May 18, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

No one should be taking any vaccines, imho. They appear to be designed to make us sicker and less capable of prospering in this world. I have come to believe that the entire vaccine industry has developed as a means of depopulation, both by destroying our immune systems, by creating chronic conditions and by impairing fertility. The current clot shots just do a better job of killing people quickly. Now that the C-19 shots have been approved for ages 5 to 11, their addition to the childhood schedule is inevitable. The end.

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May 18, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

When you have close to 100% of media owned by a handful of corporations and those corporations are invested in the very pharmaceutical industries creating these death shots the average person, lacking any bit of skepticism has no chance whatsoever.

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May 18, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

A good reason for all the mothers and fathers to ask exemptions, or homeschool their children. No children should ever have to undergo 72 or more shots while not yet adult and able to chose for themselves.

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May 19, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

The physical poison forced upon our kids is nothing compared to the spiritual poison of state schooling. C-19 is a blessing in disguise....many more have awakened to the corruption and tyranny, and are diving deeper into things we’ve taken fro granted. Worship is unavoidable, will we worship the State as man’s representative or God? #1 priority is removing our kids from this system of evil education, which indoctrinates them to fear man rather than GOD. As evidenced by the massive mask uptake amongst the younger set. IMHO.

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May 19, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

You got that right, trust in doctors has been obliterated! I will never get another vaccine again. I got a tetanus shot ten years ago and I believe it gave me arthritis in my ankle and it was my last. Luckily a 1000 mg of turmeric a day brings the inflammation way down. I ll never trust a doctor again!

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Pharma's intention is to make and keep you a customer for life.

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I agree. The present "mindset" of the medical community is "We are infallible - you must obey." Most licensed physicians belong to the "cult" of Cholesterol Bad - Statins good.

They refuse to consider homocysteine levels because you can treat it with simple/cheap B-vitamins. Also, few cardiologists pay any attention to Cardio-Reactive Proteins, an accurate indicator of heart inflammation. Physicians in EU pay attention to these and suggest supplements instead of #BigPharma and statins???? (BTW NO mRNA vaccines if pt under 18)

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May 19, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

one good thing that came out of PSYOP-19 DEATHVAX™ was that it made me look long and hard at what vaccines actually are, both historically and today.

I'm sorry for all the people that got killed and maimed in the last year and a half but if that didn't happen I would have blindly followed the "rules" and submitted my 6 months old baby boy to the usual vaccination calendar.

Knowing that billions of people had to pay the ultimate price just so that a few would see the truth strenghtens my resolve to never ever comply.


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Reading this comment makes me so happy. You saved your baby boy, and allowed him to have a natural lifespan uncontaminated and compromised by dangerous drugs that do not inoculate against the claimed diseases.

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May 20, 2022·edited May 20, 2022

on a sidenote: my outlook on the world was always conservative, but learning ever more about how institutions get captured and how they in return capture the uninitiated so that shadowmasters have their status quo secured I found myself more than once rooting for the e.g. guy who wanted to organize and follow through on the "fire sale" as for example described in Die Hard 4.0

(I am aware this scenario would create an enormous power vacuum, but since people don't live forever that just might create some temporary oases in which some would be spared from constant pressure we feel today)

in conclusion, I see guys as Malone, McCullogh, bad cattitude etc. as the ones trying their best to introduce sanity in the debate (I'm all for sanity!) so that would make then John McClane but if they get on top I have a sense it's gonna be business as usual because they operate in the "virues and communicable diseases exist" paradigm - am I wrong and how to resolve this gordian knot?

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May 18, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Thanks for reposting. Charts say it all.

The Major Vaccines featured in the charts do NOTHING to eradicate disease.

And as we have discovered by experience, Vaccines and MRNA injections do NOTHING but damage.

As they were designed to do.

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May 18, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Your article should be put in every mail box. So many people think and are told by doctors that vaccines save lives. Infact they kill. If you see the film Vaxxed and the follow up with lots of interviews you will know for sure. Many books are published on the subject too, but are being silenced by bigharma. Doctors are being brainwashed in bigharma sponsored schools. So many mostly young people are needlessly harmed by these monsters.

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Thank you. And yes these people are truly monsters.

