
Typos edited.

PS the Nazis never lost the war, they simply regrouped and are now executing a planet-wide bio-holocaust.

Call it NAZI 2.0 or technocommunism, same net difference...

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It's more like - WW2 Germany and the West were both run by the same central bankers, and the central bankers did not lose the war, no more than a man loses when he uses his hand (one country) to scratch his ass (bomb another country).

Operation Paperclip simply reshuffled some of the "talent" that the bankers use.

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Recently read ‘The Devils Chessboard’ (Talbot) We’ve been asleep for a long while!

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Excellent book

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Really an eye opener! So many incidents that were shrugged off as happenstance were likely intentionally evil! And they’re not done yet!

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Hitler called it the 4th Reich.

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Not all Jews believe this. Many Jews are wonderful, kind people.

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Noahide laws are made up. Just saying.

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Aug 27, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

My daughter called me two days ago with her husband to tell us she is expecting her first baby. It’s the news every parent wants to hear. These two really have it together and I can’t think of better parents. But of course, my fear factor kicked in after hanging up. She has been vaxed three times as required by her school as she pursued her Masters in Nursing. She has an autoimmune disease as a result. Her husband, a pilot, was also vaxed three times. I’m so sorry they are alive in this absolutely sickening and horrific time in history. Their government is trying to kill them and will ruin their lives in every way before that happens.

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022

Only God can help folks now. This spike protein will be never ending, causing more variants and loss, then the world has ever seen. There is no limit to who catches what. Many we know in family and friends took the shot(s). It is my hope that all of the hospitals and doctors and government will be judged sooner than later. My wife and I are afraid to even go to a hospital now. Her brother was killed with the ventilator. May God help you as parents. Did you get the shots? My wife and I did not. We refused, period! It may be best if your son in law stays out of airplanes as a pilot. Scarey

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"My wife and I are afraid to even go to a hospital now."

I totally agree. The number of sane medical personnel is SO small it's VERY difficult to find one. My neighbor is in the medical field and I do NOT speak to them about these things since I have no idea what side they fall on. I choose to only see naturopaths at this point and do everything in my power to keep myself healthy.

It's time to be bold and witness to unbelievers. The time is short and the Age of Grace will end very soon.....very soon indeed.

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Certainly, God who is Sovereign,May be judging this evil world. I believe He has lifted some of the restraints of evil, certainly on the money hungry medical profession. There are some doctors who are kind and good, but very rare. Hospitals have turned into business institutions, and murder pays big with the intensive care, and death shots, and ventilators. Deadly protocols. Our trust of these institutions has been enlightened and certainly damaged by this death squad of many professionals with zero conscience, seared with a hot iron. As a retired marine vet, I am saddened of the VA promoting the Covid test, mask and vaccines. Where have all of the brains gone? Nice chatting with you Austin. Your on the winning side. Trust a Sovereign God, prepare, Jesus will never fail you. Those who believe in Him shall never die. Spurgeon said: " Blessed is the man who believes not in chance, who speaks not of luck, but is convinced from the least to the greatest, all things are ordained of God. ". That brings peace…. Mike

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Hi Mike—thanks for the response. Neither my daughter or her husband are living in the truth. They will continue to be vaccinated, if asked. It’s heartbreaking. I keep working on her!

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it is always the same thing, now is our turn.

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My son is in Vanderbilt medical school, which also “required” the vaccine. They accepted his religious exemption without any issue whatsoever. Did she even try?

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That’s great news! She is not awake, unfortunately. I continue to work on her, but she thinks my claims are merely “beliefs.” It doesn’t help that everyone around her has been vaccinated and so far, are fine.

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My heart goes out to you and your kids.

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Aug 27, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

In the last six months I have learned of two babies born w/defects. One is a family from church, their baby was born w/half a brain. The body was completely fine. The other is a dear friends daughter that got the vaxx while pregnant. I even questioned it and said don't let her do it. He replied that she had several discussions w/her doctor and the doc assured her it was safe. The baby was born w/an extremely rare condition where her intestinal tract goes through the vagina instead of the anus. There is only one doctor on the West Coast that has ever done the procedure to correct it. More to the story, but bottom line it is devastating to the family. It has not been discussed whether they have made the connection that the vaxx did this to their granddaughter.

