The Truth Continues To Be Revealed - Israeli Cohort Study Involving 196,992 Unvaccinated Adults Found "No Increase In The Incidence Of Myocarditis And Pericarditis" After COVID Infection
How many times have we heard the lies justifying submission to the DEATHVAX™ due to COVID risks of developing myocarditis and pericarditis far greater than the “Safe and Effective” slow kill bioweapon injection side effects? Thus, the argument goes, the risk/benefit favors the injection over COVID, which of course is total reality inversion with risks from the deadly gene therapy hugely outweighing any of its benefits, which there are less than none.
Those that bothered reading the research and tracking the news cycles during the year of the “pandemic” 2020 and comparing that to year of Operation Warp Speed year of the “vaccines” will save the world 2021 and the year of boosters will save you even more 2022 acutely appreciate the real culprit of stratospheric cases of adverse reactions and skyrocketing mortality.
A critical component of the BigPharma gambit was always to scare everyone such that they A. believed that they would die from a virus that had a 99.9% survivability for anyone under the age of 75 without any preexisting health conditions B. would develop all kinds of “Long COVID” side effects in excess of any “vaccine” side effects that were and continue to be covered up C. would never dare disobey the socially responsible mandate of becoming a Genetically Modified Human and D. be so locked into mass formation fear that contradicting the power structure and calling out the painfully obvious reality on the ground would be unlikely and E. that the brainwashed Death Cult citizenry would continue to get their never-ending deadly booster injections.
Thankfully, we have the unvaccinated more at UNDEATHVAXXED™ control group that continues to serve in more ways than one as the perfect foil for the biofascistic murderers.
And now we have yet further proof that BigPharma, the CIA-run Medical Industrial Complex along with the aiding and abetting governments, BigTech, MSM, UN, WEF, CDC, GAVI, and all of the other technocratic entities were always lying, obfuscating, subverting and depopulating, and as such are all criminals against humanity:
Conclusion: Our data suggest that there is no increase in the incidence of myocarditis and pericarditis in COVID-19 recovered patients compared to uninfected matched controls. Further longer-term studies will be needed to estimate the incidence of pericarditis and myocarditis in patients diagnosed with COVID-19.
So much for two of the worst “Long COVID” claims.
So much for the entire “pandemic” narrative.
So much for your freedoms if you comply with the next imminent “pandemic” in PSYOP-22.
Do NOT comply.
Very well said, thanks.
I just git over Long Covid .... 18 hours of the sniffles