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Jul 28, 2022·edited Aug 13, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

This is excellent info. Thank you. I went down this rabbit hole nearly 2 yrs. before covid existed. A friend had a friend with a lovely, precocious toddler. They went in for a “catch up” round of shots after having been out of the country awhile… They have video of the baby joyously singing and clapping, quoting her favorite book — ON the WAY to the pediatrician, mind you. Immediately after the shots, she seemed “off”, was given tylenol (a huge no-no, we now know as Johnson& Johnson are paying BIG for Tylenol injury!) The parents were very concerned but their concerns were brushed off. She screamed the entire night and next day, refusing to eat, did not soil a diaper and only slept 1-2 hours for days. She was taken to the ER multiple times. Her parents were repeatedly told it had nothing to do with the vaccines. The poor girl went rapidly downhill, no more speaking, singing, clapping, no eye contact, never seemed comfortable/at ease, rarely slept, ate only 1-2 things, would not be cuddled, would not interact.

An ER nurse (at last) listened to their plight and acknowledged vax injury, too late. The sweet, smart, joyful toddler basically screamed for 16-20 hours a day for the final 2-3 weeks of her life as her parents searched frantically for a cure.

I saw video of the child before and after. I would never have guessed the degree of injury had I not seen it with my own 2 eyes and heard the story in great detail from a friend I have known for decades.

This sent me down a rabbit hole in a time when vaccine injury had loads of FB groups. I read story after story, long into the night, for months, and saw pic after pic and video after video until I was floored. Gutted! I read books including A SHOT in the DARK, DISSOLVING ILLUSIONS, The REAL ANTHONY FAUCI, and others, and watched YouTubes when they a still allowed content like the horrible Vitamin K for newborns & ingredients, etc. I read The Vaccine Guide with the ingredients (unimaginable ingredients including polysorbates which breach the blood brain barrier and BOTH male and female aborted baby cells from babies aborted decades ago, but still “contributing” to vaccines—-!! What could go wrong?!!!)

The heartbreaking truth is, it’s all horrible. The skyrocketing rates of autism and many cancers is what we have to show for it, along with the skyrocketing rates of autoimmune diseases, asthma, eczema, and allergies to things no one in the family tree ever had. Once you look well into it, you too will become an antivaxxer. Read up on HPV/gardisil and how it’s rendered girls as young as 13 infertile and put them into EARLY menopause. Read up on the lady from 60 Min. who took a flu shot and got Guillane-Barre (polio, renamed). Then read the various countries who have backed way off the vax schedule for kids and how their SIDS and autism rates dropped.

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It is evil, pure and simple. Ignorance is no excuse for the pediatricians injecting the poisons. If they don’t know the truth, it’s because they choose not to know. Without the poison injection schedule and the highly lucrative bonus schemes paid for them, every pediatric practice in the US would be bankrupt overnight. That day will come, but it can’t come fast enough.

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I wholeheartedly agree.

And your name is perfect for these times.

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May 19, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Every single disease attributed to "viruses" have many other factors but idiots love to focus on singular imaginary causes, such as viruses.

It's about time we question virus theory,

They couldn't even prove transmissibility of the super deadly Spanish flu:


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May 18, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Excellent six charts making the point that widespread use of these authentic vaccines certainly not responsible for reduction in disease spread. So, what actual purpose do both real and experimental wannabees, such as Covid-19 vaxx, actually serve? Well, they generate gigantic profits. Yeah, but not for us out here. The current experimental lot of vaxx’s certainly generate immense adverse effects and deaths, while neither protecting from nor avoiding transmission. . Not exactly a positive set of accomplishments. How’s any of that a positive for our population? Where are the ‘official’ cost benefit studies from those whom we elect to look our for us?

Oh, right. Forgot. Cost / Benefit analysis anathema to our government, right across the board.

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May 18, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Dr. Mary's Monkey by Edward T Haslam is very enlightening book on the whole vaccine industry. He tells a very compelling story about the development of the polio vaccine. When you start reading some of these "scientists" own writings such as Jonas Salk, you find out they are just a bunch of university credentialed Malthusians. Unfortunately we have a captured media so no real investigative research will ever be done on these horrible individuals. You never see these creatures volunteer to off themselves to help alleviate their perceived over population problem.

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Also “The Moth and the Iron Lung” by Forest Maready. Also, Robert Kennedy Jr’s “The Real Anthony Fauci” chronicles a long litany of public health care malfeasance.

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May 18, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Dr Humphries, Dissolving Illusions. Several books by dr. Coleman. Death by injection by dr. Mullins

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And very overlooked Viera Scheibner, her 1993 publication Vaccination: 100 years of orthodox research shows that vaccines represent an assault on the immune system

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Excellent books, one and all!

