
Updated with Twitter trends.

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The nonsense is incessant now.

All deliberate to detract form all of their evil doings.

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Thank you for putting this together as I feel increasing awareness of this potential hypothetical is of paramount importance at this time.

It seems like the oligarchs intend on co-opting and weaponizing the so called "disclosure movement". They keep unleashing their script reading msm puppets to talk about this subject and it is always offered with a specific spin, using terminology like "national security" and "threats to sensitive airspace", it all feels very psyop-y. Then there is the fact that they have a "Space-Force" branch of military in the U.S. now and they have been transferring large amounts of airforce personnel over into that program in the last year. I would be happy to be wrong, and I don't know if they will be able to pull off a 'successful' false flag if they try, but I see quite a few indications that there are certain interests that do indeed have one planned.

Along with the prolific psychological warfare material being pushed by hollywood on this topic, I have seen several government related indications in the past few years that the people above the puppets in the governments of nation-states (Vanguard, Blackrock and WEF) are positioning themselves (and their puppets) to initiate a false flag op in which their new ‘bad guy’ will be extraterrestrial in origin.

I am sure you are aware of most (if not all) of this material, but just in case you are not familiar with any of this (and for ease of access) here are a few links to pertinent developments in this area:

1. They are setting the stage to idolize people fighting ‘bad guys’ in space and mobilizing physical military personnel and assets to be prepared for conflict in space-based warfare: https://www.dezeen.com/2020/07/23/us-space-force-unveils-logo/?fbclid=IwAR3SzJ4DE-Ah7YH2zHOU9saqrF073s1oWaqpOOdqZKVD-orzHFcHy4APEBs

and https://www.military.com/daily-news/2021/05/04/national-guard-chief-highlight-guards-space-mission-congress.html

2. NATO military facility created for the purpose of doing reconnaissance to identify extraterrestrial “threats”: https://www.euractiv.com/section/defence-and-security/news/eyeing-extraterrestrial-threats-nato-to-set-up-new-space-centre-in-germany/?fbclid=IwAR3HVSA-wsKktIa_CHDHZBqIa7p4D7gV8yl6Djlke9CaYi7620z_e_qrCj0

3. Pentagon Admits Testing Wreckage From UFOs: https://www.newsmax.com/us/pentagon-ufos-roswell-space/2021/02/13/id/1009928/?fbclid=IwAR0FCAThzF9ZTkYjSF_Qi5y4XbirQ8r-U_4zKVWvxZQwBIIovODCvGw8aa0

4. CIA trickle releases “UFO” (aka “UAP”) files in an attempt to set up the pretense of a possible “ET threat”. This is a continuation of the slow but steady narrative that UFOs and ETI are real but that they are a threat: https://nypost.com/2021/01/12/cia-releases-ufo-black-vault-documents-see-them-online/?fbclid=IwAR1AYsEuxnaMm98wDYremMw3yv1WpauvOIPV02HN2G3wgifNoRvdwfmyehw

5. US military UFO report ‘does not confirm or rule out alien activity’: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-57355192?fbclid=IwAR0tvpH9W__2oUN03gam_yqD9IG2BhlBqg5jjVyYC-Nkz34TkBxazJK0zP4

6. Retired Navy Chief: Have Seen UFOs with Technology 100 to 1,000 Years Into the Future (the “distorted fear based et disclosure” moves forward full speed ahead: https://rumble.com/vh8lgd-retired-navy-chief-have-seen-ufos-with-technology-100-to-1000-years-into-th.html?mref=23gga&mc=8uxj1&fbclid=IwAR31iWvQAF7S2RMlfkARULO-ADZ7xJwg_32rx31lr8dolgCrVAueD0ptMnU

7. In his book, “Forbidden Science 4,” Dr. Jacques Valle explains how he came in possession documents showing that forced “UFO abductions” were conducted by the CIA as psychological warfare experiments: https://exonews.org/forced-faked-alien-abductions-were-conducted-by-the-cia-says-renowned-researcher/

8. Here is footage of one way in which they are converting/indoctrinating existing military personnel, check out this creepy ceremony where they are bringing airforce personnel into the "Space Force" last year https://rumble.com/vdqvx5-smc-airmen-turned-guardians-in-afternoon-transfer-ceremony.html?fbclid=IwAR1AibijqaoyBL51BxapGw3KPMu6UTUM_xod8rP7Sfwg1w76gTA0x_oIzAY

9. Who Benefits From US Government Claims That The UFO Threat Is Increasing 'Exponentially'? https://caitlinjohnstone.substack.com/p/who-benefits-from-us-government-claims?