My entire life I have heard nothing but pregnant women should not take anything, even aspirin, while pregnant, and these freaks for doctor recommend an unknown shot that has not gone through clinical trials for pregnant women? I want a Nuremberg so bad I can't stand it. Never thought I would despise physicians so much as I do now.

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My DiL's cousin was vaxxed and just had a baby - which is now on ventilator and has swelling of the brain. :-(

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So so sorry to hear these stories but i believe right now it’s so so important to share them as medical gaslighting makes immediate family think it’s just their journey, ‘it happens’. The grief carried for these unwell babies is life destroying. And the drs and nurses proffering their hospital ‘care’ with their sugary sweet smiles, will abandon any notion of fault. And then abandon the families to life of debt and despair. Bring on Nuremberg for them all.

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So sad and terrible for these parents that want to bring love and joy into their lives for it to be ruined by such evil. I am so sorry they are having to deal w/that pain.

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We have only seen the first act of the Covid crisis and until the science community comes together and has the courage to speak with one voice we’re going to continue to go down this tragic path and the destruction of the human race!

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Thomas, I don't know that even after we change course and speak with one courageous voice that even then we will be able to correct this tragedy. That is how you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is a bioweapon. And I still fear we haven't seen the final act yet, but we will, we will.

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I'm starting to believe if all the women read the following article they will revolt against the current Covid crisis and demand it be stopped. It is the harm that is built into the mRNA for future generations by changing the DNA! The problem is the mass media will block the dessemination!


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Have you any thoughts and or data on infants born to jab-negative moms when dads are jab-positive?

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None. Good question! We may find That the male sperm has been corrupted and there are more male formed babies aka Thalidomide!

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Thomas, it may be a dead end but a female couple related to my grands that recently lost an infant is currently researching this very exact possibility. The child was just a few months old, mom not vaccinated but father may have been and it seems to have also resulted in his death.

I will let you know if anything turns up.

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Yes Edwin, sounds like a "dead end".

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Our similar histories have lead us to a common ground!

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I know you meant mal-formed. Horrific! Have we learned nothing!?!

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Wondering the same thing. I have not seen anything on this anywhere….

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Would require sperm testing study to determine if jabbed daddies are affected.

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The media are the 4th Reich. They won’t, and won’t want to, take an ounce of blame. They’ve already thrown women under the bus. Who is next, they choose.

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pHarmaCo has done very well at setting up untold millions of customers for side effect "treatments"

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Dude! This has been the manner in which many blockbuster products have come to be. ie: Sildenafil. Also watch for the active marketing to ‘raise awareness’ of disease states to signal what’s coming.

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As the image at the end says, Sorry, we're dead. And these other we - the awake, the uninjected - are more sorry - because so many of the injected are so brain-numbed they are blocked from seeing what they are half-living.

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Aug 27, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

My dad just told me about his friend who started showing signs of dementia this summer. Another friend has a lung infection that won't clear up. And yet a third has sepsis because he has a tube to drain his kidneys. All...sort of...'suddenly.'

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I feel afraid as I consider the possibilities and I don’t doubt the outcome you describe is well within the range of possibilities but ... we just don’t know yet. Let us hope you are wrong?

I have a few thoughts ... the vaccines aren’t the only source of spike ... of course a natural infection would never allow it into the ovaries (for example) so that spike infestation is different for injected verses uninjected. Still, I have a lot of questions about the potential of viral dna to be incorporated into the human genome. Coronaviruses are prevalent and it is likely a novel one had hit us a few times and we didn’t even notice (they mostly cause cold symptoms) ... hasn’t this been an ongoing process for eons then?

