Mar 8, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

As you imply, this is by design. Think about it.

In the last two-plus years, the unvaccinated have been equated with: social irresponsibility, selfishness, Luddites, Trumpism, racism, anti-Americanism, domestic terrorists, and now, being pro-Putin/pro-Russia. An article I read over the weekend literally pointed out that pro-Russia sentiment is being found on "anti-vaxx" websites.

This makes me wonder whether Alex Berensen has a method behind his recent observations on Ukraine.

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I have no idea about Berenson -- i am no fan of his.

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Mar 9, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

All of those things either point toward someone who believes whatever the corporate media tells them, or someone who does not.

Social responsibility among unvaccinated? Circular argument if one defines vaccination as a social responsibility (which they do). Since I know that asymptomatic spread (among unvaxxed like myself) is not a concern, I know I am not spreading the disease, and I also know that the vax doesn't prevent someone for becoming positive with the virus or from spreading it, so no, it is not a social responsibility. I think for myself and I define my responsibilities according to reality, not some silly superstition imposed by a gnome who believes himself to be "Science."

Luddite? Oh, no, not a bit. I'm a techie. I have enough understanding of how all of the tech stuff works to have shunned smartphone culture and social media, but that's not borne of a fear of technology. It's borne of an understanding of how people use tech, and increasingly, how tech uses people. It's the less technically savvy who fall for the "push here for dopamine" response whenever some person "likes" a picture some other posted of his meal.

The corporate media insist this is normal and good, but many of us know better than to believe them, and in fact will think twice about anything if we happen to find ourselves on the same page as the media. We won't believe the opposite just to be contrarians, but we will take the opportunity to consider why we think as we do, and why the media is telling us the same thing.

Trumpism? Well, yeah! The media has told everyone for years they must hate Trump. Those who take their opinions pre-formed from the media are going to hate him as they are told just as much as they are pro-vax as they were told to be.

Racism? No. They throw that in because they always throw that in, nothing more.

Anti-Americanism? No. They're the anti-Americans, they know it, we know they know it, and they know we know they know it. They're just trying to Alinsky their way out of it by accusing their opponents of what they are actually doing themselves.

Domestic terrorists? Same as Anti-Americanism. Last I checked, Antifa works for them, not us.

Pro-Putin? I don't think so. Most of us recognize that there are no good guys in this conflict. We're told we should hate Putin and think he's a madman, and of course, the people who take their opinions pre-chewed by the media believe whatever they are told to believe.

The reality many of us see is that NATO, whose only purpose was to oppose the Soviet Union (often called "Russia" back then), is still around and is still acting like the Cold War never ended, which for NATO was the glory days of maximum power. By continuing to paint Russia (which is now actually Russia, not the Soviet Union) as the aggressive enemy that must be contained, it ensures that Russia considers NATO to be just that. When NATO violates past agreements and continues to expand right up to Russia's doorstep (even at the cost of deposing pro-Russia governments to install NATO puppets in neighboring countries that used to be part of the USSR), it is impossible for Russia not to see NATO as the threat that it is, and when it becomes obvious that the provocations will never stop, to react accordingly.

It is not being "pro-bear" to be aware that if you go poking a sleeping bear, at some point you are going to be mauled. It's simply an observation that cause precedes effect. NATO wanted this outcome... they engineered this outcome. What use is an alliance of countries against Russia if Russia isn't willing to play the role of villain? By provoking them to attack, now NATO can pretend they are the good guys defending against an aggressive foe, when it is most obvious to anyone who thinks critically that NATO has been playing the aggressor for more than 20 years.

Stating all that does not make me pro-Putin or pro-Russia. Putin is an autocrat, and I don't like autocrats. I'm more of a "liberty" guy. That said, though, it is impossible not to notice that Putin's Russia shares an enemy with liberty-minded people, and that's the globalist cabal that owns the US, the rest of the western world, and also Ukraine (since we made it a vassal state with a globalist puppet at the head).

What this means to me is that there is no good vs. evil battle over Ukraine going on here. There's no Darth Vader vs. Luke Skywalker. There's two evil factions fighting each other (Ukraine itself is but a pawn here), and I don't like either of them... but one of the two evil factions is also the one that is threatening my freedom and way of life, and the other one is Putin.

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Mar 9, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Great comment. Americans, in particular, have been indoctrinated to see the world in Manichean terms, making it easy to take a side. Of course, the world rarely works that way. Your last paragraph summed it up, at least for me.

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Mar 8, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

They hate us for our pureblood…

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When the health care workers and the Ph. D.’s didn’t line up to get “vaccinated” that spoke volumes to those that were awake.

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True. It's been a while but I saw an IQ profile of the purebloods - basically the ends of the bell curve. Below 80 IQ and above 120 IQ sort of thing were not getting the injections while the fat part of the bell curve was.

There are very good reasons for this phenomenon, different depending on which end of the curve you are on but both are explainable.

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It’s one thing to be ignorant, for we all are ignorant of most things. However, on this subject, for those ignorant of their own, and that of the entire human race’s, Natural Immune System, the object of which is the preservation of our species, to hate those who do not share their ignorance, demonstrates that the haters have their heads up a dark place, and for them I have no patience. Sorry about the scrambled sentence.

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The vaccinated tend to be more gullible to group think, so they will be stubborn about the non believers. It's no different than religious groups that bash gays etc.

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This is probably "fake science", which is sadly becoming the norm.

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