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May 19, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

I haven’t known about this Substack for long but I am impressed. Not sucking up, just being honest.

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Your kind words are very much appreciated.

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I've read over a dozen vaccine books, including several pro-vaccine books. The best anti-vaxx books I've read are "Fear of the Invisible" and the sequel "Vaccine Papers" by Janine Roberts. They include shocking CDC documents and transcripts. "Vaccines did not cause Rachel's Autism", a pro-vax book by Dr. Peter Hotez (vaccine shill) is unintentionally hilarious. Hotez shows the same measles graph, but omits everything before ~1960 in order to prove the measles vaccine "works"!

I'm a virus skeptic and some claim virus skepticism is a PSYOP meant to discredit the anti-vax side. I say it's the other way around- the entire virus/vaccine agenda is a PSYOP promoted by the cabal/central bankers/crypto-satanists who run the world. Scientists believe what their funders want them to believe.

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Can you provide a link for the charts? I have seen this information in books (Dissolving Illusions etc) but not in a link that I could share that would validate that it was published in the journal. Thanks!

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May 18, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Try Children’s Health Defense (.org) — RFK Jr wrote an article with this history some time ago. Tons of other useful information on that site.

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Yes, even in RFK Jr's expose on Fauci which is a must read he had similar chart.

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Thanks so much.

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Nov 18, 2023·edited Nov 18, 2023

FACT of the matter is that the "vaccine" is a cocktail of TOXIC substances that your body tries like hell to get rid of. If it can't you end up crippled or DEAD. It's what they want. Just look at the ingredients in the three different vaccines that are still being foisted on the public for “Covid”.

Pfizer Vaccine: The “full list” of ingredients for the Pfizer vaccine is:

mRNA, lipids ((4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2-hexyldecanoate), 2

[(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide, 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-

phosphocholine, and cholesterol), potassium chloride, monobasic potassium

phosphate, sodium chloride, dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate, and sucrose.

Moderna Vaccine: The “full list” of ingredients for the Moderna vaccine is:

Messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA), lipids (SM-102, polyethylene glycol [PEG] 2000

dimyristoyl glycerol [DMG], cholesterol, and 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine [DSPC]),

tromethamine, tromethamine hydrochloride, acetic acid, sodium acetate trihydrate, and sucrose.

Johnson & Johnson Vaccine: The “full list” of ingredients for the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is:

Recombinant, replication-incompetent adenovirus type 26 expressing the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, citric acid monohydrate, trisodium citrate dihydrate, ethanol, 2 hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HBCD), polysorbate-80, sodium chloride.

HUH????? I think all three may have left out the monkey puss and snake venom from the list for reasons unknown. My spell checker is having a field day. It has underlined almost every word in all three vaccines! Chances are if you can’t pronounce the words they are TOXIC. And the bodies of MILLIONS of people world wide were not able to deal with the toxins and they DIED as a result or ended up with side effects that are disabling. Is it just me or does this look like a bunch of ingredients cobbled together by mad scientists?


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I do find it fascinating that diseases such as scarlet fever with no vaccine available should decrease at approximately the same rate and over the same period as “vaccine” diseases. For me this can only point to general improvement of health through sanitation, housing, nutrition etc. And not necessarily to inoculation.

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The Archangel Michael, sword in hand, slaying demons, well that’s Yeadon, isn’t it? I cannot shake this thought.

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Aug 18, 2022·edited Aug 18, 2022

"The above six diseases were eradicated by sanitation, clean water, and improvements in hygiene, etc."

There was a major movement against the excessive modesty of the Victorian Era and encouragement to get outdoors and breathe fresh air. This meant more sun exposure and increased levels of vitamin D, which likely was protective against all kinds of disease.

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I know about zero but certainly going to look into it. As EMS I have studied lockjaw and it sucks.

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Jul 17·edited Jul 17

Well you need not worry. Tetanus (lockjaw) is caused by a toxin from animal feces. Throughout WWII, the US Army had ~8.5 million men in uniform. How many cases of tetanus were documented? A total of 12. That’s right - TWELVE. 7 recovered and 5 deaths. Here’s the official US Army report on tetanus in WWII.


By the way, it is easily nuetralized by Hydrogen Peroxide. Applied topically and ingested (3% food grade diluted as necessary).

Whatever they have you reading on lockjaw is a lot of fear porn.

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If you

look into

childhood vaccines, I mean really delve into

it, you’ll freak.

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I have a little. Too late for me to fix it. Think I was just outside the window for polio so I think just MMR for me iirc

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