A new “analysis” by the Centers for Disease Crimes aka the CDC of “more than 100 deaths that could be attributed to long Covid by looking at death certificates from across the country over the last two years…”.
“More than 100 deaths” from the CDC’s own datasets that they have completely forged since PSYOP-19 was rolled out. Last year that very same CDC most surreptitiously put a tiny asterisk on the Covid Deaths tally when it was, according to them, at 600,000 admitting that only 5% of that figure was “Covid only” as per the actual death certificates. Thus, the CDC were blatantly misrepresenting 30,000 alleged Covid deaths as if they were 600,000 deaths so that their partners in crime at the MSM could fear-monger the population into accepting the DEATHVAX™. Mind you, there was hardly any mention at that time that flu deaths had “mysteriously” fell to around zero.
Which brings us to the current burgeoning phase of the Depopulation and Control program: the CDC has been tapped on its proverbial shoulder to now run a coverup operation for surging DEATHVAX™ mortality rates and adverse events by blaming the undefined yet soon to be all-encompassing “long Covid” for said deaths. And one of the worst CIA State propaganda outlets has just come out aiding and abetting in this latest scam with the following article:
Can long Covid lead to death? A new analysis suggests it could
A spokesperson for the CDC said the agency is “working on identifying any deaths attributed to … long Covid-19” and plans to publish the numbers “soon.”
There is no test for long Covid, and the CDC and the medical community have no official definition. But health care workers across the country are diagnosing patients who have previously contracted Covid-19 based on a wide-ranging set of symptoms that often include fatigue, shortness of breath and brain fog. Researchers and scientists have said that between 10 and 30 percent of people who have survived a Covid-19 infection will develop long Covid. A CDC study released May 27 said one in five adults in the U.S. may develop the condition.
The absurdity of the admission that “long Covid” does not even have an official definition really says it all to any non-brainwashed Death Cultist.
As the gaslighting accelerates ahead of the next plague in PSYOP-22 later this year, more utterly mendacious whitewashing articles like this will be unleashed on the fearful hypochondriac-programmed public.
Do NOT fear.
Do NOT comply.
(Hat tip Mark Luersen.
"long covid" is direct result of the vaxx.
we are injected with something that is causing to produce a prion generating protein.
Reasonable doubt is all they require for their spin to latch on and they will exploit every last ounce of it.
How convenient that jab injuries and long-covid look so similar. Especially with widespread concerns of the spike protein having genotoxic properties. So what caused your condition? The synthetic spike or the natural wild type? Who will be able to say for sure?
Dr Bruce Patterson has done extensive cytokine profile mapping and can chart the subtle variations between the two conditions (long covid & post vaccine long haul syndrome) and also distinguish between CFS/ME or long-covid and chronic Lyme.
Maybe this is an area of research which could help us find out?