If this was planned ... I think it very possibly was ... if mass death is the goal ... which is very likely is based on the actual WORDS AND DEEDS of various elite creeps ... did they not know only the mentally strong would survive? Did they not know they will be left with a population of angry cynics as they have successfully murdered all the sheep? Did they not think of this? They are evil not stupid ...in a sense it would be the world’s very worst plan, structured to achieve a massive result contrary to the goal of ultimate control and authority over mankind.


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Aug 28, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Natural infection exposes people to the "spike protein". However, it doesn't turn your body into a factory producing a potentially endless stream of spike proteins in the millions or billions. Also, this mRNA is not natural and studies have indicated that it can definitely affect one's DNA. Yes, this could also happen, theoretically at least, with natural viruses (assuming we accept virus theory, which a look at the "science" of virology has me now seriously questioning), but that would be a rare event, and unlikely to quickly affect the population as a whole. That kind of change would take generations, even millennia to take effect naturally.

"They are evil not stupid" I disagree. Yes, they are evil, but they are also stupid. Overweening desire for power, willingness to do unimaginable evil and convince oneself it is doing good (as I believe most of those perpetrating this do) will make people stupid, whatever their original intelligence may have been. They want us to believe they are smart and have it all figured out and we can't second guess them, but the fact is they are very stupid. The fact they hatched an evil plan that is ultimately absurd and self-destructive even for them shows it.

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Ongoing spike production is a possibility but contrary to the “intended design” of the drug. The (stated) intent was immune-induced cellular destruction after the initial generation of foreign protein. Ha ha weren’t they so precious. It seems none of the “intended design” is coming true for these pathetic bumbling technicians.

Still, we cannot know the duration of production so may still hope it is short-lived. It is worth noting viruses themselves, if one accepts virus theory, turn human cells into virus manufacturers during the course of infection. The volume of production during infection is probably less although we cannot know this either. It is most certainly more localized.

While we cannot know very much for certain, it is safe to say I and my family will be long avoiding injecting ourselves with gene therapeutics. I also hope the effects of these drugs on my friends and neighbors is limited and that most are able to recover.

Do not underestimate our enemies. They are greedy but this may not be the “grand plan”, may be more of a “dry run”. Our eugenicist overlords have shown remarkable restraints over generations while they carefully align the pawns for big moves like pandemic emergencies. We must expect more.

I have a theory that, while technology was advancing enough to allow mass control, it also opened a floodgate of communication platforms that escape that control. In my opinion, they did not spend enough on developing a highly-lethal and communicable disease, that sars cov2 fell pitifully short but that they thought if they acted quickly enough perhaps the strings they hold to the tech oligarchy might be able to restrain the free thinkers just enough to achieve the objective of compliance.

They were wrong. They misjudged the number of “sleep walkers”, the ones very aware but very quiet. I was one of those. Once mobilized, we were able to use off brand platforms to connect and once connected there was no stopping us. We continue to gather by the millions every day to exchange ideas and share what we see around us. Future evil plans will need to account for this previously invisible force. I have some worry that this was the “dry run” and that now they know WHO stands against them. They know which leaders must be removed, which frontiers must be fortified. My mind goes to dark places if I let it.

Ultimately, I am a Christian … I think our salvation must come from above, that even the bravest warriors have no chance against evil that has been coagulating in dark holes for centuries. God Himself will need to take care of this.

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I agree. I’ve been wondering why they are poisoning all the obedient ones…. Doesn’t really make sense. And now they have injured and awoken so many of the obedient ones that it is going to be harder to turn them all against the “rebels”.

I was really worried me about the quarantine camps in Australia. I thought that was how they were going to round up the rebels and exterminate them. But even that idea seems to be collapsing on itself.

The real truth as I see it is that many of the rebels will be taken off the battlefield because we will be so busy caring for all our obedient-and-injured loved ones. The rebels are the ones who really have humanity’s best interest at heart; that may end up being a hindrance because we will be too busy taking care of the dying and we won’t have time to fight the real war.

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If you’re still at “possibly planned” you have a lot of catching up to do.

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Please sight irrefutable evidence. When a claim is so large, the evidence must virtually exclude all other possibilities. I think I suggested it is “likely” but careful people do not leap at conclusions. It is how we just witnessed an insane mob behaving for years. Be better.

