Study finds "vaccinated people have high antipathy towards the unvaccinated, 2.5 times more than towards a traditional target...we find no evidence that unvaccinated respondents display antipathy..."
The whole PSYOP-19 Depopulation & Control Program at its core was the leveraging of the lifelong Mockingbird Media indoctrination campaign since the creation of the unconstitutional CIA with its top SS assets that directly reported to Joseph Goebbels and his Ministry of Propaganda. With enough Death Cultists brainwashed into the requisite extremism of binary thinking (e.g. Trump bad/Trump messiah, blue/red, pro-vaxx/anti-vaxx, etc.), the con could be pulled off; to wit:
Study finds "vaccinated people have high antipathy towards the unvaccinated, 2.5 times more than towards a traditional target...we find no evidence that unvaccinated respondents display antipathy towards vaccinated people." The vaccinated hate the unvaxxed but unvaxxed don't hate the vaccinated.
Do NOT comply.
As you imply, this is by design. Think about it.
In the last two-plus years, the unvaccinated have been equated with: social irresponsibility, selfishness, Luddites, Trumpism, racism, anti-Americanism, domestic terrorists, and now, being pro-Putin/pro-Russia. An article I read over the weekend literally pointed out that pro-Russia sentiment is being found on "anti-vaxx" websites.
This makes me wonder whether Alex Berensen has a method behind his recent observations on Ukraine.
They hate us for our pureblood…