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Can I still cut firewood today?

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Watching this roll out is so cringe!

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Oh, boy - intergalactic war to go along with war with Russia and China. Just what we need.

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It's laughable but for the millions believing all of it...

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Event Info Unavailable.


What event will happen on Sunday February 12th?

As a language model AI, I don't have the ability to know future events, only events that have taken place in the past. My training data only goes up until 2021, so I wouldn't be able to tell you what specific event will happen on February 12th, 2023.


Feb 12th, highlights?

As a language model AI, I don't have the ability to know current events or the future, only events that have taken place in the past. However, February 12th is a general date and doesn't have any specific or significant event associated with it.

If you'd like, you can check news sources or search engines to find current events happening on or around that date.


As a child in an environment of wicked people, do you think that feelings are more important than mathematical models or do you believe them to be quantifiable?

As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions or emotions, but I can provide information on the topic.

Feelings and emotions are subjective experiences and cannot be quantified in the same way as mathematical models. While mathematical models can provide a structured and predictable way of understanding certain aspects of the world, they are limited in their ability to capture the complexity of human emotions and subjective experiences.

On the other hand, emotions and feelings play an important role in shaping our experiences and decisions. They can provide valuable insights into human behavior and can be studied through qualitative research methods, such as interviews and surveys, which aim to understand the subjective experiences and perspectives of individuals.

In conclusion, feelings and mathematical models serve different purposes and should not be seen as mutually exclusive. Both have important implications for understanding and improving our world.


Do you believe that humanity can improve our world?

As an AI language model, I don't have personal beliefs or opinions, but I can tell you that many people believe that humanity has the potential to improve the world through their actions, decisions, and cooperation.

Throughout history, people have made progress in various domains, such as science, technology, medicine, and social issues, which has led to improvements in living standards, increased knowledge, and better understanding of the world.

However, this progress has also brought challenges and new problems, such as environmental degradation, inequality, and conflicts. Addressing these challenges requires collective effort and sustained action from individuals, communities, and governments.

In summary, whether humanity can improve the world is a complex and multi-faceted question that depends on many factors, including individual actions, technological advancements, and systemic changes. However, many people believe that with the right actions and cooperation, humanity has the potential to make positive changes and improve the world.


The many people that believe they can make a positive impact on the world, do they normally accede to positions of power?

Not necessarily. While some people who believe they can make a positive impact on the world do pursue positions of power, such as elected office or positions within organizations, many others choose to make a positive impact in different ways.

For example, some people volunteer their time and resources to causes they care about, while others use their skills and knowledge to create innovative solutions to problems. Some people also work to raise awareness about important issues and advocate for change, while others engage in grassroots organizing to bring about systemic change.

Ultimately, the choice of how to make a positive impact on the world is a personal one and depends on many factors, including an individual's values, skills, resources, and opportunities. While having positions of power can certainly provide more resources and influence to make change, it is not the only way to make a positive impact on the world.

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Von Braun was a German scientist FORCED to join the Nazi party in order to do his rocket research. He was vetted and exonerated during Paperclip, which gets a lot of negative press but if we didn't get the scientists the Communists would and they were even a greater threat at the time.

He should be viewed in that context. My dad worked on this and he hated Nazis, having fought them for 3 years with Patton. Big difference between the sick cult and the German people.

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You warned us about psyop-ufo sometime ago. Clearly it's a go -- I'm seeing news reports of ufos in Canada, Alaska, etc.

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Get out the lawn chairs for a fun time!

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This type of propulsion was reported in Annie Jacobsons book Area 51 over a decade ago. I’m sure many countries have it by now.

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either chinese are decades ahead of US technology or this alien talk is real ... biden is blaming it all on china, just because trump was friendly with chinese ... the stable genius knew what was coming.

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US Military Draft Reinstated in 2024/2025 up to age 60 (both sexes).

Get Ready Armchair Warmongers!


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Interesting data on the balloon angle from the inventor of the "invisibility cloak".

UFOs / UAPs are Detectable (and have been for a while) https://jimychanga.substack.com/p/ufos-uaps-are-detectable

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These people cannot honestly believe that even the stupidest normie is falling for this. I'll have to let you know after I talk to a normie relative...

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