I would give a thousand likes for this if I could. I understood this decades ago and watched as the practice of medicine and “health care” spiraled down a profiteering pathway, predicated on its own self congratulatory nonsense, with such inertia, that to raise a flag meant you were either going to be killed by the train or had to get out of the way.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Last vaccine I had was tetanus about 8 years ago (am 45). Never got a flu shot and haven’t had flu in 30 years. I will never get another vaccine. I do believe that viruses exist. I used zinc, Quercetin and vitamins D and C and haven’t had a cold symptom in four years. I also believe that Alzheimer’s, mad cow, and chronic wasting disease in deer and elk are caused by glyphosate. Or at least a combination of glyphosate with GMO grains (maybe chemical fertilizer) in the diet. Probably also contributes to autism due to gut/immune damage in babies.

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Iatrogenic death due to medical interventions are a norm in allopathic ‘medicine’.

People do not need ‘vaccines’ nor the widespread hand outs of prescriptions of various money making pills that ends up in the pockets of Big Pharma and other culprits.

Take control of your own health, tend to your one body, let it be your temple and treat yourself like that no matter what any three letter ‘health’ official organisation or government are telling you.

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The Nazis aren't blushing. This is them reborn.

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The covid fiasco is an ongoing disaster but there have been a few huge discoveries that will greatly benefit humanity going forward. Here are three in no particular order. 1. Infant vaccines cause SIDS(sudden infant death syndrome). Florida data showing that in 2020 during the lockdowns new parents couldn’t get their infants immunized with the infant vaccine schedule (mmr, dpt etc) and the incidence of SIDS plummeted! 2. Discovery that fenbendazole can cure cancer. Covid vax induced cancer cured by side effect free, OTC, cheap antiparasite medicine! https://fenbendazole.substack.com/?r=oh1g6&utm_campaign=pub&utm_medium=web 3. The government, the media and health agencies are dangerously dishonest and should be ignored.

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Yes, and in the end, the argument over if viruses do or don't "exist" may well be the boobie-prize. there is enough evidence that the terrain is most important. Adequate vitamin D levels achieve about an 80% reduction in severe cases of Covid-19 and there was research published in BMJ that on a plant-based diet (anti-inflammatory!), doctors and nurses had a 73% reduction in moderate to severe covid outcomes, on a pescetarian diee -59% but on the popular low carb, high fat diets (Atkins, Paleo, Keto, etc.), the risk of "moderate to severe" covid was INCREASED by 20%. Dr. Nandita Shah of SHARAN India, has a completely drug-free Covid protocol with apparently a high success rate, all based on nutrition, and a few simple insights. So one way or another, diet and lifestyle seems to be a decisively important determinant of outcomes, and that implies that even if the virus "exists" it is not the cause of anything.

At a deeper level, it is the persistent Newtonian orietntation of medicine that would cause them to think that a "thing" would be first cause at all. Matter is a second-order phenomenon (see: https://www.bernardokastrup.com/2019/09/guest-essay-metaphysical-rubber-meets.html). But the profitability of pharma simply rests on maintaining the germ-theory model, of singular causes for definable symptom sets, and therein lies the rub.

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Yep! There is a symbiotic relationship between humans and microbes. We coexist because it is part of God’s design for humans and all animals. The medicine man believes he can improve on gods design and interfere with this symbiotic relationship. Not for good health, but for the bottom line and the hubris of the medicine man, personified by Anthony Fauci who is the orchestra leader!

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If viruses exist (and I believe that the evidence indicates that there may be particles of encapsulted RNA, possibly foreign to the host in which it resides) it is highly unlikely they are "pathogenic" in nature as we are told. The boldest claim that could honestly be made from the evidence available is that of a correlation with a specific disease in some of the people who express it clinically. Which doesn't really tell us much at all. And is such a far cry from establishing causation and from satisfying Koch's postulates (and all of the modified postulates proposed since) that it has fueled a great many people to deny their existence altogether. (Which I think is technically going a bit too far, but may indeed be justified since their nature/behavior and existence are, for all intents and purposes, inextricabally bound by the narrative used to brainwash us on this topic.

It's FAR more likely that these things (not organsims bc not really alive and don't even have a metabolism) are symbiotic in theire nature and have important roles to play in our ecosystems. And so probably helpful in most cases (ie. a fairly healthy human not run down with various comorbidities, toxicities or malnourishment)

Also, no remotely-realistic host-host transmission studies have ever been successful. So it doesn't seem likely that the passing of these particles from one person to another is the causative factor. But their detectable presence may be indicative of something held in common among the sick (and the healthy "carriers", unfortunately. So again, not very helpful).

Really, trying to eliminate whole [links in a food chain] has, in general, proved to be a bad idea. It's better to observe and promote balance, with very measured and cautious interventions. However, we almost never get it right. The systems are too complex.

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Another ‘vaccine’ to be put onto pregnant women, what could possibly go wrong?

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So rabies isn’t a problem if you have a healthy gut?

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It's unfortunate that the "Maisma Theory" title was brought up. Miasma Theory is an old belief started by Hippocrates (spelling?) and is no longer used. it refers to "Bad Air) causing disease. It's not debatable that germs cause disease but it's unfortunate that it is used here because the rest of the argument is quite correct. The germs in your gut are a VERY important part of your health.

If you want to know more about why modern medicine is off track (and I'm a 40 year practitioner in the field) look into the Hygene Hypothesis.

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Thank you!

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Thank you and shared.

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Can you please provide the links and/or names to the referenced articles?

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