LIfestyle changes that boost the immune system is key. Merck and Moderna must be thrilled that turbo cancers from the RNA injections are creating a new supply of lab rat cancer patients to be treated with the experimental RNA injection protocols. https://www.fiercebiotech.com/biotech/merck-moderna-post-phase-3-trial-closely-watched-mrna-cancer-vaccine?utm_medium=email&utm_source=nl&utm_campaign=LS-NL-FierceLifeSci&oly_enc_id=0517B3596789J1E

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Great job! Fenbendazole does work to eradicate cancer https://fenbendazole.substack.com see Case Reports that match your interest. A lot of the science supporting fenbendazole is hidden in plain sight.

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There's ample evidence that cancer is a deficiency disease, like scurvy, beriberi, pellagra and rickets, which all plagued humans for centuries, when all that was needed to prevent them was a proper diet.

There are quite a few good natural cancer fighters. This book is a wealth of information on one of them. The author also does a deep dive into the politics of cancer therapy. The pharmafia has been playing the long game to keep us unhealthy for a very long time.


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I forgot to mention, this book is also available as a free pdf download here, and on other sites.


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Great substack! I’d encourage all of your followers to also watch some of Dr Robert Lustig’s videos on youtube and elsewhere, and check out his latest book Metabolical. It goes right along with “what causes most everything that’s wrong with us”.

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Is there an archive here? I wish I could search for past posts when people demand specific proofs.

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Develop a symbiotic relationship with your immune system. Take care of it, and it will take care of you. Eat right and take the right supplements.

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Relatedly, the Australian government is proudly using this paper to 1) justify its decision to not investigate excess deaths, and 2) re-assure everyone that all excess cancer deaths to the year 2044 are due to 'missed biopsies.' https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanpub/article/PIIS2468-2667(22)00090-1/fulltext

I have approached Profs Fenton and Neil for some assistance (awaiting reply, not sure if I will get one) but a reply to the government is rather futile given that they are THE SCIENCE. OBEY!

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Thank you for all your excellent info on repurposed drugs. Very important and very much seriously appreciate all your work on this subject.


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Removed (Banned)Jul 14, 2023·edited Jul 14, 2023
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Some studies suggest the misshapen mRNA spike proteins interfere with

Toll Like Receptor Cells disrupting signaling to the immune system warning of

carcinogenic pathogens invading.

Other papers suggest down regulation of the P53 tumor surgery suppressor protein.

Of course recent findings of plasmid DNA contamination replete with sv40 promoters certainly gives credence to gene therapy like attributes as well.

You want to disparage the FLCC? How many lives have you saved in the last three years?

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