Jan 23Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

That isn’t the greatest fear...their greatest fear is the people find out that vaccines are designed to maim and kill them.

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With all due respect, I think most people suspect it now!

In my family, the jabbed know cause you can tell by their facial expressions. Faces don’t lie...unless you’re just a damn good actor! Plus some get aggressive about the conversation. But they see people dying and getting sick in our family circle so they know something is up. Denial or ignorant? It’s denial in my family because I see their fear. That’s the dead giveaway!

I feel most all know...they just haven’t come to terms with it, nor talk about it. But hey, all stories have different or similar views. That’s just the way I feel about it and can only attest to it regarding my family.

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You would be correct if you were referring to just the Covid shot. I’m referring to vaccines in general. All of em are toxic...and intentionally so.

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Yes, I guess I was referring to the Covid shot.

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You're lucky to know smart individuals.

I know a bunch of people over 55, some over 70. Only ONE of them suspects that the jabs are bad and won't get another. Another is so brainwashed that she will get another Kovid shot if her doctor tells her to, even though her husband was vaxx injured. Sad to say, but it seems to me that if you're a boomer and didn't figure out right away that this is bad, you may not ever figure it out.

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Interesting point. I'm a boomer and like most others, I followed the development of these "miracle" jabs before they were unleashed on a largely-unsuspecting public.

Just as soon as the information was available online that explained how they actually worked I was all over it.

When I learned how they worked (they're going to hijhack the body's cells to manufacture spike protein? What?) it was an immediate "Hell NO!" for me.

I expect that I am in the minority.

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I also am a boomer (70) and followed a similar trajectory. For me it was the fact the survival rate was so high (over 97%) and yet they were fear mongering and CENSORING highly accredited doctors and researchers. Then they started changing definitions. Everything they said about C-19 was in direct contradiction of how every virus known to man behaves. “Oh, Hell NO!” for me, too!

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I think that both of you are in the minority. The boomers that I know have absolute faith in medicine, hospitals and doctors. They weren't interested in research or simply the lack of testing. They were either afraid of dying or afraid of transmitting the disease to their elderly parents. The vast majority still have that faith.

Early on, I ran across the FDA slide about the side effects; one was autoimmune disease. My mother had an autoimmune disease, and I knew that I would not knowingly risk that.

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Go to One Political Plaza and see.

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Not really in the minority. Welcome to the club. I'm finding many more who said no as they were asked. Same ones in the yes category, but the CDC admitted that it sent live vax to red states, saline to blue.

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Sad to say, I find the same in spades in my area. Clueless and proud to be ignorant chattel of an idolized authority.

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To me, it's like they have mental block.

"My doctor is on my side, he/she wants to help me."

Ummm... not necessarily. He/she wants to make $$$$$$$ and if helping you is a side effect, well, what a happy accident for you!

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23

I wonder if a lot of it depends on where you live? In my area, they struggled to get people to wear masks and good lord, you should have seen the shoppers going the opposite way from all the arrows on the floor! We also had very few cases of C-19. Apparently we’re an ungovernable lot!

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It does pretty well correlate with virtue US democrat and virtue NDP/green ridings in Canada. Virtuous folk love to police their neighbours to the degree where no energy is left to foster a deeper or critical thought.

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That is exactly what I came here to write.

However.... they don't have to worry, since Big Pharma owns the MSM via advertising, and, just like the hospitals that killed patients for Kovid cash, they will simply not report the findings, and, like doctors, will continue to be "baffled."

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Removed (Banned)Jan 23
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Anyone complaining too loudly against the well-crafted narratives risks getting smacked down by the establishment beast. Job loss, reputation smear, "domestic terr*rist" label, what's your pleasure? But this is the freedom and democracy we must protect!

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Jan 23Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Their greatest fear has been realized.

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Deliberately so...

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Jan 23Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Greatest fear, or mission statement?