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Aug 28, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I woke up in 1997 after working as a reporter for many years. I don’t have to be “careful” anymore about jumping to conclusions.

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Would you care to elaborate on how you began to wake up and what you covered, etc?

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Sep 6, 2022·edited Sep 6, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I worked in and around Massachusetts politics for a long time—as well as other cities and states. But it was during that era that the news began to change.

I went to journalism school in the early 1980’s and the importance of delivering unbiased reporting was the foundational brick upon which everything we learned was based. News was still pretty pure then. Two newspaper towns were the rule of the day, so that citizens were always getting a different point of view. Democracy could not exist without a cacophony of voices and views and this was drilled into us because journalism was boot camp then.

We marched out of that school believing we were a wing in the sacred building that was democracy. Our job was not to tell you what to think but rather report the facts. What happened? When and where and how? Our feelings mattered little. Our politics were invisible. We could separate our own political leanings with such precision, that out for a drink with you after work on a Friday night, you’d never have an inkling of where I stood. A good reporter never discussed their politics.

So imagine my surprise in the late 1990’s when the news coming over the wire started leaning left. My news director insisted we rewrite the stories from AP and UPI—no more rip and reading when in a rush to go live. It was such a shock to reporters at the time—those who had fair reporting ingrained into their soul. It felt sacrilegious. It was confusing. And wrong.

We actually rewrote news that came from giant media enterprises so as not to break that vow of unbiased reporting.

The only thing there was to discern is that something very fundamental was changing, but by who? And why? By the left, of course, but was that the whole story? It was obviously coming from the top somewhere. If a lowly reporter from UPI was slanting the news on her own, she would have been fired after a day. No, this was nefarious, and coming from all directions from various news mediums.

And what we were actually reporting on also began to change. It was the end of innocence.The government started coming down hard on environmental issues—closing entire beaches for two nesting birds without public input, for example. Politicians like Barney Frank were accused of pedophilia and sex scandals took a new and strange shape. Everything was different suddenly—the news was biased and the country began a slow walk down a shady road that was absolutely discernible from the desk of a news room. Perhaps more so at those desks than any other perch in the world. It was Ground Zero for the burgeoning change and sitting there at my keyboard I could feel it and sense it.

And we’d all discuss it. We’d fight it. And eventually, we’d all come to fear it.

It was the first step on a very long road for me. I started researching, finding patterns in things, seeing the same names behind certain kinds of stories.

News stations, and all media, whose owners were once limited to how many media outlets they could own, suddenly had no limits. I had worked for local guys at my career start who might own a few stations in a city but suddenly news became corporate. And newspapers. Big corporations came in at this time and standardized American news. The guy who hired you who sat in a little office and lived two miles away was replaced by a corporate owner like Disney. News media was one of the first industries in America to experience this. By 2000, nothing was the same in the world of news reporting. Nothing. No more WKRP in Cincinnati-like world. It was over.

You see why I woke up so early? The cabal had to corral the media first as a first strike to controlling the world. And if you worked in the news then, you were there. You watched it. You felt it. You lived it.

My research took me down many paths, sitting late at night, finding the stories behind the stories with a pack of smokes and a beer. If you are that focused, that determined, you can tell the whole story of the cabal within a year. Where it started, who is involved, its mentions in books in recent and not-so-recent history, the groups and organizations that house its members—the whole twisted story is there for anyone who wants to see it. I’m not particularly brilliant, I’m just willing.

I’ve never stopped learning, listening, and following the crumbs. But now it’s just out in the open. Leaders talk about the Great Reset and the New World Order all of the time. But who’s listening?

There’s so much more, but I will leave you with this—the beginning of my education. And I’ll tell you this—the world is nothing like you think it is.

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I invite you to contribute what you learned in your research. And elaborate on what you meant by, "And I’ll tell you this—the world is nothing like you think it is."

