The Naive & Narcissistic Mister Operation Warp Speed Is About To Get Thrown Under The Proverbial Bus
He’s the best we’ve got, DeSantis notwithstanding.
He did some excellent things while in office.
But he also pushed the greatest Crime Against Humanity program with his Operation Warp Speed.
And now because of his obstinacy and an identity inextricably tied to this monstrous “accomplishment”, he may very well become the fall guy; to wit:

Because what was initially the “I’m not gonna take no Orange Man Bad gene juice injection” to “Trust the Science” to the denouement in “Orange Man Bad responsible for mass die offs from slow kill bioweapon ‘unproven treatments’ that he personally pushed through.”
Reality is anything you can get away with.
We are living in reality inversion times.
This farce has real-world consequences, and as we head into this cold and flu season all of the genetically modified human VAIDS sufferers will start dropping dead like flies, and it will yet again all be Orange Man Bad’s fault. Because Putin, pissing Russian hookers and “climate change.”
Do NOT comply.
no one should be allowed to forget however, that the FDA was corrupt long before Trump and that it was Biden who destroyed the Constitution to mandate the stuff. having been stripped of my job of 40 years, i'm not likely to be confused about where the blame lies
Americans need to be REMINDED that Trump was LIED TO by Fauci, Birx, and Collins. But even as evidence against the jabs was piling up, the Biden Administration FORCED MANDATES on the whole nation; a boon to their planned destruction of America, including our military.