Apr 18, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

If you want irony, Carlson's part of the psyop as well. A quick glance at his history will spell that out. Besides, there's a 99.9% certainty that anyone with that kind of mainstream coverage is also a CIA asset. Rush Limbaugh was a tool as well, although I believe that he was simply too narcissistic and self-absorbed to realize it or what was going on, how he was being used, etc.

He firmly believes the 9-11 fairytale.

Carlson's apparent role is to keep a set of moving barricades in place so as to control the mob from advancing beyond the planning of the satanists.

Anything in the mainstream media, ANYTHING, is designed for one purpose and one purpose only, propaganda, whether true or false, and it's typically not true whether it's half-true or entirely BS being irrelevant.

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Great post, thank you. I keep rolling my eyes every time someone on the right writes or says something excitedly about how Musk "won a point for the right on the latest cultural war issue!!"

There are zero dissident American billionaires; even those billionaires considered the “most right” leaning, i.e. Peter Thiel, Elon Musk and Robert Mercer, are not. Every billionaire is effectively a corporatist or liberal, not due to drive or high intelligence - there are many dumb NPC billionaires - but because billionaires remain structurally beholden to lenders, investors, regulators, public relations, etc. that force them into those categories under threat of devastating monetary loss. To be a dissident means opposing the established order, an order that made these people wealthy in the first place. Don’t put your faith in these people. They may occasionally larp (i.e. live action roleplay) as a dissident in order to use populism as a weapon in disputes with other elites, but it does not mean they have accepted populist values.

Re: Musk himself, a couple of other things to note:

1. His twitter profile is literally himself in a Satanic Bahomet costume. He is telling you exactly what he is.

2. He bailed out SolarCity which he was the Chairman of; it was going bankrupt so he had Tesla buy it, solely to retain his sterling reputation it looks like. It remains a massive money sink today.

3. Twitter has more censorship on it now than pre-Musk acquisition: https://nypost.com/2023/04/01/twitter-censorship-increases-under-elon-musk-leadership-study/

4. Musk's views line up with WEF views: https://i0.wp.com/www.technocracy.news/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/musk-comparison.jpeg?ssl=1

I could go on but you get the idea. He's fantastic at exciting the imagination of normies, and he can hold media attention, and he is truly fantastic at securing funding from the government, but he is *not your friend*.

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Apr 18, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Tucker is the promotion end of this team.

Three iron clad rules:

1. Anyone with a billion $ is on that team. They are "initiates".

2. Anyone on broadcast or cable or with a million followers or more is on that team. Media and other businesses are firewalled to keep all but the "initiated" out.

3. Don't talk about Fight Club. Death penalty for talkers.

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Musk's Tesla received government assistance via tax credits and the like. He is a creature of the state. People need to stop looking for 'saviors' and focus on their own lives. What are YOU doing to prepare yourself for when the SHTF? What are YOU doing to have money on hand during the dollar collapse? (Hint: It is "Au" on the periodic chart) What are YOU doing to protect yourself when law and order is no longer an option? (Hint: It's something that goes 'bang.')

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Plus he's a serial adulterer who keeps impregnating women with whom he doesn't have stable healthy spousal or parenting partnership, and now has more children than he can adequately raise as a father.

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Donnie Darko, Trump, Musk, Twitter and Numerical "Coincidences". All by the numbers


Elon Musk To Start BRAIN CHIP HUMAN Trials

Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save - Psalm 146:3


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Musk is the Tech Psyop in much the same way that Malone is the Covid Psyop as far as I am concerned. Linking today @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Apr 19, 2023Liked by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

Hello 2nd Smartest Guy in the World,

I wanted to turn up and say thank you for reminding me, and everyone who reads you, to stay vigilant, and question everything, and look for the disinformation and the fake narratives, and to trust nobody. So, thanks for your work, and please keep doing what you do, because you do it so well.

Ivan M. Paton

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Lone Skum - CIA confab.

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He is not here to save you. He was carted out by the very same cabal that perpetrated PSYOP-19, the slow kill bioweapon injections, and the ongoing PSYOP-MARKET-CRASH and PSYOP-WW3.

I don't remember When it was, but I do remember that

Now Waaait a Minnit,

Moment when I realized how much Musk was the new best thing and being worshipped by the same media that lies to me continually. Wanting Something Good to be True, once in a while, I almost failed to question Just exactly how did this guy get where he is?

Yeah, we agree, he's Not here to save us.

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Just came back from the Carlson link,and it has thousands of Musk worshippers praising Carlson for "Letting Musk Speak".

More of us need to counter the idiocy. I answered a few, but I am just one person, it would be much more effective coming from dozens.

Leftys really believe The View and the Nightly News and are sure there is no reason they should not.

We really need to disabuse them of that notion, and 2nd gives us the ammunition.

Let's put it to use.

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Whaaaat? Interesting. Where are these lawyers posts found?

So jfk jr got caught wearing a wire and disappeared a week later? Who was 10 years old? El Chapos wife?

I missed the point about huma abedin. What was the inference there?

Musk is a fake, criminal perv. Not sure why people give him any respect. He doesn’t care about anything but himself.

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This coming Sunday here in the UK we are to be bombarded with a siren call to our mobile devices from the government as a practice nuclear alarm can you imagine the wavelength s that will be beamed down from starlink etc ,friends think I am nuts when i tell them to disable their phone for a few hours ,I think the weather is going to be unusually hot next week

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The Censorship Profiteers are hawking an excellent book on how we got where we are with the economy, called The Coming Battle.

It's a great book, and you should read it, but you should also skip the opportunity to buy it at the bargain price of $22.

Instead, download it free from the Internet Archive, available is a variety of formats including PDF.

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Good write up bro.

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Is he a clone?

He practically admitted to being an "alien", but caught himself before going too far with it.

I really don't know what to think about him, or his cars, his business, or his neuro--link. Maybe Trump can figure it out, and let us know,

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