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I've wondered the same. One thing keeps popping up in my mind about that. The deaths are unintended but just fine by them. The goal is genetic manipulation in the womb and if many lab rats die who cares? At least we'll get a lot of babies altered. For what purpose? Sterile babies? Preparing us with trans stuff for an all trans generation?

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i wonder if this isn't just a thinning of the herd. a means of picking off the easy targets to clear the field for the more difficult and - if they are looking to cash in on human brain power - valuable prizes. whether we took the vaxx or not, we were all part of the psyop and were placed in some category to be managed accordingly.

let your middle get a good nights' rest, you will be needing it tomorrow.

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You are forgetting that the existence of any virus related to covid has yet to be isolated in any human in the world - covid was a hoax- what people caught was a more viral and lethal influenza (but they stopped counting flu since they introduced the covid hoax). Therefore, no unjabbed person has any spikes from a natural infection if they had what a useless PCR test deemed to be “covid”. Look up “the virus challenge” and you will see many world renowned docs scientists, virologists etc fighting to make this common knowledge. Now shedding is another story and if spike proteins pass from jabbed to unjabbed through semen/other close contact then your concern might be valid for unjabbed.

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Aug 27, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I mean, I feel bad but maybe this culling was inevitable. On average, people have been getting dumber and dumber for 150 years apparently (see Edward Dutton et al.) and so perhaps something was bound to come along to cull the herd. Add a few intelligent sociopaths to the mix and we were bound to end up here. Will be interesting to see what lies on the other side. Maybe a Renaissance like Europe after the Black Death.

#HowILearnedToStopWorryingAndLoveBillGates 😂

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The herd has been ‘coached’ ‘nudged’ to be ‘nice’ and ‘happy’, and yes dumber consequentially. It is a progressive workplace requirement. We must all own this crime subjugation of our own humanity. Honesty from colleagues or staff is viewed publicly and privately as naive and unworkable. We even have terminology and legislation to deal with ‘them’ honest difficult people, one being ‘whistleblower’.

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Since there is so much evidence of the harm these poisons are doing it is evident that everyone now pushing the vax is evil. If one is not willing to say that, one must admit that at least these people have lost their reason and their conscience (if they ever had them).

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I think it is good to consider this a possibility as the jab manufacturers should have. I think it is too early to say it will definitely be passed to the next generation until such testing is done. It is terrible enough, without jumping to worst possible conclusions... though I admit it is logical that this is possible.

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100% getting passed on.

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Maybe... but so far all we have is proof of changing DNA in liver cells en vitro, right? For greater indication, I would need to see eggs and sperm with those genes... And for definite proof, the passed changes in genes in the DNA of the next generation.

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Aug 27, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

We were told countless lies.

1)Asymptomatic transmission is not extremely rare but common

2)The injection load only stays in the deltoid muscle

3)"Impossible that the mRNA could be transcribed and integrated iinto the human genome.

4)Sarscov2 untreatable

5) PVR are a good barometer of infectivity

6)masks work

7) Injections (so called "vaccines") are safe and effective

It goes on and on. With 10,000,000+ people murdered not from a virus but from medical malpractice I am inclined to go with the worst case. Especially when the Japanese bio distribution study showed that this concentrates in the ovaries where there is plenty of reverse transcriptase.

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You are right … so many lies … and the sheep believed every single one.

But, I must agree with John that this only ELEVATES the need for careful building of evidence before we claim any facts of our own. Acknowledging a “worst fear” is not the same as claiming it has arrived.

No, we cannot “weaken our position” by jumping to wrong conclusions. Truth cannot be weakened or strengthened… it only remains.

Still, we can weaken our own strength by charging after incorrect assumptions!

I am not saying genetic changes won’t reside in the next generation … I fear they will … I am only saying we cannot possibly know for sure at this point and it does not serve us to say otherwise.

Caution and prudence are imperative. If the past two years have taught me anything it is this

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022

The fact that we were told so many lies... does that not inspire us to get it right? If I had to guess, I would guess as you do, but we don't have to guess. Surely researchers will want to test this and report when we know. There are plenty other reasons to avoid the injections. We don't have to combat lies with our own premature assumptions.

