be regarded as an attempt to harm, injure or perhaps to kill me. Doctors were told to resist prescribing other proven anti-viral medicines like IVERMECTIN. Why? Those involved in the promotion and marketing of these dangerous mRNA genetically modifying injections might be complicit in harassment or endangering a person’s natural resistance to such viruses. I am happy to meet with any member of your practice should you wish to discuss this unpleasant issue.

MLC (aka Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer.

(Full name and contact information is included in the original letter.)

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Is there a protocol for maintenance?

My wife has multiple myeloma in remission. She is suffering terribly from the side-effects of the 'maintenance' chemo - Lanelidomide, but she is afraid to give it up without an appropriate replacement.

I find the the fearmongering of the doctors revolting. She is told that if she stops the ridiculously expensive prescription drug, the MM will for sure return and at that point nothing can help her. She will have to be on it for the rest of her life. Trust me, the side effects are really bad.

So the question, again, is what would be a maintenance protocol for her?

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As thankful as I am for writers like 2nd smartest guy in the world, my feeling of disgust for the mainstream media is 10x. The media are the very people who were supposed to have our backs against corruption in government and corporations by investigating suspicious behavior and asking the hard questions. But most of them sold out for a paycheck and became part of the propaganda system on the side of government against the people. And now because of that more 600,000 people are going to die from cancer this year that didn’t have to, if the mainstream media only did their job.

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Turning folks into helpless victims.

Zombie disease spread, strip their dignity, strip their savings. Ritual humiliation and destruction of God's creation.

This was always the plan.

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The cover-up is always worse than the crime.

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They keep you alive through torture to suck the most financial benefit out of you. To the top brass, you're already a part of their decedent estate so you don't matter. Hospitals were started by the predasites who moved themselves into owning government/religion and controlling our living biological reality through paper. As long as you agree that you are a birth- certificated person you're screwed. Only admit to fertilization; the unknown time and date of your beginnings at fertilization. That is where your divinity is and according to their legal system, You're untouchable.

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Is the Joe Tippens protocol for cancer treatment?

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Great info Judith!

I have to concede that I am not the most diligent when I relay the facts, as I understand them. Anyway!

I've kept lots of various evidence regarding the ZERO LIABILITY and other contentious Scamdemic issues - but because there are so many arguments to address each day, I can't be bothered to dig out the facts (which i might have logged a year or two ago)!

The gist of my arguments are based on my understanding or reality, but because I have another life, I cannot dig out proof for every comment I make. It's not in my nature.

A recent response to one of my rants yesterday was particularly arrogant and dismissive. A John Collis stated categorically, that "the dictionary meaning of VACCINE has NOT BEEN CHANGED". One of the 'facts' I recorded and checked maybe 3 years ago, but I haven't the energy to dig out my proof.

Here is what he responded;

John Collis

6 hrs ago

They did not change the definition of a vaccine. Secondly the mRNA is neither experimental or gene modifying. The latter is impossible as the mRNA cannot convert to DNA as it doesn’t code for the enzyme transcriptase and even if it did convert to DNA it cannot be integrated into the host genome as it does not code for the enzyme integrase. Why worry about viral DNA in the nuclei of cells? If you’ve ever had any of these diseases: cold sores, genital warts, chickenpox, glandular fever/infectious mononucleosis or sixth disease then I can guarantee that there is viral DNA in the nuclei of different cells, along with up to 95% of the population. These are all members of the human herpes virus family. The main cause of glandular fever Epstein Barr Virus or human herpes virus 4 is a designated carcinogen by the WHO. In about 1% of those who’ve had sixth disease the virus HHV6 has become attached to host DNA and the disease is congenital.

He totally avoided the No LIABILITY issue which I've given him another opportunity to justify!

Kind regards!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I checked before I accepted the lies from the establishment!

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WE the people denounced the UNELECED and corrupted World Health Organisation back in November 2023 because the organisation has been influenced by vastly wealthy sponsors with sinister agendas that increase their personal wealth and further denigrate humanity into SLAVES to the Elite.

The UNELECTED WHO no longer has any influence on human health. The WHO no longer has any authority over the world's population

We, the people, have spoken!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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