Aug 24, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

My biggest issue with RFK Jr is his stance on mandating vaccines/medical interventions. He has stated, in so many words, that he is for mandating vaccines/medical interventions if they can be shown to be helpful rather than harmful. This is definitely not medical freedom. From his own mouth, go to minute 24:10: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZMmR0bocmg

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Anyone running for president is a Trojan Horse or controlled opposition in some manner. Same with Milei in Argentina - I recently wrote a piece on him and pointed out many things that most commentators miss.

They're all compromised to various degrees.

People need to stop looking for a savior, and start focusing locally. Local elections. Those actually matter.

National elections are largely candidates already SELECTED for the masses to then 'elect.' Gives the illusion of choice yet they keep getting screwed year after year.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Without this Second Amendment, you have no ability to fight for your God-given rights. It is by far the most important amendment in the Constitution.

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Distance, deny, discredit, delay, deceive, distort, divide and disarray.

Distance yourself - They over there had the responsibility for that decision.

Deny any wrongdoing - It wasn't me or my party.

Discredit any opposition - He is not a credible expert.

Delay important information - We are working tirelessly to get answers but until we have all the facts, it is inconclusive.

Deceive the audience - 95% effective. Super dangerous virus. Saves Grandma. Safe and effective.

Distort the facts - There was a fault with our computer system the data was compromised. Therefore, we cannot tell whether more people died with the vaccines or without them proportional to the population.

Divide the enemy - Ain't no virus, ain't no mistake, ain't a lab leak, ain't part of an agenda, ain't part of this group.

Disarray / muddy the waters - It's not the vaccines it's: Climate change, microplastics, fossil fuels, Fukushima, UV rays, perfume sprays or that old screw in your femur that caused cancer, cardiac disease or any number of other nasty and novel medical conditions. Promise.

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Hmmm, I can see this. Question though: What about the good that he’s doing when he exposes the general public to the vaccines? Surely that’s something positive that exposes people that previously wouldn’t have been reached?


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I think you are dead wrong. Time will tell. I know you are the 2nd Smartest Guy in the World, but I cannot agree with you on this. I have followed CHD for years. I see nothing but integrity there. Why were RFK Jr.'s father and uncle assassinated? Because they were trying to bring about real change. No one is allowed to challenge the status quo.

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Everyone repeat after me:


They even brag about it, often and repeatedly.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

At the end of the day, RFK Jr is just another leftist... don’t let him fool you.

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Well, he's the only candidate in my lifetime who actually discusses government corruption rationally and sanely, has a track-record of wining cases against big-business, and pledges to address the structural problems in office. Nobody else has EVER not condescended to the citizens by reflex, if they say anything remotely of the sort, and he does not.

So even if Kennedy were a trojan horse or controlled opposition, I would much rather see the results of that attempt superficially pursued, even if imperfect, than I want to see anything else.

If we don't slow down this Machine with some humanity in an attempt to recover just law and the constitution, then all we'll get is the transformative end of the Republic and the Great Reset will most certainly be successful.

Trump remains a Monster Clown - he will not slow the Machine down any more than he did the last time. Ramaswami could be good. Biden, we agree, is the Machine. And so the best possible outcome will be a Ramaswami v. Kennedy in the General Election. That will secure the most likely possibility of getting through this without ending up in our 15 minute Corridor Cities living under the yoke of the Dystopian CBDC.

Do you have a better solution to that scenario that doesn't involve mass violence?

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Anyone who has read his book on the climate crisis would know this guy is another dangerous ideologue.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Always said it from the start. Why is Bobby still a Democrat. That Party has become Democrat


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Aug 25, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

The Fall back for the Junta is RFK Jr. Propaganda of the personality created by his media is the perfect post-Biden image for the Archetype "Good Son" Democrat who hugs health for kids.

He is straight from the Twilight Zone episode To Serve Man. No one asks if they are being served fried like Maui or rare like Boston bhackpacks back in the day.. Democratic 2024 presidential candidate and staunch intelligence community critic Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has paid his daughter-in-law, a former CIA officer, tens of thousands of dollars in campaign cash, records show.


My opinion is Trump was weaponized by a faction and threatened a Dynasty built out of the JFK murders and Bush -Clinton-Obama crime family that was squabbling over media spotlight, power, prestige and pay. Not aligning he became the object of our regular hate sessions. Of course his links to the CIA go back to Resorts International. https://visupview.blogspot.com/2017/10/goodfellas-hidden-history-of-resorts.html

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Any intelligent person with a knowledge of the long sordid, despicable history of the Democratic Party (now the Communist party) and is still a Democrat today will never get my respect and legitimate vote.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

RFK Jr is just another Democrat that supports mass murderers having the say on what kind and who can own firearms. The Democrat party has bever purged their human ownership gene

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RFK Jr views need to be heard and not silenced by talking heads! Let the citizens decide as created by the founders!

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

“Full spectrum soft war…”

“Soft” how? I’ve seen a lot of kinetic action of government thugs against citizens. Arrest is nothing more than “legitimatized” assault and battery.

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