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One granddaughter had a seemingly healthy baby in June, and her sister is halfway through her pregnancy. Both vaccinated as well as their husbands. I was not allowed to hold the baby at a picnic because I’m not vaccinated. My heart is broken over what their future might be. Come Lord Jesus.

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Dutch: “You can't win this, Dillon.”

Dillon: “Maybe I can get even.”

"Getting even" is just about all we have left now.

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Remember when the best revenge was living well?

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It still is except when your family has been murdered.

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I’ve experienced that as well. Agreed.

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Flu is dangerous to both the very old and the very young. Senescence can explain the risk to the old. The vaccine schedule likely explains the higher risk to babies. C-sections also don’t help matters.

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Yeah. We keep hearing about how developmentally advanced covid vax babies are…trying to talk at 2 months, rolling over at 3 months…really creepy stuff. Usually such advancement would be cause to celebrate, now it’s terrifying! Will they continue this accelerated schedule, live forever or die at 20?

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please elaborate.

i have 2 grand children born from at least double vaxxed moms. one is 7 mos. the other 3 mos. the 7 mo. has been trying to walk (seems since day one!) and sits upright and has for a long time compared to her unvaxxed cousin that is 2 days younger. (there are 3 grand babies, one mom unvaxxed.) She has also been very alert and more inclined to grab and reach for things than her cousin. she was very anxious and scream-cried louder and more than any other baby i have dealt with, very difficult to comfort. she has had "hoof and mouth" and evidently contracted "covid" on a trip to NYC last week. (i just heard about it through the grapevine 'cuz her mom won't tell me specifics, just "sick baby/can't visit" cuz i've been such an anti-vaxx hardass).

...of course all those things could have something to do with mothering.

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Hi mama. I am mom of five, I have no grandchildren (my oldest is 15) … I just want to say that my oldest was extremely strong and alert from day one, holding up her head and looking around! It creeped me out a bit at the time, it was just not what I was expecting! But still, she developed normally albeit in the early side versus siblings and friends … she is perfectly fine now although a bit mean … 15 is not a becoming age on her. Her sister was more typical, did everything “on time”, the third girl did not walk until a few days before 17 months! Eek

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ditto with my 1st child at 15 i could barely stand being in the same room with her. She is now truly the most amazing mother i have ever known. She has six children, homeschools and has made time to understand deeper "the faith of our fathers" and i could not be more grateful. I always say the child that seems the most difficult is the one to be counted on when life get truly difficult...i bet your meanie will be a rock for you one day.

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😍😍😍 thank you!

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I have not heard this. Do you have any links? I highly doubt a deadly vaccine that is literally killing its hosts is somehow raising the intelligence level of their offspring.

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I saw some videos on the Quinta Columna channel on Rumble a while back. They were creepy but not very believable. I'm not sure whether they were doctored or if perhaps they were of babies and children who had a congenital condition that made them very small for their age so that they were actually older than claimed.

Also, there really is a wide range in normal development. When my daughter was a baby, I had friends whose babies were way ahead of her in some things (like sitting up) and behind in others (she teethed very early and was talking in complete sentences before she was a year old). I certainly knew several who walked at 9 months.

I completely agree that it is extremely unlikely that this spikeshot accomplishes anything positive for our offspring. They'd like us to think so, though.

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I agree. I’ve heard of a lot of babies with heart troubles but nothing about advanced development.

I have in the past (before Covid) heard about walking without crawling being some sort of vaccine injury but I was unable to find anything to back that up. Would be very interested to see some sources.

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Seriously? I've never heard of this.

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Me either

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documenting reverse transcription into the DNA of liver cells in a petri dish, does not prove it reverse transcribes into the germ line in a person.

That said it would be fairly easy to test. Sperm samples from vaxed and unvaxed males would be the easiest place to start. To my knowledge no one has done this research.

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Good point... was wondering how that would transcribe to the human body. It is concerning tho' and hoping our immune system zaps it properly

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