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The root of the problem is the window of opportunity created by the old glassmaker theory. A business model where thugs are hired to break windows to keep the glassmakers (bankers) rich and you and me in poverty! and the illusion that their methodology is for the GREATER good. Where 1% owns 100% of nature.On and on it goes.

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The revelations surrounding the criminality of the Covid "vaccine" trials have exposed what these people have been doing in rigging vaccine trials for well over 100 years now. It is time the criminals were arrested, given a fair trial and then hung in public in front of their billions of victims.

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I followed the same research, and pointed out to all and sundry that the mRNA killed all the test animals and no one should take this dangerous gene therapy...Maybe 10% listened, though they are aware that I know a lot about science...The indoctrination was, and still is, very strong....Perhaps this manmade disaster will loosen it a bit....

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Those are the study results I saw while the human vaccine was being developed and tested. Then I found out the animal studies were not performed for the current vaccines and decided I would do whatever is needed to avoid the vaccine. I feel fortunate that my parents taught me to think before following the crowd.

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You're lucky people listened. My husband is chemist. NONE of his family listened to him. None of my friends listened to me. His sons made the decisions on their own (they kind of contrarian) and his one sister declined to get jabbed because her church.

We've lost two older family members in two months. I'm sure more will die. Heartbreaking.

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as a matter of historical reference I am having difficulty finding how many people died as a result of H1N1 vaxx in 1976 before they called it off the market? Any help or link is appreciated. Thank you

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As more and more people wake up the tyrants will be forced to switch to violence. We are approaching that phase. We win by staying peaceful and telling the truth. Good always wins in the end. Hang in there people!

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I have vaxxed friends who are still ok...as far as I can tell and they are 100% ignorant regarding ANY of the injuries/deaths caused by the jabs they took. When I broach the topic I get deer in the headlights looks. They have no clue and worse, not even a tiny bit of curiosity. Denial maybe? Since they were so easily manipulated? SMH...and pray for them.

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This is the big problem with Covid vaccines specifically and vaccines in general, especially with children. There is often a big lag between the jab and the effects. So causality is easily dismissed. My wife who is boosted, lost vision in her one eye for a few minutes. Stroke was ruled out the doctors don’t have a good explanation. This happened a year after she was boosted. Do you think the doctors even considered the Covid vaccine as causing this? Nope.

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I talked to a retired jabbed friend and he said point blank that he chooses not to live in a world where the government lets people get hurt. End of discussion.

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Ignorance can be bliss, especially when there is no going back.

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It just boggles the mind!

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The Flouride Stare

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If they are in a blue state, they probably hot saline and are okay.

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Red state South Dakota...

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Here is what I fear most. Just like disastrous DES - diethylstilbesterol, these drugs were given to pregnant women willy nilly and will eventually cause children born to these women to die of cancer, decimating an entire generation and every generation following. I am entirely sure that this was the desired outcome. What better way to make it all happen--just not within my lifetime of course as I will be dead and gone when this bill comes due. But not before I grieve a nation and its never-born.

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Have a friend who is on his 5th booster. What the actual f*. I laughed when I heard this because I thought he was joking. Apparently not. What do you say to that? I tried for the last time to talk some sense to him. I messed up and took the double clot shot because I trusted a sibling who is a M.D.. Never again. If you are still getting boosters, at this point you deserve your fate.

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The J&J vaccine had to be curtailed because it was amusingly rolled out as the “one and done” vaccine! 😜🤪

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The greatest fear among all vaccinologists is their lovely germ theory will be exposed as 100% bollocks that it really is, and their entire careers have been spent living a LIE!!

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Perhaps someone should ask Bill Gates and his merry band of ghouls, why WE should take their death drug as but they probably don't?

Wouldn't it be fun to do a blood test on them to see IF they REALLY took it or were just playing the old "do as I say, not as I do" game? I suspect we know the answer.

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When is “Disease X” slated to arrive? Any approximations at least?

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Best guess would be June/July, just in time for US Presidential election.

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The election variant will get replayed over and over.

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They usually tell us in advance. Any info from docs or statements or from whistleblowers.

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