This substack has warned that as all the mass induced fears of all things “pandemic,” PSYOP-UKRAINE-INVASION, and even PSYOP-WW3 wane, new One World Government scams will be rolled out.
The CCP balloon hoax which was deliberately allowed to play out before a $400,000 AIM-9 Sidewinder missile off the coast of South Carolina was finally deployed to provide the coverup narrative was merely the warmup. More objects were blown out of the sky over Alaska the following day.
And then just as former SS Nazi and NASA director Wernher von Braun warned, they started to escalate the UFO threat:

And the CIA News Network was tapped to maximize the fear porn:

All joking aside, the holographic technology is certainly ready for primetime.
And according to SJW AI ChatGTP doing its best impersonation of the Oracle at Delphi 2.0, it’s either Super Bowl Sunday or PSYOP-UFO as the “event of great significance and transformative power.”
Or just maybe ChatGTP is prognosticating that a pre-diabetic populace in a carb induced coma transfixed by ‘roided out men in tight outfits and helmets smashing each other into traumatic brain injuries comply with the latest psyop if their bread and circuses is interrupted by BREAKING NEWS: ALIEN INVASION with the usual coifed “reporters” mindlessly reading their CIA provided talking points?
Or perhaps ChatGTP’s reference to “illuminati power” has more to do with Continuity of Government (CoG) as it pertains to Biden’s immanent departure, which would certainly benefit from a disastrous event created by the off-world military tech that will ultimately be deployed against the very tax slaves that funded it a la “free” slow kill bioweapon injections? Whatever is being perpetrated against humanity next, rest assured that it is designed to achieve the polar opposite of a mass awakening, and the CoG ploy is the perfect final solution. CoG would usher in the total suspension of whatever is left of the Constitution, thus completely stripping away any and all pretenses that anyone has a scintilla of rights left. CoG is the instrument that the illegitimate Federal government will invoke for the permanent lockdown of We the People. Given that PSYOP-CLIMATE-CHANGE is not achieving the intended results quickly enough, an alien invasion may just serve as the operation that really accelerates the Great Reset dystopia.
EDIT: Twitter, the limited hangout platform, is perfectly serving the agenda by showing the following trends:
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Updated with Twitter trends.
The nonsense is incessant now.
All deliberate to detract form all of their evil doings.