In the midst of the greatest global culling in the history of mankind with a One World Government eugenics program that would make the Nazis blush, it’s as good a time as ever given time is quite literally running out for billions to revisit a longstanding scientific debate. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in his The Real Anthony Fauci book does an excellent job of framing the competing theories in relation to PSYOP-19 and the sociopaths running it:
“On his deathbed, the victorious Pasteur is said to have recanted, “Béchamp was right,” declaring, “the microbe is nothing. The terrain is everything.” Miasma theory survives in marginalized, yet vibrant, pockets among integrative and functional medicine practitioners. And burgeoning science documenting the critical role of the microbiome in human health and immunity tends to vindicate Béchamp, and particularly his teachings that microorganisms are beneficial to good health. Köhnlein and Engelbrecht observe that:
[But] even for mainstream medicine, it is becoming increasingly clear that the biological terrain of our intestines—the intestinal flora, teeming with bacteria [or weighing up to 1 kg in a normal adult human, totaling 100 trillion cells.] is accorded a decisive role, because it is by far the body’s biggest and most important immune system.
A doctrinal canon of the germ theory credits vaccines for the dramatic declines of infectious disease mortalities in North America and Europe during the twentieth century. Anthony Fauci, for example, routinely proclaims that vaccines eliminated mortalities from the infectious diseases of the early twentieth century, saving millions of lives. On July 4, 2021, he commented to NBC’s Chuck Todd, “You know, as the director of the National Institute of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, it was my responsibility to make sure that we did the science that got us to the vaccines that as we know now have already saved millions and millions of lives.”
Most Americans accept this claim as dogma. It will therefore come as a surprise to learn that it is simply untrue. Science actually gives the honor of having vanquished infectious disease mortalities to nutrition and sanitation. A comprehensive study of this foundational assertion published in 2000 in the high-gravitas journal Pediatrics by CDC and Johns Hopkins scientists concluded, after reviewing a century of medical data, that “vaccination does not account for the impressive decline in mortality from infectious diseases . . . in the 20th century.” As noted earlier, another widely cited study, McKinlay and McKinlay—required reading in virtually every American medical school during the 1970s—found that all medical interventions including vaccines, surgeries, and antibiotics accounted for less than about 1 percent—and no more than 3.5 percent—of the dramatic mortality declines. The McKinlays presciently warned that profiteers among the medical establishment would seek to claim credit for the mortality declines for vaccines in order to justify government mandates for those pharmaceutical products.
Seven years earlier, the world’s foremost virologist, Harvard Medical School’s Dr. Edward H. Kass, a founding member and first president of the Infectious Diseases Society of America and founding editor of the Journal of Infectious Diseases, rebuked his virology colleagues for trying to take credit for that dramatic decline, scolding them for allowing the proliferation of “half-truths . . . that medical research had stamped out the great killers of the past—tuberculosis, diphtheria, pneumonia, puerperal sepsis, etc.—and that medical research and our superior system of medical care were major factors extending life expectancy.” Kass recognized that the real heroes of public health were not the medical profession, but rather the engineers who brought us sewage treatment plants, railroads, roads, and highways for transporting food, electric refrigerators, and chlorinated water.”
Do NOT comply.
I would give a thousand likes for this if I could. I understood this decades ago and watched as the practice of medicine and “health care” spiraled down a profiteering pathway, predicated on its own self congratulatory nonsense, with such inertia, that to raise a flag meant you were either going to be killed by the train or had to get out of the way.
Last vaccine I had was tetanus about 8 years ago (am 45). Never got a flu shot and haven’t had flu in 30 years. I will never get another vaccine. I do believe that viruses exist. I used zinc, Quercetin and vitamins D and C and haven’t had a cold symptom in four years. I also believe that Alzheimer’s, mad cow, and chronic wasting disease in deer and elk are caused by glyphosate. Or at least a combination of glyphosate with GMO grains (maybe chemical fertilizer) in the diet. Probably also contributes to autism due to gut/immune damage in babies.